GE2 (Reading in Philippine History)

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Callao Mans Fossil

What is the "Tabon Man?"

By Henry Clarin &

Armandez Garma

Foot Bone

In 2007, fossils of the Callao man were found in a cave in the Phillippines Located in Penablanca ,

Archaeologist Armand Salvador Mijares discovered the fossils.

Thank you!

Tabon Caves

Significance of the Tabon man

A discovery of Homo Sapian fossils which is composed of the skull cap, two fragments of jawbones and
some teeth.

These fossils are said to be three different individuals.

The skull cap is that of a young individual, probably female.

Discovered by a team led by Dr. Robert B. Fox on the in a cave on the island of Palawan.

Callao Man

Callao Man Cave

The Tabon man is one of the oldest fossil remains of Homo Sapians discovered in the Philippines.

Named after the caves they were found in.


Callao Cave

Stone tools and hammers were found.

Most tools indicate that the intent was uses to hunt smaller prey.

Dated to approximately 50,000 years ago.

There were no tools found near the Callao man.

But cuts on bones of deer and wild boar indicated that they could have hunted and were skilled with
Stone Tools

The Callao cave is a seven chambered cave.

Part of a 300 cave system in Penablanca which in spanish means, white rocks.

Theory that the Callao man arrived in rafts but not clear where in the Asia Pacific.

Discovered a human foot bone that dates back 67,000 years ago.

Makes the Callao Man the earliest fossil found in the Asia Pacific region.

Callao man may have been a short human like species (Homo Floresiensis).

Any Tools?

Tabon Man & Callao Man

The Tabon caves were populated by people earlier than the Tabon Man.

Deepest soil deposit was dated to approximately 50,ooo years old and the youngest to about 10,000
years .

The Tabon man cave is named after the Tabon bird.

The Tabon cave is just one of 215 caves knows as Tabon cave complex.

Stone Tools

Tabon Cave and Tabon Bird

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