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ACLC College of Butuan


HDS Bldg., 999 J.C. Aquino Avenue, Butuan City, Agusan del Norte, Philippines 8600




In Partial Fulfilment of
The Requirements for the Degree in

Department of Information Technology Education

ACLC College of Butuan

Butuan City, 8600 Philippines

Submitted By:
Jurico H. Sucayre

MAY 2019



1. Introduction

The aim of every business is to achieve operational excellence and efficiency. The effectiveness
of business processes today has been influenced by technology. However as computing technology
become increasingly vital to conducting business and communicating associates. (Oklahoma SBDC,
2015) A hotel is a building where travelers can pay for lodging and other activities. A Hotel
Reservation involves combination of various skill like management, marketing, human resource
development and financial management and inter-personal skills. According to L. Chan (2004), a price
for the requested function space is determined based upon the set of pricing rules and one or more of
the criterion.

A Hotel Reservation System goes a long way to assist hotels in achieving its aim. Hotel
Reservation System as an automated system will enable hotels provide all around services their various
customer or stakeholder through digital or electronic means. Also is a local hotel administration system
used for reservation, availability, occupancy management, check-in/out, images, guest profiles, report
generation and price determination, in response to a request for accommodation to the said client in
real-time. A request of a room is received at a digital processing system that contains availability
information and a set of pricing rules for one or more available spaces. Hotel Reservation System use
to upkeep the sanitary standards of hotel facilities, guest satisfaction and customer service. (HMS,
2016 Jun. 15)

The problem is that in handling issue relating to hotel business activities, difficulties on monitoring
and tracking costumer details and requirements in which the task are performed, the time consuming
aspects of various customers moving all the way to he preferred hotel to make reservation and booking
as well as viewing at the hotel rooms available.

Thus, the proponent come up with a solution to solve the existing problem of the hotel reservations.
The proponent will develop a Hotel Reservation System, which can have the information or add on
from the costumer to the system

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The manual system uses paperwork and direct human language communication to manage the
hotel reservation. Intends to explore the impact of the design of Hotel Reservation overcome the
general problem in handling issues relating to hotel business activities, difficulties on monitoring and
tracking costumer details and requirements in which the task are performed, the time consuming
aspects of various customers moving all the way to he preferred hotel to make reservation and booking
as well as viewing at the hotel rooms available. However, the hotel finds it difficult manually keeping
records of their various employee, clients and other vital hotel related information design in old method
of recording information by using pen and paper.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the proponent upon developing this study is to avoid hustle to the customer
to find a room vacancy. This system could benefit to the following:

Travelers can book hotel rooms any time of the day as which is a convenient option for
working and business people who may book in their spare time. They can book the hotel right
from their comfort zone at a convenient time. Also, they can conveniently view hotel details like
hotel view, room view, reviews, availability of rooms, location and prices in every room they
want to stay in the hotel.

Manager / Administrator
In order access easily and no hustle way of perceiving what is going into its hotel and also
in order for her/him update and view all those transactions that are made. Regarding to monitoring
side the administrator can easily identify or monitor the ongoing and outgoing events to its

Staff / Front Desk Attendant

For him/her can easily adapt the different situations that happens during ongoing and
outgoing events. Also to give easy access in conducting and monitoring the available slots or
space in hotel.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

 User can enter a single site for reservation which provides vacancies and profiles of different
hotel vacancy.
 To have a central reservation system that adapts a computerized system inside the hotel that
adapts no hustle way in booking guest information and transaction.
 To easily monitor both the management and the staff the upcoming, ongoing and outgoing
events and give direct access in every transaction in the hotel.
 To have good relationship between the client and the staff in a hospitable way in no such hustle
way of reserving some vacancies in a simple manner.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

1.5.1 Scope
 The admin and the staff in the hotel disk information, to process reservations, monitor
status and information of the customers.
 Producing precise information regarding the customer’s data, the date the customer
asks for reservation, when the date will it be occupied, the name of the customer and
the number of person inside a particular event room.
 It can view the availability and variety of huge and quadrant space.
 The ability of the system is to monitor the costumer’s data and determine the
reservation history of the costumers

1.5.2 Limitation

 The limitation of the study includes: only the admins and staff that are authorize to use
the system, the customer’s and utility are not allowed to operate the system.
 It does not include advance payment, transaction of the reserve room.

1.6 Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined for the better

understanding of the study.

 Automated systems – is a set of software and hardware that allows computer system,

network devices or machine to function without manual intervention.

 Digital Processing Systems – it is a process between two technological devices that transmit

one another information or data that compromise a useful idea.

 Central Computerized Reservation – used to maintain hotel information with various

functionalities to manage hotel distribution.

 Hotel Reservation System – it is the context that mean for booking rooms that leads to

reserving of a particular guest for a given period of time.


Chapter II



In this chapter the following proposed system aims to developed software application for facilitating
reservation process at hotel. The system provides the reception an easy way for searching on rooms, listing off
rooms, inserting the client information, getting details about specific client, making a reservation for rooms and
doing payment process.

2.0 Local Literature

2.0.1 Jaunts and Journeys Travel Center

Maridable, (2009), studied an automated reservation and booking system for. The
proponent found out that the company is still using a manual system and experiencing a delays in
their transactions, processes and operations specifically in the generation and of reports,
computation of payment, user authentication, and costing of payments.

Having a computerized or electronic booking system gives an advantage to the owner of

the hotel than to stick to the current manual booking system. It takes too much time to record the
customer’s data and other transactions. In manual booking system the security of the records is
low. This study aims to provide the staffs, managers and especially the owner of Hotel an effective,
fast, and convenient way of recording the (Check-in-Check-out) of the customers in Hotel. This
will lead to the improvement of the current system they are using and for the advancement of the
establishment. Hotel rooms must have a better and effective system for keeping and retrieving of
their records. It will contribute to the success of the business and to gain the trust of their customers.

The said Hotel Reservation System (Jaunts and Journeys Travel Center) is intended to have
similarity of the developed system of the proponent that aims to create a system or a program that
will help the management of the said hotel to manage all their transactions with ease. The said
system emphasizes only on the reservation check-in and check-out procedure of the customer,
choosing different variant of rooms as well as the proponent system but the difference is that after
checking in, the customer has a changes to make if ever they had to replace any room occasionally

or any transaction that they will do, they have the authority to cancel any reservation or possible
extend their time duration that they will stay in. The implementation that involve to this study are
specifically the manager, staff members. Booking system tends to register the names and other
information of their customers. Computerization of their booking system helps the manager and
employees to complete their tasks effectively.

2.0.2 Hotel Reservation for Bacolod Executive Inn

Cagalawan, (2003), the findings of the study stressed that some problems exist in their
current system namely: time delay in updating client information reservation processing,
difficulties in confirmation of the availability of rooms in walk reservation and report generation
is time consuming.

According to Gabriel R. Bitran (1996), assumption may not be appropriate for the hotel
industry and develop a model of reservation booking which explicitly includes the room allocation
decisions which are made on the targeted booking date. The difficulties in propagating hotel
accommodation will explicit costumer intention to the said hotel. It gives a deficient critique to
what the client experience for a not accommodating hotel manipulation including services both
internal and external function.

The assumption to every coincidence interaction between the client and the management
tends to break the problem of the said hotel inn that the proponent tends to have the adjacent idea
to the said Hotel Reservation the caters the Bacolod Executive Inn since hotel customers need to
provide their personal details, provide resilient apprise information, concise confirmation that
provided by the front desk attendant to the client and also payment information. The proponent
system breaks the assumption deficient client experience, so the proposed system is what the said
hotel inn looking for. So will be done because customers have more confidence on the hotel service
performance if other customers who have experienced the hotel stay give positive or favorable
feedback about their stay experience.

2.1 Foreign Literature

2.1.1 E-Tourism on Culture Value of Community Based Tourism in Indonesia

Bernadette Dian Nugraheni (2018), E-tourism is a digital platform containing news data,
events and destinations managed by the user (Lumenta & Sugiarso, 2015). Similarly, with CBT,
managing the e-tourism. CBT appoints members to manage the digital platform, always updating
news, events and profiles of tourism destinations. CBT accesses e-tourism to add, edit and delete.
While e-tourism becomes the priority program of the Ministry of Tourism through digital
marketing, digital sales process and internal management process digitally. Marketing Advances
in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 1916 consists of a digital website,
internet advertising, and social media utilization. While the digital sales process consists of online
ordering, integrated payments and management of digital products. The digital management
process consists of digitally developing products, digital inventory management and Digital Back
End reconciliation (Pariwisata, 2017).
For more understanding to the system the author provided some figures that resemble to
the said study is that, the program itself run through mandating man power effort which named
front desk attendant. Attendant tend to manage the digital process in every transaction on going
inside the hotel. E-tourism is one approach of a friendly user component that sets anyone in the
said location through a certain platform or software. Hotel Reservation tends to accommodate
integrated e-tourism in Indonesia that prefer to manage traveler’s general assumption in staying
into one hotel with great pleasure.

The proponent attached with the associate reservation system that used to promote sales
and provide fast and accurate information about availability, price, and bookings of products and
services that the proponent said system pin out the effectiveness of the system that helps
accommodating more traveler’s that provides a resilient system that attached a computerized
reservation system in the front desk sector inside of any hospitable inn.

2.1.2 Cloud-Based and Desktop-Based Property Management Systems in Hotel

Edina Ajanovic (2015), success for some hospitality companies has been achieved, in large
part, by taking advantage of information technology (Siguaw and Enz, 1999). A hotel's PMS can
gather and keep valuable information about hotel guests by incorporating business intelligence
tools which help hoteliers organize and make sense of the gathered data. Regardless of whether
room reservations come from Online Travel Agency, Global Distribution Systems or by telephone,
all of them are gathered, stored and managed in the PMS. Company needed at least three
requirements in order to install one hotel management system: software, server and data base
system in desktop-based property. With cloud based PMS there is no need for upgrades for both
software and hardware because Cloud Servers are always updated to latest technology.

It is recommendable for a company that intends to develop a cloud based PMS to open their
system for client’s inputs. These customer's inputs can help enhance the program and at the same
time enable company to meet and exceed expectations. PMS helps hotels with keeping a more
comprehensive record of their reservations; guest information by keeping the record of important
functions in hotel enables more coordination between different departments. Business intelligence
options provide hoteliers with a dimension in viewing of guest data, which allows easily statistical
reporting and increased hotel management efficiency.

The proponent sets the study in desktop-based manipulation by the front desk attendant to
be specific that associate with Cloud-Based and Desktop-Based Property Management which the
process itself by the distribution of such information among customers which also allows
reservations to be made in interfering client affiliation by means of booking their perspective room
attached and personally go through the front desk to cater their reservations.



This chapter discusses the methods, concept designs, diagrams and figures for Hotel Transylvania
Reservation System. It tells how the system processes and manipulate its data with the command of an authorized

3.1 The Project Concepts

Official Receipt
Payment Access
Stored Information Receptionist
Guest Inquire

August 15
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
27 28 29 30 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25
Select Check-In & Fill up Form Generate Store
Choose Room
Check-out (Name,Email,etc.) Bills & Voucher Information
Stored Information

Receipt Owner

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows how a certain customer/guest interact with the receptionist with correspond information
of the customer/guest that want to occupy the said room that he/she wants but first the receptionist look the
availability of the said room that the customer/guest want to occupy if its reserved or occupied to someone
and if it’s not occupied yet, the customer/guest will have the settlement of the room that he/she wants, with
his/her point of time in staying at the hotel. The admin will now monitor the transaction ongoing inside the
hotel and he/she has the privilege to manipulate the overall process that caters the different prices of the
different room that the customer/guest stay in.

Figure 2. Architecture Design

Figure 2 shows the architecture design represents the overview of the project that would be used to show
the relationship between different component that gives the process of defining a collection of hardware and
software components and their interfaces to establish the framework for the development of a computer system.
The software that is built for computer-based systems can exhibit one of these many architectural styles with
correspond to every operation that runs through every task representation that interact between the following :

 Admin - one of the hotel personnel who are authorized to manipulate, execute and monitor every
processes of the system that includes, adding new staff, update and delete also has a privilege to access
room price modification and monitors processed data of the management.
 Receptionist – one of the hotel personnel who are authorized to Inputting guest information’s ,search
for available room also manage needs of the guest and transact bill of a guest
 API – compilers that creating the features of the said system that perform and managed the
interconnection between the system and server side (database ) that that allows to communicate with
one another by the used of Vb.Net API reference mudolation.
 Database – a database is a collection of information that is manipulated and inputted by the authorize
users filling in the set of data accordingly to the said customer of the hotel and also it is organized so
that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated. Data is organized into rows, columns and tables,
and it is indexed to make it easier to find relevant information.

3.2 System Analysis and Design

3.2.1 User Requirement

Name of Project Users Main Module Sub-Modules

Registration Register New Staff

List of Customer
List of Room
Information Availability
Hotel Transylvania
List of Staff
Reservation System

Transaction Price Modification

Room Settlement
Figure Modification

Payment Room Settlement

Table 1. User Requirement


3.2.2 Functional Requirement Operational Environment

Figure 3. Operational Environment

Figure 3 show how the guest can interact with the said system using a computer unit
guided by the receptionist/staff System Interface

The following are the components of the system interface used.

 The System works in XAMPP as its database server.

 The system has a friendly user interface for easy use and access for a
receptionist/staff as well as the admin
 The system works in operating system, higher than windows 7.
 The system work even if they are not connected to the schools Wi-Fi network as
long that the computer is in a LAN based
13 Communication Interface

The following are the communication components interface used:
 Visual Basic .NET – Microsoft's integrated development environment (IDE) for
developing in Visual Basic .NET language is Visual Studio.
 Microsoft Excel Object Library – office projects in Visual Studio or Visual Basic
provide data review in grid view or data sheet and control extended objects in the
Excel object model.
 Microsoft Word Object Library - office projects in Visual Studio or Visual Basic
provided by documented form in plain format in inputting data review of a host in
the Microsoft Word object model. Software Interface

The following are the software interfaces being used:
 XAMPP - used as the local server

 MySQL - the database management system

 MySQL Connector- Database connector

 Vb.Net – a programming language used to program on the .NET Framework

environment and a software tends to compromise the said system Hardware Interface

Hardware Interface Function

Use for the system development and

logical operations.

Supplies electricity to computer to

Power Supply
power it on.

Hub, Switch, UTP Wires For the connection of computers.

Table 2. Hardware Interface

14 Function / User Security Matrix

The following symbols represent the level of access by each of the user groups:
A Add
U Update
R Read
G Generate

Function Actor Access Level

Add Customers Receptionist A
Check Availability of the room Receptionist R
Reserved/Occupy Customer Room Receptionist A
Update Guest Momentary Room
Receptionist U
View Customer List Receptionist/Admin R
View Momentary Guest List Receptionist R
Transact Guest Bill Receptionist G
Add /Delete Staff Admin A
View Staff Admin R
Update Rooms Admin U
View History Admin R User Group & System Access Summary

User Group System Access

Adding new staff, update and delete also has a privilege to
Admin access room price modification and monitors processed
data of the management.

Inputting guest information’s ,search for available room

also manage needs of the guest and transact bill of a guest.

Table 4. User Groups & System Access

15 Use Case Diagram

Figure 4. Use Case Diagram

Figure 4 shows that it has (2) two entities that interacts with the system the Receptionist and Admin.
The Admin can login using his/her account, add new staff, update its information, check the rooms availability,
view the records and generate and modify prices of the room. Receptionist can login using their accounts, and
access to create new customer/guest and fill in their informations, affiliate customer/guest when they will be
checking in and when they will be checking out and also what customer/guest want to occupy what type of
room they want to avail, generates bill of the said customer/guest.

3.2.3 Non-Functional Requirements Reliability
 The system is able to gives direct output whenever the staff inputs the information
of the customer/guest it directly saves to database and manage it accurately.
 Aside from the hard copies the system could give through printing the said receipt
and export records into a precise platform from the information of a
customer/guests. Operability
 The user operates in computer-based system which is the receptionist cater the
transaction on going inside the management while taking up the customer/guest
information in reserving/occupying the said room that they want to stay in.
 English language is the standard language used for the entire system.
 It is user-friendly and has a well-formed graphical user interface Maintainability
The proponent planned to use the UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply). This a
device that allows a computer to keep running for a short time when the primary
power source is down. It is helpful especially when there is a transaction within the
system Scalability
 The system has (2) two user types; the Admin and Receptionist. The receptionist
has a specific module and scope in the system. The receptionist needs to register for
an account to log in to the system by the help of the admin in adding his/her new
 The maximum storage is based upon the storage of the computer.
17 Availability
 The develop system is always available but the receptionist must use a computer
unit in order to use the system.
 The develop system initiate direct respond to a receptionist to check the availability
of the said room that the customer want to stay in. Delivery
 The proponent is the responsible in the installation of the system and other
application that are required by the system and responsible for conducting
personnel training.

3.2.4 System Requirements

Before developing the system and its application, the proponent should consider all the
requirements needed for the development. The hardware and software requirements should
meet the need of the developed system in order to maintain the security, efficiency and
functionality of the system. The proponents should also consider that the device that used can
support the system and application requirements to avoid crashing and misbehavior of the
system. Hardware Requirements

The study uses these specifications and hardware platform requirements to
develop the system.
 The system work even if they are not connected to any Wi-Fi network as long
that the computer is in a LAN based
 RAM: 2 GB RAM minimum, 4 GB RAM recommended
 Storage: Hard Disk Drive of 500GB
 Processor: at least 1.90GHz i3 or AMD8 of CPU.
 OS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. Software Requirements

The application was developed through the use of Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) to
create a wide range of applications and components that the study requires some

software to operate fully and successfully manage the developed system. The
recommended and required software are:
 Operating System (such a Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 or any latest version of
 Applications with the following specifications:

 XAMPP version 3.2.2

 Visual Basic .NET 2010 up to latest version

 Microsoft Office and Excel 2013 up to latest version

3.3 Development Model

Figure 5. Phase of System Development Life Cycle (Waterfall Model)

Figure 5 explains the flow of the of Hotel Transylvania Reservation System. The proponents used the
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method Iterative Waterfall Model. It is a sequential design process, used
in software development process in which progress shows following steadily downwards through the phases on
planning, analysis, designing, implementation, testing development, deployment and maintenance. This model is
appropriate for the developed system since it is a step by step process, because every phase of the development
can be repeated whenever there are changes along the development.

3.4 Development Approach

Figure 6. Top-Down Approach

The proponent decided to use top-down approach which is in Figure 6 that is essential in breaking down the
modules of Hotel Transylvania Reservation System to gain insight into its compositional sub-systems. Each
subsystem is then refined in greater detail, sometimes in many additional subsystem levels, until the entire
reservation processes specification aim to reduce into base elements.

3.4.1 Requirements Analysis

During the requirement gathering and analysis phase, the proponents planned everything,
what are things needed to do, use and possible outcome of the developed system. The proponents
gathered all the requirements through an interview with some employee and staff who are possible
user to the said system to get more information regarding the development of the project. The
proponents asked what are the common problems encountered inside the hotel inn that some of
hospitality used manual reservation with inadequate budget allocation or small firms. In addition,
the proponents gathered information through the internet that was being shown in chapter 2 (Review
Related Literature). Modules where constructed and the timeline for organizing the projects

3.4.2 Design

During the Design Phase, the system is designed to satisfy the requirements identified in
the previous phases. The requirements identified in the Analysis Phase are transformed into a System
Design Document that accurately describes and was based on the module that the proponents
constructed. DFD Level 0

Figure 7. Context Diagram

Figure 7 shows an overview of the current system. It shows the flow of data that goes
in and out of the system. The guest will fill up the form then choose a room; the receptionist
will check the availability of the room then confirm it to the guest after that the receptionist
will compute the total bill of the guest. The guest will decide to pay in full payment or down
payment. When the receptionist acquires the full payment, they will issue the receipt for the
client. All the information will be reported to the owner.
21 DFD Level – 1

Figure 8. Data Flow Diagram - Level 1

Figure 8 shows the graphical representation on how Hotel Transylvania Reservation

System flows. The process starts from the guest acquiring for reservation and writes information
like name, address, contact information etc. The second process will be checking of availability
of rooms in the hostel wherein the receptionist will inform the guest about the details of the room.
After the guest had chosen a room, the guest will proceed to the 3rd process which is the billing
system wherein the guest will pay the said amount and the receptionist will record the transaction.
Records of every successful transaction will be recorded in the spreadsheet program and dates
chart of the hostel. Reports given to the owner will come from the date’s chart and spreadsheet
22 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Figure 9. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Figure 9 shows each process of the data. It shows how the data are being processed and stored. The
attached file is the ERD, it illustrates the contents of each table as well as the primary key and foreign key. It
also illustrates how the tables of the system’s database are connected to each other.

3.4.3 Implementation
During implementation, the system functions were developed. The syntaxes and queries
needed by the system were created and build through the aid of different programming software
indicated in the Software Development Tools in Chapter 3.5 in order to make the system runnable.

3.4.4 Testing

After the implementation phase, the proponents recognized the result of the application. This
is to be done to recognize the desirable result and look for bugs or errors. Please see section 3.9 for
the Verification, Validation and Testing Plans.

3.4.5 Deployment

After the testing phase, the proponents deployed the completed system to allocated area
where Hotel Reservation until now used the Manual Reservation Method.

3.4.6 Maintenance

The last phase is the maintenance. This phase can be worked on after the completion of the
project. The proponents decided to monitor the system every month. These are the types of
maintenance that the proponents would possibly go through.
 Corrective Maintenance: correct errors which were not discovered during the product
development phase.
 Perfective Maintenance: improve implementation of the system. It enhances the
functionalities of the system.

3.5 Software Development Tools

The tools that the proponents used to develop the application is Vb.Net. Visual Basic .NET –
Microsoft's integrated development environment (IDE) for developing in Visual Basic .NET language is
Visual Studio. Visual Basic user interface consists of objects that you place on the screen and arrange in
some semblance of organization that makes a window’s form more applicable and even more powerful
and a software tends to compromise the said system. A MySQL server that uses Structured Query
Language (SQL). SQL is the most popular language for adding, accessing and managing content in a
database. It is most noted for its quick processing, proven reliability, ease and flexibility of use.

3.6 Timeline (Gantt Chart)

Figure 10. System Development Timeline


3.7 Project Team and Responsibilities

Name of the Member Appointment Description

 Gathers all the necessary

information for the developed
Researcher/Designer  Analyze data contained in the
Jurico H. Sucayre database and identify data
 Responsible for the functional
specifications of the project.

Table 5. Project Team and Responsibilities

3.8 Budget Cost Management Plan

3.8.1 Hardware Cost


Personal Computer/Laptop 1 Php 49,000.00

External Hard Drive 1 Php 3,000.00

TOTAL Php 52,000.00

Table 6. Hardware Cost


3.8.2 Utility Expenses (Development)


Electric Expense 4 Php 1,000.00 Php 4,000.00

Internet Expense 4 Php 370.00 Php 1,480.00

Printing Expense 4 Php 360.00 Php 1,440.00

Food Expense 4 Php 1,500.00 Php 6,000.00

TOTAL Php 12,920.00

Table 7. Utility Expenses (Development)

3.9 Verification, Validation and Testing Plans

Before implementing, the developed application should be tested first by the users which are the students
and some possible user for the user like faculty and staff of ACLC College of Butuan. During the testing
phase, it would determine the defects and errors that the application may encounter. This is to ensure that the
project continued thoroughly and if any issues may occur it would be easy to trace and determine.

3.9.1 ISO-1926-1 Instrument

In testing the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfactory performance of the developed

system, the proponents used a quick usability scale which is designed to capture the extreme
responses of the user based on the 26 questions given to them. The ISO-1926-1 instrument is like
a scale that gives five options to the respondents and rates the system based on the question with 5
as the highest and 1 as the lowest.



4.1 Scientific Generalization

The proponent selected 30 respondents ranging from first year to fourth year along with some faculty and
staff. A survey was conducted to test the capability and reliability of the system. The proponent predicted all the
possible features with the help of the data that the proponent has gathered. The results obtained were put through
statistical analysis and are presented in this chapter.

4.2 Module Development

4.2.1 Front End

Front-end style guides are a modular collection of all the elements and also converting data to
graphical interface for user to view and interact with data through digital interaction.

Figure 11. Admin Login Interface


Figure 11 shows the interface of Hotel Transylvania Reservation System that shows the main page of the
system. The authorized person which is the admin must login first to start its operation.


Figure 12. Admin Dashboard

Figure 12 shows the dashboard page of Hotel Transylvania Reservation System in Admin Side

1. Dashboard

The dashboard displays all content that admin can interact with, adding new staff,
modifying rooms, list of all staff, customer list, history logs, the sales, modifying room prices
and customer transaction like paying room bill.

2. Staff

The staff button displays the content of adding, updating and deleting staff and also
uploading the photo of the staff with the control of the admin.

3. Room
The room button displays the room engagement with its allocated status if its occupied,
reserved, under repair, under renovation with its correspond room category single size,
double size, family size, and dormitory size with the control of the admin in terms of room
status modification.

4. Staff List

The staff list button displays the employee of the said hotel that initiate to be as front desk
attendant/receptionist that given the task to driven into guest/customer to the said hotel.

5. Customer List

The customer list button displays the valuable customer who initiate the said hotel and
initiate for room settlement in the said hotel.

6. History
This content displays all customer who initiate and accommodate the said hotel for leisure
with its correspond date when they were checked in and checked out.
7. Sales
The sales button displays the outcome of every transaction driven by the system that every
customer accommodates the said hotel and also it displays the number of staff who are
currently registered to the said system.

8. Room Price

This content displays the price modification of the admin in which every room designates
its categorized room prices.

9. Payment List

This content displays all the hotel bill of every customer/guest who accommodates the
said hotel.

10. Logout Button

The button that enables the user to exit the system.

Figure 13. Attendant Login Interface

Figure 13 shows the login page of the front desk attendant in Hotel Transylvania Reservation System. The
authorized person which is the front desk attendant must login first to start its operation.





Figure 14. Attendant Dashboard

Figure 14 shows the dashboard page of Hotel Transylvania Reservation System in Front Disk Attendant Side.

1. Customer
This content shows that the attendant adds guest/customer in the said hotel with its
correspond room number and room type and also the duration where they will
accommodate the said room they want to settle.
2. Update
This content shows that the attendant update the guest momentary room settlement.
3. Customer List
The customer list button displays the valuable customer who initiate the said hotel and initiate
for room settlement in the said hotel.
4. Payment
This content shows the transaction of guest bill in accordance of the number of days
where they were stay in the hotel.

4.3 Statistical Treatment

The mean was utilized in order to measure the effectiveness of Hotel Transylvania Reservation
System, using Survey-Questionnaires in terms of its functionality, reliability, efficiency, usability and
maintenance (ISO 9126 Software Quality). It used the Likert’s 5 – points scale. In the scale, five (5) serves
as the highest rate and one (1) serves as the lowest rate.

To obtain the qualitative description the means were interpreted following the range below:

Range of Mean: Descriptive Rating:

4.21 – 5.00 Highly Functional, Highly Reliable, Highly Efficient, Highly Usable,
Highly Maintainable

3.41 – 4.20 Functional, Reliable, Efficient, Usable, Maintainable

2.61 – 3.40 Moderately Functional, Moderately Reliable, Moderately Efficient,

Moderately Usable, Moderately Maintainable

1.81 – 2.60 Less Functional, Less Reliable, Less Efficient, Less Usable, Less

1.00 – 1.80 Not Functional, Not Reliable, Not Efficient, Not Usable, Not Maintainable

4.4 International Organization for Standardization Result

After conducting the survey which the proponents used ISO-1926-1, the gathered ratings from the
30 respondents were calculated using the ISO-1926-1 instrument. The proponents came to the result of:

4.4.1 Result


1. The system produced expected
18 11 1 30 4.57
2.The system performed its intended
14 14 2 30 4.40
17 9 4 30 4.43
3. The system fits its intended use.
4. The system provides useful and
19 10 1 30 4.60
acceptable specific task.
5. The system gave direct access in
15 9 6 30 4.30
terms of room settlement.
Mean 4.46

Table 8. Functionality Result

Table 8 shows the overall mean for the Functionality Result is 4.46 with a

descriptive rating of Highly Functional. This is based on the gathered result from

the Functionality based on the questions in the survey

RELIABILITY 5 4 3 2 1 Total AWV

1. The system is equipped with
16 11 3 30 4.43
acceptable security measures.
2.The system gives on-point
11 15 4 30 4.23
3. The system delivers high regards
17 11 2 30 4.50
room settlement.
4. The system complies the user
18 9 3 30 4.50
5. The system meets the required data
14 14 2 30 4.40
for hotel reservation
Mean 4.41

Table 9. Reliability Result


Table 9 shows the overall mean for the Reliability Result which is 4.41 with
a descriptive rating of Highly Reliable. This is based on the gathered result from the
Reliability based on the questions in the survey.

USABILITY 5 4 3 2 1 Total AWV

10 17 3 30 4.23
1. The system interface is appealing.
2.The system runs smoothly with all its
17 7 6 30 4.37
3. The system meets the requirement as
16 9 5 30 4.37
a reservation system.
4. The user manages every phases in
15 8 6 1 30 4.23
the system.
5. The user assesses the ease of
14 14 2 30 4.40
learnability of user interfaces.
Mean 4.32

Table 10. Usability Result

Table 10 shows the overall mean for the Usability Result which is 4.32 with a
descriptive rating of Highly Usable. This is based on the gathered result from the
Usability based on the questions in the survey.

EFFICIENCY 5 4 3 2 1 Total AWV

18 11 1 30 4.57
1. The system is easy to understand
19 9 2 30 4.57
2.The system is easy to manage/explore
3. The user can use the system with
20 7 3 30 4.57
much effort or training
4. The system is efficient for the user in
12 16 2 30 4.33
terms of accommodating customers.
5. The system gives reliable
12 15 3 30 4.30
Mean 4.46

Table 11. Efficiency Result

Table 10 shows the overall mean for the Efficiency Result which is 4.46 with a
descriptive rating of Highly Efficient. This is based on the gathered result from the
Efficiency based on the questions in the survey.
1. The system can operate in minimal
12 18 30 4.40
16 9 5 30 4.37
2.The system operates in timely manner
3. The system supports minimum
3 11 2 30 2.16
hardware requirements to maintain
4. The system supports minimum
15 13 2 30 4.43
software requirements to maintain
5. The system can be managed
17 10 3 30 4.47
effortlessly in terms of retrieving data.
Mean 3.96

Table 12. Maintainability Result

Table 12 shows the overall mean for the Maintainability Result which is 3.96
with a descriptive rating of Maintainable. This is based on the gathered result from the
Maintainability based on the questions in the survey.

OVERALL 5 4 3 2 1 Total AWV

1. Overall system meet the needs of the
19 11 30 4.50
Mean 4.50

Table 13. Overall Result

Table 13. shows the overall mean for the Overall Result which is 4.50 with a
descriptive rating of Highly Functional, Highly Reliable, Highly Efficient, Highly
Usable and Highly Maintainable. This is based on the gathered result from the Overall
based on the questions in the survey.

4.4.2 Summary
Software Quality Factors Mean Average Descriptive Rating
1. Functionality 4.46 Highly Functional
2. Reliability 4.41 Highly Reliable
3. Efficiency 4.32 Highly Efficient
4. Usability 4.46 Highly Usable
5. Maintainability 3.96 Maintainable
Mean 4.32 Highly Acceptable

Table 14. ISO-1926-1 Summary Result


Table 14 shows the result from the evaluation of the developed software.
Functionality obtained a mean average of 4.46 with a descriptive rating of Highly Functional.
Reliability obtained a mean average of 4.41 with a descriptive rating of Highly Reliable.
Efficiency obtained a mean average of 4.32 with a descriptive rating of Highly Efficient.
Usability obtained a mean average of 4.46 with a descriptive rating of Highly Usable.
Maintainability obtained a mean average of 3.96 with a descriptive rating of Maintainable.

When the survey was finished, the results were tabulated and revealed that the
developed software had garnered positive responses from the selected respondents of the
study. The developed system was highly acceptable to the users based on the total mean of
4.32 gathered from the ISO-1926-1 Survey Questionnaire.



This chapter discusses the findings, and the whole thesis/project for that matter, are summarized;
generalizations in the form of conclusions that formulated throughout the results, and the recommendations for
the solution of problems discovered in the study are addressed.

5.1 Summary of Findings

The study was conducted for the purpose of automating the manual process of the reserving/booking a
room in a hotel. The proponents gathered the data needed to develop the project. The data has been analyzed and
studied by the proponents. These data serve as references to design and modify the developed system.

The proponents addressed the objectives of the study, such as to automate the manual transaction and a
friendly graphical user interface. During systems test, using the ISO-1926-1 instrument, which has resulted to an
overall mean of 4.32, it showed that the system is indeed helpful especially in making their work easier and
effective. The users were satisfied based on the ISO-1926-1 Result.

5.2 Conclusions

As the result given the proponents conclude that Hotel Transylvania Reservation System developed meet
its objective and requirements initiated as well as, indicating the solution to the problem to have an electronic-
base reservation since the related studies that are stated in Chapter II (Review of Related Literature) using a
manual system in their transaction and payments that intended to improve the manual performances into faster
and effective way.

Survey was conducted after the development of the system and the overall findings of the respondents is
that they found that the developed system is convenient to use and not complicated to any front desk attendant/staff
inside of any hostel. Based on the result, the proponents conclude that the developed system is useful in any hotel
or any hospitality and accommodated hostel.

5.3 Recommendations

Various benefits associated with this word and the results of the implemented system make it suitable for
any hotel. Therefore, it is recommended for any hotel especially those with a large turnout of customer’s
information is common. This will protect the interest of the Hotel owners and enhance good performance of the
services provided.

The growth of a hotel organization also depends on how well their resources (Human, Assets) are
managed, how well they treat their customers (Hospitality) leading to large turn-up, quality of service rendered to
customer and efficiency of the system in use. It is therefore recommended to always put these factors into
consideration when implementing any policies within the organization.

For future researchers, the proponents suggest to improve the current system by enhancing it to go online.
Implementation of modern online facilities that might help prospective customers interact with the system and the
hotel in general such as PayPal for making online transactions also for more interaction to be made by the customer
to intervene the hotel reservation using their mobile phones. For to it, the developed system will be more flexible
and for the customer for their convenient interaction to the said system.


Bitran, G. R. (1996). Assumption Through Industrial Hotel Reservation. Misonggo, Columbian.



Pariwisata, K. (2017). Digital Back End Reconciliation of Digital Reservation and Inventory
Management. Pakistan.






Sample Survey Questionnaires

Part I: Personal Information

Name: ______________________________________
User Type: [ ] Student [ ] Faculty [ ] Employee
Sex: [ ] Male [ ] Female
Age: ______
Part II. Survey Proper
Please rate the level of your agreement to the statement that describes the quality of the system. Check [
✔] the number that represents your honest answer using the scale below:

5 Extremely Agree Means 76-100% in agreement to the statement

4 Moderately Agree Means 51 – 75% in agreement to the statement

3 Somewhat Agree Means 26 – 50% in agreement to the statement

3 Slight Agree Means 1 – 25% in agreement to the statement

1 Disagree Means NO agreement

Software Quality Statement Level of Agreement

5 4 3 2 1

1. The system is produced expected result.
2. The system performed its intended purpose.
3. The system fits its intended use.
4. The system provides useful and acceptable specific task.
5. The system gave direct access in terms of room settlement.

1. The system is equipped with acceptable security measures.

2. The system gives on-point information.

3. The system delivers high regards room settlement.
4. The system is complies the user requirements .
5. The system meets the required data for hotel reservation.

1. The system interface is appealing.
2. The application runs smoothly with all its processes.
3. The system meets the requirement as a reservation system .
4. The user manages every phases in the system.
5. The user assesses the ease of learnability of user interfaces.

1. The system is easy to understand.
2. The system is easy to manage/explore.
3. The user can use the system without much effort or training.
4. The system is efficient for the user in terms of
accommodating customer.
5. The system gives reliable information.

1. The system can operate in minimal effort
2. The system operates in a timely manner.
3. The system supports minimum hardware requirement to
4. The system supports minimum software requirement to
5. The system can be managed effortlessly in terms of
retrieving data.
1. Overall system meet the needs of the user.

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