NSF Montse

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June 6, 2016

Curia Prelatizia dell’ Opus Dei

Viale Bruno Buozzi, 73
00197 Roma

Divine Favour received from the Venerable Montse Grases on Christmas Eve 2014.

Background. As an undergraduate at Washington University in St. Louis, I started

to attend Catholic masses at the Newman Center. I clearly remember the joyous
youth mass in 1999 with Pope Saint John Paul II proclaiming, “You are children
of the light! You belong to Christ, and he has called you by name... the Pope
believes in you, and he expects great things of you!” In 2005, I started to receive
formation from Opus Dei, and I was appointed a Cooperator; I was received into
full communion with the Bishop of Rome at the Easter Vigil at Stanford University
Chapel in 2006 after RCIA formation provided by the Dominican Order. During this
formation I learned about the “communion of saints,” a key aspect of the chrism of
Opus Dei.

Request for the Intercession of Montse Grases. I was married at Old St. Mary’s
Cathedral in San Francisco on August 9, 2008, and per tradition our first action as
a married couple was to pray in a Marian side chapel: asking God for extra graces
and for the intercession of Mary and Joseph. In addition, I asked Montse Grases to
watch over and to protect any future children we might have. I asked for Montse’s
intercession because she appears so joyous in photographs, yet suffered great pain
due to bone cancer and drew closer to God via redemptive suffering. She died at the
age of 17, and I felt Montse would be a good advocate in Heaven as she yearned for
spiritual children to nurture. I often repeated this intercession.

Divine Favour Granted. By Christmas Eve 2014, we had three children: Xavier
(4), Madeline (2), and Magnus (newborn). I had just moved into a new home, and I
had brought down some Christmas ornaments from the attic -- stored in large, clear
plastic boxes with pressure snap lids. I was playing choral music on the stereo and
had let the older children play in another room while putting up decorations -- I
walked back in to check on them and found the 4 year old boy, Xavier, standing

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9 1 0 . 2 6 2 . 2 3 5 9 9 1 0 . 7 6 2 . 4 0 3 6 napier @ alu m . m i t . edu
on top of the clear plastic box -- the lid was snapped shut making the box airtight
and my daughter was curled up inside, not moving. We had often played such
hide and seek games with packaging boxes -- and I ran over and freed her: there
was vapor from her breath on the walls of the box, and I was worried that she may
have suffered brain damage from lack of oxygen as she had been entrapped in the
air tight box for some time, and she was dizzy upon getting up and moved slowly.
I considered taking her to the hospital, but she quickly regained her vigor, and I
decided a Christmas Eve visit to the ER would be pointless. Madeline suffered no
ill effects, and I consider the urge to check upon my children at that exact moment
-- to be a divine favour granted by Montse: answering the petition made at my
wedding and renewed frequently -- that Montse would watch over my children and
protect them. She did just that, and I am so very grateful to have her as an advocate
here in Wilmington, North Carolina.

Sincerely yours,

Napier S. Fuller

P.S. I delayed reporting this matter until I visited a website dedicated to Montse and
realized that not only miracles, but divine favours were of interest to the Canonization
Cause. Feel free to edit this letter to improve grammer or to make more concise.

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