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Is love marriage better option than arrange marriage?

II. Purpose:
Love is the thing that keeps human alive, it is the main core of our purpose to live. So
if Love is an option rather a feeling then it doesn’t make sense at all right? I choose
this topic because I want to make a stand for the people who are experiencing this
kind of setup. Rather have no choice but to consider it as a tradition, after all love
can’t be rushed out.

III. A philosopher’s Idea:

Socrates Idea: “Happiness comes from leading a good life.”

Yes, Happiness comes from leading a good life, but if your marriage starts from a
certain tradition and not by falling in love do you think you can be happy?

Aristotle Idea: “The effect cannot be greater than the cause.”

This explains that, an object cannot give what it does not have. So there is no effect
greater than its cause. If you love somebody then you can give that someone your
love, as if you don’t love someone you marry then you cannot give love to that person
because you don’t have it.

St. Augustine Idea: “The criterion of truth is the conscience, the little voice of God in
every man.”

To this argument, we based the truth from what we feel, if we don’t love someone
then tell him/her not to lie just so you will be a good son/daughter because you obey
your parents will. After all, you have your own will to choose and that conscience of
yours will tell you that a decision made with a lie will be your regret in the end.

Immanuel Kant: “Two things fill my mind with ever-increasing wonder and awe, the
Starry Heavens above me and the Moral Law within me.”

Two points are being tackled in this situation, the pride of the family and the love of
the heart. It is like doing the right thing when you know it is not what you wanted to
do, or doing what your heart wants to do but obey the rules given for you. It will
always be a wonder to people what they must choose in this kind of situation and our
choices defines who we really are as a person.

IV. Sources:
Handout in Logic Part 1: Philosophy, The pursuit of wisdom
Prepared by:Mr. Fernando M. Lopena Jr.

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