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English 3

Oral production activity unit 7

Topic: A dream trip abroad

Dear Students,

For this assignment you will make a video about a dream trip abroad.

Here are the steps to complete the assignment:

Step 1:
Watch a video called Top 10 Must-Visit Cities Around the World: (7´51”)

Step 2:
 Choose one city you would definitely like to visit.
 Imagine you have enough money to travel there.
 Plan your trip.
 Think about your answers to these questions:
a. When are you going to travel?
b. Are you going alone or with somebody else?
c. What documents do you need to have ready for your trip?
d. What are you going to pack in your suitcase?
e. What places in the city are you going to visit?
f. What activities are you going to do there?
g. What arrangements are you making to have a safe and pleasant trip?

Step 2:
Prepare a script about your dream trip abroad. In your script, include the answers to the
You can start like this:
Hello. My name is Patricia and I am planning to travel to Rome, Italy. I am travelling in
December. My sisters are coming with me too. I will need my passport and a visa. I don’t think
I’ll need an immigration form. The official language is Italian but I’ll speak English there.

Step 3:
Stand in front of the camera and record yourself in a video telling us about your dream trip

Here are some things to keep in mind while recording your video:
 Speak as clearly as possible.
 Smile.
 Be in a well-lit area.
 Be confident.
English 3

 Look at the camera when you speak.

 Don’t just read.

Some guidelines to make your video:

 Use vocabulary and grammar structures studied in Unit 7:

 vocabulary about travel
 adverbs
 future: simple present
 future: will vs. going to
 future: present progressive
 Your video should last about 1 minute or 1 minute and a half (1’-1’30).
 Use to make the video. Test your video works well before sending the
link. Change video privacy setting to “Unlisted” so your teacher can view it.
 You can also use any other software to make your video.
 You have to paste the link of your video and the script (the script is referential) in the
Assignment section (Actividad in 7) on Blackboard.
 Use the template below (See page 3).

Assessment criteria:
 pronunciation and intonation
 fluency
 accuracy
 task achievement (clarity and use of webcam)

This task is due on Sunday, October 14th at 23:59 p.m.

English 3

Oral production activity unit 7

Topic: ______________________________________________

Student: ____________________________________________________________________
Course: _____________________________________________________________________

Link to video: ________________________________________________________________


This task is due on Sunday, October 14th at 23:59 p.m.

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