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Woodgrove Secondary School

Humanities Department
Geography (Elective)
Weather and Climate: Preparing for Mini-GI

Name: _________________________________ Class: __________________

Date: ____________________
Inquiry Question: Where should an outdoor study area be built in within the school?

Think about it, the school is getting more and more students joining every year. The school
currently have plenty of indoor study areas but what about the outdoor study area? Can you
name a few places in school that is an outdoor study area? There isn’t much. Hence, how
about let us think and recommend the school a location that can be a potential outdoor study
area? 😉

Hold Up, Peeps!!!

Before we run around like a headless chicken, let’s just think
about this first!

 Are there variations in the temperature at different

sites around the school?
 Are there variations in the wind speed at different
sites around the school?
 Are there variations in the relative humidity at
different sites around the school?
 Will wind direction be affected at different sites
around the school?

Woodgrove Secondary School
Humanities Department
Geography (Elective)
Weather and Climate: Preparing for Mini-GI
Pre Mini-GI Activity
Like all smart geographers should do, we should prepare these steps before we head out.
Step 1: Form your groups

Name: Name:

Name: Name:

Step 2: As a group, look at page 1 of the paper.

You need to have a game plan! Decide on 4 locations in the school that you think will be
the best spot for an outdoor study area.

On the map given in page 1, indicate the spot you think is best for an outdoor study area
with alphabet A, B, C and D. You will have to go to the spot to record your measurements
during the Mini-GI.

Step 3: Imagine you are a human thermometer

Use your senses of sight, touch and knowledge about the school to ‘guess’ and rate
the temperature from 1 to 4 at each of the four sites chosen in the school below.

Hottest Warm Coolest

(Highest Temperature) (Lowest Temperature)
1 2 3 4

Site Rating (1 - 4) Remarks (Give reason for your rating) eg. Why you think
the location has the highest temperature etc.

Consider this hypothesis: Different ground surfaces have different impact on the air

Do you think ground surfaces will affect air temperature? Explain your answer.




Woodgrove Secondary School
Humanities Department
Geography (Elective)
Weather and Climate: Preparing for Mini-GI

Step 4: Importance of Wind

Use your senses of sight, touch and knowledge about the school to ‘guess’ and rate
the wind speed from 1 to 4 at each of the four sites chosen in the school below.

Strongest Average Weakest

(Highest Wind Speed) (Lowest Wind Speed)
1 2 3 4

Site Rating (1 - 4) Remarks (Give reason for your rating) eg. Why you think
the location has the strongest wind speed etc.

What do you think can affect wind speed by looking at the map and your own knowledge?




Consider this hypothesis: Different ground surfaces have different impact on the wind

Do you think ground surfaces will affect wind speed? Explain your answer.




Could wind affect temperature readings? How?




Woodgrove Secondary School
Humanities Department
Geography (Elective)
Weather and Climate: Preparing for Mini-GI

Step 5: Importance of Relative Humidity

Use your senses of sight, touch and knowledge about the school to
‘guess’ and rate the wind speed from 1 to 4 at each of the four sites
chosen in the school below.

Moist Average Dry

(Highest Relative Humidity) (Lowest Relative Humidity)
1 2 3 4

Site Rating (1 - 4) Remarks (Give reason for your rating) eg. Why you think
the location has the highest relative humidity etc.

What do you think can affect relative humidity by looking at the map and your own




Consider this hypothesis: Different ground surfaces have different impact on the
relative humidity.

Do you think ground surfaces will affect relative humidity? Explain your answer.




Could relative humidity affect temperature readings? How?




Woodgrove Secondary School
Humanities Department
Geography (Elective)
Weather and Climate: Preparing for Mini-GI

Mini-GI Activity
Recording Sheet

Temperature Wind Speed Wind Relative Additional

Direction Humidity Observations
(eg. Human
of Buildings,
types of
ground cover)
A 1: 1: 1:
2: 2: 2:
3: 3: 3:
B 1: 1: 1:
2: 2: 2:
3: 3: 3:
C 1: 1: 1:
2: 2: 2:
3: 3: 3:
D 1: 1: 1:
2: 2: 2:
3: 3: 3:

Woodgrove Secondary School
Humanities Department
Geography (Elective)
Weather and Climate: Preparing for Mini-GI
Post Mini-GI Activity
Ahhhh!!! You are finally done with your Mini-GI! Now its time to use your brains to stimulate
your thinking.
Plot a comparative bar graph of the Sites A-D using the avg reading as measured in your
recording sheet.

Temperature, Wind Speed and Relative Humidity of Sites


Temperature Relative Humidity Wind Speed

What is the relationship between Temperature and Relative Humidity? Why do you say so?

What is the relationship between Wind Speed and Relative Humidity? Why do you say so?

Based on your Mini-GI, which location do you think is the best spot for an outdoor study
area? Explain your answer.

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