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Get to the top 2 – Unit 2

I. Fordítsd le az alábbi szavakat angol nyelvre!

hegy lavina
sziget borzalmas/szörnyű
falu vasút
folyó különböző
úszni menni napozni
zseblámpa megszállni egy hotelben
térkép meglátogatni híres nevezetességeket
egy mérges férfi hálózsák
egy csúnya nő sátor
egy szerencsés férfi tüzet rakni 20/

II. Egyszerű múlt – állítás

I _______________________________ (go) to the park.
She ____________________________ (send) me an e-mail yesterday.
We _____________________________ (have) breakfast at 8 o’clock.
They____________________________ (catch) some fish.
He _____________________________ (clean) the house.
You ____________________________ (phone) me.
Amy ____________________________ (listen) to music last Friday.
They____________________________ (visit) their grandparents. 8/

III. Egyszerű múlt – tagadás

Tom ____________________________ (help) me.
They____________________________ (read) a book.
She ____________________________ (watch) TV.
He _____________________________ (drive) a car last week.
We _____________________________ (enjoy) the part on Friday.
I _______________________________ (make) a cake last Sunday.
You ____________________________ (ride) your bike.
It ______________________________ (open) at 8 o’clock. 8/

IV. Egyszerű múlt kérdés

_______ she ____________________ (buy) a present?
_______ they____________________ (build) a house?
_______ we _____________________ (have) breakfast?
_______ you ____________________ (sleep) well last night?
_______ Tom____________________ (wear) elegant clothes?
_______ they____________________ (win) the race?
_______ you ____________________ (go) to school yesterday?
_______ Amy ___________________ (find) the cat last week? 8/
V. Egészítsd ki a mondatokat! a was vagy were megfelelő alakjával!
1. A: Tom and Peter at the park yesterday afternoon?
B: No. But Jack there.
2. A: Steve at the football match yesterday. Where
B: He with his cousins all day. I think they
at the new shopping centre.
3. A: We went skiing yesterday.
B: Nice. there lots of people on the mountain?
A: No, there . Just us. 8/

VI. Írd le az alábbi évszámokat!

2000: 5/

VII. Szövegértés – Melyik mondat hová illik? Írd a vonalra a megfelelő betűjelet!

a. Last month I went swimming and something horrible happened to me.

b. Who saved you?

c. Big mistake!

d. Well, I arrived at the beach at 12 o’clock and had a big lunch.

Stuart It’s a perfect day for a swim. Let’s go to the beach.

Percy No, thanks. I don’t want to go.
Stuart Why not?
Percy (1) So, I don’t want to go again.
Stuart What happened?
Percy (2) Half an hour later I went for a swim, but I wasn’t well.
Stuart And then?
Percy The last thing I remember was a helicopter and then I was in hospital.
Stuart (3) .
Percy My brother. Luckily, he was with me.
Stuart You were really lucky. You went swimming after a big lunch. I can’t believe it.
Percy Yeah, mate. (4) .
Olvasd el a szöveget és döntsd el, hogy a megadott képek igazak, vagy hamisak! Válaszodat I vagy H
betűvel jelöld a kép melletti négyzetben!

My First Camping Trip

Last June, I went camping with my dad in Tuscany, Italy. When we arrived, my dad put our
tent up by a lake and we both went for a swim. I didn’t have my swimsuit, so I swam
in my shorts. The next morning I didn’t want to go swimming so I went for a bike ride
in the forest. My dad put some sausages on the barbecue and went for a swim.
When I got back, I saw lots of smoke behind our tent. My dad came out of the lake
but all we found were a few black sausages! The next day we didn’t use our
barbecue. We ate pizza at a restaurant in the village!

1 2 3

4 5


VIII. Írj egy levelet az egyik barátodnak a legutolsó nyaralásodról! Legalább 8 mondatot írj!

_____________________________________________________________________________ 16/

TOTAL: /91

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