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Options in Real Estate

Reai options valuation
by Mark Pomykacz, MAI, and Chris Olmsted theory is weii devei-
oped and often used in
financiai markets, but
infrequentiy applied in
real estate appraisai.
Reai estate presents
eal estate purchase opüons' and real opüon^ issues arise regularly in the
severai opportunities to
real estate industry and within the context of real estate valuaüon. Real opüon
empioy reai option vaiu-
valuaüon methods and financial opüon pricing models are superb valuaüon
ation tlieories, inciuding
methods. The body of knowledge is advanced in other financial industries and
reai estate purchase
offers underused pracücal methods for pracücing real estate appraisers. In some
options, deveiop-
important cases, the methods are superior to convenüonal appraisal techniques,
ment and acquisition
because they allow decision makers to more accurately esümate value for certain
feasibiiity, bani<ruptcy,
types of assets. Real opüons valuaüon and financial opüon pricing models are
abandonment, and
superior for higher-risk assets, assets with uncertain valuaüon inputs, and/
iitigation. Today,
or assets that have significant incompafible decision opüons. These valuaüon
options theory couid be
methods expliciüy evaluate the fiexibility, opüons, and choices inherent in an
empioyed whenever an
asset and account for risk and uncertainty in ways that convenüonal appraisal
appraiser advises a cii-
methods do not.
ent about a future reai
This arücle explains the concepts behind real opüons and financial opüon
estate decision over
valuaüon theories, and expands on convenüonal real estate appraisal theory
substantialiy different
to encompass real opüon and financial opüon valuaüon theories. The arücle
and incompatible risky
demonstrates that opüon valuaüon theories and methods can be employed on
choices. This articie
tradiüonaUy problemaüc appraisal problems, such as appraising the value of a
expiains reai options
real estate purchase opüon and opüons surrounding bankruptcy, abandonment,
anaiysis and vaiuation
and feasibility and development planning. Examples of opüons valuaüon are
theories as they appiy
given for a land subdivision and a real estate purchase opüon. The arücle also
to reai estate, inciuding
provides an introductory translaüve bridge between the large body of knowledge
financiai option pricing
on opüons valuaüon in the financial industries and the real estate community,
models, the Biack-
since each uses different terminology and notaüon.
Schoies-Merton modei,
reai options analysis,
Real Options
binomiai options mod-
In short, real opüons are choices that have significant and very different con-
eis, and iVIonte Cario
sequences, where the choices will be made in the future, based on future
condiüons that are uncertain as of today. Real opüons in the financial and

Appraisai institute, The Dictionary of Reai Estate Appraisal, 5th ed. (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2010), 139,
defines opt/on as it reiates to reai estate as "a legal contract, typicaliy purchased for a stated consideration, that
permits but does not require the hoider of the option (known as the optionee) to buy, seii, or iease real property
for a stipulated period of time in accordance with specified terms; a uniiaterai right to exercise a priviiege.
A real option is the right, but not the obiigation, to execute a specific business decision within a specified time

.QptionsJn.ReaLEstate_Valuation_ _The^AppraisaLJournal,,Summer_20:
valuation sense are options to choose to do either one Financial options have real options. Financial
thing or another at some future time, each choice options are a type of investment whose value is
being substantially different and mutually exclusive derived from (hence the term derivatives) the value
of the other. Each choice will have substantially dif- of an underlying asset and where a real option is
ferent financial and value-creating consequences created for the investor. The value of a real estate
where, as of today, it is unclear which choice should purchase option (which is a financial option) is
be made. The choice may be to buy, sell, rent, aban- derived from the value of the underlying real estate
don, foreclose, condemn, switch, swap, expand, (fundamental asset). A real estate purchase option
shrink, or not. The choice can dramatically affect presents the option buyer with a real option, which
valuation inputs and outputs. The choice will be is the choice to exercise or let expire the right to buy
made in the future after the valuation date based on the underlying real estate. The value of that option
the then-current conditions, which as of the valua- relates to the underlying value of the real estate,
tion date can only be forecasted. the exercise price, the term of the option, the option
As the uncertainty concerning the forecasts price, and the risk and yield. The word real in real
increases, the impact of the real options on value estate and in real options are not related."
increases. For example, appraisers know that
whether an existing tenant chooses to renew or not Literature Review
can have dramatic effects on the value of a property. Achour and Brown' in their article conclude that
As the uncertainty of the tenant's renewal increases, option valuation modeling can and should be consid-
so does the impact on value. Similarly, a real estate ered when valuing land options. The authors point
option owner will decide to exercise a real estate out that the majority of land options are used to gain
purchase option at a future option exercise date. control of the property rather than as a speculative
If exercised, the value of the real property will be investment like a stock option. They also emphasize
wholly different from the value if the decision is the potential difficulty in estimating the proper vari-
made to not exercise the option. A common type of ance to use in real property option valuation.
option found in real estate markets is the land option. In their 1987 article, "On Option-Pricing Models
Purchasing an option on land allows developers to in Real Estate: A Critique," Shilling, Sirmans, and
gain control of a property and lock in a price while Benjamin explore some of the conceptual problems
exercising their due diligence to determine if the and empirical issues with applying an options
property will be suitable for their development plans. valuation methodology to real estate.* Conceptual
In finance, an option is a contract that gives the issues include institutional forces specific to real
buyer of the option the right to buy (a call), or gives estate, such as higher transaction costs, longer
the seller the right to sell (a put), an underlying asset transaction periods, relatively illiquid markets,
at a specified price (the exercise price), on or before and the fact that real estate options are frequently
the end a specified time period (the terni). The value purchased in an effort to gain some control over the
of an option is composed of two parts: the intrinsic property rather than as speculative investments with
value of the option and the time value of the option, an intent to arbitrage ñuctuaüons in the price of the
which is primarily related to the uncertainty of underlying asset. Empirical issues include practical
future price movements of the underlying asset. This difficulties in applying option pricing models to real
uncertainty is itself based on a number of factors, estate, such as measuring the current value of the
including the time (or term) of the option remaining underlying asset, measuring the variance applicable
until expiration, the difference between the exercise to the underlying asset, and collecting relevant
price and the value of the underlying asset, and the data to the problem at hand. The authors conclude
future volaühty of the value of the underlying asset.' that while a variety of real estate decisions can be

3. The volatility of the value of the asset is frequently described in terms of the sigma (a), which is the standard deviation of the value or returns.
4. The words option in real option and in financial option or stock option ate related, but there are distinctions that will not be explored here.
5. Dominique Achour and Robert L. Brown, "Appraising Land Options," The Real Estate Appraiser and Analyst 50, no. 2 (Summer 1984): 62—66.
6. James D. Shilling, C. F. Sirmans, and John D. Benjamin, "On Option-Pricing Models in Real Estate: A Critique,' AREUEA Journal 15, no. 1 (1987):

JThe.Appraisal Journal,_Summer_2013_
modeled using options-pricing techniques, special are knowable and the outcomes do not change
consideration needs to be given to the conceptual, once forecasted. This is why real estate valuation
practical, and empirical issues that arise. has fraditionally been described as deterministic.
Most real estate decisions do not present material As the ColweU and ColweU article indicates, ff the
real options. In most cases, lowering the rental rate interim highest and best use of a parcel is as a farm,
by one dollar will not dramatically change the value its fundamental or infrinsic value is based on the
of a property and tbe owner's actions. Usually the productivity of the farm use but only if the fundamentals
property's rental rate will decline modestiy by one do not change. However, if yearsfromnow the highest
dollar and its value will decline proportionally, and best use might change to something that creates a
modestly, and without significant consequence. higher value, say a residential subdivision, tben a seUer
On some occasions, however, the loss of that one today should seU at a value indicated by productivity of
dollar will drive the property into bankruptcy, and tbe farm use plus the incremental value enhancement
tben there is a real option to be accounted for in the from the potential for the change in use. Such a buyer
valuation exercise, because deciding today about is acquiring the value of the farm productivity and the
what to do about a future going concern is different value of the option on the potential for a change.
than dealing wdth a future bankruptcy. When option value actuaUy exists, it is infrinsicaUy
ColweU and ColweU present anotber way to think refiected in the sales comparison approach (assuming
of real options in real estate: as a confribution to tbe the comparables chosen enjoy similar real options and
real estate's overall value.' Just as tbe overall value current and future highest and best uses). The income
can be broken into the value of land plus building or capitalization approach may not infrinsicaUy refiect
tbe value of mortgage plus equity or the value of cash the real options. Many appraisers are familiar with the
ffow plus reversion, the overall value of real estate reconcihation issues surrounding properties nearing
that includes options value can be broken down into a change in use. The income capitahzation approach,
components as sbown in the following equation. ff based on the assumption of the continuation of the
current use into perpetuity, wiU not reconcile with the
sales comparison approach. The appraiser can explain
where, tbis condition since tbe sales comparison approach
reflects the market's recognition tbat tbe current use
Vo = Overall value of tbe real estate does not refiect aU tbe property's components of value.
The analysis of the current use income indicates
Vf/i = Fundamental or infrinsic value of tbe the current fundamental value, while the sales
real estate comparison approach refiects the sum of the current
use (fundamental value) and the value of the options
Vopuan = Value of tbe option included in the to use tbe property for otber uses in tbe future. The
overall value cost approach wiU only reflect frue overaU value when
the land comparables in tbe cost approach refiect tbe
The notions of fundamental and infrinsic values, same real options concerning future highest and best
while undeveloped in real estate,* are weU estabhshed uses. In rare cases, when law or confracts expand
in financial options theory.*" The major difference or limit options, tbe appraiser must explicitiy adjust
is the accounting for change over time. Financial for option value in the calculations of functional and
options account for tbe fact that fundamentals can economic obsolescence or enfrepreneurial profit for
change dramaticaUy witb time, while fraditional real tbe improvements.
estate valuation theory assumes tbe fundamentals

7. Dorothea M. ColweU and Peter F. ColweU, "The Timing of Development Revealed by the Market: An Options Approach," The Appraisal Journal (Spring
2004): 122. The ColweU and ColweU article shows financial options models can be used to find the term of the investment. In addition, the article
shows the value relationship between a property with an option, and without an option and its overall value.
8. The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 5Vn ed., 104, defines intrinsic va/ue as "the inherent worth of a thing; as contrasted with an empirical measure
or an opinion of value, such as market value; a value considered to be inherently or internally associated with an object."
9. National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts and American Society of Appraisers, interrtational Glossary of Business Valuation Terms, 2001,
defines intrinsic vaiue as "the value that an investor considers, on the basis of an evaluation or available facts, to be the 'true' or 'real' value that will
become the market value when other investors reach the same conclusion. When the term applies to options, it is the difference between the exercise
price or strike price of an option and the market value of the underlying security.

OptionsJn JeaLEstate Valuatio .The AppraisalJournal. Summer 2013

If the value of the fundamental real estate is modeling. Consider an analysis of a planned
equated to the value of the cash flow during the term 12-home subdivision with the following facts: devel-
of the current use, then the value of the opüon must opment will occur in two phases, each phase is two
be equal to the value of the reversion, which is a years, with 3 homes sold per year, first-year home
different use. This perspecüve allows appraisers to prices are $400,000 and first-year total development
see that, while opüons exist in nearly all properües, costs are $375,000 per home with costs growing at 3%
redevelopment options are immaterial to the per year, and with yield expectaüons at 20%.
overall value in most cases, and the overall value is The first valuation model is a conventional
approximately equivalent. In most cases, to the value appraisal model (Table 1). Since home value
of the cash flow during the term of the current use. inflaüon is expected between 0% and 6% annually,
The net present value of the opüon is immaterially the appraiser determinisücaUy assimies values grow
small because the reversion and change in use is at 3% per year, and assumes, determinisücaUy, that
far into the future. the developer completes both phases. This approach
is determinisüc for two reasons; the model does not
Deterministic Modeiing address the potenüal for other future rates of growth
There are several key concepts to be understood for home prices, and it does not account for the
concerning real opüons, aU of which will be familiar possibüity that the developer may choose to abandon
to appraisers. The first is that different decisions wiQ the development before the start of phase two.
create different values, yet the decisions are mutually The deterministic model indicates that the
exclusive. A developer cannot concurrenüy develop development is unfeasible, because the net present
and hold for development at the same time. Secondly, value (NPV) is less than zero (negaüve $28,946) or
circumstances and events happen and decisions are because the internal rate of return (IRR) of 18% is
made at different points In üme, and many decisions less than the required yield rate of 20%. A real opüons
are made after the valuaüon date. Basic appraisal analysis, however, will prove otherwise.
theory dictates that changing circumstances and their
timings are best appraised using discounted cash flow Reai Options Modei
(DCF) analysis with discounting and compounding. The second model is a real opüons analysis known
Real opüons valuaüon theory also extensively employs as a binomial model because the opüon is an "either/
DCF modeling with discounüng and compoimding, or," "yes/no" type of decision. Either the developer
but there is one major difference. Opüons valuaüon decides to develop phase two or decides not to. This
theory is said to expUciÜy address the imcertainty in type of model is someümes called an abandonment
decision making after the valuaüon date. Conversely, options model. Figure 1 shows the decision tree for
convenüonal appraisal using direct capitahzaüon or this appraisal problem.
tradiüonal DCF analysis does not expUciÜy address There are also other types of real opüons models.
the imcertainty surrounding each possible scenario Another common type is the trinomial model, which
and outcome, and it assumes that decision makers analyzes three opüon choices, abandon, exercise, or
are passive after the appraisal date and throughout wait/postpone. If the Figure 1 example had three or
the analysis period. Convenüonal appraisal does not more phases, the decision tree would be expanded
analyze the probability of, and the cashflowfrom, each to include a branch for each phase opüon. In reality,
opüon. Instead convenüonal appraisal analyzes only land developers often have the opüon of postponing
the typical, predominate, most likely, or most represen- phased developments, hence trinomial models are
taüve of the choices, and the risk associated with other useful although more complex. Real estate disputes
possible outcomes is accounted for in the capitaüzaüon and hügaüon represent trinomial problems; liügate,
or discount rate used in the analysis. Convenüonal do nothing, settle. Real estate management is
appraisal is therefore said to be determinisüc while real trinomial: increase rents/lower occupancy, decrease
opüons analysis is said to be probabüisüc (stochasüc). rents/increase occupancy, or stay unchanged.
As shown in Table 2, the opüons binomial model
Land Subdivision Feasibility assumes (1) home prices will either grow at 6% per
The following example illustrates the differences year (Best Case Scenario) or there is no growth in
between determinisüc modeling and real opüons prices (Worst Case Scenario), and (2) the developers

_The,Appralsai _OptioDsJn.Eeai,Estate_Vâlu.atiQn
Table 1 Deterministic iVIodel (Conventional Appraisal)

Year 1 2 3 4
Homes Built 6 6
Homes Sold 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00

Deterministic Inflation 3.0%

Price per Home $400,000 $412,000 $424,360 $437,091
Sales Revenue $1,200,000 $1,236,000 $1,273,080 $1,311,272

Cost per Home $375,000 $386,250 $397,838 $409,773

Total Costs $2,250,000 $0 $2,387,025 $0

Cash Flow -$1,050,000 $1,236,000 -$1,113,945 $1,311,272

Discount Rate 20%
NPV -$28,946
IRR 18%
Feasibility Unfeasible

Figure 1 Real Options Binomiai Decision Tree

Time 0 {tO)
Current Value?
Overall Feasibility?

1 r

Year One, Time 0 (iO) Year One, Time 0 {tO)

Phase One is Unfeasible Phase One is Feasible
Abandon Project Develop Phase One

Year Three, First Option Date {tl) Year Three, First Option Date {tl)
Phase Two is Unfeasible Phase Two is Feasible
Let Option Expire / Abandon Phase Two Exercise Option and Develop

.QptiojisJn,ReaLEstate_Valuation _T.b.e,AppraisalJournal, Summer 2013,,

Table 2 Real Options Binomiai Model

Best Case Scenario

Year 1 2 3 4
Homes Built 6 6
Homes Sold 3 3 3 3
Best Case Inflation 6%
Price per Home $400,000 $424,000 $449,440 $476,406
Sales Revenue $1,200,000 $1,272,000 $1,348,320 $1,429,219
Cost per Home $375,000 $386,250 $397,838 $409,773
Total Costs $2,250,000 $0 $2,387,025 $0
Cash Flow $1,050,000 $1,272,000 -$1,038,705 $1,429,219
Discount Rate OAO/
NPV $96,476
IRR 27%

Worst Case Scenario, Assuming Completion of Phase Two

Year 1 2 3 4
Homes Built 6 6
Homes Sold 3 3 3 3
Worst Case Inflation 0%
Price per Home $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000
Sales Revenue $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000
Cost per Home $375,000 $386,250 $397,838 $409,773
Total Costs $2,250,000 $0 $2,387,025 $0
Cash Flow -$1,050,000 $1,200,000 -$1,187,025 $1,200,000
Discount Rate 20%
NPV -$149,899
IRR 8%

Worst Case Scenario, Assuming Abandonment of Phase Two

Year 1 2 3 4
Homes Built 6 -
Homes Sold 3 3 - -

Worst Case Inflation 0%

Price per Home $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000
Sales Revenue $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $0 $0
Cost per Home $375,000 $386,250 $397,838 $409,773
Total Costs $2,250,000 $0 $0 $0
Cash Flow -$1,050,000 $1,200,000 $0 $0
Discount Rate 20%
NPV -$41,667
IRR 14%

The Appraisal Journal, Summer_2013_ Options in.Real-Estate_Valuati.o.n

Table 3 Scenario Weighting

Best Case 50%

Worst Case 50%

Weighted Cash Flows, Assuming Completion of Phase Two

Year 1 2 3 4
Weighted Cash Flow -$1,050,000 $1,236,000 -$1,112,865 $1,314,610
Discount Rate 20%
NPV -$26,711
IRR 18%
Feasibility Unfeasible

Weighted Cash Flows, Assuming Abandonment of Phase Two

Year 1 2 3 4
Weighted Cash Flow -$1,050,000 $1,236,000 -$519,353 $714,610
Discount Rate 20%
NPV $27,405
IRR 23%
Feasibility Feasible

will make a decision whether to exercise the option For demonstration purposes, the weighting of
to complete phase two development during the the scenario of completing phase two when there is
analysis period. no home price inflation was computed and shown
When the Best and Worst Case Scenarios are in Table 3. It demonstrates that the deterministic
reviewed separately, results show that the Best Case modeling of 3% inflation, yielding a NPV of negative
Scenario is feasible with a positive NPV of $96,476.'" The $28,946 (Table 1), is approximately equivalent to the
Worst Case Scenarios are not feasible because both have NPV (negative $26,711) of a probabilistic model of
negative NPVs. If the developer exercises the option to 50% chance of a 6% inflation rate and 50% chance
complete phase two in the Worst Case Scenario, the of no inflation. This proves the ability of the option
development will yield an NPV of negative $149,899. analysis to discover the value of the option to abandon
Since, in the Worst Case Scenario, the development is phase two, which produces a weighted NPV of positive
closer to a positive NPV when the developer abandons $27,405 (Table 3).
phase two (this NPV is only negative $41,677), it is the In this example, the conventional DCF incorrectly
prudent management option to abandon, rather than indicates that the development is unfeasible, but the
complete, phase two. The developer should let the real options analysis proves the development is feasible.
option on phase two expire in this scenario. If an appraiser had completed only a conventional DCF
To complete the binomial analysis, a solution from and had not completed a real options analysis, the
the Best Case and Worst Case-Abandonment Scenarios appraiser would have drawn the wrong conclusions
must be synthesized. Assuming a 50/50 chance for each and would have incorrectly advised the cUenL
scenario, the development is feasible when the option
to develop phase two is abandoned in the Worst Case iVionte Cario Simulations
Scenario. (See Table 3 for the computations.) In many appraisal problems, the previous simplistic
two-posiüon assumption that inflation will be either

10. The scenario analyzing the DCF for the 6% growth but not developing phase two is not shown, because the developer will exercise the option to complete
both phases in order to maximize profits given the adequate NPV and returns for each of the 6% scenarios.

.QfitionsJn^ReaLEstateJ/aluatian- _The. AppraisaLJournal,_Summer 2Q3

6% or zero is adequate. Option tbeorists call this or typical one. To properly complete a Monte Carlo
technique "fuzzy," because, while not a precisely simulation, the appraiser would need to complete
accurate description of the possibilities, the fuzzy hundreds or thousands of scenarios, and compile
description of zero and 6% are good enough. For real and analyze the results.
estate appraisers, many appraisal problems can be Specialized software, such as Crystal Ball
adequately analyzed with fuzzy modeling. published by Oracle Corporation, is often used
In other cases, only a range of appraisal inputs for Monte Carlo simulation work. This software
for the scenarios will suffice. In practice, an appraiser allows the appraiser to analyze the real-lffe possible
could analyze any number of possible scenarios from ranges of numerous appraisal inputs, forecasts, and
within a range and could weight each scenario as expectations simultaneously. Once tbe Monte Carlo
indicated by market data. The development analyzed simulation is completed, the soffware provides the
in the example could have been analyzed in terms appraiser with value, yield, and other performance
of each whole percent between zero and six, or statistics, which are reconciled with other approaches
each haff percent, each tenth, and so on. An analyst and analyses to make value conclusions. A Monte
may wish to analyze thousands of price inflation Carlo analysis is one step in a real options analysis,
scenarios. Furthermore, the weighting or probabihty albeit a sometimes monsfrous computational step.
of each scenario could be evenly disfributed, as was
done in Table 3, at 50/50. Alternatively, the appraiser Discount Rates in Real Options Valuation
could assume an uneven disfribution of, for example, Many analysts use lowered discount rates in their
25% chance of zero inflation and say 75% chance DCFs when tbey conduct real options scenarios, com-
of an inflation rate of 6%. Or, the appraiser could pared to tbe rates tbey would use in a deterministic
assume a probability disfribution of scenarios from model. The idea is that in a deterministic model there
an area under a normal (beU) curve," or from some is greater risk and uncertainty that the actual cash
otber type of curve or slope. flow wUl not materialize as forecasted, because tbe
Unlike the simple problem in the example, deterministic model is likely to be wrong since it is an
where only the probability of home price inflation average, typical, or predominate forecast It is argued
is tested, real-lffe appraisal problems offen require that each of the scenarios in real option models should
the testing of multiple key inputs. Even in the be discounted at its safe rate,'^ because the risk of the
simplistic model, it would not be unreasonable to faUure of each of the forecasts to materialize (either
also want to analyze a range of starting home prices by substantially outperforming or underperforming
and costs, absorption rates, inflation rates, and yield the forecast)—and the impact on the value of a failure
expectations. Obviously tbis matb work can quickly to materialize—is accounted for in the selection and
become impractical for many appraisal assignments. weighting process for each forecast, and therefore, it
However, some assignments require the analysis of does not need to be accounted for in the discount rate.
thousands of scenarios.
Monte Carlo simulation is an analysis where Closed-Form Models
multiple inputs and scenarios are analyzed, from Black-Scholes-Merton Options Pricing iVIodei
dozens to tens of thousands of times. Real estate The land development example presented previ-
appraisers sometimes intuitively begin a Monte ously employed a generalized approach to real
Carlo simulation analysis when, for example, options valuation. The well-known Black-Scholes
they test their DCFs by computing different values (also called Black-Scholes-Merton or BSM") options
for different discount rates, income or expense pricing model is a special case formula tbat applies
growth rates, or changes in occupancy, etc. Then to real options concerning financial options. The
deterministically, tbey report only the predominate formula is simple to use and is closed-form in that

11. The Appraisal of Real Estate, 13th ed., 605.

12. The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 5th ed., 175, defines safe rate as "the nninimum rate of return on invested capital. Theoretically, the difference
between the total rate of return and the safe rate is considered a premium to compensate the investor for risk, the burden of management, and the
illiquidity of the capital invested; also called riskiess rate or relatively riskiess rate."
13. Fischer Black and Myron Scholes, "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities," Journal of Political Economy 8 1 , no. 3 (May-June 1973): 637—654.
Robert C. Merton was another major contributor to the closed-form model. There are many other important contributors both before and after the
popularization of BSM.

Ibe-Apprai_sjLJo_umal,j_ummer_20ia_ Options in Real EstateValuation

the inputs and computaüons arefinitein nature and While the basic BSM model has difficulty with
well-defined in valuaüon theory. The BSM model scenarios in which the potenüal outcomes form
was a major development in the valuaüon of finan- anything other than a normal distribuüon, special
cial opüons, although today numerous extensions, adjustments to the basic BSM model can be made
enhancements, and variaüons have been discov- for skewness or kurtosis. These adjustments will
ered and rediscovered. A closed-form model can not be discussed here. In any case, the appraiser can
be employed to value real estate purchase opüons. address these issues in the reconciliaüon, as would
Tables 4 and 5 present a closed-form opüons be done with any other methodology.
pricing model with classicfinancialmarkets notaüon,
along with translaüons to convenüonal real estate Current iVIarket Value, Exercise Price, and Term
appraisal notaüon. Real estate appraisers will need to Current market value (Fo) is equivalent to the stock
ü'anslate their terminology and market measurements price (So) in the closed-form model. It is estimated by
into terms and measurements that can be inserted into the real estate appraiser via tradiüonal methods; it is
the standard closed-form models. the value today under the assumpüon of the use and
Note that exponenüals and natural logarithms rights that property has at the opüon expiraüon date.
are types of compounding and discounting formulas The exercise price (K) and term (7) are provided in
and are how financial opüon analysts compute these the opüon contract Alternaüvely, the appraiser could
formulas.'* Using convenüonal appraisal compounding esümate the exercise price (K) as the current market
and discoimüng formulas wiU produce different, often value (Vo) grown at the appropriate inflaüon factor
incorrect results, depending on whether the various for the term (7). For land subdivision potenüal, the
rates are aU periodic or continuous. current market value (Fo or 5o), could be perceived
The BSM model assumes a normal bell curve as the value of the land, assuming approvals are not
for the chances of the scenarios. In real estate, both obtained, and the exercise price (Ä)—the market
skewness'^ and kurtosis'" occur on many occasions. value (Fo) at the exercise date—is the value of the

Table 4 Ciosed-Form Modei Terminoiogy

Closed-Form Model Comparison Conventional Appraisal

Current {tO) Stock Price Equivalent to Current Market Value of Property

Exercise or Strike Price, at a future date (tl) K Equivalent to Exercise, Strike or Contract Price of
Property, at a future date (tl)

Volatility (probabilistic) a Related to Expected Change in Market Value over A%

Term (tl-tO) (deterministic)

Riskless Rate r Related to Yield Rate

Equivalent to Safe, Riskless or Risk-Free Yield Rate n
Term r Equivalent to Term T

Annual Dividend Yield q Equivalent to Dividend Yield Rate on Cash Flows, but
not Reversion

Standard Normal Cumulative Distribution i> Equivalent to Standard Normal Cumulative Distribution O

14. Exponential and natural logarithm formulas differ from conventional appraisal compounding and discounting in that conventional appraisal formulas
are periodic while exponentials and natural logarithms are continuous. Conventional appraisal formulas typically are limited to periods of annually,
semi-annually, quarterly, and monthly. Continuous compounding and discounting assumes that the number of periods approaches infinity.
15. A skewed curve means one tail of the bell curve is longer than the other.
16. Kurtosis describes the relationship between the height and width of the peak of a bell curve and the height of the tails of the curve.

Op.tionsJn,E!eal_Estate.Valuation -The.Appraisal_J.ournal..Summer.2C
Table 5 Ciosed-Form IVIodel, intermediate and Finai Steps

Intermediate Steps
Step 1: Present Value of Exercise Price
= K X Exponential of {-r * T)
Step 2: S Discounted for Annual Dividends =s

= Sg X Exponential of (-q * T)
Step 3: dl = (Natural Logarithm(So/K) + {r-q + a^2/2) x T)/{c! x Square Root(r))
Step 4: d2 = dl-{ax Square Root(r))

Final Steps
Step 4: Value of Call Option =c
= S(^ X Standard Normal Cumulative Distribution(c/1)
- Kg X Standard Normal Cumulative Distribution(c/2)
Step 5: Value of Put Option =P
= Kg X Standard Normal Cumulative Distribution(-c(2)
- S ^ X Standard Normal Cumulative Distribution(-cil)
Note: dl and d2 are the traditionai names within the options iiterature for the derived intermediate steps in the BSM caicuiations.

land with the use and rights that the property wifi such as a BSM model, and current stock and option
have after the approvals. If these assumptions about prices. Historical volatihty is measured statistically,
value are made, then corresponding assumptions commonly as the standard deviation in historical
about risk, volatility, and dividends must be made. stock prices.

Voiatiiity Reai Estate Voiatiiity

Volatility (sigma, o) in the closed-form model Table 6 shows the classically calculated volatility
describes the potential range of the change in the of several real estate indices. They are based on the
future price of a stock. It is the measure of how much standard deviation for the time periods shown.
values could change. It is analogous to an appraiser's While helpful, complex statistics are not
time adjustment (delta, A%). The difference between requfred to employ the closed-form model. However,
sigma and delta is that sigma is probabilistic and the real estate appraiser will need to unpack the
delta is typically deterministic. Sigma describes a deterministic assumptions from their conventional
range of possible outcomes, and delta describes time adjustments. For example, if an appraiser uses
the typical, average, or predominate outcome. Most a deterministic 4% time adjustment in the sales
often, volatility is derived by analyzing historical comparison or income capitalization approach, the
changes in the stock markets, which have large appraiser wiU need to reexamine the source data for
quantities of data to analyze. Stock analysts use the time adjustment to estimate the range of possible
numerous statistical methods to estimate volatility, time adjustments. Assume the appraiser finds that
often including standard deviation, variances, and the meaningful range of potential change in value is
confidence interval statistics. Stock volatility can be from -5% to 10% annually, and the mean is 4%. Then,
exfracted from daily to yearly comparisons and then the indicated volatility is approximately 7.5% (the
quoted on an annuahzed basis. Real estate appraisers average of 9% (104% - 95%) and 6% (110% - 104%)).
rarely have statistically significant quantities of data. Numerous other methods can be used. Additionally,
Still, real estate appraisers can find good foundations just as the stock analysts employ standard deviation,
for probabilistic value change forecasts on which to variance, and confidence interval methods to confrol
compute a closed-form model. exfreme data, real estate appraisers are entitled
There are two kinds of volatility measured to limit their ranges to reasonably probative and
in the market: implied and historical. Implied practical ranges and are not required to blindly
volatility is solved using an option pricing model. refiect all possible ranges of price changes indicated

! Appraisal Journal. Summer 2013 Options in Real .EstateJ/aluatiog

Table 6 Reai Estate Voiatiiity

Case-Shilier Home Price Indices FTSE NAREIT US Index Series

Last 12 months 4.5% 4.7% 16.0%
Last 36 months 3.6% 3.7% 18.2%
Last 10 years 4.3% 4.2% 24.2%
Since beginning (1987) 3.2% (2000) 3.9% (1971) 18.0%
* S&P/Case-Shiller 10-City Composite Home Price Index

t S&P/Case-Shiller 20-City Composite Home Price Index

by the limited raw data. Appraisal judgment must be expected due to risks other than volauHty. The riskless
employed, and the appraiser must be aware that this rate for real estate is usually higher than what would
input is the most difticult to understand and estimate. be used for stock and opüons valuaüon, due to the
ühquidity, maturity risk premium, lack of diversifica-
Riskiess, Risk-Free Rates üon, management intensity, and other risks associated
Riskless rates are a type of yield rate. Since the closed- with real estate investment.
form model accounts for a major porüon of the total
risk in the volaülity component, the input for general Reai Estate Purchase Option Exampie
risk should exclude the risk captured in the volatility The role of the components of the closed-form model
component. The remaining risk is described as risk- can be illustrated in the following real estate pur-
less or risk-free, which is a misnomer, especially for chase opüon example.
real estate. It would be more accurate and descripüve In this example, assume a current market value
to label this as the low-risk benchmark or the low- of $1,000,000, an exercise price of $1,050,000, a term
risk alternaüve. It is the yield rate fi-om the low-risk of six months (0.5), a riskless rate of 5.0% and a
category of alternaüve investments and is often the volaülity esümate of 7.5%. Using this informaüon,
rate for government bonds or AAA corporate bonds. an appraiser can esümate the value of an opüon
The risk refers to the risk that the yield will not be as as shown in Table 7. Note that dividend yields are

Table 7 Reai Estate Purchase Option

Stock Price, current (tO) So $1 ,000,000
Exercise or Strike Price, future {tl) K $1 ,050,000
Volatility O 7.5%
Riskless Rate r 5.0%
Term T 0.5
Annual Dividend Yield Q 0.0%

Intermediate Steps
Present value of K, at r, I = K^ $1 ,024,075
dl = (Natural Logarithm(Sj,/K) + {r-q + o^2/2) x n/{a x Square Root(T)) dl (0 .422075)
d2 = dl - {a X Square Root(T)) d2 (0 .475108)

Final Step
Call Option Value = S^ x Standard Normal Cumulative Distribution(c(l) - K^x Standard Normal $11,490
Cumulative Distribution(cí2)

^sta.te_Val.uation... The Appraisal Journal. Summer 2013

usually not expected in real estate purchase options iVIark Pomykacz, MAI, is the managing partner at
and therefore are included in the model at 0.0%. Federal Appraisal & Consulting LLC. He specializes
in the appraisal of power plants, refineries, utilities,
Type of Purchase Options infrastructure, and other specialty properties and
The BSM solves European options, which allow the appraisal issues. Pomykacz leads the options valua-
exercise of the option only at the end of the option tion group at Eederal Appraisal, where databases for
period. Many real estate purchase options may be option modeling are maintained and options analysis
better valued using American option models, such is conducted. He has over 26 years of experience in
as a binomial model, which allow the exercise at any business and real estate appraisal and advisory ser-
time during the term. vices. He regularly publishes and teaches on complex
appraisal matters. Contact:
Real options analysis and financial option pricing Chris Oimsted is a senior appraiser at Federal
models can and should be applied to real estate valu- Appraisal & Consulting LLC. He is licensed as a state
ation, because they improve the accounting for value certified general real estate appraiser and is pursu-
and risk. The theory and practice is well established ing the MAI designation with the Appraisal Institute.
in financial markets and business valuation. Real Oimsted has been with Federal Appraisal since 2007
estate valuation opportunities include real estate and has developed expertise in the valuation of a
purchase options, development options, abandon- wide range of commercial property types including
ment and feasibility studies, and many other major railroads, power plants, oil refineries, and other com-
real estate decisions. Special knowledge is required plex properties. Contact:
as the analyses require important adaptations and
special uses of conventional real estate data.

Additionai Reading
American Society of Appraisers. Valuing Machinery and Equipment: The Fundamentals of Appraising
Machinery and Technical Assets, 2nd ed. Washington DC: American Society of Appraisers, 2005.
Rummer, Donald R., and Arthur L. Schwartz, Jr. "Valuing Real Property Purchase Options." The Real
Estate Appraiser and Analyst 46, no. 1 (January-February 1980): 13—17.

Web Connections
Internet resources suggested by the Y. T. and Louise Lee Lum Library

ABA Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal—A Primer on Real Estate Options
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)—Options Basics Tutorial
http://www. cboe. com/LearnCenter/Tutorials. aspoc#basics
Designing Property Futures Contracts and Options Based on NCREIF Property Indices
(Available to Appraisal Institute individuals by contacting the Lum Library)
Mortgage Professional American: Real Estate Option Contract Explained for Investors—How to Use a Real Estate Option Contract
contract. aspx?source=web

e Appraisal Journal, Summer 2 0 1 3 Options in Real Esti

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