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Group names:

Inquiry question:
Why are the characteristics of materials important when designing and producing?

I am learning to:
ST3-2DP-T - plans and use materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for our school playground

ST3-3DP-T - define problems

- design, modify and follow algorithms to develop solutions

To be successful, I will:
★ investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials and evaluate the impact of their use
★ identify and evaluate the functional and structural properties of materials, for example:
○ shade cloth for shelter
○ aluminium for playground seats
○ canvas for boat sails
★ critique needs or opportunities for designing using sustainable materials
★ design a sustainable product, system or environment individually and/or collaboratively considering the properties of
★ select appropriate materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques and apply safe procedures to produce designed

I will need:
- Graph paper
- Writing tools
- Internet for research
Visit the Kids Safe website to view the Australian Safety Standards for children’s playgrounds, potential hazards and
points to consider when designing a playground.

You have been hired to produce a scaled drawing of a new and updated durable play equipment area for the students
of ________ Public School.

You will present your designs to the class, describing your innovative play equipment design and addressing how
your design meets the set design brief.

* think of creative ways, including the use digital technology (eg. Prezi, Power Point, One Note) to present final

● Completed designs must include a breakdown of the costing of materials that will be required to complete
your designs.
● You must work collaboratively with your group

1. audit existing playground focusing on safety, durability and design features.

2. make notes in journal on what needs to be updated, fixed or replaced.
3. include modifications so that the play area can be used all year round (e.g. water cooling system, retractable
4. You are responsible for keeping detailed notes of ideas, designs and websites.

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