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Chapter 1

Introduction Public Education of Pancasila

In the course of Indonesia's history, the real values Pancasila as the nation's life view has
come true in life since before Pancasila as the basis of the state formulated in one value
system. Since ancient times, the regions of this archipelago has some values held firmly
by its people, as example:
1. Believe in God and tolerant,
2. Mutual cooperation
3. Deliberation,
4. Solidarity or social solidarity, and so on.

Problems exist in Indonesia:

1. Tax Awareness Issues
2. Corruption Issues
3. Environmental Problems
4. Disintegration Issues
5. Moral Decadence Problems
6. Drug Problems
7. The Problem of Justice Law Enforcement
8. The Issue of Terrorism
Education Vision of Pancasila
Realization of the personality of academic civitas originating from values
Education Mission of Pancasila
1. Developing academic potential of learners (psych pedagogical mission).
2. Preparing learners for life and living within society, nation and state (psychosocial
3. Building a culture of Pancasila as one of the determinants life (sociocultural
4. Assess and develop Pancasila education as a system integrated knowledge or
synthetic discipline, as an academic mission (Source: DIKTI Team).
In Pancasila education, the four pillars of education according to UNESCO became one
of the references in the process, which included learning to know, learning to do, learning
to be, and learning to live together (Delors, 1996). Based on the four pillars of education,
the fourth pillar becomes the main reference, namely that Pancasila education is intended
in the framework of learning to build a life together over basic awareness of the reality of
diversity that needs each other.

The importance of Pancasila held in universities to instill the moral values of Pancasila to
the next generation of the nation's ideals. Thus, Pancasila education expected to
strengthen student academic modality in participate in building community understanding,
among others:
1. Awareness of simple lifestyle and love of domestic products,
2. Awareness of the importance of future generations of survival,
3. Awareness of the importance of the spirit of unity of unity (solidarity) national,
4. Awareness of the importance of norms in association,
5. Awareness of the importance of mental health of the nation,
6. Awareness of the importance of law enforcement,
7. Inculcating the importance of awareness of the ideology of Pancasila.

Historical Sources Pancasila Education

President Soekarno once said, "Never leave history. “The statement can be interpreted
that history has an important function in building the nation's life more wisely in the future.
This is in line with the phrase of a Greek philosopher named Cicero (106-43SM) which
reveals, "Historia Vitae Magistra ", which means," History gives wisdom ". Another sense
of the term that has become a common opinion (common-sense) is "History is the teacher
of life". The implication is the enrichment of matter Pancasila lectures through historical
approaches are very important and should not be underestimated in order to realize the
glory of the nation in the future day.

Sociological Sources of Pancasila Education

Unlike other nations, the Indonesian nation based view of his life in society, nation, and
state on a cultural principle that is owned and attached to the nation itself. The values of
state and society contained in the precepts Pancasila is not just a conceptual result of a
person, but also a result the great work of the Indonesian nation itself, lifted from cultural
values owned by the Indonesian people themselves through a process of philosophical
reflection the founders of the state (Kaelan, 2000: 13)

Source Juridical Education Pancasila

The Republic of Indonesia is a state of law (rechtsstaat) and one of them character or a
nuanced term synonymous, that is government by law (rule of law). Pancasila as the basis
of the state is foundation and source in shaping and operating the law state. It means the
juridical (legal) approach is one of the main approaches in the development or enrichment
of the material Pancasila education courses. The urgency of this juridical approach is
deep the law enforcement one of the important state obligations. This law enforcement
will only be effective, if supported by the legal awareness of citizens primarily from
Intellectual circles.

Political Sources Education Pancasila

One source of enrichment of Pancasila education material is derived from phenomenon
of political life of Indonesian nation. The goal is for you to be able diagnose and able to
formulate suggestions about the effort or the effort to realize the ideal political life in
accordance with the values Pancasila. Is not Pancasila in a certain level an ideology
political, which contains the values that become the guiding rule within realizing ideal
Chapter 3
How Pancasila Being Based Republic of Indonesia?
The Juridical Sources of Pancasila as the Foundation of the State
Juridically, the Pancasila is the foundation of the Republic Indonesia as found in the
Preamble to the Constitution State of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, whose birth was
forged in Indonesian nationalism process. Through the Constitution of the Republic of
State Indonesia in 1945 as a legal umbrella, Pancasila is necessary are actualized so
that in practice their mememocacies do not lose direction and can reduce unproductive
conflict (Leaders of the MPR and Working Team Socialization of MPR period 2009 - 2014,
2013: 89).

Pancasila Historical Source as the Country Basis

In a hearing held to prepare Indonesia be independent, Radjiman asks its members to
determine the basis country. Previously, Muhammad Yamin and Soepomo revealed his
views on the basis of the state. Then in a speech of June 1, 1945,
Soekarno calls the basic state by using Dutch, Philosophical grondslag for Indonesian
independence. Philosophische grondslag that is fundamental, philosophy, deep mind,
soul, passion as deep as it stands for it was erected an independent Indonesia building.
Sukarno also mentions the basis of the state by the term 'Weltanschauung' or worldview
(Bahar, Kusuma, and Hudawaty, 1995: 63, 69, 81; Kusuma, 2004: 117, 121, 128, 129).
Can be likened, Pancasila is the basis or foundation where the Republic of Indonesia's
building established (Soepardo et al, 1962: 47).

The position of Pancasila as the basis of the state can be detailed as follows:
1) Pancasila as the basis of the state is the source of all orderly sources Indonesian
law. Thus, Pancasila is a principle the spirit of Indonesian law in the Preamble of
the Law
The Republic of Indonesia is further transformed into four points mind.
2) Includes the atmosphere of kebatinan (Geislichenhintergrund) of the 1945
3) Realizing the legal ideals for the basic state (both written basic law or unwritten).
4) Contains norms that require the Constitution to contain content requires the
government and other state organizers (including party organizers and functional
groups) uphold the ideals the moral of the lofty people.
5) It is the source of the eternal spirit of the 1945 Constitution for the implementation
state, government executives. It can be understood because the spirit is important
for the implementation and the organization of the state because society is
constantly growing and evolving along with the times and dynamics society
(Kaelan, 2000: 198--199)
Formulation of Pancasila imperatively must be implemented by the people of Indonesia
in the life of nation and state. Every Pancasila principle is an integral whole, which
mutually assumes and interlocks. The divinity is upheld in the life of a country, but it is
laid in the context of an egalitarian kinship, overcoming understanding individuals and
groups, in harmony with a just and humanitarian vision civilized, national unity,
deliberative democracy emphasizing consensus, and social justice for all Indonesians
(MPR Leader and MPR Socialization Work Team for 2009-2014, 2013: 88).

Pancasila as the basis of the state means every joint of state administration in the
Republic of Indonesia shall be grounded and / or shall be appropriate with Pancasila
values. It means, among other things, that, Pancasila must always be the spirit or spirit
that animates the activity forming a state such as the amendment of the Constitution and
animating all matters of state administration. Urgency Pancasila as the basis of the
country, namely: 1) for public officials in conducting the state not losing direction, and 2)
order active participation of all citizens in the deep development process various areas of
the nation's life are imbued with the values of Pancasila. With Thus, in turn, the ideals
and goals of the state can be realized so that gradually can be realized prosperous society
within justice and a just society in prosperity.
Chapter 4
Why Pancasila Is the Ideology of Country?

The Nature of Pancasila as a State Ideology

The Nature of Pancasila as a State Ideology In this section, will be understood the nature
of Pancasila as the state ideology has three dimensions as follows:
a. The dimension of reality; contains the meaning that the basic values are is
contained within itself sourced from real values that live within community. This
implies that the values of Pancasila sourced from the values of life of the
Indonesian nation as well means that the values of Pancasila must be spelled out
in life real everyday both in relation to social life as well as in all aspects of state
b. Dimensions of idealism; contains goals to be achieved within various spheres of
life in society, nation, and state. This means that the basic values of Pancasila
contain existence goals achieved so as to generate hope and optimism as well
able to arouse motivation to realize the ideals.

c. Dimensions of flexibility; contains relevance or strength stimulating society to

develop thoughts new about the basic values contained in it. With Thus, Pancasila
as an ideology is open because of its nature democratic and containing inviting
internal dynamics and stimulate the citizens who believe it to develop new thinking,
without worrying about losing its essence (Alfian, 1991: 192 - 195).

Urgency of Pancasila as State Ideology

In this section, the student needs to realize that the country's ideological role lies not only
in the formal legal aspect, but must also be present in the concrete life of society itself.
Some concrete roles Pancasila as ideology includes the following:
a. The ideology of the state as the guide of the citizens, meaning every behavior
citizens must be based on moral prescriptions. For example, case drug that spread
among the younger generation shows that ideological moral prescriptions are not
yet aware of its presence. Therefore, more clear guiding norms, whether in form
persuasive, appeal and the translation of Pancasila values into legal products that
provide clear signs and punishments worth it for the offender.
b. State ideology as a rejection of inappropriate values with the precepts of Pancasila.
For example, cases of terrorism that occur within form of coercion through
violence. This is against value tolerance of belief, human rights, and the spirit of
unity. The following figure shows how terrorism has been damaging tolerance

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