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a) Subject—is the human intellect capable of reaching its

transcendent object as it is in reality without any deformity

b) Object—Is reality intelligible? Does reality have that
fundamental aptitude of becoming an object known as it is
Philosophy of Knowledge must show that the intellect attains
reality as it is in eternal world, which means that the
aforementioned reality is capable of being known, that is

3. Definition of the Philosophy of Knowledge

a) Nominal Definition
Historical facts about names. In the course of History, many
names have been given to the study of the philosophy of
knowledge. Even nowadays there is no definite name
universally accepted will designate the nature and scope of
the study.
There are several factors for this situation like: a) not all
authors agree in the scope and method of this science, and
they name their work and research according to how they
conceive and how they focus their study; b. the second reason
may be, because there is no well-established treaty on this
matter that can show the path to the right solution of the
problems embodied in our study.
Names: Logic. In its different denomination as Material
Logic, Real Logic, Applied Logic, with the most outstanding
authors as Morandini, Vanni, Liberatore, Zigiiaga, Pasch,
Gonzales etc., and many authors from the society of Jesus.
The reason for the selction of this name by so many
author is a historical one. Before Emmanuel Kant, this part
of philosophy did not exist as a systematized study and many
of the questions discussed in the philosophy of knowledge
formed a part of the study of logic.
Logic was chosen as the most suitable subject to discuss
these questions because of the structure of syllogism which
can be studied under two aspects: first, the correctness of
logical inference which forms a part of Dialectics which
presupposes the study of Propositions. Second aside from pure
logical consideration of syllogism, there is another aspect
which would be included in any good and proper reasoning:
that is, the aspect of truth of the proposition which is
called the material aspect of syllogism.
Epistemology (Coffey, Noel), Noetics (Morandini),
Criteriology (Nercier, Jeanierre), Gnoseology (Zamboni),
Defensive Metaphysics (Gredt) are also names given to this
Though etymologically these names designate the theory
of knowledge, they cannot be accepted to denominate this part
of philosophy because they are either too broad and they
signify the theory of knowledge in general, or they restrict
this study to a single part of it.
Critics. A better name to designate this part of
philosophy is critics. This word comes from the greek word,
criteon (Kriteor), which means to judge, to distinguish, to
discern, and it expresses the scope of our investigation,
i.e. to judge being as knowable, that is being as it exists
in the mind, as it is known by the mind, in short, being under
the aspect of truth. Among many authors who assigned this
name to our study are: Genny, Maquart, McNicholl, Alejandro,
Nominal Definition. Though we have rejected all names
except critics, by their meaning it can be deduced that this
science deals with the theory of knowledge in its validity,
that is, Critics is the scientific investigation of knowledge
under the aspect of truth. All human cognitive activity is
taken into consideration to determine the positive elements
which will lead us to specify the proper value of our
knowledge, and will lead us to specify the proper value of
our knowledge, and at the same time, to tie as the tool to
define human knowledge against those who deny its
Real Definition of Critics
Epistemology is the science of the validity, or truth-
value of human knowledge.
It is a science of human knowledge. Here we have the
general subject-matter of epistemology: it is not our purpose
to investigate the nature of the human mind and its faculties,
but that phase of the mind’s activity which we designate by
the term “knowledge”.
It is the science of the validity or truth-value of human
knowledge. This is the special or formal subject-matter of
epistemology, distinguishing from the other branches of
philosophy and other sciences. It is the purpose of the
epistemology to submit our knowledge to critical examination
and investigate the rational grounds on which it rests, so as
to discover whether and why we are justified in having
spontaneous conviction that our knowledge is valid and true
in its claim to be a faithful interpretation of reality.
Here we investigate the foundations, the ultimate
grounds and reasons, the “how” and “why” of our spontaneous
convictions. Such is the purpose of philosophy: to
investigate and demonstrate the ultimate grounds and reasons
of things.

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