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Monitor loading Upon completion of discharging Check that hatch coaming and sealing bar

A bulk carrier loading The top of the summer load line mark have not been damaged by grab contact
A cargo of steel dwarf and borings. Oxygen depletion in the cargo space and Ventilation Of Steel When Atmospheric Air Temperature Is Falling
self-heating of the cargo What are the people The people are hosing down the cargo hold to clean it.
A cargo plan would NOT include. loading and discharge equipment details What do the letters International Maritime Dangerous Goods.
A combination carrier is. A ship design to carry either oil or solid bulk What do you Turning or rotating a crane boom.
cargoes What general Green.
A Good Indicator Of The Presence Of Hatch Cover Sealing Tapes What is shown A deck crane using grabs.
A GZ curve is used to Stability What is the meaning Safe Working Load.
A partly loaded bulk Under no circumstances except possibly in an What might safely Guide or tag lines, tended from a safe location.
emergency. What should you Where they are located and how to operate them.
A stevedore is working Assume problem due to lack of oxygen and/or toxic What type of vessel Product Carrier
gas and rescue with self-contained When a vessel is Zero
A stiff vessel will have a GM. Large When accurate The vessel may appear up right but may have a slight list
A Very Dusty Cargo Is Ensure That All Cranes, Deck Storerooms Etc. causing difference in the port and starboard actual drafts
After A Fresh Water Rinse, By Carrying Our Silver Nitrate Tests Which Should When ballasting Avoid ballasting all tanks together including fore peak tank
After a partial discharge carry out a cargo survey (FP) and after peak (AP) tank.
After completion of cleaning Drain plate over bilge has been fitted and then When carried in bulk, Iron ore concentrates
covered with burlap. When carrying dry bulk cargoes, The cargo is more liable to shift than cargo
After completion of discharging coal. Areas of corrosion. with a high angle of repose
After discharge of a bulk cargo by grabs and bulldozers. Access ladders for When carrying grain in the hold Paints approved for use in cargo spaces that
any signs of damage may carry edible cargoes.
After discharge of a bulk cargo by grabs, tank tops and lower hopper. When carrying high sulphur Steelwork with which wet cargo is in contact.
Damage and possible leaks When carrying refrigerated regular temperature checks
Bale capacity less When crew are working in continuously
Ballast lines to blanked prior to loading dry cargo in them When deck cargo is maintain access to moorings
Before Starting Correct Valves Have Been Opened, Air Ventilators When discharging a bulk cargo,The method of unloading must not damage
Bulk coal cargoes Flammable and lighter than air the ship's structure.
Cargo Holds Are Cargo Residues Will Not Clog The Bilge Lines And When loading a bulk carrier During loading of heavy cargo in midship section
Cargo Sweat Is Generally Warm And Moist Air Is Introduced Into Cooler When loading vehicles for carrying a minimum of fuel
Cargo Hold When loading, it is recommended Damage to the tank top and double
Cargo sweat may be thedewpoint of ventilation air is above that in the hold bottom internals
Cargoes referenced of a hazardous nature When planning a container cargo,containers carrying dangerous cargo are
Carrying Coal With Corrosion Of Steelwork In The Cargo Holds If The Cargo separated from each other
Becomes When planning to load a coal blank off the hold ventilation system
Containers may NOT contain:livestock When planning to load an iron sea water flooding must be available
Containers on Deck withtwistlocks, rods and chains When preparing a previously The ballast lines must be blanked off and the
Dangerous cargo In a secure container bilge lines opened and tested.
Deck cargo stowage allow unobstructed view from Bridge When Timber Deck access is maintained to the hatches
During Bulk Cargo Ship’s Personel Must Continously Monitor Cargo When washing a cargo Remove all traces of salt that could possibly
During cargo operations have a clear view of the work area contaminate the steel cargo.
During cargo watch keeping The vessel's draughts must be frequently When washing down The ship has a large trim by the stern.
checked and recorded. Which of the following cargoes Gas
During loading dangerous goods, the documentation:obtain full Which of the following is not To prevent chafage on cargo
documentation before loading Which of the following refrigerated Butter
During loading of dangerous goods a package Reject the package Who is authorised those ship's personnel who have been assessed as
During the draft Bring the vessel to within the trim limits imposed by the competent and are duly authorised to do so by the master as per the
tank sounding tables prior procedures as outlined in the ship's SMS system.
Eductors are used cargo stripping With a bulk ship in port,The necessary permission has been obtained from
For general cargo,bilges are clean and working the port authority.
For which of the following Loose rust all around the cargo hold With Respect The Cargo May Suffer Moisture Migration And Become Semi-
Freeboard is the vertical Main Deck to the Waterline Liquid Near The Top Of The Stow
Full reference and details relating IMDG Code You are driving Danger, or emergency stop!
Guideline requirements :following a cargo shift, the maximum heel must be You have been The necessary permits, based on valid atmospheric and other
no ore than 12° applicable tests.
Hague-Visby rules are applicable to Contracts of carriage evidenced by a bill You have just Raise the alarm and wait for the rescue party to arrive.
of lading
How much space would 300 tonnes 990 cubic metres
If the cargo loading Notify the port state authority with whom the loading
plan has been lodged
If the temperature of bulk, Seal the hold and monitor the cargo using
suitable instruments
In a 250,000 tonne VLCC, 2,000 tonnes
In a side rolling hatch cover The compression bar on one panel fits against
the seal on the opposite panel.
It is common practice for all bulk Reduce the possibilities of the cargo
shifting at sea
It is important to Salt encourages the corrosion of steelwork
Loading rates of bulk The vessel can manage with de-ballasting operations
On a bulk carrier at the Swept and checked clear of obstructions
On a bulk carrier scheduled Insect infestation in the bilges
On a bulk carrier, provided Sweep and clean cargo holds from the top down
as discharge progresses
On a Bulk Carrier, which of Steel slabs must never be permitted to rest
directly against any part of the ship's structure
Planning for a heavy lift Velle
Portable lights reduce the safety hazard
Possible shifts of saucers-filled with bagged grain
Prior starting the ballasting All air ventilators are open and free from ice
build – up
Prior to entering 21%
Prior to loading a refrigerated chilling units set to maximum cooling
Prior to loading of steel Fully secured to sea going condition with all cleats in
Prior To Opening Cross Wedges Have Been Removed
Prior to preparing ventilation
Prior to starting all air pipes are open and that the pipeline and valve system
is correctly set up
Prior to starting the hatch Risk assesment, permit to work/ enter and tool-
box talk
Prior using ship’s Crane controls are operational, limit switches are
functioning properly and weights to be lifted are within the SWL of the crane
Railway Iron fore & aft
Rigging a JumboTo put winches in double gear
The cargo residues insideBulkhead corrugations
The carriage of bulk grainthe SOLAS (IMO) Grain Rules
The final valve between Manifold Valve
The horizontal distance Righting Lever
The IMO regulations a taut lifeline on the ship's C/L
The intact volume of Reserve Buoyancy
The main problem The cargo shifts easily causing major stability problems
The Maximum Possibility Hatch Covers And Coamings
The most practical means A cherry picker.
The primary reason for ventilating maintain cargo in the optimum condition
The principal reason for cargo keep apart cargo that should not be mixed
The Recommended With Their Cores Aligned Fore And Aft
The Stowage Factor volume per unit of weight
The term cargo Condensation of moisture directly onto the cargo
The used dunnage Garbage
The weight a vessel Deadweight
Threshold Limit Value (TLV) an atmospheric sample
To conform with "best practise", No.
Ullage is the term the vertical space above a liquid cargo
Under international Garbage record book.
Under way to discharging Close all air ventilators and other openings to the
hold in question
Upon completion of ballasting All valves have been closed, tank ventilators
are in open position and sounding pipe caps replaced.

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