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 Effective  Meetings  Handout         1  

Leading Effective Meetings Workshop Handout
Paul Mogren, Ph.D. ( ) Marriott Library
Donna Ziegenfuss, Ed.D. ( ) Marriott Library

Canvas Open Source Page with links to materials from this workshop:­‐effective-­‐meetings  

Resources: Books and Articles

Chan, J. F. (2003). Academic administrator’s guide to meetings. CA: San Francisco, Jossey-Bass

Delehant, A. M. (2007). Making meetings work: How to get started, get going, and get it done. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Corwin Press : NSDC

Farivar, C. (2007, April 9). How to run a meeting. CBS News. Available online at:

Haynes, M. E. (1998). Effective meeting skills: A practical guide for more productive meetings. Menlo
Park, CA: Crisp Publications. E-­‐book  available  through  the  library  that  can  be  read  online.  

Holden Leadership Center (N.D.). Running effective meetings. Oregon University. Available online at:

Kaner, S. Lind, L. Toldi, C. Fisk, S. and Beger, D. (2007). Facilitator’s guide to participatory decision-
making. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ebook through the library.

Matson, E. (2007, December 18) The seven sins of deadly meetings. Available online at

NC Division of Aging and Adult Services (2004, August) Planning basics. Manual for Managing
Meetings. Available online at:

NOAA Costal Services Center (2010). Introduction to Planning and Facilitating Effective Meetings.
Charleston, SC : NOAA Available online at: (works best to
download if you copy and paste url in browser)

Olsen, G. A. (2010, July 13). Do your job better: How to run a meeting The Chronicle of Higher
Education. Available online at:

Pigeon, Y., and Khan, O. (N.D.) Tools for effective team meetings: How I learned to stop worrying and
love my team. Association of American Medical Colleges Website, Available online at:

Potter, C. (2010, June 16). Why can’t we get anything done? How to run an effective meeting. The
Chronicle of Higher Education. Available online at:

Robert’s Rules of Order (N.D.) An introduction to Robert’s Rules of Order. Available online at:
Leading  Effective  Meetings  Handout         2  

Suchman, A. L. and Williamson, P. R. (2011). Appendix 2: Principles and practices of relationship-

centered meetings. In (Eds.) Suchman A, Sluyter D, and Williamson, P. Leading Organizations to
Health: Transforming Healthcare Organizations with Methods from Complexity, Positive
Psychology and Relationship-Centered Care. UK: London, Radcliff Publishing. Preprint draft
available online at:

Team Building Staff (2011, April 19). Want your team to be happy? Here are the 4 components of
happiness. Available online at the Free Management Library:

van der Molen, H. T. (2005). Communication in organizations: Basic skills and conversation models.
New York: Psychology Press

Vaughton, T. (2010, April 9) Ten reasons why meetings fail. Available online at the Management Help
website at:­‐performance/2010/04/09/ten-­‐

Weisbord,  M.  R.  (2007).  Don't  just  do  something,  stand  there!  Ten  principles  for  leading  meetings  that  
matter.  Ca:  San  Francisco,  Berrett-­‐Koehler  Publishers

Resources: Other
BBC Radio Podcast on the Psychology of Leadership that highlights 10 attributes of leaders (self
confidence, the willingness to rise to the occasion, luck and circumstance, thick skin, affection
towards and from your followers, being decisive, vision – a clear view of what you want to
achieve and how, the ability to communicate, influence and inspire others towards your vision,
being good at what you do, a team of good followers). Available online at:  

Thayer-Hart, N. (Ed.) (2007). Office of quality improvement: Facilitator tool kit. University of
Wisconsin-Madison. Available online at (large file to download-works best if you paste url into

Microsoft Computers, Templates for meeting agendas. Available online at:­‐us/templates/results.aspx?qu=agenda&ex=1    
Leading  Effective  Meetings  Handout         3  
Meeting Evaluation Checklist From the Holden Leadership Center, University of Oregon

Meeting Evaluation Checklist

1. The meeting was well planned

❏ Members were notified in advance
❏ There was a pre-arranged agenda
❏ Officers and committees were ready to report
❏ The meeting room was pre-arranged

2. The meeting was well organized

❏ The meeting started on time
❏ Guests were introduced and welcomed
❏ Agendas were available for all members
❏ The purposes for the meeting were made clear
❏ There was a transition from the last meeting
❏ One topic was discussed at a time
❏ One person has the floor at a time
❏ Discussion was relevant
❏ The chairperson summarized the main points of the discussion
❏ The meeting moved along at a workable pace
❏ Committee assignments were complete and clear
❏ Plans for the next meeting were announced
❏ All that was planned for the meeting was covered

3. Participation in the meeting

❏ Members participated in discussion and voting
❏ The chairperson made good use of questions
❏ The pros and cons of all issues were considered
❏ Members gave suggestions to committees
❏ Responsibilities were evenly distributed
❏ Members participated in planning the agenda for the next meeting

4. The value of the meeting

❏ Progress was made toward goals
❏ Something was learned

5. Attitude of the meeting

❏ Attendance was good
❏ Everyone present was on time
❏ Members knew one another
❏ There was a "warm up" period before the meeting
❏ There was some humor during the meeting
❏ Members and facilitators/chairs helped one another when needed
❏ There was an atmosphere of free expression

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