Phenylalanine Table

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Amino Acid Category Functions Sources

Phenylalanine Non Polar Amino Acid • Precursor of Tyrosine, combined with  Almonds
and an Essential Amino Acid which it leads to the formation of  Avocado
adrenaline.  Bananas
• Appropriate function of the brain and  Beans
common wellness feelings.  Brewer’s yeast
• Acts as a very efficient appetite  Brown rice bran
suppressant, which enables individuals to  Caseinate
eat only what their body needs and not  Cheese
what their appetite desires.  Corn
• Maintains proper functions of the
 Dairy products
central nervous system.
 Eggs
• Helpful for some people with
 Fish
Parkinson’s disease and has been used to
 Legumes
treat chronic pain.
• It has also found useful in persons with  Lima beans
vitiligo as it helps to strengthen the  Meat
ultraviolet rays’ effect in them.  Nuts
 Peanuts
 Pumpkin seeds
 Seafood
 Seeds
 Sesame seeds
 Leafy vegetables

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