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Supporting Lecturer :
NIDN: 1024037101

Written By :
Morita Septi Rahayu
NIM : 1600888203002



Language plays an important role in the communication process. Someone in

communicating with one another by means of language, either spoken or written language.
Language can be used in all places, including the outdoor media, which is on the nameplate
stores, billboards, banners, and signage agencies. Examples of the language is a form of
communication which delivery is writing. Writing on outdoor media in the region of Jambi City
still found a lot of errors, both in terms of writing errors of spelling. Therefore, this study aims to
analyze the writing errors in City of outdoor media in Jambi. The approach used in this study is a
theoretical and methodological approach. The theoretical approach in this study using English
language error analysis approach, while the methodological approach used is descriptive
qualitative approach. Data collection is performed using the method of direct observation
(observation), technical notes, and documentation. Analysis of the data using sorting technique
and dressing techniques. The presentations using informal methods of data analysis. The results
obtained are still a lot of mistakes writing on outdoor media in Jambi city that does not comply
with the right English spelling.

Keywords : writing mistakes, spelling, language


1.1 Background of the Research

Common mistakes in using writing English are often found in everyday life. This is very
common in Indonesia, can be seen in the use of banners to promote a store or service
location. This triggers researchers to conduct research, why this can often occur. This study
aims to describe language errors in writing shop banner. Samples were taken in the Jambi
city with 3 samples for shop banners.
This paper is a descriptive study focused on extracting qualitative data, with the hope that
a more detailed description of the object of research will be obtained. From the results of this
study, in general it can be said that English-language errors in writing shop banners are still
often found that are not in accordance with the rules of good and correct English.

1.2 Formulation of the Research

Based on the background of the research presented above, the researcher formulates the
problem as follows :\
 Why common mistakes in writing English often happened in Indonesia public place?
 How does it related to English knowledge between the mistake which is often happened?

1.3 Purpose of the Research

Based on the problem formulation, the objectives of research are:

 To know the reason why common mistakes in writing using English very often in
Indonesia shop banner

1.4 Benefit of the Research

1. Theoretically Benefit
This research findings will contribute to the writing using English in shop banner and find
how to minimalize the mistakes.

2. Practical Benefit
Practically for shop owner who interviewed by the researcher can know what the mistakes
they have been made and can learn and fix it.

2.1. Theory of Writing Skill

Writing is the skill that processed by human being to produce his or her ideas and thought
into written-forms, although the ideas or thought can also produce through spoken-forms. It
means that through spoken forms will be transfer in written forms. Therefore, writing is one of
important skill can produce of human thought in written forms.
In Brown (as cited in Emelie and Nathalie, 2007 p.335). He state that, a simplistic view of
writing would assume that written language is simply the graphic representation of spoken
language. This is supported and developed by Hedge, (as cited in Emelie and Nathalie, 2007
p.10) who states that “writing is more than producing accurate and complete sentences and
phrases. That writing is about guiding students to: “produce whole pieces of communication, to
link and develop information, ideas, or arguments for a particular reader or a group of readers.”
Therefore, to produce a complete sentence teacher must be guiding students to get effective
Furthermore, effective writing requires several things: a high degree of organization
regarding the development and structuring of ideas, information and arguments, such as: a high
degree of accuracy, complex grammar devices, a careful choice of vocabulary and sentence
structures in order to create style, tone and information appropriate for the readers of one’s
written text.
Writing skill can be defined as an ability to communicate all the ideas or imaginations into
the form of structured pattern. So that, the readers may understand what the writers mean in their
writing. Writing is the skill that processed by human being to produce his or her ideas and
thought into written-forms, although the ideas or thought can also produce through spokenforms.
Therefore, writing is one of skill which very important in English competence. Besides reading,
speaking and listening, writing skill is rather difficult to be mastered.
Moreover, Writing as a process to get product is influenced by some elements such as
vocabularies, grammar, organization, spelling, and punctuation. i these elements are the
indicators of assessing writing. In the writing English subject, students have to know and
understand those elements. Students have been learned kinds of text in writing skill

3.1 Research Design

This research uses a descriptive method. Use of method to obtain a factual description of
the things that will be examined which are ongoing in the present. Research carried out solely
on the basis of existing facts or existing phenomena so that those produced or recorded in the
form of details such as portraits of exposure as they are.

3.2 Subject of the Research

Subject in this study is some banner from shop and service place located in Jambi city
that have writing mistakes using English. The researcher did observation directky to the field.
And the researcher conducted interview with the shop and service place owner.

3.3 Object of the Research

Object in this study is the common mistakes in writing English at public place like shop
and service place.

3.4 Instruments of the Research

The instruments used in this research are:

3.4.1 The Researcher

This study used the researcher as the main instrument for collecting,
classifying, and analyzing the data. In this research, the researcher do research,
observe, and interview the shop and service place owner at Jambi city.

3.4.2 The Observer

This study used one observer to observe shop and service place banner.

3.4.3 Audio recorder

Audio recording used when the researcher interview to the shop and
service place owner.

3.4.4 Camera
Camera used to capturing the photos from banner.

3.5 Technique of Data Collection

Data collection of this study uses observation techniques and record or record technique.
This technique is done to be obtained data directly from the object of research. Observations
were made on outdoor media at the research location. Error data taken as corpus data.
3.6 Technique of Data Analysis
Data that has been collected or identified data is recorded in the body of data.
Furthermore, the data is classified and analyzed based on aspects and types of errors. In
accordance with the characteristics of the data to be obtained, analyzing the data of this study
using qualitative techniques. This is in accordance with the characteristics of the data to be
described, suggesting that the work steps of analyzing language errors are collecting data,
identifying data, explaining errors, and evaluating

Based on data obtained in the field regarding rules outdoor media writing, many mistakes
were found the writing of which has not fulfilled the rules of writing Indonesian language that is
good and correct. The following data will be described in the field, forms of misunderstanding,
and analysis of writing mistakes based on linguistic rules.


Writing mistakes in the word should be “MEDICAL CHECK UP”

Interview with pet shop owner :
Owner pet shop said : Previously he recalled the word medical check-up at the hospital and
wanted to put it on a banner for his pet shop. But at the time of making he forgot the correct
spelling and just carelessly wrote to be typed by the banner maker.
The owner also said that he had no background in the history of special English education, only
until high school. And after asking the researcher, he intends to go forward so that the writing
mistake do not happen again because they feel embarrassed after being told the correct English
spelling by the researcher.

The right spelling should be : “SMOOTHING”

Interview with salon owner : The salon owner said she had written the correct spelling when
she wanted to print the banner, because she had already checked the correct spelling using the
google translation feature. But the banner maker was a little rushed when typing because there
were a lot of work. So that the wrong spelling is printed. The salon owner claimed to also feel a
little embarrassed. The salon owner admitted that she did not really understand English because
her education background was only in junior high school.
3. “ EXPRES “

The right spelling should be : “ EXPRESS “

Interview with laundry owner : The laundry owner said he did not know the correct spelling so
hurriedly wrote the word when he wanted to print it without checking the correct spelling first.
The laundry owner said he did not have good English knowledge and only learned it during high
school. He said in the future when he wanted to renew his banner, the same mistake would not
happen again.

 Conclusion
Based on the data found in the field and the results of the analysis It can be concluded
that writing errors in English in the writing of outdoor media in the city of Jambi are still found
that are not in accordance with good and correct English spelling. The forms of writing errors in
outdoor media in Jambi City include spelling mistakes.

 Suggestion
No reason to be embarrassed to learn the correct English. Because knowledge of good
English is very useful for us, Indonesian citizens who want or often use English in our daily

Book :

Cresswel, W . John. (2013). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five
Approaches. United States of America: SAGE Publication.

Website :

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