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Simple Present Tense

 Kalimat positif (+) : S + V1 (+ s/es) + O
Subyek Verb + s/es Obyek
I / you / we / they Drink
Coffee in the morning.
He / she / it drinks

 Pada kalimat positif, untuk subyek (he, she, it, nama orang) harus menambahkan –s /
-es pada akhir V1.
Contoh : he wants, she works, Bryan sings, our company runs.
 Penambahan –es pada akhir kata kerja pertama (V1) dilakukan pada kata kerja yang
memiliki akhiran : –ss, -x, -sh, -ch.
Contoh: it passes, Doni mixes, she rushes, he catches.
 Jika V1 akhiran –y, maka akan ada perubahan akhiran –y menjadi -ies:
Contoh : Fly –> flies, cry –> cries, try –> tries
 Pengecualian : jika terdapat huruf hidup sebelum akhiran –y, maka akhiran yang
ditambahkan adalah –s.
Contoh: Pray –> prays, enjoy –> enjoys

Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense

She enjoys the party I drink a cup of coffee They read books in library
He prays for the rain to stop We go to the zoo You love it
The bird flies away They play guitar

 Kalimat negatif (-) : S + do/does + not + V1 + O

Untuk subyek orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, it, nama orang) menggunakan does not.
Akhiran –s / -es tidak ada.
Subyek Do not / does not Verb Obyek
I / you / we / they Do not
Drink Coffee in the morning.
He / she / it Does not
Contoh Simple Present Tense bentk negatif (-)

Kalimat positif Kalimat negatif

She speaks English fluently She does not speak English fluently
I buy cereal for breakfast I do not buy cereal for breakfast

 Kalimat tanya (?) : Do/does + S + O

Do / does Subyek Verb Obyek

Do I / you / we / they
Drink Coffee in the morning
Does He / she / it

Penggunaan kata does tidak menggunakan imbuhan –s/-es lagi.

Contoh kalimat tanya dalam simple present tense

We play a video game every Sunday

Kalimat positif
Do we play a video game every Sunday
Kalimat introgatif

Kalimat positif Billy works at a hospital

Kalimat negatif Does Billy work at a hospital?
Jawaban dari kalimat tanya

Pertanyaan Jawaban positif Jawaban negatif

Do you drink coffee? Yes, I do No, I don’t
Do we have a pencil? Yes, you do No, you don’t
Do they like to swim? Yes, they do No, they don’t
Does she go to a mall? Yes, she does No, she doesn’t
Does it have four legs? Yes, it does No, it doesn’t

Cara menyusun kalimat tanya

(what/why/when/who/how/which/whom/whose) + do/does + S + Verb + O

 Why do you want to go there?

 Where does she live?
 How do you know him?
 Who do you want to meet?
 What does she do every morning?

 Kalimat Tanya Menggunakan Modal Verbs

Terkadang kita juga bisa bertanya menggunakan modal verb seperti: “can”, “may”,
“will”, “shall”, “must”.

Can / may / will /

Subyek Verb Obyek / keterangan
shall / must

 Can you lift this load?

 Will she come to our house this morning?
 May David take this book from Risa?
 Must Bobby go to his office at 7 am?
 Shall I call a doctor for you?

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