10 Strongest Tips For Hair Growth at Home

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10 Strongest Tips For Hair Growth At Home

Every girls wants to have silky and strong hairs, for that they generally wait for a
long time. There are many options which we can follow but still there is nothing you
can do for growing your hairs instantly. In this article, we will see some of the tips
which may be proved important in growing strong hairs at home.

# 1 – Practice good hair habits

a – Don’t boar your hairs with ponytail
b – Avoid chemical treatment,such as bleaching and all
c – Minimize heat styling
d – Use brush with natural boar bristles

# 2 – Maintain a healthy diet

Eating well is really very important, you must eat lot of fruits and vegetables. You
must also get proteins well from food such as fish ,eggs etc. For more on this read
Soy proteins which are vegetable source of proteins are also proved as a great
nutrition for hairs and their strength.
what you will eat will be looks in the way of beauty on your body, face and hair
looks and strength. Get more proteins from some of the best veg soup – TOP 5

# 3 – Flax seed oil

This natural oil is generally recommended for the general well being of hairs , it is a
natural acids source that are essential to keep our body warm, they are also good
for heart, it must be taken 1000 mg one to three times daily. You must eat lots of
fish so you can get good amount of heat.

# 4 – keep it trimmed
To cut your split en is very important, if you leave your hairs split handed then there
may b a chance of hair breakdown. So the only way is to cut them early. Dead ends
worf more then the root, and if you will cut the ends frequently then your hairs will
grow faster, that is why trimming is always good and always be patient. You will see
the results soon.

# 5 – Massage the scalp
Just firmly massage the scalp with your fingers slightly and it will lead to the growth
of your hairs very soon, because with the help of good scalp massage the blood
circulation increases which also enriches the skin with essential nutrients and
oxygen. It also strengthens the roots and make us relax.

# 6 – Don’t wash your hairs daily

Washing hairs daily pulls the strands and damages the scalp you must allow your
hair oil to strengthen your hair rather than washing. You must wash your hair at
least 2 to 3 times a week. And you see getting them shiner and smoother.

# 7 – Comb after wash

Comb through your hair with a wide toothed comb right when you turn with the help
of comb our hairs get exercised and the roots get stronger and the growth is very
well.Use a wide-toothed comb and comb your hair in a slow motion.

# 8 – Always use heat protect

It is very important to protect you against strands damage. If you protect your hair
from the time they will be baby hair and it will lead to long and happy life span of
your hairs.

# 9 – Use a deep conditioning treatment

It will hydrate strands and make your hairs stronger, it can also help in hair
restoration, it will help in hair loss by providing them protein and essential
component .

# 10 – Reduce stress
Stress is not at all good for health, it can cause many health problems like wise it
can cause damage to your hairs also, what stress do is slows down your growth of
hairs and make them weaker. Ff you take a lot of tension then you must do
exercises like taking long breath ,meditation and yoga too .it is very important to
reduce stress as much as you can in order to make your hair grow faster.

Get More Information Visit: http://MedicoPk.com/

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