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President's Report.

Easter Camp has come and gone.

Well organised thanks to Richard Marshall for finding leases.
Many thanks to Committee members who participated with
organising entertainment for the duration.
75 people, 123pcs of gold were found.
AGM has come again.
Nominations are in place.
Treasurer is in need urgently.
August Camp is on the rise. More details will be given out later.
See you all at the AGM. many thanks.

Victor Dimov.

This years Easter Camp was held 16klm north of Yalgoo at a place called Noongal,

I would like to thank Ashley from Aurum Minerals for giving us a very large area
to detect
and Egon for finding a great camp site.
I think 74 names were on the camp list and i was told 78 actually attended. The
was great as was the company.
There was a slight hiccup on the Friday when we were allowed to detect as a few
seemed to be disoriented and strayed on another tenement ,the manager told them
were a bit out with their directions and all was sorted .
Out of the 78 attendees (not all were detecting ) approximately 25 got gold ,1
1 x 12g 1 x 7g with a good specimen so i was happy with the outcome ,some stayed
till Saturday 27th April when we had to be off the tenement as drillers are due
next week.
The treasure hunt was very well attended and there were some very good prizes
2 detectors an Advantage coil and many more items for detecting.
The horseshoe throwing was as competitive as ever with husband and wife duo
Peter and
Marie taking the trophy�s .
The concert night was very good, it is nights like this when one finds out just
how much
talent there is in the club, we had Opera, Didgeridoo , Yodelling, Liz and Marie
doing a
great job as a singing/Ukulele -Harp duo and Terry with some very funny songs
having the guts for a girdle and him not looking nice naked written by himself,
on the
whole a great night.
A big thank you to the committee members for organising the event and doing
to make it a fun time.
I can give a more accurate account of how much gold was actually found when i
have got
all the Expenditure sheets in.

by Richard Marshall.
Easter Camp 2019

Easter Camp went well this year north of Yalgoo. Lovely area to camp. Most
members arrived on Thursday and was greeted by Diane and Ray Heaperman with
assistance of Alex and John Deproes. (Not sure if it is spelled correct. )
Over 70 people attended camp including a lot of new members. Gold was found the
first day of detecting, so that was very promising. And every day at happy hour,
people showed their finds. June Ismail kept track on how many nuggets there was
found, and it added up to app 110 nuggets. There might have been more that we
didn�t hear about. ? and of cause as you all may have seen on the club Facebook
Richard found a substantial big specimen with a lot of gold in. Well done
Richard. A lot of members found their first gold ever and was very excited. ?
The treasure hunt was well attended, and we had a lot of lovely prizes donated.
Including 2 treasure Hunt detectors. (See picture of all the winners)
The entertainment evening went well. Fancy dress was Ned Kelly and unfortunately
only 2 members dressed up. The Damper competition was won by Ruth and best find
was won by Marie, a hat pin. Also Marie and Peter Sazenov both won the horseshoe
We didn�t have a golf course this year. It was on the program but somehow didn�t
get done.

It doesn�t happen by itself ! We need more people to put their hand up to go

on the committee. A lot of the organising has been up to a couple of people and
it is sometimes a bit too much, so if you want to have the camp, please assist
those that need it. A big thank you to everybody that put a lot of hard work in
to make the annual camps such a success.

Lis Andersen

June long weekend trip

We met at Yanchep Lagoon beach area for the day, we could not fault the weather,
no wind, plenty of non burning sunshine and good company.
John Kemp and his wife picked the area - good choice. We waited to see how many
would turn up-before deciding whether to continue and after 10:30am decided,
whoopee enough to hold the hunt. John and I got burying bits.
In all we had 24 people attend, of course not all detected, most were our new
members which was pleasing for me to see as this gave them a good insight on
what we do socially. All tokens were found for except 2 which is fantastic but
I must admit we did not bury them deep in the sand.

Three prize winners,

� Anton Coetzee - GOLD PAN donated by John Ponton
� John Morey - ELECTRIC FAN
� Martin Smith - BUG ZAPPER

After presentation we left the sand and went to the grassed area for lunch, a
few of us went over to the Cafe for something, I was looking forward to fish &
chips but after the long wait was a little disappointed with them, not just me

Jan Roy (Secretary)

Mention that you are a member of the WCMDC and you will receive 10 %
discount on purchasers at the above location.

RFDS Donation.
Thank you to all those members who have bought my home-made jam at
the monthly meetings.
This has allowed me to once again make a donation to the Royal Flying Doctor
Service for $100.00.

June Ismail.

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