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Nunwmm mhu gmnpm gnm phmeu md nmrhcnnnrics appclxmel early

j¤(¤nrIʼ:¤ul bmrre (l9L>$r—8ll) ¤x¤up}ihe> dm rcspunm when he

m [hc IMI {enum, mu (,({:N:l cnunrcrexanuplcs rn rho poswmivlsxy and rhe
rcnmrks dm whe Lmly rlwmry nf knw·ledge rhax can be valid mlay is enc
v\hi;h is Rmndcd on dur muh uf:nim»phy>¤es: [hc cxpcrinmucr vv pxu of r.rrann.r1rsrs` elrrirns lrbenr kn.»»»|¤d;;¤ md rl¤¤ w¤r|<i
whe ¤>.pe¤·i|mnml sysrem. Wim he hm m mmd is [hu >u~caH¤d Huseuhug
U¤¤<·minry Prinupk (mm Aroma; pluymx whndn, in irs p¤»pular inmp
Lived Experience
rl ix imc (MS world M hmgrcd and rclznwe :>h<e¤·v:ni0n And a»e»n-renr
prcmsion am lem, mms rluv ulxc insnumuus which mllblu uv m ¤l>seyvc
[he mumenmm and nhl puslximx uhh mhiml elecxrun inxcrfem wah me
(hm (hr Cxmmmusl wwm wnh his or her dmc no "pcr>¤>rmlrze" rhe
punch sueh xlmr we mn dsmvnuhu mh; one uv alle mlm hun mw: bmh an
mos! mlpcmmal Plmmnmv,» in nur livcl. \.Vlrur, fer exmnplc. could be
once. Aualog<·u~l>, une can olyiccx rlm rhs very mer ul inmveming in [he lnfc num lmpclmml and ¤b]€_L;ve rhan ~pJee and mms? lnvcn rhc elmsmheel
Hm. O{SPaCL_mm. (hm yp? rclmviry rlxenw offers us relics on An 4h¤n·
ul`;. "p»·imlcive" uilwe pyevenn [he uh nnlugisr l`mm wudying dm: people
hm M wmuu“ Mbmuty mnxely mhe speed ul`ligI1r \><}'e mmsusc rirne
m when primuc mnduiuh. meh emxslllcmmm sensei m uhduhune [hc
p¤s¤m·i»rJ mueeyr hl lumwledge bv Hmmm and Scumdx Am) elrrlrr space by yurelx or merers. 'I his mo
as n¤eamml»illly. Bm they nlm www q"_Hmmn`,c and ],c,,(: rrhreerne in nh: pe»nrvms` sense. And yer
dw nom.] Ut what c,<iS[s,,,,L,llsns ml} "el<srari:" renwpomlny Adds er qual:
leev Q2? Z''
, ~—f?·»—·1
eluuded [he mil>nAl¤¤r§ new of
malimy as exhhmlvclv aw¤llll»lc no umn md puwml Mlm mmlx me rho plumumenun ofmir¤¤e—el»n>ererm»es<
l i p s pm ml. cxmcndulm) [hd ,,;,l,;e and xmmnng efeaeh rempraml lrmension
A logne of elzlmmr meh uu mldelle
_,HW:d nmc M A {“mm,,, vg mn- Jmruelel Anrl elnnces. Same people, liu
{ ;;ml»¤d. ’l1> elm Almlm eleumpie,
Hgh; xnaluhws qmllries when indi _.Mmp|L.= MC 3lW_]}.S Pmwd no mrc: ohlnglrions wlwerens orheh are ar A
eune in i» A »v.1ve and urlmen mlm pw ,0 MMP). md, Ulm ʼ]ʻune rushes by ix hen yuuke luving {nn and
§ qlmw H m he L. ,w¤e~¤ ver {rw y,_mg5 lm"` `m>,,,u,},;,rri1$ when you erre in paln. Fven rhe qumrimrrve
nvm cl¤amemi»ues seem m e).eludc
Jlluw m budgw Um {mm porn an exnrenr¤.rli¤r pmnr nf view., i» really
meh mlm, leavmg she question "ls A m“n““mdQd0n [0 Cxarurnc and assess rhe life decisions than esmlir
ligln ll v»·;ne nl n yhmiele?" mnlnr me Um m“pm_`l prinmgcs ,n ihe lim place, l{"iime is olirlie e~»enec."
Briuigh plvllmoplnu, xnzrhzmuhlan, md swemhle winh [hc smndlrd lngie nF md [he Cxmcnmlm will gmixr rhdr ic is. ihen pznr ehvhai we ire is our
`mmm., U{ii\,;,,g dw ~·ni,c_,L[»·" rind rhe "nur yer" et our exisienee, iuenle
uud..zellphnm. lwlwwcslvn:em- mulllwm anim/m. I.n;l-n seem n> be bnrh _(,mn.m bv hmxjwc hm(|]€ nur inimcmmi in rhe everyday.
lxelullc nhlnuxvmemnhlwle mwwlwr wuunned nnd vcr neixhen exelusively. Anmhen
luml nf logie warns ulllleel hn m Hm cxmmmlm Ohm drirrxmrlzis sueh "lived lime." Thin, Albert
nlm 4l uhm here uu: nm We ¢¤ple~`mu .»> u`
nnakc >en<e ul [hn phenomenon. ,·_,,“m Hiyijhgm gn ms émcgiiry el` the Nui i>eeripati<»¤i of lʼ:n·i>, The
xulnlnm. ;n·lewrm,\

R l [wull rzm1lu.l:

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