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w Junior School Boys

Session 2019 -2020
Summer Vacatlon Homework
Class ll



Dear ChtLdren,

The long awatted surnmer vacalion is here. To enhance yowr learning, we have pLanned .

enjoyabLe actlvltles toLeep your skllLs sharp and anc.epts dear durvng thb tlme. Use your

enzrg! and give a vent to your wi[l, surely enhanct gowr l"enrnlng proce,ss.

Relox, enjoy, ha,ve loods of fun onl, rlme ba&. refr*;h,ol,

To keep yowr minds actlve over thehoLtdaywe woul.d like you lo ompl"e.te the foll,owlrug tasks
Th.ese are due Ln, on the ftrst day of sdruool after sumrner hoLtdays.
Note: Subrnlt gour swrnff'ar vacation homework on the ftrst day of your sdrool to your doss
Homework shall be done in a regLsler or Ln a fLLe wlth separators.
Hornework wLLL be assessed on the basls of presenlatlon, cornpletion and handwrt"ting. ;

Tosk l:
Wrtte fvve pages of neat handwrltlngfrom aruy of the storles gowhave read. WrLtLng should Ln a thln {owrlined copy. This wt[L hel.p you Ln Lmprovlng your hand wrltlng.

Tosk" 2: .

Read any one followlng books or other book of yowr droice andwrite Lts revi.ew acardLng
to the forrnat given.

Sugg,.tod Sto.ghools:

L) Charlotte's web
Lt) lf you a rnouse a
give caolie
LLt) The cnt Ln the hat

Task 3:

Read any story book and {tnd and wrvle verbs, nouns and adjectwu separately (10 each).
Task 1+

. Visit Lahore Museurn wlth gour parents and wruto a r?-count of your vlslt. (uslng Past
tense) word Lirnit 75-80 words

Task 5:
o Use the followlng words Ln Lnterestlng senlencu of gour own

acctdent reflect enemv f atr famous safe search

greedy frash caLm cnnned, whLsper shelter rhu


a Read any story book and then wrltz Lts book revlew

\ \

Tifle of the book:


Molru Ouracters

Mg fovourttz p*t of tlu story was wlren:

B 0 {i
bl tr li-
o tr q
T &
.{ f,

F..criptive Writing
a Look at the pictwre glven be[ow and dwcrube what Ls happenlng tn the plcture

) &

o @


Task l:
Revlse and polish aLl" the baslc rnath concepts and ILme tabl.e f rorn 2 ttLl 5. Yow rnay Like to
vlslt followlng webslte f or further grooming your rnath skllls
http / /
: v'rww . agr aduna)h, . cnrn/ rnath_h o n uewo r k . htn'u

Spend 5 mlnutes a day practiang one of th- ttme tables.

Tlmes Table Orid to 12 x 12

x 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 7.4

3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36

4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48

5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

6 0 6 12 18 z4 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72

7 0 7 14 21 28 35 4Z 49 56 63 70 77 84

8 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 6s 72 80 88 96

9 0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108

10 0 10 z0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

11 0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132

12 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144

Task" 2
Look at the nwmbzrs on the grid and answer th- quwtlons below

289 999

457 250 450 618

400 110

645 375 210 700

a. The l"argwt even nurnber

b. The smalLast odd nurnber
c. Wrlte aLL the nurnbers that are less than 2@
d. Whldr number Ls dne lass than one Ihousand?
e. Whid,r two even nurnbers add up to 9002 I

t. The suro of the flrst arud last nurnber on tha grld is

Task 3:
. Solve lO Addition sums 3 dlglt numbers.
o SoLve lO Subtractlon sums 3 dqlt numbers
. Learn and wrLte. the tabl"e of 2 and 3
Oeawal knoviy/.qr.


Look at Rs 10, Rs lO0 and Rs 1000 Pakislani ctrrenog and ar\swer the followlng questlons

. Who Ls the person on tl'ce currencg?

- When is his birthday?

. Name the Languages used on the olrr?.no!.

. How man! plctures are there at the ba*- sLde of Rs l0OO ruote

. Narne aLL the plctures printed on Rs l0@ note.

. Whid.r bank" nam- is printed on the notw?

. Whose sLgruatwre is lhere on the notzs?

Sffiffi.t rffisr Wmr Smmrm&r

5 J C A [{ P I\{ C


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At horne:
He[p to l"ezp the house dean espeaalLgthe area Uou use. Cl.ear lhz togs, books
or crafts th;:,t rernain after you have flruLshed. Tel.l. truth at a[ tirnes.

On The Tdqharc:
lf there are. no eLders around, don'tletth.z phone rlng Long, answer Lt. TaLk
soft[y when sorneone ts spealctng on the phone and tak"e rnusage.

At Thz D'ururng Tobb:

Say BisrnillahhirRohmannhRaheern . TaLe srnall bltes; ent nzatLy, slowly wtth
gour mouth doscd. He[p to dzar lhc table and dnan up, Say

At *hoo[:
Remaln punctual and rzguLar. Come prepared. Be responsbLe, respzcfiwl" and

ln Th.e Porlc:
Litteru,ug n'raLes the park unttd,y. Destroglng the plants or ptucklng thz flowers
wt[[ spotl tl:'r beawty. Watt for your turn on swlng ond s[ides.


Rernen'uberl CLeanlhess ts h"o[f of fatth.

Brush yowr tzelh, trlm gour nalls and takebath rzguLarlg. Do not waste woter
and eL?.ctrir.l;ty. Kezp your surrorndings and envlronment denn. lt ts bad habit to
throw thtngs out of the wlndow, car or a baknny,

\/hilu Sl,rcpping:
Softly ask. your parent for what you want. lf re{used, don't throw a tantrum
Be carefwl., don't toud.r. anybreaLable ttem.

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