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In this text they tell anyone who has a business how to choose the mode of transport
of their products to the final consumer achieving a balance between time and Budget
constraints. The Budget must be the most important factor in making decisions. Delivery
time is an important factor when talking about perishable products. Choosing the reliable
mode of transport so as not to disappoint customers. The mode of transport depends on
the size and urgency of the shipment.

Road transport is cheap and one of the most flexible modes of transport but not
respectful with the environment.

Rail transport is fast and friendly to the environment and is not subject to restrictions or
delays, but it can be very expensive.

The Airfreight is the way to transport the products over long distances, but it is
expensive and not ecological.

Luggage in air transport is charged per kilogram incurring costs such as: management
expenses, fuel surcharges, customs duties, security and IVA if you are importing.

There are two types of shipping: line ships that operate on fixed routes and fixed
schedules. And the vagabonds that operate according to the demand f the people

Rolling vessels (ro-ro) transport of passengers and vehicles.



Aircraft: aero nave

Approach: Enfoque

Arrangements: Arreglos

Aware: consciente

Baggage: equipage

Budgetary constraints: restricciones presupuestarias

Budget: presupuesto

Disappointed: decepcionado

Environmentally: ambientalmente

Haulage: acarreo

Hazardous: peligroso

Insurance: Seguro

Labelled: etiquetado

Packaged: empaquetado

Perishable: perecedero

Reliable: de confianza

Shipment: envio

Supplier: proveedor

Surcharges: recargos

Voyage: viaje

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