Bab - La Phrases General English Turkish

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General - Essentials
English Turkish
Can you help me, please? Bana yardımcı olurmusunuz, lütfen?
Asking for help

Do you speak English? İngilizce konuşuyor musunuz?

Asking if a person speaks English

Do you speak _[language]_? _[dil]_ konuşuyor musunuz?

Asking if a person speaks a certain language

I don't speak_[language]_. _[dil]_ konuşmuyorum.

Clarifying that you don't speak a certain language

I don't understand. Anlamıyorum

Explaining that you don't understand

General - Conversation
English Turkish
Hello! Merhaba!
Standard greeting

Hi! Selam!
Informal greeting

Good Morning! Günaydın!

Greeting used in the morning

Good Evening! İyi Akşamlar!

Greeting used in the evening

Good Night! İyi Geceler!

Greeting used when leaving in the evening/night or before going to bed

How are you? Nasılsın?

Polite small talk enquiring about the other person's well-being

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Good, thank you. İyiyim, teşekkür ederim.
Polite reply to 'How are you?'

What’s your name? Adın ne?

Asking the other person's name

My name is ___. Benim adım _.

Telling someone your name

Where are you from? Nerelisin?

Asking about someone's origin

I am from___. Ben _lıyım.

Answering about your origin

How old are you? Kaç yaşındasın?

Asking about someone's age

I am___years old. Ben _ yaşındayım.

Answering about your age

Yes Evet
Positive reply

No Hayır
Negative reply

Please Lütfen
Filler word to add polite touch

Here you go! Buradan gidin!

Used when giving something to someone

Thank you. Teşekkür ederim.

Thanking someone

Thank you very much. Çok teşekkür ederim.

Thanking someone very warmly

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You're welcome. Rica ederim.
Politely replying to a 'thank you'

I am sorry. Üzgünüm.
Apologizing for something

Excuse me. Afedersiniz.

Getting the attention of someone

It's OK. Herşey yolunda.

Replying to an apology if you accept it

No problem. Sorun değil.

Replying to an apology if you accept it

Watch out! Dikkat et!

Making someone aware of a danger

I am hungry. Acıktım.
Used when feeling hungry

I am thirsty. Susadım.
Used when feeling thirsty

I am tired. Yorgunum.
Used when feeling tired

I am sick. Hastayım.
Used when feeling sick

I don't know. Bilmiyorum.

You don't know the answer to a question

It was nice meeting you. Seninle tanışmak güzeldi.

Polite good-bye phrase after first meeting

Goodbye! Güle güle!

Saying farewell

General - Complaints

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I would like to make a complaint. Bir şikayette bulunmak istiyorum.
Polite way of starting your complaint

Who is in charge here? Burada sorumlu kim?

Finding out who is responsible

This is totally unacceptable! Bu tamamen kabul edilemez birşey!

Strongly expressing your dissatisfaction

I want my money back! Paramı geri istiyorum!

Asking for a refund

We have been waiting for over an hour. Bir saatten fazla bir süredir bekliyoruz.
Complaining about long waiting times

General - Swearing
English Turkish
This food tastes like crap! Bu yemek bok gibi!
Rude way of showing displeasure with your food

This drink tastes like piss! Bu içecek çiş gibi!

Rude way of showing displeasure with a drink

This place is a shithole! Bu yer bok çukuru!

Rude way of showing displeasure with an establishment

This car is a wreck! Bu araba döküntü!

Rude way of showing displeasure with a car

The service sucks! Hizmet berbat!

Rude way of showing displeasure with the service

This is a total rip-off! Bu tamamen bir soygun!

Rudely complaining about a high price

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That is bullshit! Bu saçma!
Rude way of showing disbelief in something someone said

You are a stupid moron! Sen aptal bir moronsun!

Insulting a person by criticizing his/her intelligence

You don't know shit! Bir bok bilmiyorsun!

Insulting a person by criticizing his/her knowledge

Piss off! Siktir git!

Rudely telling a person to leave immediately

Let's settle this outside! Hadi bunu dışarda halledelim!

Asking a person to fight outside of an establishment

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