Scenario Script Rubric

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Rubric – Scenario Script

Grade/Mark >>> 10 / A / 4 9-8 / B / 3 7-6 / C / 2 5/D/1

Knowledge, Skills & All topics (from the previous 2-3 Most topics (from the Some topics (from the None of the topics (from the
Attitudes Developed weeks) are used in the previous 2-3 weeks) are previous 2-3 weeks) are used previous 2-3 weeks) were
30% conversation. used in the conversation. in the conversation. perceived in the conversation.
Conversation has small Conversation has several
Conversation includes many
errors in spelling or spelling or grammar errors.
Spelling & Grammar Conversation contains no spelling spelling or grammar errors.
grammar. These errors do These errors interfere, on
15% or grammatical errors. These errors interfere with the
not interfere with the occasions, with the clarity of
clarity of the content.
clarity of the content. the content.
Written Script
Meets length requirement AND
(# of pages indicated by Does not meet requirement OR
does not exceed length N/A N/A
teacher) exceeds length requirement.
Script contains a clear
Script contains a vague
Script contains a clear written written setting (place) & Script has no setting (place) or
Setting & Real-Life written setting (place) &
setting (place) & background background (situation). background (situation)
Relevance background (situation). Half or
(situation). Information is Only part of the content specified. It is not relevant to a
20% less of the content is relevant
relevant to a real-life situation. is relevant to a real-life real-life situation.
to a real-life situation.

Organization Well organized with clear

Organized, but Not organized well. Dialogue is not organized and
& dialogue beginning, development
consistency/coherence is Various parts of the dialog are not in order (not
Coherence and conclusion.
not 100%. not consistent/coherent. consistent/coherent).
20% 100% consistency/coherence.


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