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Symbiotic Bacteria Direct Expression of an Intestinal Bactericidal

Heather L. Cash et al.
Science 313, 1126 (2006);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1127119

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degradation and to permit p53 stabilization after 6. M. B. Kastan et al., Cancer Res. 51, 4279 (1991). 17. J. S. Thrower, L. Hoffman, M. Rechsteiner, C. M. Pickart,
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abnormalities in A-T patients (Fig. 4I). (1999). sequencing facility for support services; and L. Corson
10. R. Maya et al., Genes Dev. 15, 1067 (2001). and W. Mallet for immunofluorescence technical advice.
References and Notes 11. Y. Pereg et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102, 5056
1. C. Lengauer, K. W. Kinzler, B. Vogelstein, Nature 396, (2005). Supporting Online Material
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2. Y. Shiloh, Nat. Rev. Cancer 3, 155 (2003). 13. D. Dornan et al., Nature 429, 86 (2004). Materials and Methods
3. A. J. Levine, W. Hu, Z. Feng, Cell Death Differ. 13, 1027 14. C. J. Bakkenist, M. B. Kastan, Nature 421, 499 Figs. S1 to S19
(2006). (2003). References
4. L. A. Donehower et al., Genes Dev. 9, 882 (1995). 15. S. T. Kim, D. S. Lim, C. E. Canman, M. B. Kastan, J. Biol.
5. M. B. Kastan, O. Onyekwere, D. Sidransky, B. Vogelstein, Chem. 274, 37538 (1999). 13 March 2006; accepted 19 June 2006
R. W. Craig, Cancer Res. 51, 6304 (1991). 16. J. D. Siliciano et al., Genes Dev. 11, 3471 (1997). 10.1126/science.1127335

Symbiotic Bacteria Direct Expression The Reg gene family encodes a diverse
group of secreted proteins that contain con-
served sequence motifs found in C-type lectin
of an Intestinal Bactericidal Lectin carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs). The

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Reg family constitutes a distinct group of mam-
Heather L. Cash,1* Cecilia V. Whitham,1* Cassie L. Behrendt,1 Lora V. Hooper1,2† malian C-type lectins, with each member con-
sisting solely of a È16-kD CRD and N-terminal
The mammalian intestine harbors complex societies of beneficial bacteria that are maintained in the secretion signal. The family is further classified
lumen with minimal penetration of mucosal surfaces. Microbial colonization of germ-free mice triggers into subgroups (I, II, III, and IV) on the basis of
epithelial expression of RegIIIg, a secreted C-type lectin. RegIIIg binds intestinal bacteria but lacks the primary sequence. Several RegIII family mem-
complement recruitment domains present in other microbe-binding mammalian C-type lectins. We show bers are expressed predominantly in small in-
that RegIIIg and its human counterpart, HIP/PAP, are directly antimicrobial proteins that bind their testine, including mouse RegIIIg (fig. S1) and
bacterial targets via interactions with peptidoglycan carbohydrate. We propose that these proteins human HIP/PAP (4, 5). Inflammatory stimuli,
represent an evolutionarily primitive form of lectin-mediated innate immunity, and that they reveal such as bacteria (5, 6) or mucosal damage (7),
intestinal strategies for maintaining symbiotic host-microbial relationships. increase gastrointestinal expression of mouse
RegIIIg. Furthermore, HIP/PAP expression in-
he human gut is home to a vast consortium intestinal epithelial expression of a C-type creases in the mucosa of patients with IBD (5, 8),

T of symbiotic bacteria. Members of this

complex microflora metabolize dietary
substances, such as plant polysaccharides, that
lectin that binds peptidoglycan and has direct
antimicrobial activity, revealing a primitive
mechanism of lectin-mediated innate immunity.
a disorder characterized by increased mucosal
adherence of resident bacteria and chronic
intestinal inflammation (9). Although mito-
are otherwise indigestible by their human hosts Paneth cells are key effectors of small genic functions have been suggested for Reg
(1). Indigenous gut microbes thus make essen- intestinal antimicrobial defense. These spe- proteins in other tissues (10), the biological
tial contributions to human nutrient metabolism cialized epithelial cells are located at the crypt functions of intestinal RegIII proteins and their
and, in return, inhabit a protected, nutrient-rich base and harbor abundant cytoplasmic secretory role in IBD have remained poorly defined. We
environment. Maintaining the mutually benefi- granules containing antimicrobial proteins, in- show here that RegIIIg and human HIP/PAP
cial nature of this relationship requires strict cluding a-defensins. To gain new insights into are peptidoglycan-binding proteins with direct
sequestration of resident bacteria in the intesti- how intestinal surfaces cope with microbial antibacterial activity.
nal lumen, as microbial incursions across challenges, we used DNA microarrays to Immunogold electron microscopy revealed
epithelia can elicit inflammation and sepsis. identify Paneth cell antimicrobial factors whose that RegIIIg is present in Paneth cell secretory
Epithelial antimicrobial proteins are evolu- expression is altered by bacteria. Paneth cells granules (fig. S2). Granule contents are released
tionarily ancient innate immune effectors. As were harvested by laser capture microdissection apically (11); their release indicates that RegIIIg
key elements of intestinal mucosal defense, they from Bgerm-free[ (microbiologically sterile) is targeted to the gut lumen, which harbors large
likely play an important role in maintaining mice and Bconventionalized[ mice (germ-free resident bacterial populations. Other members of
mutually beneficial host-microbial relationships mice reconstituted for 10 days with an intestinal the C-type lectin family, such as the mannose-
by restricting contact between resident microbes microflora from conventionally raised mice). binding lectin (MBL), bind to microbial surface
and mucosal surfaces. This idea is underscored Paneth cell mRNAs from both groups were carbohydrates and trigger innate immune re-
by the fact that deficiencies in antimicrobial amplified to generate complementary RNAs sponses (12). Therefore, we hypothesized that
peptide expression are associated with inflam- (cRNAs) in sufficient quantity to hybridize to RegIIIg might similarly bind intestinal bacteria.
matory bowel disease (IBD) (2, 3), a chronic Affymetrix mouse genome 430 2.0 GeneChip Previously, we established a procedure for pu-
inflammatory disorder thought to be triggered arrays. The results of our screen revealed 149 rification of recombinant mouse RegIIIg and
by resident gut microbes. However, although cat- transcripts whose expression was changed 2- to human HIP/PAP (13). We used fluorochrome-
ionic antimicrobial peptides such as defensins 45-fold by microbial colonization (table S1). conjugated recombinant RegIIIg to look for
are well-characterized, the full repertoire of gut One of the most prominent responses un- binding to a mixed microbial population har-
antimicrobial mechanisms remains undefined. covered by our analysis was a 31-fold increase vested from the small intestines of convention-
Here we show that resident gut bacteria drive in the abundance of RegIIIg transcripts in ally raised mice. Flow cytometry revealed that
Paneth cells from conventionalized as com- RegIIIg bound to a subpopulation of intestinal
Center for Immunology, 2Department of Microbiology, The pared with germ-free mice (table S1). Increased bacteria (Fig. 1C).
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas,
5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75390, USA. expression of RegIIIg mRNA was confirmed Given that intestinal microbial communities
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
by quantitative real-time polymerase chain consist of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative
†To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: reaction (Q-PCR) (Fig. 1A) and correlated with species (14), we asked whether RegIIIg bound increased protein expression (Fig. 1B). preferentially to one of these groups. Wheat

1126 25 AUGUST 2006 VOL 313 SCIENCE

germ agglutinin (WGA) binds to surface paratively little binding to preparations of cultured from solution by incubation with peptidoglycan
peptidoglycan on Gram-positive bacteria, thus Gram-negative bacteria, including Salmonella and was retained in the peptidoglycan-bound
distinguishing between Gram-positive and typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fraction after extensive washing (Fig. 2A). Hu-
Gram-negative populations (15). Dual staining (Fig. 1E). man HIP/PAP is 65% identical to RegIIIg and
with fluorochrome-conjugated RegIIIg and These findings suggested that RegIIIg binds exhibited a similar peptidoglycan binding
WGA revealed that RegIIIg preferentially peptidoglycan, a molecule that is exposed on the activity (Fig. 2A). The specificity of both in-
bound to the WGA-positive bacterial pop- Gram-positive bacterial surface, but is buried in teractions was confirmed by using soluble
ulation (Fig. 1D). Furthermore, we found that the periplasmic space of Gram-negative bacte- peptidoglycan (sPGN) to compete for binding
RegIIIg bound to pure preparations of cul- ria. To test this idea, we performed pull-down to insoluble peptidoglycan (iPGN) (Fig. 2B).
tured Gram-positive bacteria, including Listeria assays using insoluble cell wall peptidoglycan Furthermore, we calculated a dissociation con-
innocua and Enterococcus faecalis, with com- (16). Purified RegIIIg was completely removed stant (Kd) of 11 nM for RegIIIg and 26 nM for
HIP/PAP (fig. S4). These results indicate high-
affinity binding to peptidoglycan and are in good
agreement with the dissociation constants deter-
mined for other known peptidoglycan-binding
proteins, including CD14 (17) and members of
the peptidoglycan-recognition protein (PGRP)
family (18).

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Peptidoglycan consists of extended glycan
chains composed of alternating N-acetylglucosa-
mine (GlcNAc) and N-acetylmuramic acid
(MurNAc) residues cross-linked by short pep-
tides (Fig. 2C). Because RegIIIg and HIP/PAP
contain predicted CRDs, we determined wheth-
er they recognize the carbohydrate moiety of
peptidoglycan. Chitin is composed of b1,4-
linked GlcNAc chains that are virtually identi-
cal to the peptidoglycan carbohydrate backbone
(Fig. 2C). As shown in Fig. 2D, purified recom-
binant RegIIIg and HIP/PAP bound to chitin
immobilized on Sepharose beads. Both lectins
also bound to mannan, a polymer of mannose
residues (Fig. 2D). This is consistent with the
fact that C-type lectins that bind GlcNAc-
containing saccharides frequently also bind
mannose-containing saccharides (19), owing to
the similar arrangements of the 3- and 4-
hydroxyls of these sugars. In contrast, neither
lectin bound dextran-Sepharose or uncoupled
Sepharose (Fig. 2D). No binding was detected
to monomeric GlcNAc-Sepharose or mannose-
Sepharose, which indicated that both lectins
show specificity for polymeric carbohydrates
(13). Although the C-type lectin family includes
Fig. 1. RegIIIg is induced by resident intestinal microbes and binds to Gram-positive bacteria. (A) RegIIIg members that bind their ligands in a calcium-
mRNA expression in Paneth cells. Paneth cells were harvested by laser-capture microdissection from germ- dependent manner, we found that RegIIIg and
free and conventionalized small intestines. Q-PCR analysis was performed on RNAs from microdissected HIP/PAP do not require calcium for binding to
Paneth cells from three mice per group. Values were normalized to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate peptidoglycan and chitin. Taken together, these
dehydrogenase (GAPDH) expression, and mean T SD is plotted (range for conventionalized samples is 42 results suggest that RegIIIg and HIP/PAP are
to 309). Results are expressed relative to one of the germ-free samples. GF, germ-free; Conv-D, con- pattern-recognition proteins that recognize
ventionalized. (B) RegIIIg protein expression in small intestine. RegIIIg was detected in mid–small the microbe-associated molecular pattern rep-
intestinal protein by immunoblot with RegIIIg-specific antiserum (13). The lower band in the protein sample resented by the extended glycan chains of
from conventionalized mice likely results from proteolytic cleavage at a trypsin-like site near the N-terminus peptidoglycan.
(13), similar to that described for RegIa (8). Results are representative of two independent experiments. Chitin binding activity was also detected in
rRegIIIg, recombinant RegIIIg. (C) RegIIIg binds to intestinal bacteria. Flow cytometry reveals binding of
pull-down assays in which we assessed RegIIIg
AlexaFluor555–conjugated RegIIIg to intestinal bacteria recovered from conventional mouse small
and HIP/PAP binding to equivalent masses of
intestine. BSA-AlexaFluor555 showed no binding (not shown). Results are representative of independent
experiments with three mice. (D) RegIIIg binds preferentially to Gram-positive intestinal bacteria. Dual- peptidoglycan and chitin (Fig. 2E). Peptido-
color flow cytometry analysis with WGA-AlexaFluor488 and RegIIIg-AlexaFluor555 shows preferential glycan bound more RegIIIg and HIP/PAP than
binding to the WGA-positive bacterial population. Results are representative of three independent chitin did, which suggested that both lectins
experiments. (E) RegIIIg binds preferentially to cultured Gram-positive bacteria. Formaldehyde-fixed bind more avidly to peptidoglycan than to
preparations of Gram-positive (L. innocua and E. faecalis) and Gram-negative bacteria (S. typhimurium chitin. Neither lectin bound to cellulose, a
and P. aeruginosa) were incubated with RegIIIg, followed by detection with RegIIIg-specific antiserum and b1,4-linked glucose polymer.
Cy3-labeled goat secondary antibody against rabbit IgG, and analyzed by flow cytometry. Results are Our results reveal a carbohydrate ligand
representative of three experiments. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences between Gram- preference similar to that of mannose-binding
positive species and S. typhimurium (P G 0.05). Preimmune serum controls are shown in fig. S3. lectin (MBL), a C-type lectin with an established SCIENCE VOL 313 25 AUGUST 2006 1127

role in innate immunity. As a serum protein, genes, L. innocua, and E. faecalis, and observed resulted in a decline in bacterial numbers
MBL recognizes invading microbes by binding a dose-dependent reduction in the viability of relative to a buffer infusion (fig. S5), indicating
to surface mannose residues (12) or to peptido- each organism (Fig. 3A). The number of colony- that RegIIIg is active under native intestinal
glycan (20). This binding triggers the lectin- forming units (CFUs) of each microbe declined conditions.
activated complement pathway, which is initiated by 99% after a 2-hour exposure to 5 mM As expected, neither RegIIIg nor HIP/PAP
by recruitment of the serine proteases MASP1 HIP/PAP (Fig. 3A). A similar decline in the vi- was bactericidal toward the Gram-negative en-
and 2 via interactions with the MBL collagenous ability of L. monocytogenes and L. innocua was teric organisms Escherichia coli or Bacteroides
domain. In contrast to MBL, RegIIIg and HIP/ observed after a 2-hour exposure to 5 mM RegIIIg thetaiotaomicron (Fig. 3A). This is consistent
PAP consist of secreted CRDs that lack collag- (Fig. 3A). The viability of E. faecalis declined with our observation of preferential binding to
enous domains required for complement recruit- by È80% after a 2-hour exposure to 10 mM Gram-positive bacteria and the fact that pepti-
ment. We therefore postulated that RegIIIg and RegIIIg (Fig. 3A). Thus, the effective antibac- doglycan is buried in the periplasmic space of
HIP/PAP might be directly antimicrobial, with- terial concentrations of both lectins are similar Gram-negative bacteria. Additionally, neither
out requiring additional factors to kill targeted to those of other intestinal antimicrobial pro- lectin reduced the viability of fungal micro-
microbes. We tested this idea by adding pu- teins (21, 22). Furthermore, we found that organisms, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae
rified RegIIIg and HIP/PAP to Gram-positive infusion of RegIIIg into isolated small intestinal and Candida albicans.
enteric microbes including Listeria monocyto- segments from L. innocua monocolonized mice We used transmission electron microscopy
to visualize morphological changes in L. mono-
cytogenes cells after exposure to RegIIIg and

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HIP/PAP. Our images revealed evidence of cell
wall damage and cytoplasmic leakage (Fig.
3B). These results are remarkably similar to
those obtained with cationic antimicrobial pep-
tides, such as human b-defensin-3 (21), which
kill bacteria by cell wall permeabilization. Our
findings indicate that lectin-mediated bacterial
killing also involves cell wall damage.
RegIIIg and HIP/PAP bactericidal activities
were inhibited with sPGN and chitin frag-
ments, linking peptidoglycan binding to anti-
bacterial function. Addition of 35 mM sPGN to
antibacterial assays inhibited the bactericidal
activity of both lectins (Fig. 3C). At 10 mM,
chitotetraose, a 4-sugar acid hydrolysis frag-
ment of chitin, also fully inhibited the antibac-
terial activity of both RegIIIg and HIP/PAP
(Fig. 3C). Consistent with the preference of
RegIIIg and HIP/PAP for polymeric sugars, 10
mM monomeric GlcNAc or chitobiose (GlcNAc2)
were less inhibitory. These results demonstrate
that a soluble oligosaccharide that mimics the
peptidoglycan saccharide backbone is suffi-
cient to inhibit lectin antimicrobial activity. These
findings are consistent with a model in which
lectin binding to surface peptidoglycan carbohy-
drate precedes microbial killing.
Given RegIIIg_s bactericidal activity, we
predicted that its expression patterns would
reflect microbial colonization levels in the
mouse small intestine. Q-PCR analysis of
RegIIIg mRNA levels along the cephalocaudal
axis of conventionalized small intestines
revealed increasing expression toward the distal
region (ileum) (Fig. 4A), concomitant with in-
Fig. 2. Mouse RegIIIg and human HIP/PAP bind peptidoglycan. (A) Peptidoglycan pull-down assays. creasing microbial densities. In contrast, germ-
RegIIIg or HIP/PAP (10 mg of either) was added to 50 mg insoluble Bacillus subtilis peptidoglycan and
free mice showed minimal RegIIIg expression
pelleted. Pellet (P) and supernatant (S) fractions were analyzed by SDS–polyacrylamide gel
throughout the small intestine (Fig. 4A). We
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Coomassie blue staining. (B) sPGN competes with iPGN for lectin
binding. Pull-down assays were performed with or without 100 mM soluble B. subtilis peptidoglycan. (C) also assayed for changes in RegIIIg mRNA
Comparison of peptidoglycan and chitin structures. The structure of a typical Gram-positive expression during postnatal intestinal develop-
peptidoglycan is depicted. (D) Lectin binding to immobilized polysaccharides. Lectins were bound to ment. RegIIIg mRNA levels rose dramatically
immobilized polysaccharide for 2 hours at 4-C. After washing, bound proteins were released by boiling during the weaning period Epostnatal days (P)
in SDS-PAGE sample buffer and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie blue staining. (E) Pull-down 17 to 22^ and remained high into adulthood
assays comparing binding to peptidoglycan, chitin, and cellulose. Purified recombinant RegIIIg or (QP28) in conventionally raised but not germ-
HIP/PAP (10 mg of either) was added to 50 mg of peptidoglycan, chitin, or cellulose and analyzed as free mice (Fig. 4B). Weaning is associated with
in (A). The lower molecular weight forms of RegIIIg and HIP/PAP in (A) and (E) result from cleavage at dramatic changes in gut microflora composition,
an N-terminal trypsinlike site by a peptidoglycan-associated proteolytic activity. as well as withdrawal of maternal immuno-

1128 25 AUGUST 2006 VOL 313 SCIENCE

globulin A (IgA) antibodies. The antibacterial maintain mucosal homeostasis in the face of Because conventional microflora are com-
activity of RegIIIg suggests that its expression is changing microbial ecology and withdrawal of posed of diverse microbial societies, we asked
elicited as part of a compensatory response to passive immunity. whether single enteric bacterial species are
sufficient to drive small intestinal RegIIIg ex-
pression. As expected, a mixed microbial com-
munity recovered from a conventional mouse
elicited a È20-fold increase in RegIIIg expres-
sion when introduced into germ-free wild-
type C57/b6 mice. In contrast, colonization
with the Gram-negative symbiont Bacteroides
thetaiotaomicron elicited only a 2.5-fold in-
crease in expression, whereas the noninvasive
Gram-positive L. innocua had no effect on
RegIIIg mRNA levels (Fig. 4C). These results
indicate that neither organism alone was
sufficient to stimulate RegIIIg expression to
conventional levels in wild-type mice. How-
ever, bacteria that are normally strictly com-

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partmentalized in the intestinal lumen show
increased mucosal adherence and invasion in
mice that lack mucosal IgA (23). We therefore
postulated that mucosal defenses such as
secretory IgA might be sufficient to sequester
B. thetaiotaomicron and L. innocua in the gut
lumen and so could account for the inability of
these single species to stimulate RegIIIg ex-
pression. Indeed, we found that B. thetaiotao-
micron and L. innocua trigger a 52- and 41-fold
increase, respectively, in RegIIIg mRNA ex-
pression after colonization of germ-free RAG1-
deficient mice, which lack mature lymphocytes
and are therefore IgA-deficient (24). Wild-type
and RAG1-deficient mice were colonized to vir-
tually identical levels (È108 CFU/ml ileal con-
tents), which indicated that differences in RegIIIg
mRNA expression did not result from differences
in total microbial numbers. Our findings thus
Fig. 3. Mouse RegIIIg and human HIP/PAP have antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria. (A) support a model in which increased bacterial-
Percentage of CFUs remaining after exposure to purified RegIIIg and HIP/PAP. L. innocua, L. monocytogenes,
epithelial contact drives RegIIIg expression as a
E. faecalis, Escherichia coli K12, and B. thetaiotaomicron were grown to mid–log phase and incubated with
mechanism to limit potential microbial penetra-
purified lectins. Initial bacterial concentrations ranged from 105 to 106 CFU/ml. After incubation for 2 hours
at 37-C, viable bacteria were quantified by dilution plating. Assays were done in triplicate. Mean T SD is tion and maintain mucosal surface integrity.
plotted. (B) Transmission electron microscopy of L. monocytogenes following a 2-hour exposure to 10 mM Together, RegIIIg and HIP/PAP represent a
purified recombinant RegIIIg and HIP/PAP. Arrows indicate examples of damaged cell surfaces and new family of inducible antibacterial proteins
cytoplasmic leakage. Scale bar, 100 nm. (C) Lectin bactericidal activity is inhibited by chitooligosaccharides that seek out their microbial targets via inter-
and sPGN. GlcNAc, chitobiose (GlcNAc2), or chitotetraose (GlcNAc4) at 10 mM or 35 mM sPGN was added to actions with bacterial peptidoglycan. Because
antibacterial assays performed on L. innocua as in (A). Each percentage CFU was calculated relative to a they lack domains necessary for complement
no-lectin control assay containing an identical amount of chitooligosaccharide or sPGN. recruitment and are directly bactericidal, these

Fig. 4. RegIIIg expres-

sion is triggered by intes-
tinal bacteria. (A) RegIIIg
expression along the
cephalocaudal axis of the
small intestine. Small
intestines from adult
germ-free or convention-
alized (conv-D) NMRI
mice were divided into
16 equal segments (num-
bered proximal to distal)
and RegIIIg mRNA expression was determined in specific segments using Q-PCR. Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacterial species in immunodeficient mice.
Results are representative of experiments in two sets of mice. (B) RegIIIg mRNA Q-PCR determinations were done on cDNAs from mid–small intestine. Each
increases during the weaning period (P17 to 22) in developing conventionally point represents the average value from three or more different mice. All
raised NMRI mice. Assays were performed on pooled mid–small intestinal RNAs Q-PCR determinations were performed in triplicate (mean T SD plotted) and
(for three mice per time point). (C) RegIIIg expression is triggered by single were normalized to 18S ribosomal RNA. SCIENCE VOL 313 25 AUGUST 2006 1129

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Individual Cell Migration Serves the gastrula to optic vesicle stages (stages 16 to
20) (6, 7). We generated rx3::green fluorescent
protein (GFP)–transgenic embryos to visualize
as the Driving Force for Optic RPCs during optic vesicle morphogenesis. To
follow the movement of all individual cells
Vesicle Evagination during optic vesicle evagination, we counter-
stained all nuclei of the embryo with histone
H2B-monomeric red fluorescent protein (H2B-
Martina Rembold,1 Felix Loosli,1 Richard J. Adams,2 Joachim Wittbrodt1*
mRFP) (8, 9). These embryos were imaged at
The cellular mechanisms underlying organ formation are largely unknown. We visualized early high spatial and temporal resolution by con-
vertebrate eye morphogenesis at single-cell resolution by in vivo imaging in medaka (Oryzias focal in vivo time-lapse microscopy (Fig. 1, A
latipes). Before optic vesicle evagination, retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) modulate their and B, and movie S1) (10). At gastrula stages,
convergence in a fate-specific manner. Presumptive forebrain cells converge toward the midline, RPCs (which are GFP-positive cells) are located
whereas medial RPCs remain stationary, predetermining the site of evagination. Subsequent optic within the eye field in the anterior neural plate
vesicle evagination is driven by the active migration of individual RPCs. The analysis of mutants (Fig. 1B at time 0:00). The eye field is sur-
demonstrated that the retina-specific transcription factor rx3 determines the convergence and rounded at its anterior-lateral and posterior
migration behaviors of RPCs. Hence, the migration of individual cells mediates essential steps of borders by tel- and diencephalic progenitor
organ morphogenesis. cells, respectively (2). In the course of neuru-
lation, the eye field converges to the midline
or over a century, the vertebrate eye has however, the cellular mechanisms underlying and remains as a single domain within the

F served as a paradigm to study vertebrate

organogenesis (1). Fate mapping has
revealed the origin of retinal progenitor cells
eye morphogenesis remain unclear. Eye devel-
opment starts at late gastrula stages with the
specification of RPCs within the eye field of the
forebrain (Fig. 1B at 03:28). Three hours later,
the optic vesicles have evaginated from the
neural keel (Fig. 1B at 06:16). It has previously
(RPCs) and forebrain cells in teleosts (2–4); anterior neural plate (5). Evagination of the optic been assumed that the optic vesicles evaginate
vesicles, the first step of eye morphogenesis, is after the neural keel Ethe precursor of the
Developmental Biology Unit, European Molecular Biology visible after neurulation. We applied in vivo central nervous system (Fig. 1A)^ has formed.
Laboratory, Meyerhofstrasse 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germa- imaging techniques in medaka to reconstruct eye However, at the level of gross morphology, we
ny. 2Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuro-
science, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge morphogenesis at single-cell resolution. RPCs find that the eye field remains wide and distinct
CB2 3DY, UK. were specifically marked by fluorescent tagging from the neural keel during neurulation as the
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: of the homeobox transcription factor rx3, a posterior neural axis narrows, indicating an protein that is expressed in the RPCs from earlier onset of eye morphogenesis (dashed white

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