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Mini Unit Overview: 

This mini-unit is a one week focus on biographies. This unit will assist students with the writing portion of their Viva 
projects. Students will study research about their Latino Hero which will be provided for them and will create a 
biography to go along with their 3D hero figure. Students will be able to identify what a biography is, learn how to 
pick out important information from research and create a biography paragraph while going through each step of 
the writing process.  
Workshop structure:  
Time Allotted Each Day 

Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  

30 minutes  30 minutes  30 minutes  30 minutes 

Mini-lesson   5-8 Minutes  

Workshop  15-20 Minutes  

Mid-teaching  1-2 Minutes  


Share   3-5 Minutes  

Name: R. Topete  Date: Monday October 8, 2018     
Mini Lesson: B
​ iographies (Focused on Viva) 
Day 1 

Lesson Objective:   Language Objective: 

SWBAT identify what a biography is and its purpose.  SWBAT produce, expand, and rearrange simple and 
  compound sentences when writing their research notes.  
SWBAT analyze research to find information about 
their Latino hero using a graphic organizer.  

Materials and Prep:  Checks for Understanding: 

Biography graphic organizer  What is a biography? 
Why are biography important? 

Student latino research pages 
● Students should have been given their hero 
during Week 8 when they got their HW packet. 
Biography books (ordered last year from MP)  

“Writers, today is a very special day. Today we are going to be learning more information about our Latino heroes 
to help us write a biography paragraph. Does anyone know what a biography is?”  

Teaching Point: 
Project biography books. Explain to students the purpose of a biography. 

“A biography is a detailed description of someone's life. It tells us about important events of their life, personal 
background, and accomplishments. Biographies can be lengthy so we are going to practice looking at research 
and picking out important information to help us write a detailed biography paragraph about our Latino hero.” 

Active Engagement:  
Model looking at a page of research and highlighting important information needed to fill out graphic organizer.   
Go through one or two sections of the graphic organizer together, having students look for the same information 
on their research paper. Highlight information together then transfer information to graphic organizer together. 
Once you feel comfortable allow them to do the rest on their own.  
1. Remind students the importance of writing in complete sentences when writing basic facts.  
2. Explain the process of looking at research and finding information needed for graphic organizer.  
3. Remind them they are looking at research to create their own biography paragraph.  

“Writers, now it is your turn to look at research about your Latino hero. Remember how I modeled how to pick out 
important information and highlight it. When you find and highlight your information, remember to write the 
information in your graphic organizer.” 

Whole group focus 

- Circulate the room and conference with students. 

- Assist students in finding information and filling out their graphic organizer.  
Name: R. Topete  Date: Tuesday October 9, 2018     
Mini Lesson: B
​ iographies (Focused on Viva) 
Day 2 

Lesson Objective:   Language Objective: 

SWBAT write a biography paragraph using  SWBAT produce, expand, and rearrange simple and 
information written in their graphic organizer.   compound sentences when writing their research notes.  

Materials and Prep:  Checks for Understanding: 

Completed graphic organizer  Why do we need an opening and closing to a paragraph? 
1st draft bio sheet   What is a biography? 


“Writers, yesterday we spent some time looking at research and finding information about our Latino hero. We 
organized our information using our graphic organizer. Now, we are going to use that information written in our 
organizer to create a paragraph.” 

Teaching Point: 
“Today, I m going to teach you how to transfer information in your graphic organizer onto our hamburger first 
draft paper. This hamburger model helps us organize our writing and provides structure. Watch me as I model 
how to organize our information on this hamburger model.” 

Active Engagement:  
Take out graphic organizer used in modeling the day before to help write an example paragraph. As you are 
demonstrating how to transfer information from the organizer to paper really emphasize these points:  
Hamburger Model 
1. You need a sentence starter to introduce what you are going to be talking about. (Opening) 
2. You put your details in the center of your paragraph.  
3. You need to close your paragraph when you are done. (closing)  

“Okay writers, now it is your turn to write your first draft. You are going to use the information in your graphic 
organizer to write a detailed biography paragraph. I am going to leave my model on the board for you to use if 
you need help. Please, remember to open and close your paragraph.” 

Whole group focus 

- Circulate the room and conference with students. 

- Assist students in finding information and filling out their graphic organizer.  
Name: R. Topete  Date: Wednesday October 10, 2018   
Mini Lesson: B
​ iographies (Focused on Viva) 
Day 3 

Lesson Objective:   Language Objective: 

SWBAT write more for their biography project.  SWBAT produce, expand, and rearrange simple and 
compound sentences when writing their research notes.  
SWBAT use correct punctuation and capitalization when 
writing small moment stories.  

Materials and Prep:  Checks for Understanding: 

Hamburger model from yesterday    
Writing Paper   Vocabulary: 

Teaching Point: 
“Writers, we have been working so hard on gathering information and organizing our writing using a graphic 
organizer and our hamburger paragraph template. Today we are going to take our writing even further and 
transfer our information onto regular writing paper.” 

Active Engagement:  
Teacher will model how to transfer information from hamburger template to their final draft. Emphasize 
these points when modeling: 
1. Remember to start your paragraph from the information at the top and work your way to the bottom.  
2. Take your time to write nice and neatly.  
3. Reread your work out loud to make sure it makes sense.  

Explain to students that they will be using their hamburger template to write their final draft. After writing 
their final draft they will then meet with a writing partner to peer edit and offer advice.  
“Writers, once you are finished writing your next draft you will be checking in with your writing partners to peer edit 
and give advice to make finishing touches to our writing. Once you have met with your partner you will be making 
corrections to your writing if necessary.” 

Whole group focus 

- Conference with students to help with detail and spelling/sentence structure.  

Name: R. Topete  Date: Thursday October 11, 2018   
Mini Lesson: B
​ iographies (Focused on Viva)  
Day 4 

Lesson Objective:   Language Objective: 

SWBAT write a letter to their latino hero.   SWBAT use correct punctuation and capitalization when 
writing small moment stories.  

Materials and Prep:  Checks for Understanding: 

Spiral Notebooks    
Letter Writing Paper   
● Biography 
● Paragraph 

Writers, you’ve been learning a lot about your latino hero and you’ve been working hard writing biographies about 

Teaching Point: 
“Today you will be writing a letter to your latino hero. You will have the opportunity to ask them questions. You 
can tell them about your life and you can also thank them for the work that they’ve done.” 
● Go through parts of a friendly letter.   
● Remind them of where commas go.  
● Set students up to start this work 
○ Hand out the letter writing paper 
○ Write the date and greeting and the first sentence for students. 

Active Engagement/Link:  
“Okay writers, now it’s your chance to write your letter to your latino hero. Off you go!” 

Whole group focus 

Go around and help students make edits to their writing as needed.  

Name: R. Topete Date: Friday October 12, 2018     
Mini Lesson: B
​ iographies (Focused on Viva)  
Day 5 (Flex Day) 

Lesson Objective:   Language Objective: 

This is a flex day for students to finish up their  SWBAT use correct punctuation and capitalization when 
biographies and their letter. Then, students can  writing small moment stories.  
decorate their cover page. No lesson plan for 

Materials and Prep:  I would recommend students cutting out the picture from 
Cover Page  their biography and pasting it or they can draw their 
  latino hero on the cover page. 
● Staple all three parts together and keep with you 
to have for Viva!  


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