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1.1Background of the Study

The greatest of human endowment are intelligence and entrepreneurship. Besides man,

animals and plains, every other thing in the world is a product of human intelligence and

entrepreneurship (Ottih, 2000). Cultures and nation states, excelling in entrepreneurship

are the most developed in the world this is the case even in countries without appreciable

amount of valued natural resources like petroleum, gold and diamond deposits. Examples

of such countries are Israel and Japan. Taking a historical perspective we can see that such

great invention and monuments such as Egyptian Pyramids, the several models of

spacecraft are products of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and small business

development programs has become a relatively new and important research subject

globally. Many development scholars and professionals believe supporting small businesses

within low- income communities is a plausable development strategy to combat poverty.

Some suggest that entrepreneurship is critical to the maintenance of a healthy economy

and if economic development is to be effective, new businesses in low-income areas must

be started through local initiatives (Acs and Malecki, 2003; Lichtenstein and Lyons 2001),

(Smilor, 1997; Winters, 1997). Despite general support for microenterprise and small

business programs, relatively little attention has been given to understanding

entrepreneurship and small business development as the basis for a comprehensive rural

development strategy for low-income rural communities. The importance of

entrepreneurship as an input process of material development is becoming widely

recognized with the growing emphasis on the role of small-scale industries in view of their

contribution to employment generation, rural development and general economic growth

(Eze, 1999). Entrepreneurship is the key to successful launching of any business. This is

because, the entrepreneur perceives the market opportunities, and has the motivation,

drive and the ability to mobilize the resources to exploit it. An entrepreneur is enabled

further by education, training and experience. All these will increase his will and skill as well

as his managerial abilities. Entrepreneurship is associated with innovation and change in

business. The entrepreneur is the originator and owner of the business. He combine and

coordinates other factors of production. With his innovative ability to achieve his economic

motive he creates wealth and jobs. He does this through creation of industries. All

innovative achievements have entrepreneurship factors and element. The entrepreneur’s

innovative acumen can change the socio - economic outlook of an individual, an industry or

even an economy. He desires to out-compete others, excel or change a stagnant situation.

He thinks of how to survive and sustain the enterprise. Increasingly, however, small

enterprise development is purported to be more sustainable as compared to traditional

business attraction approaches that tend to be more costly, considering how much of the

local tax base communities are expected to give away over a period of time. Due to the

multiplier effects that accompany enhanced small enterprise development, the most

apparent contribution of entrepreneurship to increased community welfare is the creation

of new jobs and the generation of additional income as new firms start and existing ones

grow. A substantial body of evidence suggests that the small business sector has yielded the

bulk of new jobs in the United States (Acs 1999, Bates 1995, Birch 1979). Given this record,

entrepreneurship as a rural development strategy within low income Communities in the

United States has continued to gain credibility (Gittell and Thompson 1999, Porter 1995).

Such credibility has prompted government and donor agencies to expand funding for

entrepreneurship development programs and more articles now appeal in both the

scholarly and popular media about the success of this “new approach” on incomes,

employment generation, and social empowerment. Interestingly, this development strategy

is perhaps the first major economic development paradigm to be applied to low-income

areas in both developed and developing economies simultaneously. Entrepreneurial

development is a programme through which the abilities and skills of human resources are

created, and improved. It instills and preserves as climate in an economy where creativity

and productivity of persons die enhanced and values added to other factor is of production.

Entrepreneurial development cannot be meaningful without the establishment of small-

scale industries. That is, it results in small business units. Starting a new business is a

process that takes years to evolve and materialize, and so the entrepreneur needs to have

the ability and flair to take risk and have the desire to manifest it through the creation of

new business with adequate motivation. The acceleration of a small-scale business

programme through policies, and sound institutional support are necessary to identify,

motivate and strengthen the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur is responsible for

management decisions. He uses strategies to ensure steady growth of the industries He

provided authority and responsibility to

a. Select objectives;

b. Select and train potential workers;

c. identify business opportunities and

d. Approach. small-scale industries problems effectively and efficiently

On the other hand, through the establishment of small-scale industries, entrepreneurship

will be stimulated. People will be able to develop local technology with reduced cost and

also have the opportunity to identify viable investment. They are mainly in the distributive

trade, transportation, service sector and local manufacturing. We have photography, soap

making, blacksmithing, brick making, and carpentry, shoe making, weaving, baking, dyeing,

pottery, tailoring, welding, milling etc. (Umebali, 1998). An entrepreneurship is original. He

innovates and creates, he is resourceful and versatile, he is also knowledgeable, all these

variables enable him to develop the correct industry and situate it at the right place or

ensure steady growth.

1.2 Statement of The Problem

The need for entrepreneurship development in Nigeria has never been so high in the history

of the country. However, despite the increased call for entrepreneurship, it still requires

much improvement. The reason for this is the huge number of the challenges that

entrepreneurship development in Nigeria is facing today. Entrepreneurship development

does not guarantee economic development but its absence usually indicates present or

future problems’. If SMEs like (photography) are indeed the engine room of Nigerian

commerce, it would be it would be inappropriate for the government to ignore the vast

challenges these SMEs are facing in the increasingly turbocharged business environment

like the F.C.T. As the need and call for entrepreneurship increases day by day, the

development of entrepreneurship has been stalled in the last few years. This is because of

the problems affecting and limiting its development. Many Nigerian entrepreneurs face a

lot of challenges especially looking at it though the perspective of photography in the FCT,

The problems being faced by the SME called photography are numerous, Some of this

challenges are mostly problem of funding, There are thousands of Nigerians photographers

in the FCT with wonderful ideas that could be turned into a real business. However, most of

them lack the capital to push their ideas into reality. The lack of capital is the number one

reason why the development of entrepreneurship has not improved over the years.

Previously, we established that the first problem most Nigerian entrepreneurs face is the

lack of capital. Most people then try to turn to banks and other financial institution to

secure loans to fund their idea or business. But getting a loan is very difficult and most

times impossible for average Nigerians who are looking for funds to start up a business or

who already have a small business. The reason for this is that the banks and financial

institution feel it is a huge risk lending money to them. Financial institutions are not sure if

entrepreneurs will be able to pay back the loan. Another major reason why securing a loan

is so difficult is the requirements needed for securing this loans. Most of the financial

institutions demand huge collateral and high-interest rate that small business owners or

start-ups cannot afford. This discourages most Nigerian entrepreneurs and kills many

promising ideas. Entrepreneurship development in the FCT especially in the skill of

Photography has been really neglected to nothing to the extent of almost turning it to a

mere hulking job at events like weddings etc.

The field of Photography in entrepreneurship development in the FCT needs to take a new

turn, thus the focus of the study is to unfold the role entrepreneurship development in the

FCT has to play in the economic development of Nigeria focusing on the field of

Photography Even though there are a lot of barriers limiting entrepreneurship

(Photography) in Nigeria, it is still needed for the country to develop.

1.3 Research Questions

1. What is the relationship between entrepreneurial skill development and photography

2. What are the contributions of photography to economic growth and development

3. Ascertain whether government policies, availability of capital and manpower have any

impact on the entrepreneur in the growth of photography.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to identify the relationship, if any, between

entrepreneurial skill development and photography.

Other specific objectives are:

i. To ascertain whether government policies, availability of capital and manpower have any

impact on the entrepreneur in the growth of photography.

ii. To ascertain the contribution of photography in economic growth and development.

1.5 Research Hypotheses

Research hypothesis is a tentative answer to a set of research questions. It can be summed

as intelligent guesses as answers without evidences to the problems of research under

investigation. Considering the nature of this research, the following hypotheses are

proposed in their Null H0 and alternative H1 forms would be pursued to arrive at our

conclusions and recommendations.

H0: There is no significant relationship between entrepreneurial skill development and


H1: There is a significant relationship between entrepreneurship skill developments and


H0: The growth of photography does not depend on External influences such as

government policies, availability of capital and high skilled manpower in gwagwalada [FCT]

Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

H1: The growth of photography depends on external factors such as government policies,

availability of capital to internal high skilled manpower in gwagwalada [FCT] Federal Capital

Territory, Abuja

H0: Photography does not contribute to economic growth and development.

H1: Photography contributes to economic growth and development.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The emphasis of this study lies in the fact that it examines entrepreneurial development

and photography. Hence,

i. This study will expose the relationship between entrepreneurial development and


ii. It will also highlight the factors (whether external or internal) that will influence the

photography industries.

iii. It will also outline some limiting factors that hinder the growth of photography.

So the research will be most useful to:

i. Old and new entrepreneurs

ii. The government

iii. Future researchers will use work as the basis for further research

iv. Development organizations

v. Photographers

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study will cover essentially the role of entrepreneurship development, the

perspective of photography and it will take into consideration two photography studios in

Abuja namely: Zest studio and Dexter Marcel Wings Studio (DMW).

1.8 Limitations of the Study

While conducting this study, a number of problems were faced namely:

i. Financial Constraints: Such an empirical research demands much fund for its

successful accomplishment. Money was required to cover transportation costs and

materials used for the study. The problem of finance constituted a major

impediment for the smooth and thorough execution of the research work.

ii. Time Constraint: Time is a scarce resources, one of the major factors necessary for

any study or research work is time, but most often might be too short or lacking,

especially when it is very crucial to a researcher. I had not only to go and find

companies that will permit me to undertake the study there and write the project

paper, but also had to attend his normal lecture.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship is widely understood as the process of starting and

owning a business that provides goods or services to people in exchange for money. A

person who has created and owns a business is known as an entrepreneur. But some

people believe entrepreneurship is more than just starting a business. It is a mindset, a way

of thinking and acting. Entrepreneurship in this modern age involves thinking of new ways

to solve problems and create value. An entrepreneurial spirit is said to be characterized by

innovation and risk-taking.

Entrepreneurial development: Can be seen as programme through which the abilities and

skills of human resources are created, and improved.

Development: According to Cambridge dictionary development is the process in which

someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced

Photography: The art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and

especially light on a sensitive surface (such as film or an optical sensor)




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