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Action Research Plan on Seesaw for the Elementary Classroom

Brianne Yount

Lamar University

Action Research Plan on Seesaw for the Elementary Classroom

The topic of my research is based on Blended Learning in the classroom and focuses in

on the use of eportfolios, and then even more focused on Seesaw as an eportfolio. I would like to

know how Seesaw effects the elementary classroom. I would like to know if it has a positive

effect on the math assessments and student knowledge of math content.. I am hoping that the

proven research behind eportfolios deepening learning and critical thinking can apply to this

particular eportfolio, Seesaw, in the elementary math class.

Purpose of my Action Research

The purpose of this study is to increase content knowledge through the use of reflections

of student learning, explanation of problems using the different resources that Seesaw gives, and

collaboration with peers on the topic of math content. Reflections are a large piece of eportfolios.

Students need to learn not only how to complete the math task, but to reflect on their thinking

and how they accomplished such problem. Reflection adds to the student’s knowledge of the

content, because they are able to look back on what they did and explain how it was

accomplished. Explaining ones work is a state standard in elementary classes, and it seems to be

one of the hardest things to do for students. Seesaw provides several ways to complete

explanation: drawing, video, text, photo, link to other documents, and more. These variations of

work can help reach several different students’ learn abilities. They will learn how to explain in a

way that best fits them and therefore this reaches more students at their level. Collaboration with

others is another proven way of increasing knowledge on a topic. The Seesaw site allows

students to comment, post, respond to other students work. This will help with agreeing or

disagreeing with others. Another way collaboration could be used with Seesaw is through

working together on a project. These are all ways that Seesaw can increase understanding on a

math topic. The purpose of using these strategies is to increase knowledge of the content through

reaching all students at their level and meeting their unique learning abilities.

Fundamental Research Question

My question is: Does using Seesaw eportfolios in an elementary classroom increase math

assessment scores?

Research Design and Methods

The research design I decided on is quantitative, because the goal of my research plan is

to increase math scores. I want to use numerical data from the assessments to compare the

growth in mathematics that occurs from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. I will

use assessments to collect data on each student. This data will help inform my teaching

throughout the year. It will not just be used to study the difference from beginning to end of year.

It will be reviewed throughout the year and analyzed and students will be grouped according to

their growth so far. The students with less growth will have more explanation from me and how

to best use the eportfolio to fit their needs. I will continually check in and continually make

groups to ensure that the students understand how to use the eportfolio to help them best.

Type of Data to Collect and Measurement Instruments

Throughout the year my 2nd grade team conducts 8 module tests. These tests will be used

to collect data on how students are improving throughout the year. Many of our modules build on

previous tests and it will be easy to show growth of students on these exams. (See an example of

a module test Appendix 1) The other assessment I will use is specifically designed to view

student growth throughout the year, and that is NWEA MAP tests. These test show you where

each student stands when it comes to grade level and ability in math. It is given three times a

year and it shows growth from Fall to Winter, Winter to Spring, and Fall to Spring. This test will

inform me of the growth each student has accomplished throughout the year in math. I will be

able to see if students are making ample growth in math from Fall to Winter and it will inform

me of changes that need to be made to help students increase growth in the Spring.

How the Literature Review Informed my Study

My Literature Review opened my eyes to the lack of information on eportfolios in

general in the math class. There is ample study on eportfolios supporting learning and critical

thinking, but not enough on the specific topic of math. There was also not a lot of study when is

came to Seesaw being used in the classroom. I was able to find information on what Seesaw is

and how it can be used in the math class to increase content knowledge. This was beneficial in

my study. I was also able to find how eportfolios help students be able to articulate their learning

more and how they can apply it to new learning. The other very important thing I found is that

eportfolios can help students of all abilities with their communication and language skills which

will in turn help them be able to use language to explain their thinking in math. Because there is

little research done on the impact eportfolios have in mathematics, this will add to the existing

field of study.

Timeline of Action Research

August: I will begin implementation of my research plan. I will introduce Digital Citizenship

and what is expected of the use of technology in my classroom. This is important to understand

for my 2nd graders that have yet to use technology to build their knowledge. Then I will introduce

Seesaw and ways that we will be using it in math class. They will complete an introductory

assignment that will inform me of their background knowledge and level in math.

September: They will take their first NWEA MAP test. This will inform me where my students

are beginning and what skills they lack. It will inform assignments that I give them, and where I

need to begin. We will continue to use Seesaw completing reflections, collaboration projects, and


October- November: We will continue to use Seesaw completing reflections, collaboration

projects, and explanations. I will conduct exit tickets that inform me of where students are at and

what areas they need to improve on. (See Example of exit tickets Appendix 2) I will group

students according to their needs and give more support to those that need it and give harder

tasks to those that need that.

December: Students will take their second NWEA MAP assessment. This will inform me of

students growth and in what areas they still need improvement. I will assign tasks that they need

to complete to help in their areas of need. Students may have different tasks at this point, but we

are still focusing on being able to explain, reflect, and collaborate with others. This should keep

improving their critical thinking skills.

January-February: In January, I will meet with teammates and we will assess what areas of

content that needs to be still taught to students before their next NWEA assessment. This will be

my focus for assignments in January and February. They will continue to take exit tickets and

inform me of instruction and needs assessment.

April: Students will take their last NWEA MAP assessments. This will inform me if my action

research plan was successful and if students made ample growth in mathematics. My goal is to

have 90% of students have at least 10 points of growth from Fall to Spring. I will see if I reached

my goal and continue to work with students on finalizing their Seesaw eportfolios. I will send

links to families to view their improvement throughout the year.

May: My team and I will assess if the use of Seesaw in the classroom was successful. In what

areas do we need to improve and in what areas were we most successful. We will also look at the

previous year’s growth and see if that improved greatly with our new implementation of Seesaw.

At the end of May, my team and I will discuss our results with our leadership team. These results

will inform the school if we want to implement Seesaw schoolwide. We will reflect on our year

and give our success or failure an evaluation and proceed from there.

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

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