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Get to the top 1 – Unit 2

I. Fordítsd le az alábbi szavakat angol nyelvre!

bajusz bögre
nagynéni sál
unokatestvér karóra
nagypapa napszemüveg
furcsa élőlény
inas szárny
duci tündér
világos strucc
vékony papagáj
alacsony pillangó 20/
II. Egészítsd ki az alábbi mondatokat a have got / has got szerkezet használatával!
1. I _________________________ a cat. +
2. She _______________________ a dog. –
3. They ______________________ two houses. –
4. Tom ______________________ a pet. +
5. _______ you ______________ a book?
6. You _______________________ five pencils. –
7. _______ she ______________ a guitar?
8. I _________________________ a car. –
9. _______ Tom ______________ ten pens?
10. My mother _________________ three bags. 10/

III. Írd le az alábbi főnevek többesszámú alakját!

family - woman -
toy – shelf -
fish – child -
box – foot -
mouse – phone -
class – person - 12/

IV. Karikázd be a helyes választ!

1. I am Sarah. _________ house is big.
a) My b) Your c) Her
2. Peter and Tom are brothers. ___________mother is a teacher.
a) Their b) His c) Your
3. I’ve got a sister. _______ name is Ann.
a) His b) Her c) Its
4. This is my uncle. __________name is Bob.
a) Our b) Your c) His
5. My ________ears are very funny.
a) dogs b) dog c) dog’s
6. Look at ___________caps over there. They’re beautiful!
a) this b) those c) that
7. What’s ___________? It’s an apple.
a) this b) these c) those
8. ___________mobile phone is great!
a) these b) this c) those
9. The _________________dog is brown.
a) children b) childrens c) children’s
10. The _________________favourite team is Chelsea.
a) girls’ b) girl c) girls 10/

V. Írd le a hiányzó kérdéseket vagy válaszokat!

1. Who is your best friend?

2. How old is he / she?

3. What does he / she look like?

4. Is he / she good at Maths?

5. What is his / her favourite computer game?

6. Who is his / her favourite singer?

7. Has he / she got a pet? 14/

VI. Egészítsd ki a szöveget a megadott szavakkal!

mouth He’s long got He’s got His ears

My favourite cartoon character is Shrek. ________________green and big. ____________ a big

head and two funny___________________. ________________eyes are brown. He’s also got a
big______________and big teeth. He’s______________short legs but his arms are___________.


VII. Egészítsd ki a párbeszédeket a megadott mondatokkal!

a) Whose dog is this? b) Has he gaot black hair? c) What about you?
d) Have you got a pet? e) What does your father look like?

1. A: ______________ 2. A: __________________
B: He’s tall and slim. B: It’s Jane’s._________________
A:_______________ A: No, I haven’t. _________________
B: No, he hasn’t. He’s got brown hair. B: I’ve got a snake!

TOTAL: /88

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