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INT English 4

Oral production activity units 10 and 11

Topic: Accidents!

Dear Students,

Imagine you are specialists in road-traffic safety so you will participate in an assignment of
making a video about traffic accidents and how to prevent them.

Here the steps to complete the assignment.

Step 1:
Watch these video clips just to get some ideas:
a. New Technology That Could Prevent Car Accidents (1’47”)
b. How One Driver Can Prevent a Traffic Jam (2´48”)

Step 2:
After watching the videos, answer these questions expressing your opinions and giving as much
information as possible:

 What should be done in order to prevent traffic congestion in your city?

 How can people prevent traffic accidents?
 Do you think talking on cell phones contributes to traffic accidents?
 What are people not doing that they should to prevent deaths in traffic accidents?
 What laws to prevent traffic congestions and traffic accidents should be passed?
Step 3:
Prepare a script about traffic accidents and how to prevent them. Use the information from the
answers to the questions you got in Step 2.
Organize your ideas and write your script.
Remember to use the language you have studied in units 10 and 11:
 passive voice review
 noun clauses
 adverbial clauses (adverbial clauses of explanation, time, condition and
 vocabulary about road accidents
Step 4:
Stand in front of the camera and record yourself in a video telling us traffic accidents and
how to prevent them. Practice several times before recording the final version of your video.

Here are some things to keep in mind while recording your video:
 Speak as clearly as possible.
 Smile.
 Be in a well-lit area.
 Be confident.
 Look at the camera when you speak.
INT English 4

 Don’t just read.

Some guidelines to make your video:

 Remember to use the language you have studied in units 10 and 11:
 passive voice review
 noun clauses
 adverbial clauses (adverbial clauses of explanation, time, condition and contrast)
 vocabulary about road accidents
 Your video should last about 1 minute or 1 minute and a half (1’-1’30).
 Use to make the video. Test your video works well before sending the
link. Change video privacy setting to “Public” so your teacher can view it.
 You can also use any other software to make your video.
 You have to paste the link of your video and the script (the script is referential) in the
Assignment section (Actividad in Unit 11) on Blackboard.
 Use the template below (See page 3).

This task is due on Sunday, April 28th at 23:59 p.m.

INT English 4

Oral production activity units 10 and 11

Topic: ______________________________________________

Student: ____________________________________________________________________
Course: _____________________________________________________________________

Link to video: ________________________________________________________________


This task is due on Sunday, April 28th at 23:59 p.m.

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