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TEFL Training Program

Grammar Lesson Plan

Teacher/s: Cynthia Garfio and Aisha Lozada Date: 06/27/19

Class: Grammar Level: LF/2

Goal: ​ Enhance grammar knowledge regarding count and non-count nouns

Objectives: ​(In a perfect world)​ S​tudents ​W​ill ​B​e ​A​ble ​T​o…
1. Use ​some​ and ​any​ with count and non-count nouns by using scenarios where the students would
be in a store
2. Using​ some ​and​ any​ in negative and affirmative statements by participating in activities forming
their own sentences
3. Using yes or no replies by practicing in role play activity
4. Making a request and offers in a food establishment

Lesson Theme: Restaurants and food

Activity / Skill Procedure Interaction Pairings Time

(S-S, T-Ss, (pairs,
Introduce names WC) groups of 4)

Warm Up: Scrambled 1. Start the lesson with a pair activity by S-S Pairs 5 mins
Sentences explaining the directions to the
2. Once everyone is done with
Transition to Activity #1: arranging their sentences explain why
So now that we’ve seen how certain arrangements are correct.
these words are used let’s find
out why.

Activity 1: Explanation and 1. Create and write examples on the T-Ss Pairs 15 mins
Exercise 1 board. (the ones used in the warm-up) S-S
a. Have students say which are
plural count and noncount
Transition to #2: nouns
Now that we have practiced b. Negative uses
seeing the different uses of
these nouns, let’s use try 2. Restate rules and show in the text
completing some sentences. where it states as to why we use some
and any in different ways.

3. Ask students to make up their own

sentences and say aloud to the class.
(to confirm they understand)
4. Students will then work on exercise 1
in their textbooks. This exercise
showcases sentences using ​some ​and
5. Go over answers
a. Depending on time, pick a
student and ask them for the
answer or ask them to write
answers on board and explain

Activity 2: Exercise 6 1. Explain the instructions to exercise 6 S-S Pairs 5 mins

2. Students will complete them.
conversation in their textbooks in
Transition to # 3: pairs.
Now we are ready to make our 3. Once completed, have each group
own sentences. share a few answers to the class

Activity 3: Exercise 7 1. Introduce exercise 7 from the S-S Pairs 5 mins

2. Explain that they will use the food
Transition to #4: items listed and create sentences with
We now have a pretty good some ​and ​any​.
idea on how these words are 3. They must have 3 sentences of using
used. Let’s try having a each word
conversation with a partner 4. Ask questions to confirm that the
using them. students understand the directions
5. Do one example as a class.
6. Once finished,have students share
their answers to the class.
Activity 4: Grocery Role Play 1. In pairs, one student will have a list S-S Pairs 15
or picture of what items they need for mins~
a party and the other a list of what is
Transition to Wrap-up available at the store.
Now that we have learned 2. Students will role play a phone call
various ways of using “some” where one student is having a party
and “any”, can anyone remind and one student is the friend who
me when we use each? went to the grocery store to get last
minute things for the party.
3. Using “some” and “any”, they will
determine what items are needed for
the party and what items are not and
which of these items are available at
the store.
Wrap-up: Ask students if they 1. Do a quick comprehension check T-Ss 5 mins~
have any questions about how with students to make sure they
to use some and any. understand the rules and can produce
quick examples.
2. Ask students if they have any
questions or concerns.

Lesson Evaluation Procedures:

Q and A with students

● Textbooks
● Sentence cut outs
● Supply list

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

● The lesson could finish early
● There’s not enough time to finish the lesson
● Missing a student (odd number)
Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):
● Make a list using some and any (different theme)
● Exercise 2
○ Pg. 313
○ Complete the sentences
● If there is an odd number of students, there will be one group of three or a teacher will pair up
with the students

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