A Sample Daily Lesson Plan

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A Sample Daily Lesson Plan

Week #____ Time in Learning Experience/Activity TLMs needed

Theme: mi
1. Opening 15  Attendance Check; Name Cards for children in
Exercises  School cleanup Term 1.
 Health Check
2. Ethics & 15 0 T tells a story that has a moral or teaches a value that C can follow.
 Ask children to share what they saw on the way to school –a bird, an
insect, etc.
Road One – Accuracy and Correctness
3. Alphabet 5 Steps to teach Alphabet chart Alphabet Chart
Chart Review the letters already taught
0 T shows picture and says, “This is a picture of _____. T asks the C (only
once) what do they see?

2 .T then points to keyword underneath the picture and says, “this word says
_______”, then asks “What does it say?.

3. T then points to key letter and says, “the sound of this letter is: _______. T
asks C “What sound does it make?”

4.Alphabet Book 10 Steps to teach Alphabet Book Alphabet Book

1 . T asks C to take their alphabet book and find the picture that s/he showed
them in the alphabet chart.

1 C point to the picture in their own books with their finger. T checks to see
everyone has his finger on the right picture.

2 T asks C to point to the word that says the name of the picture. Check to
see all C are pointing to the word underneath the picture.

3 T asks the C to point to the letter the word starts with.

5. T writes three words on the board to show the letter s/he taught that day,
occurring in the word initial, medial and final positions. T puts a box around the
new symbol lined up vertically in the three words.
Ex. orle

6.T shows the first word and reads the same naturally by giving stress to the
sound which he taught on that day. She does the same for the rest of the three

7. C see the new symbol and they hear its sound. They are lead to see and hear
the sameness of the new symbol in its three different positions in the word.

8. T writes two simple sentences using the key word on the board. T shows
and reads the sentences naturally by using the 5-step reading plan
1. T reads the sentence alone.
2. T and C read the sentence together.
3. T asks for a volunteer to read together with him/her.
4. T asks a volunteer to read alone.
5. T and C read together.

5. Letter 10 Writing Practice Letter to be learned

formation Review letters already taught
0 T writes the new letter in LARGE size on the board.
1 Teacher traces it with finger and stiff hand movements in the air.
2 Children follow T’s arm movements in the air.
3 Children practice writing the letter on each other’s backs.
4 Children copy the letter on their slates.

6. Word Lists 10 Word Lists: For each week, there should be 20 word lists
and Letter For every lesson choose a sound recognition activity or game and a letter Needed resources for a sound
Recognition formation activity or game. game OR Letter activity.
Games & (see section on games for letter formation)

7. Math Book 25 Teach from the Number Chart. Number Chart

Teacher hangs the number chart on the classroom wall where all the children can
see clearly.
1. Teacher uses concrete object to count one. Teacher and children look for Objects for counting
examples of only one of a kind of things in the classroom.  stones
2. After counting concrete or real objects that are only one, Teacher points to  seeds
the number chart picture for one. Teacher tells what number the picture  sticks
represents and then asks “How many objects are there?”  beads
3. Teacher points to the number pattern (black dot) and says “There is one  seeds
black ball here. How many black balls are there?”
4. Teacher shows the numeral for one on the chart and says “This mark
means one. How many is this?”
5. Teacher shows the name of the number of the chart, and says “The name
of this number is ______. What is the name of this number?”

Teach from the Number book Math Game

P 1 & 2 in Oriya primer
0 Teacher asks children to have their Number book in hand and asks them
to find the number being taught today which he showed them in the chart a little
while ago.
1 Children point out the number __ in their own books with their finger.
2 Then teacher asks the children to point to the word which says the name
of the number. Children have to point to the word which is given under the
number in their books with their finger.
3 Then teacher asks the children to point out the picture with ______.
Children will show that picture by pointing to it in their books.
4 Then teacher asks children to point out the black balls (number pattern).
Children will show that number pattern (balls) by pointing to it in their books.


Road Two: Meaning and Communication

Each week has a theme, a Theme Web and a cultural math theme

8. Listening 10 0 T reads a Short story to the class Short Story

Stories 1 Occasionally Teacher stops and asks “What do you think happened next?”
2 At the end of the story, T asks C
0 “What or How or When or Where” - answer is in the story
1 “What if____?” Answer must come from the children’s imagination or

9. Shared Reading 15 I. How to teach a Big Book: Big Book

Before showing C the Book, ask questions about the theme of the book.
What experiences have they had regarding the theme
0 T reads the cover, title page, author, artist names.
1 T asks C to look at first picture and tell what they see.
2 Then T asks what the C think the print says.
3 T reads the text and praises the students who most closely guessed the
meaning of the writing.
4 Repeat point 1-4 in the same way for each page of the book.
5 Before turning the page, ask the students “what do they think” happens
6 Read the whole story with the students using the 5-step Reading Plan
7 Ask the students the two questions about the story using “What, when,
where or why” questions with answers that come from within the story, and
“what if” questions whose answers will come from the child’s imagination.
5 Step Reading Plan
1. T reads the sentences.
2. Teacher and C read sentences together.
3. Teacher asks the C who can read with me. If a child is willing to read with
the teacher, both of them read the sentence together?
4. The teacher asks a child to read alone.
5. Finally, teacher and children read the sentences together.

Activities to follow the reading of the Big Book:

 Talk about the story together
 Discuss the pictures OR
 Discuss the main point of the story, OR
 Have the students retell parts of the story, OR
 Talk about what might have happened OR
 Sequence picture cards – have some children come to the front and give
each of them a card.
 Have C stand in line, holding their picture cards up in the same order as
in the story. OR
 Write the keyword (or theme) on a card and have C volunteer to match the
card to the same word in the book.
 Children can act out part or all of the story
 Children can draw a picture of their favourite character
 Make a puppet show of the story.
 Teacher writes individuals words in a phrase and have children put the
phrase in the right order underneath a picture.

II. Language Experience Story

1. T must plan a short experience that the class can taste, touch or feel:
a. finding an insect if the theme for the week is insects,
b. making a fire if the theme for the week is fire.
c. Looking at a bird’s nest if the theme is birds, etc. etc.

2. Then they return to the classroom and children tell the teacher what they
have experienced.
3. When a child tells a sentence of the experience story, the teacher has to
ask whether all of them agree to the sentence. If they all agree, then the
teacher writes the sentence on the board. If they do not agree, then the
teacher facilitates the children to finalize the sentence.
4. In this way, the teacher writes the children’s story on a black board.
5. After finishing writing the whole story on the board, he shows and reads
the complete story (4 or 5 sentences) naturally by using the 5-point
reading plan.
6. If the T. has written the story on the blackboard, it must be transferred to
Chart Paper to be hung on the wall and reviewed later in the week.
7. After 5-point reading plan, the teacher gives pieces of paper having words
of the story and ask the children to match those words on the black board.
8. Then the teacher canplay the “Hide the Word” game by covering a word
with a blank paper on the black board and asking the children to read the
text, guessing what the covered word might be.

III. How to teach a Story Chart

For each theme, one Story Chart should be done. A Story Chart is a way by
which the teacher gets the children to tell a story that will be used as a reading
0 The teacher draws a big box on the blackboard. In the top row, the
children are asked to choose 2 characters that the teacher writes in that row.
1 In the second row, the children are asked to choose 2 places (a beautiful
green field and a big mango tree) where this story might have taken place. The
teacher writes down what the children have chosen.
2 In the last row, the children are asked to choose 2 times (today and
yesterday) when this story took place. The teacher writes these down.
3 Then the teacher asks the children to form small groups and each group
creates a story using the 2 characters, 2 places and 2 times discussed as a class.
In groups, children discuss and create a story.
4 Each group tells their story to the whole group. Then the whole group
decides which story they liked best by clapping the loudest and the teacher writes
that story on the chart. The teacher and the class read the story together using
the 5-point reading plan.

10. Individual 10 C choose a book from the reading corner and read to themselves or in small Small books
reading groups. Teacher goes to each Child and listens to them read individually. T

makes a note of the children that are having trouble reading and need extra help.

11. Creative 15 Children draw a picture of one aspect of the weekly theme and begin to write (by Paper
writing scribbling) their own story.

It is important to allow the children to draw and write on anything they can think
of related to the theme.

It is important to give the children a sheet of paper at least once a week. This
paper should be kept in each child’s file folder. In this way, the child’s progress
in writing can be seen from week to week.

12. Cultural 20 Take the Math theme for the week and each day choose one or two parts of the Math Theme Web
Math Math Theme Web.

1 2

7 Math
Theme 2
6s 4.
. 2
1. Number stories
2 5. Games
2. Comparison e . 6. Shapes
3. Measurement C 7. Song/Riddle
4. Counting o
13. EVS 20 T chooses one of the following: io
1. Field Visit n
2. Discussion
3. Activity (Science or Art activity)
These 3 things should draw out some aspect of the theme such as a science or
health idea.
14. 30 Set up your classroom with a Math activity center,
Activity Centers A Reading activity center and a Games area, and a writing area (Word trees) , and
a Drama (dress up), Crafts area (for making puppets, etc.)

15. Cultural 30 T can invite a member of the community to teach a cultural dance or song or Musical instruments
Songs/Dancing musical instrument. Older children can teach younger children

16. Cultural 30 T and C play cultural games related to the Theme.

Games  T could invite someone from the community to play with the children.

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