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DATED : MARCH 15, 2010


DGCA AMO 145/14700

Prepared by: Approved by:

March 15, 2010 March 15, 2010

Indra Setiawan Suyoso


Revision Revision Page(s) Insertion

Number Date Affected Date

Original May 10, 05 All May 10, 05 Fudin

01 Apr 15, 06 All Apr 15, 06 Fudin
02 Dec 21, 06 General (vi), Section 0 (1), Section 1 Dec 21, 06 Fudin
(3,4,6,10), Section 2 (1,2), Section 3
03 Jan 29, 07 General (i,ii,iii,iv), Section 1 (2,11,12), Jan 29, 07 Fudin
Appendix 2 (1)
04 Mar 03, 07 General (i,iii,v), Appendix 1 (1,2,3,4,5,6, Mar 03, 07 Fudin
05 Mar 27, 07 General (i,iii,v), Appendix 1 (1,2) Mar 27, 07 Fudin
06 May 18, 07 General (i,ii), Appendix 1 (1) May 18, 07 Fudin
07 July 13, 07 General (i,iii,v), Section 1 (2), Appendix 1 Jul 13, 07 Fudin
16,17), Appendix 2 (1)
08 Aug 24, 07 General (i,iii,v), Appendix 1 (1,2,3,4,5,6, Aug 24, 07 Fudin
09 Nov 15, 07 General (i,iii,v), Appendix 1 Nov 15, 07 Fudin
17,18,19, 20,21,22)
10 Dec 12, 07 General (i,iii,v), Appendix 1 (1) Dec 12, 07 Fudin
11 Mar 13, 08 General (i,iii), Section 2 (2) Mar 13, 08 Fudin
Appendix 2 (1)
12 Jun 10, 08 General (i,iii), Section 1 (2), Section 2(2), Jun 10, 08 Fudin
Appendix 2 (1)
13 Jan 6, 09 General (i,iii), Section 1 (2), Jan 6, 09 Fudin
Appendix 2 (1)
14 Feb 27, 09 General (i,iii), Section 0 (1), Section 1(2), Feb 27,09 Fudin
Section 2 (1,2), Section 3 (13),
Appendix 2 (1)
15 May 22, 09 General (i,iii), Appendix 2 (1) May 22, 09 Fudin
16 Mar 15, 10 General (i,iii,iv,v), Section 1 (2,12,13), Mar 15,10 Fudin
Section 2 (2), Appendix 2 (1,2)

Revision Number : 16 Date : March 15, 2010 Page : i


Manual Code Assigned to Title or Organization

Master Manual Indra Setiawan Quality Control PT. RPG

RPG-01 DGCA Subdit Standardisasi DSKU Jakarta

Kelaikan Udara

RPG-02 Suyoso President Director PT. RPG

RPG-03 Doddy Priabudi Business and PT. RPG

Operational Mgr

RPG-04 Arya Dian D. Maintenance Mgr PT. RPG

RPG-05 Masta General Affair Mgr PT. RPG

Revision Number : 03 Date : January 29, 2007 Page : ii


GENERAL i Mar 15, 10 APPENDIX 1 1 Dec 12, 07
ii Jan 29, 07 APPENDIX 2 1 Mar 15, 10
iii Mar 15, 10 2 Mar 15, 10
iv Mar 15, 10
v Mar 15, 10
vi Dec 21, 06
SECTION 0 1 Feb 27, 09
SECTION 1 1 Apr 15, 06
2 Mar 15, 10
3 Dec 21, 06
4 Dec 21, 06
5 Apr 15, 06
6 Dec 21, 06
7 Apr 15, 06
8 Apr 15, 06
9 Apr 15, 06
10 Dec 21, 06
11 Jan 29, 07
12 Mar 15, 10
13 Mar 15, 10
SECTION 2 1 Feb 27, 09
2 Mar 15, 10
SECTION 3 1 Dec 21, 06
2 Apr 15, 06
3 Apr 15, 06
4 Dec 21, 06
5 Apr 15, 06
6 Dec 21, 06
7 Dec 21, 06
8 Dec 21, 06
9 Dec 21, 06
10 Dec 21, 06
11 Apr 15, 06
12 Dec 21, 06
13 Feb 27, 09
14 Dec 21, 06
15 Dec 21, 06

Quality Control Manager DGCA Inspector

Name : Indra Setiawan Name : Herry A. Arief, ST, MMTr

Date : March 15, 2010 Date : 29-03-2010

Revision Number : 16 Date : March 15, 2010 Page : iii



GENERAL RECORD OF REVISION......................................................i

MANUAL DISTRIBUTION LIST ...........................................ii
LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES ...............................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENT.........................................................iv
SECTION 0 INTRODUCTION............................................................ 1

SECTION 1 COMPANY ORGANIZATION ............................................ 1

1.1 General ................................................................ 1
1.2 Organizational Structure......................................... 2
1.3 Key Personnel Duties and Responsibilities................ 3
1.3.1 President Director........................................ 3
1.3.2 Manager of Quality Control ......................... 4
1.3.3 Inspector.................................................... 6
1.3.4 Maintenance Manager.................................. 7
1.3.5 Chief Workshops ........................................ 8
1.3.6 Mechanic .................................................... 9
1.3.7 Chief Material.............................................. 10
1.3.8 Business and Operational Manager ............... 11
1.3.9 General Affair Manager ................................ 12
1.3.10 Technical Publication ................................... 12

SECTION 2 HOUSING & FACILITY.................................................... 1

2.1 Maintenance Facility .............................................. 1
2.2 Facility Floor Plan .................................................. 2

SECTION 3 POLICY AND PROCEDURES ............................................ 1

3.1 General ................................................................ 1
3.2 Manual Revision and Control ................................. 2

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3.3 Personnel.............................................................. 3
3.3.1 Employee Certificates .................................. 3
3.3.2 Employee Qualifications ............................... 4
3.3.3 Mechanic ................................................... 4
3.3.4 Rosters and Roster Record ........................... 5
3.3.5 Training Program ........................................ 6
3.3.6 Inspection Personnel ................................... 8
3.4 Certificate Limitations and Privileges ...................... 9
3.5 Performance of Work at a Location Other Than
The Approved Maintenance Organization ................. 10
3.6 Inspection by The DGCA ........................................ 12
3.7 Maintenance of Personnel, Housing, Facilities,
Equipment, Materials and Technical Data ................ 12
3.8 Availability of Certificate......................................... 13
3.9 Record of Work ..................................................... 13
3.10 Reports of Serious Failures Malfunctions
or Defects............................................................. 14
3.11 Establishment and Revision of Capability ................. 15

APPENDIX 1 CAPABILITY LIST........................................................... 1

APPENDIX 2 ROSTER OF AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ........................... 1
ROSTER OF PERSONNEL ............................................... 2

Revision Number : 16 Date : March 15, 2010 Page : v


This Approved Maintenance Organization Manual (AMO Manual) defines the

organization and procedures which is referred to Civil Aviation Safety Regulations
(CASR) Part 145 and the policies of the PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana.

It is accepted that the procedures of the organization do not override the necessity
for compliance with the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations, Airworthiness Directive or
other requirements published by the DGCA from time to time.

I commit myself to respect the AMO Manual requirements and to allocated all the
resources needed. I request to all managers and staff manager to thoroughly and
seriously contribute to their implementation and to propagate them in order to obtain
the commitment of all. All personnel should be complied with these procedures
during accomplishing the job.

I am sure that this AMO Manual will be great valuable optimation to high quality and
airworthiness requirements.



Revision Number : 02 Date : December 21, 2006 Page : vi


This manual describes the housing, facilities, equipment, personnel, and

general operating rules pertinent to the operation of PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana,
certificated by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) under CASR Part 145.
All rating issued to PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana by the DGCA under CASR Part 145
are described in its Operations Specification.
This manual includes a description of the policies and procedures that will be
used by PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana to meet all requirements of CASR Part 145 that
pertain to :
1. Aircraft Maintenance Organization (AMO) Manual.
2. Quality Control Manual.
The information contained in this manual explains the systems used by PT. Rekatama
Putra Gegana when performing maintenance, preventive maintenance or alteration
on civil aviation articles. When more detail is required to accomplish or record a
particular operation, those details are contained in the applicable manufacturer
instructions for continued airworthiness e.g., maintenance, overhaul, and repair
manuals, service bulletins, service information letters, standard practice manual,
Airworthiness Directives, and/or other applicable data acceptable to or approved by
The maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration of civil aviation
articles will be performed in accordance with The Applicable Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations (CASR).
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana will not maintain or alter any article for which it is
rated of the appropriate housing, facilities, equipment, personnel, or technical data
are not available.

Revision Number : 14 Date : February 27, 2009 Page : 1


Reference :
CASR Part 145, Section 145.51(a)(4) and Section 145.209(a).

1.1 General
Employees are hired to perform work on civil aviation articles based on
their knowledge and experience. An employee’s initial qualifications are
determined by employment history, training, certification, knowledge,
experience, and practical tests. Job assignments, including the performance of
maintenance, inspection, or supervision, are based on the employee’s

Revision Number : 01 Date : April 15, 2006 Page : 1


1.2 Organizational Structure

PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana’s organization is as shown in the following
chart. The chart includes each management position with authority to act on
behalf of the AMO.


Manager of Maintenance Business and General Affair

Quality Control Manager Operational Manager

Propeller Propeller Marketing IT and

Inspection Shop Staff Administration

Radio, Instrument Radio Instrument and Purchasing

and Accessories Acessories Shop

Equipment Emergency Finance
Inspection Equipment Shop

NDT NDT Personel

Inspection Shop

Services Specialized
Inspection Services Shop

Receiving Technical
Inspection Publication

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1.3 Key Personnel, Duties and Responsibilities

This duties and responsibilities of the individuals that fulfill managerial,
supervisory, inspection and maintenance positions in PT. Rekatama Putra
Gegana are set forth in this section of the manual. These person will be listed
on PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana rooster as set forth in this manual.
Additionally, the qualifications for each position are set forth in this manual.
The training requirements for each position responsible for performing
maintenance, preventive maintenance or alterations will be set forth in a
separate section/manual that is specifically approved by the DGCA. One
person may fill more than one position.

1.3.1 President Director

The President Director is directly in charge as Accountable
Manager of the PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana. In addition to the
complete administration of PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana, this position
will ensure that the PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana continues to comply
with applicable government requirements. With respect to the CASRs,
the Accountable Manager shall ensure the PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana
continues to meet the requirements for providing adequate housing,
facilities, equipment, and personnel appropriate to the ratings of the
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana. In addition, the Accountable Manager
shall ensure the financial resources are available to adjust to any
changes in workload or to adjust the workload to the resources
In addition to the overall duties and responsibilities listed above,
the Accountable Manager has the following specific responsibilities :
• Ensure that all revisions to this manual are coordinated with DGCA.
• Ensure adequate fire-fighting equipment is available at
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana.
• Ensure adequate safety precautions are observed by PT. Rekatama
Putra Gegana personnel.

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• Establish the criteria for hiring personnel for positions responsible

for maintaining, supervising, or inspecting maintenance or
alterations of civil aviation articles.
• Establish the requirements for initial and recurrent training for all
personnel involved in the maintenance, preventive maintenance,
and/or alteration of civil aviation articles.
• Is incharge of the Corrective Action Program and determines the
approriate actions to be taken when deficiencies are discovered or
• Initiate work outside the AMO’s fixed location as delineated in this
• Act as the liaison with all customers.
• Act as the liaison with all Government officials.
The Accountable Manager may delegate any duties and
responsibilities of any personnel of PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana to
qualified persons. However delegation of duties does not relieve the
specified position of their responsibilities under this manual or CASRs.

1.3.2 Manager of Quality Control

The Manager of Quality Control reports to the Accountable
Manager and is responsible for the operations of the Quality Control
Department. It will be the Manager of Quality Control’s responsibility
• Coordinate and distribute revisions to this manual. (Ensure that the
manual is kept current and accurate.)
• Sign the revised list of effective pages of this manual.
• Coordinate DGCA inspections as delineated in this manual.
• Respond to any request for inspection of PT. Rekatama Putra
Gegana’s certificate.
• Ensure that the work accomplished outside the AMO’s fixed location
is performed in accordance with this manual.

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• Determine the final disposition of articles failing to meet the
incoming inspection review.
• Determine equivalency of tools and equipment used by
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana’s (other than that reccomended by
manufacturers) and document that determination.
• Ensure appropriate calibrations and checks are made on the tools
and equipment used by PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana (including
technician’s personal tools).
• Ensure records of all calibrations and checks are kept current, and
the calibrations are performed in accordance with the standards and
procedures described in this manual.
• Audit all maintenance function contractors before use and maintain
the results of those audits.
• Establish and maintain the AMO employment and training records.
• Continuously review the PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana’s training
program to ensure all PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana’s training needs
are met. (If applicable).
• Perform PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana’s “self-evaluation” to
determine whether it has the housing, facilities, equipment,
material, data, and trained personnel to add an article to its
Capability List.
• Maintain the AMO roster for the AMO by ensuring that changes in
personnel or job duties are reflected on the roster within five (5)
business day as required by this AMO manual.
• Train, direct, supervise and assist all personnel performing work
under the AMO certificate as directed by the Accountable Manager.
• Determine that, if the customer’s work scope is limited in nature,
the requested maintenance, preventive maintenance or alteration
can be accomplished within the applicable data despite any other
damage or discrepancies noted.

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• Ensure that determinations concerning major alterations/repairs are

accomplished as delineated in this AMO manual.
• Ensure all incoming, hidden damage, preliminary, in-process, and
final inspections are performed in accordance with the procedures
set forth in this AMO manual.
• Initiated work outside the AMO’s fixed location as delineated in this
AMO manual.
• Submit reports of serious failures, malfunctions or defects in
accordance with the procedures described in this AMO manual.
The Manager of Quality Control may delegate duties and
responsibilities to any qualified personnel. Delegation of duties does not
relieve the Manager of Quality Control of his overall responsibility under
this manual or the CASRs.

1.3.3 Inspectors
Personnel performing inspection functions report to the Quality
Control Manager and are responsible for performing duties as directed
and assigned.
Inspector(s) are responsible for performing preliminary, hidden
damage, in-process and final inspections on civil aviation articles in
accordance with the current technical data provided in the
manufacturer’s instructions for continued airworthiness, service
bulletins, service letters, airworthiness directives, government and
industry standard practices, and other data acceptable to or approved
by the DGCA.
Inspector(s) are specifically responsible for :
• Ensuring that they are thoroughly familiar with the inspection
methods, techniques, aids, tools and equipment used within their
assigned area of responsibility.
• Maintaining proficiency in using the inspection aids in their assigned
area of responsibility.

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• Ensuring that the inspection tools and equipment, including
inspection aids, used to perform inspections are in proper working
order and proper calibration information is affixed.
• Understanding the current specifications involving inspection
tolerances, limitations, and procedures established by the
manufacturer of the article(s) being inspected.
• Ensure all inspections are properly performed and recorded, and all
records are properly executed before final approval for return to
service of articles maintained or altered by PT. Rekatama Putra

1.3.4 Maintenance Manager

The Maintenance Manager reports to the Accountable Manager
and is responsible for the operations of the Maintenance Department. It
will be the Maintenance Manager’s responsibility to :
• Ensure all personnel are trained in the approriate safety practices
and procedures, including proper use and location of fire fighting
• Periodically check the fire and safety equipment to ensure
serviceability and adequacy.
• Ensure that the mechanics have the approriate technical data
available during the performance of maintenance, preventive
maintenance, and alterations activities.
• Ensure that CASR Part 121, 125, 129 and 135 customer
requirements are obtained, made available and followed by
inspection personnel.
• Ascertain qualifications of all technical employees prior to work
assignment through tests and evaluation of their previous
• Train, assist and supervise mechanics in proper work procedures
and practices.

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• Ensure the shop equipment and tools are maintained in good
working order.
• Ensure the shop premises are maintained in a clesn and orderly
• Ensure that all maintenance or alteration processes are
appropriately completed and documented on the maintenance
forms as set forth in this manual.
• Determine whether a hidden damage inspection should be
performed, what should be done and properly perform
• Initiate requisitions for stock as required for the work being
The Maintenance Manager may delegate duties and
responsibilities to any qualified personnel. However, delegation of
duties does not relieve the Maintenance Manager of his responsibilities
under this manual or the CASRs.

1.3.5 Chief Workshops

The Chief Workshop is responsible to the Maintenance Manager
for the overall operation of the workshop section.
In addition the Chief Workshop is responsible for :
• The planning, direction and coordination of activities within the
section, and the planning of its activities in conjunction with other
sections or department, as required.
• Assuring that the repair and overhaul of all articles and components
within the Chief Workshop jurisdiction is accomplished within the
authority of the PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana and that the work is
inspected by Quality Control.
• Training and assisting subordinates in the proper work procedures
and practices to be followed.

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• Maintaining all workshop equipment and tools in a serviceable
working condition, assuring that periodic checks and calibrations are
made on special tools and test equipment and that current records
are maintained of those tests and calibrations.
• Ascertaining that all necessary maintenance entries on maintenance
forms and work orders used by PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana are
properly executed by the responsibility mechanics.
• To insure that the workshop section premises are kept in a clean
and orderly manner.
• Initiating purchase requisitions for stock as required.
• The quality of work performed by the personnel in the workshop
• Making available to the workshop section the required technical
data on all articles overhauled or repaired by the workshop section
and ensuring that only current data is used. The data will include
manufacturer’s maintenance and overhaul manuals, service
bulletins, parts specifications, related Directorate General of Civil
Aviation approved data and any other technical data used by the
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana.
• The proper handling of all part while in repair process trough the
workshop and when work is completed.
• The maintain of all workshop section records.
The Chief Workshops may delegate all duties to any qualified
assistant as necessary, however, such delegation does not relieve the
chief workshop of the overall.

1.3.6 Mechanic
Personnel assigned maintenance functions duties shall report to
the maintenance manager and specifically responsible for :
• Properly executing the duties assigned.

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• Performing maintenance and alteration tasks on civil aviation

articles in accordance with the current technical data provided in
the manufacturer’s instructions for continued airworthiness, services
bulletins, service letters, airworthiness directives, government and
industry standard practices, and other data acceptable to or
approved by the DGCA.
• Ensuring that they are thoroughly familiar with all tools and
equipment, including inspection aids, used within their assigned
area of responsibility.
• Properly record the work performed on the appropriate
maintenance record.

1.3.7 Chief Material

The Chief Material reports to the Maintenance Manager and is
responsible for the operations of the stockroom. Specifically, it is the
Chief Material’s responsibility to :
• Perform the incoming review to identify, control, segregate, and
maintain all materials (including raw materials and parts) according
to the manufacturer requirements or standard industry practices.
• Ensure work performed by outside sources and incorporated in
articles undergoing maintenance, preventive maintenance, or
alteration in PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana was properly performed
and documented.
• Ensure the preservation of all articles or parts, while carried in
inventory, including parts that are subject to the deterioration and
self-life specification.
• Execute specified self-life requirements.
• Ensure the preservation and storage of all materials, parts, and
supplies in a condition enabling them to be installed or used on civil
aviation articles.
• Control and distribute the inventory.

Revision Number : 02 Date : December 21, 2006 Page : 10


• Distribute any technical information, documents or data received

through the stock room.
• Ensure that parts that have been designated as scrap are
approriately dispositioned.
The Chief Material may delegate duties and responsibilities to any
qualified personnel. However, delegation of duties does not relieve the
Chief Material of his overall responsibilities under this manual and the

1.3.8 Business and Operational Manager

The Business and Operational Manager is responsible to the
Accountable Manager for the Business and Operational Department. In
addition the Business and Operational Manager is responsible for :
• Develop a business research and business plan for domestic and
overseas business/international market.
• Establish draft maintenance contract and/or agreement dealing with
customer under coordination with Quality Control Manager to
ensure that contract and/or agreement dealing do not over ride the
quality requirements.
• Check legality of contracts, general terms of agreement and make
legal comments/general conditions, terms and their correctness
before submitting them for signing off.
• Keep contracts, general term of agreements and all related
documents to be up.
• Perform business research for the development of potential
domestic market and international market.
• Establish technical handling service agreement with customer.
• Develop business plan for each customer periodically.
The Business and Operational Manager may delegate all duties to
any qualified assistant as necessary, however, such delegation does not

Revision Number : 03 Date : January 29, 2007 Page : 11


relieve the Business and Operational Manager of the averall

1.3.9 General Affair Manager

The General Affair Manager is responsible to the Accountable
Manager for the general affair department. In addition the General
Affair Manager is responsible for :
• Planning and controlling budgeting of the company, preparing
financial report, invoicing policy, debt payment and calculates cost
of each department.
• Planning, coordinating, performing and evaluating human resources
management activity covering planning and development of
employee and other work relation management in accordance with
company policy.
• Keeping & coordinating facilitate training perform by PT. Rekatama
Putra Gegana.
• To provide adequate housing and facilities including continued
maintenance there of.
The General Affair Manager may delegate all duties to any
qualified assistant as necessary, however, such delegation does not
relieve the General Affair Manager of the overall responsibility.

1.3.10 Technical Publication

The person named or an individual delegated that responsibility will :
• Making available the required manufacturer’s maintenance
manual, overhaul manual, service bulletin, specification and other
technical data.
• Ensuring be maintained current at all times that technical data’s
• Revise the technical data or manuals.
• Making list current technical data and controlling the updating.

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• Making copies the current technical data and distributed with
clearly identifying them it’s controlled copies.
• Making communications with sources of technical data or manuals
if necessary.
If the manual or technical data has been completely revised, old
technical data’s shall be destroyed or clearly marked “FOR
To prevent access to information that is not maintained current no
employee may make a copy of the manuals or pages.

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Reference :
CASR Part 145, Section 145.37 (a) through (f) and Section 145.103 (a)(1)(2).

2.1 Maintenance Facility

The PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana Maintenance Facility, DGCA Certificate
Approved Maintenance Organization No. 145/14700 is completely housed in an
concrete and brick housing with include offices, locate in Jl. Bima No. 90
Bandung. It has total area 788 square meters, consist of :

1. Total Area 788 square maters, alocated for :

- Building area 433 m2
- Workshop 260 m2
- Stores 9 m2
- Office 150 m2
- Toilet 8 m2
2. Parking area and car port 355 m2
3. Electrical power, water and air pressure
- Electrical power 220 Volt, 380 Volt, 3 Phase 11 KVA
- Water Weel with electrical pump, tank capacity 800 ltr
- Compressed air Electric compressor 4 PK, 485 lt/min
- Tank capacity 200 ltr pressure 200 PS

Note :
Any changes to the location or in its housing and facility must be approved by
the DGCA (Reference : CASR Part 145.105).

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2.2 Facility Floor Plan


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3.1 General
This manual describes the housing, facilities, equipment, personnel, and
general operating rules pertinent to the operation of PT. Rekatama Putra
Gegana, certificated by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) under
CASR Part 145. All rating issued to PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana by the DGCA
under CASR Part 145 are described in its Operations Specification.
This manual includes a description of the policies and procedures that will
be used by PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana to meet all requirements of CASR Part
The information contained in this manual explains the systems used by
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana when performing maintenance, preventive
maintenance or alteration on civil aviation articles. When more detail is required
to accomplish or record a particular operation, those details are contained in the
applicable manufacturer instructions for continued airworthiness e.g.
maintenance, overhaul, and repair manuals, service bulletins, service
information letters, standard practice manual, Airworthiness Directives, and/or
other applicable data acceptable to or approved by the DGCA.
The Maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration of civil aviation
articles will be performed in accordance with the applicable Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations (CASRs). PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana will not maintain or alter any
article for which it is rated if the appropriate housing, facilities, equipment,
personnel, or technical data are not available.
The Quality Control Manager is responsible for full compliance with all
procedures outlined in this system as appropriate to any item being inspected,
repaired, overhauled or altered by PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana. The
airworthiness of those items and compliance with their requirements depends
upon the compliance activities to the procedures of this system.

Revision Number : 02 Date : December 21, 2006 Page : 1


Reference :
CASR Part 145, Section 145.163 (a)(b)(c), Section 145.209 (c) and
Section 145.7 (a)(7)

3.2 Manual Revision and Control

This Manual will be maintained current at all times. PT. Rekatama Putra
Gegana shall assign copies of its manual as required to ensure that all personnel
have easy and ready access to it. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation shall
be assigned a copy of this manual. A complete list of the assigned copies of the
manual can be found in this manual. To prevent access to information that is
not maintained current, no employee may make a copy of the manual or pages
from the manual, without clearly identifying them as uncontrolled copies.
The Accountable Manager is responsible for coordinating all revisions to
this manual with the Directorate General of Civil Aviation by forwarding a copy
of the contemplated changes thirty (30) days prior to the issuance date for
comment. If comments are received, they will be dispositioned in accordance
with the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs). If no comments are received,
the manual revisions will be distributed within fifteen (15) days of final issuance.
Distribution to the DGCA will be by first class mail, return receipt requested or
electronic mail unless otherwise directed in writing by the Directorate General of
Civil Aviation.
Upon review by the DGCA or after the thirty (30) days period, whichever is
shorter, the Manager of Quality Control shall sign the revised List of Effective
Pages to indicate approval before copying, distribution and insertion. The Master
Manual shall contain the original documents signed by the Manager of Quality
If at any time the DGCA finds any portion of this manual unacceptable due
to non-compliance with an enumerated CASRs, PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana
shall initiate expedited manual change procedures. The DGCA initiated change
shall be accomplished within 15 days of written notification of the non-
compliance in accordance with the procedures in this manual.

Revision Number : 01 Date : April 15, 2006 Page : 2


The Manager of Quality Control is responsible for coordinating and

distributing revisions to this manual. Revisions will be distributed to all those
assigned a controlled copy of the manual, along with an acknowledgement
The person named on the cover of the manual copy, or an individual
delegated that responsibility will :
a. Revise the manual.
b. Make the appropriate entry in the Record of Revisions
c. Insert the updated List of Effective Pages
d. Sign and return the revision acknowledgement form to the Manager of
Quality Control.
The individual to whom the manual copy is assigned is responsible for
updating this manual, even if the task is delegated. If the Manager of Quality
Control does not receive the acknowledgement form within 2 weeks of the
revision distribution, he will contact the individual responsible for the manual.
If the manual has been completely revised, old manuals shall be destroyed
or clearly marked “FOR REFERENCE ONLY.”

Reference :
CASR Part 145, Section 145.161 through 145.163

3.3 Personnel

3.3.1 Employee Certificates

Whenever PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana determines that an
individual certificate is required for the performance of duties, it may
initiate the application for that employee to become a mechanic
certificated under Part 65 of the CASRs.
Moreover, PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana will attempt to collect the
certificate of any mechanic when they are no longer employed by the
company. However, it should be noted that a mechanic certificate is only

Revision Number : 01 Date : April 15, 2006 Page : 3


valid for the work performed within the scope of assigned duties at
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana.

3.3.2 Employee Qualifications

Employee are hired to perform maintenance on civil aviation articles
based upon their knowledge and experience. The employee’s initial
qualifications are determined by employment history, training,
certification, knowledge, experience, and practical tests.
Job assignments, including the performance of maintenance,
inspection or supervision, are based upon the employee’s initial
qualifications. Additionally, the employee qualifications listed in this
manual will be the basis for determining the initial and recurrent training

3.3.3 Mechanic
Prior to being authorized to perform supervised maintenance,
preventive maintenance, or alterations duties, PT. Rekatama Putra
Gegana shall determine that the individual :
a. Has experience, through training, knowledge, employment history or
practical tests necessary to perform the scope of work assigned.
b. Is proficient in using the tools, equipment, and inspection aids
applicable to the scope of work assigned.
c. Understands the methods, techniques, and practices outlined in the
manufacturer’s maintenance documents, and other data acceptable to
or approved by the DGCA.
d. Understands the procedures set forth in this manual for documenting
the work performed.

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3.3.4 Rosters and Roster Records

a. Roster Records
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana maintains a roster of all
managerial, supervisory and inspection personnel that have
responsibility for compliance with the CASRs. For each person on the
roster, PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana maintains current the following
information :
• Present title and scope of employment.
• Total years of experience in the type of work assigned by
reference to the date the experience started.
• Employment history, including name of previous employer and
length of employment by month and year.
• Type and number of any certificate held along with any ratings or
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana, through the Quality Control
Manager, will revise the roster within 5 business days in the following
• Termination of employment.
• Assignment of a new person to the inspection team.
• Changes in current title or scope of employment.
• Personnel additions.
The Quality Control Manager will maintain the roster and make it
available for review by all employees.

b. PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana Roster

PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana shall keep a roster for managerial,
supervisory, and inspection personnel that will include the name of
individual, the individual’s title, the person’s inspection authority
(preliminary, in-process, final and approval for return to service) and/
or responsibility (management or technical supervision) and a sample
of the person’s stamp, initial or signature.

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The Quality Control Manager is responsible for ensuring the

roster is kept current. Each supervisor and manager who becomes
aware of a change in personnel, termination or change in assignment
that would affect the roster must notify the Quality Control Manager
by e-mail, telephone or in-person. The Quality Control Manager will
obtain the required information necessary to update the roster within
five (5) business days of any change.

3.3.5 Training Program

The Quality Control Manager is responsible for managing the
training program and will be responsible for ensuring that revisions are
submitted to DGCA for review and approval.
All training program in PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana will be
accomplished by resources management or manufacturer field service
representative under coordination with PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana
management or other qualified training center, except for the inspection
personnel training program is established by chief inspector of
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana to improve the specialized skills for
supporting function of the maintenance workshops.
To achieve the quality standard, it is needed to create a
development program plan of training method, establish a guideline for
the qualification and certification personnel, which is expected to give an
optimal achievement of the results.
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana’s Accountable Manager is responsible
for ensuring that adequate numbers of personnel are available to
accomplish the types of work authorized under the AMO certificate.
These personnel must have detailed knowledge of the particular
maintenance function or technique they are involved in, based on formal
training or extensive experience.
All employees, including inspection personnel, shall receive training
as determined necessary for the qualifications and performance of their

Revision Number : 02 Date : December 21, 2006 Page : 6


work assignment. Initial and/or recurrent training may be required as

determined by the nature of the work, the qualifications necessary for
the position, experience, knowledge, certification, and previous training
of the individual. Training may be on the job or by classroom instruction.
All employees shall receive continual on the job training on parts
handling, cleaning, and identication; the requirements of this manual and
standard practice manuals relating to their job assignment; the general
policies and procedures of this AMO and the applicability of the CASRs to
the work performed by PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana.
To support this process, PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana maintains in
its personnel records the basic qualifications, training, and experience of
its maintenance technicians, supervisors, and managers. The records
shall indicate the type of training method, duration of each session, date
each segment or session was completed, the location of each session,
any certificates received, completion or passage or any testing of any
required, the name of the trainer or instructor and his qualifications if
pertinent. Most training will be recorded on the appropriate AMO,
however, any documentation establishing the information listed above
may be used to the determine an employee’s qualifications for any job
Training records will be maintained as long as the individual
accomplishes work for PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana and for at least
2 years thereafter.
When PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana’s maintenance Training Program
becomes an DGCA-approved program, all revisions must also be
approved by the DGCA before implementation.
The Manager of Quality Control is responsible for continuously
evaluating the training program to ensure it meets all of PT. Rekatama
Putra Gegana’s needs and the applicable CASRs. If a change is required
or desirable, the Manager of Quality Control will develop a proposed

Revision Number : 02 Date : December 21, 2006 Page : 7


revision to the training program and transmit it to the Accountable

Manager for approval.
Once approved by the Accountable Manager, a copy of the draft
revision will be sent to the DGCA Office with oversight responsibility for
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana for approval. After receiving DGCA approval,
the Manager of Quality Control will create a final manual revision, taking
into account any DGCA recommendations or requirements. The revision
will then be distributed in a manner similar to the distribution of this

3.3.6 Inspection Personnel

Inspection personnel are required to be adequately trained and
qualified to support the various maintenance activities. Such training shall
be in accordance with the policies and procedures as laid down in par
3.3.5 Training Program.
Apart from above training, inspection personnel are required to be
thoroughly familiar with all inspection methods, techniques and
equipment used in their area of responsibility to determine the quality of
airworthiness of an article undergoing maintenance, repair or alterations.
All personnel must also maintain proficiency in the use of the
various types of inspection aids to be used for inspection of the particular
items undergoing inspection. Available data for all inspection personnel
are current specifications involving inspection tolerances, limits, and
procedures as set forth by manufacturer of the product undergoing
inspection and other forms of inspection information such as DGCA
airworthiness directives, manufacturer’s service letters etc.
Files of maintenance manuals, engineering letters, service letters,
etc. are maintained in the applicable work areas and the master copies
are held in Quality Control Manager office.
All inspection personnel of PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana are required
to be thoroughly familiar with the requirements of this manual, DGCA

Revision Number : 02 Date : December 21, 2006 Page : 8


regulations, airworthiness directives and advisory circulars,

manufacturer’s service letters and bulletins and engineering orders.
The basic inspection system requires workshop mechanic to sign
their last name for work performed by them prior to submitting the item
to inspectors for final acceptance. Inspectors will indicate their
acceptance of work performed by using the inspector’s acceptance stamp
next to the item on the work forms.

Reference :
CASR Part 145, Section 145.209(d) and 145.215

3.4 Certificate Limitations and Privileges

PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana may maintain and alter any of the articles
covered by its ratings and approve for return to service those articles. If there
are any special technical data, equipment, personnel or facilities required,
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana must also have those available.
For work that PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana accomplishes at a location other
than its fixed location, it must follow the procedures described in this manual.
All major repairs and major alterations must be accomplished with data
approved by the DGCA.
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana AMO with limited rating will perform
maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration if it is listed on a current
capability list acceptable to the DGCA or on the AMO’s Operation Specifications
(Appendix 1 Capability List).
The Quality Manager will be conducting self-evaluation for each revision on
capability list (use form capability evaluation), to determine that PT. Rekatama
Putra Gegana has all of the housing, facilities, equipment, materials, technical
data, process, and trained personnel in place to perform the work on the article
as required by CASR Part 145.

Revision Number : 02 Date : December 21, 2006 Page : 9


Upon listing an additional article on its capability list, the Quality Manager
will be notifying DGCA and provide the copy of the revised list for DGCA

Reference :
CASR Part 145, Section 145.203

3.5 Performance of Work at a Location Other Than the Approved

Maintenance Organization
Generally, PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana does not perform maintenance,
preventive maintenance, or alteration at a location other than its fixed location.
If a customer requests such a work, PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana will notify the
DGCA in writing, explaining the circumstances triggering the need to work at a
location other than the AMO fixed location. The request and approval
documents shall then be filed in the articles work order package.
The Manager of Quality Control is responsible for ensuring that the above
steps are followed.
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana will perform work away from its fixed location
on a recurring basis. This work will be performed under the procedures set forth
in this manual.
Only the Accountable Manager or Quality Control Manager may initiate the
forms associated with performing work at a location other than the AMO. It
should be noted, however, that the work order package may be initiated and
completed after the maintenance has been accomplished and will include only
those forms applicable to the job work scope.
The work scope shall be limited to those maintenance or inspection actions
that can be accomplished with personnel, equipment, material, tooling, and
technical data that can be transported to or are available where the
maintenance will be performed. Therefore, upon initiation of a request for off-
location work, the Accountable Manager or Quality Control Manager shall
request that the customer provide as detailed a description as possible of the

Revision Number : 02 Date : December 21, 2006 Page : 10


discrepancy(ies), as well as the location of the article. This information shall be

recorded along with a list of the required personnel, equipment, tooling, and
data needed to accomplish the anticipated work scope.
Only mechanic specifically familiar with and capable of performing the
work scope anticipated shall be assigned to perform the maintenance requested.
The Accountable Manager or Quality Control Manager will assign the
technicians. The Accountable Manager or Quality Control Manager shall ensure
that the personnel, equipment, tooling, and data necessary to accomplish the
requested work scope (including the pertinent sections of this manual) are made
available to the mechanic. The Accountable Manager or Quality Control Manager
shall ensure that there is adequate and continual communication between the
mechanic in the field and the AMO.
Upon arrival, the mechanic shall determine that the location where the
work is to be performed is safe and protected from the elements as required by
the applicable maintenance data. The exact location of where the work is
actually performed shall be documented. If any equipment is used during
maintenance other than that originally listed by the Accountable Manager or
Quality Control Manager, the technicians will record the use of that equipment
by listing that by nomenclature, type, manufacturer, and date of last calibration,
as applicable.
Documentation of the work performed may be recorded in the aircraft and/
or propeller log in accordance with CASRs. However, a record of the work
performed shall also be entered for inclusion into the Work Order Package which
will be generated, to the extent necessary, in accordance with the procedures
outlined in this manual. Normally, a Form RPG 06 Work Order will not be
generated for work performed at a location other than the AMO. However, if a
Form RPG 06 Work Order is generated, it will be completed as outlined in this
Any article or part thereof removed from the outside location and
transported to the AMO for a more complete work scope, shall be routed

Revision Number : 01 Date : April 15, 2006 Page : 11


through the repair station in accordance with the procedures set forth in this
AMO manual.

Reference :
CASR Part 145, Section 145.223

3.6 Inspection by The DGCA

PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana will allow the DGCA to inspect the inspection
system, records, and procedures to determine compliance with CASRs at any
reasonable time. PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana will ensure, through the wording
in its contract/purchase orders with any individual or organization to whom it
contracts maintenance functions which does not hold an DGCA certificate, that
the DGCA is permitted to inspect that contractor while work is being performed
on the AMO’s behalf. Any required coordination during DGCA inspections will be
responsibility of the Manager of Quality Control. This function may be delegated
as approriate.

Reference :
CASR Part 145, Section 145.103 through 145.109

3.7 Maintenance of Personnel, Housing, Facilities, Equipment, Materials,

and Technical Data
PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana shall maintain personnel, housing, facilities,
equipment, materials, and technical data at least equal in terms of quality and
quantity as when they were found by the DGCA to meet applicable requirements
for the issuance of the certificate and ratings. Additional and more detailed
information concerning personnel, housing, facilities, equipment, materials, and
technical data can be found in this manual.

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Reference :
CASR Part 145, Section 145.5

3.8 Availability of Certificate

PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana certificate shall be made available to the
public and the DGCA for inspection. The Manager of Quality Control is
responsible for responding to such DGCA requests.

Reference :
CASR Part 43, Section 43.9
CASR Part 145, Section 145.209(i) and 145.219
3.9 Record of Work
A detailed record of all work performed by PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana
shall be maintained for each article undergoing maintenance or alteration. The
description of the work performed shall be set forth in the work order package
documents (use Form RPG 08 Shop Activity Report).
All steps in each work order package document shall be completed or
determined to be inapplicable to the scope of work requested by the customer.
If any steps that are on standard forms are found to be inapplicable, they will
be crossed out and initialed by the individual making that determination. Also, a
brief explanation of why the step is inapplicable will be noted. Documents will
be completed by the persons performing each work step described. Completion
of work step will be indicated by the person performing the step initialing,
signing or stamping the appropriate place on the document. Inspectors shall
indicate the acceptance of the work or inspection performed by affixing their
initials, signature or stamp next to the technicians on the work order package
All records of work performed, including records of work performed by
outside sources, shall be retained in the work order package file for not less
than two years from the date the article was approved for return to service.

Revision Number : 14 Date : February 27, 2009 Page : 13


Reference :
CASR Part 145, Section 145.221

3.10 Reports of Serious Failures Malfunctions or Defects

3.10.1 Definition
A serious failure, malfunction or defect is one that is not
covered or contemplated by a manufacturer’s instructions for
continued Airworthiness (e.g., repair, maintenance or overhaul
manuals), Service Bulletins, service letters, Airworthiness Directive,
and/ or other data acceptable to or approved by the DGCA.

3.10.2 Responsibility
The Quality Control Manager is responsible for the proper and
timely filing of reports on serious failures, malfunctions or defects.
These reports will be made within ninety-six (96) hours after
discovery on a form and in a manner acceptable to the DGCA and
describe the condition completely, without with holding any pertinent

3.10.3 Special Circumstances

If the report may prejudice PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana, the
Quality Control Manager will notify the responsible DGCA office and
develop with them and appropriate disposition consistent with the
If the condition could result in an imminent safety hazard to
flight, the DGCA office will be provided a preliminary report via
telephone or electronic means.

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Reference :
CASR Part 145, Section 145.215(c)

3.11 Establishment and Revision of Capability

The Quality Control Manager is responsible for insuring that the AMO
Certificated Capability List is consistent with the AMO ratings. Before placing
an article on the capability list, the Quality Control Manager will :
1. Determine that the article is within the scope of the AMO ratings.
2. Perform self evaluation to determine that this AMO has the appropriate
housing, facilities, equipment, material, technical data, processes and
trained personnel to perform the work on that article as required by CASR
Part 145.
3. Document the results of the self evaluation.
4. Keep a copy of the self evaluation assesment on file.
5. Coordination with DGCA.
The Quality Control Manager will review and approve the evaluation
before establishing or revising the Capability List. The Capability List is a
controlled document, and once and initial list or revision has been approved by
Quality Control Manager it will forwarded to the DGCA within seven days of
creation or revision.

Revision Number : 02 Date : December 21, 2006 Page : 15


See related document of PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana’s Appendix 1 List of Current
Capability in accordance with Shop Capability Self Evaluation which has been
approved by DGCA.

Revision Number : 10 Date : December 12, 2007 Page : 1


Reference :

CASR Part 145, Section 145.161

1 Indra Manager of A1, A4 Return to Service and
Setiawan Quality Control All Inspector

2 Kaidjo Propeller A1, A3, A4, C2 Propeller Shop


3 Agus Radio, Instrument C4 Radio, Instrument and

Rachman and Accessories Accessories Shop

4 Rudi Tarudi Emergency A1, A4 Emergency Equipment

Equipment Shop

5 Dadang NDT Inspector NDT Level All area (Intern and

Hermawan II for U, E, P, Extern Shop)
M Methode
6 Djoko NDT Inspector NDT Level II All Area (Intern
Sumbarto for U, P, M, X, and Extern Shop)
E Methode
7 Ojon Darjana Specialized - Specialized Service
Service Inspector Shop

8 Rudi Tarudi Chief Material A1, A4 Receiving and Storage

Note :


Has two (2) type of stamp used in PT RPG issued to authorize personnel or inspectors with red ink.

Type 1 :
The Stamp circle from 10 (ten) mm diameter with RPG Word and numbering 3 (three) digits started
from No. 001 locate inside of circle.
This stamp is used both release work accomplishment and/or release certificate.
e.g :

Type 2 :
The stamps pentagon form with RPG Word and numbering 3 (three) digits, located inside of pentagon.
This stamp is used to release work accomplishment.
e.g :

RPG 10mm

Revision Number : 16 Date : March 15, 2010 Page : 1


1 Suyoso President Director - All

2 Doddy Bussiness and A1, A4, C1 Bussiness

Priabudi Operational
3 Indra Maintenance - All Maintenance Shop
Setiawan Manager

4 Indra Chief of Propeller - Propeller Shop


5 Gunadi Chief of Radio, - Radio, Instrument and

Instrument & Accessories Shop
6 Tarwo Chief of - Emergency Equipment
Emergency Shop
Equipment Shop
7 Djoko Chief of NDT Shop NDT Level II NDT Shop
Sumbarto for U, P, M, X,
E Methode
8 Handi Hardian Chief of - Chief of Specialized
Specialized Service Shop
Service Shop

9 Fudin Technical - Technical Publication


Revision Number : 16 Date : March 15, 2010 Page : 2

© PT. Rekatama Putra Gegana

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