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S.No Name Chemical Tests

1Glycyrrhiza - Shows deep yellow color on addition of 80% of H2SO4
2Ginseng X
3Discorea X
4Sarsaparilla X
5Senega X
6Digitalis - Modified Borntragers test
- Keller-Kiliani test (for digitoxose)
o 1g powdered digitalis with 10mL 70% alc
o Filtered – 5mL water and 0.5mL strong lead acetate solution
is added – shake – separate filtrate
o Treated with CHCl3 – evaporated – dissolved in GAA
o 2drops FeCl3 are added – transferred to test tube containing
2mL conc HSO4
o Reddish-brown layer turns Bluish green on standing
- Legal Test – extract dissolved in pyridine, sodium nitroprusside
solution is added to it and made alkaline – pink/red color is produced
- Baljet test – Sodium picrate is added to section of digitalis ->
Orange color
7Squill X
8Strophanthus - Shows emarald green color on addition of 80% of H2SO4
9Thevetia X
10Aloe (a) General Tests
a. Bromine test:
b. Schoenteten’s reaction (Borax test)
(b) Special Tests
a. Nitrous acid test
b. Nitric acid test
c. Cupraloin test
d. Modified anthraquinone test
11Senna - Borntragers test
12Rhubarb - Modified Borntragers test
- Red color with addition of alkalies due to presense of anthraquinone
13Cascara - Modified Borntragers test
14Psoralea - A small quantity is dissolved in alcohol to which 3 times propylene
glycol, 5 times acetic acid and 40 times water is added. A blue fluorescence is
observed under violet light
- Yellow fluroscence in Uvlight when dissolved in alcohol and little
15Gentian - Gentian extract under uv - light-blue flourescence
16Chirata X
17Tobacco X
18Lobelia - Lobeline + H2SO4 + formaldehyde à red color
- Lobeline soln on boiling produces acetophenone which is recognised
by smell
19Belladona X
20Datura - Vitali Morin test: tropane alkaloid is treated with fuming HNO3,
followed by evaporation to dryness and addition of methanolic potassium
hydroxide solution to an acetone solution of nitrated residue. Violet coloration
takes place due to tropan derivative
- Hyoscine hydrobromide + AgNO3 à Yellowish white ppt (insoluble in
HNO3, soluble in NH3)
21Hyoscyamus --------do-------

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22Coca Cocaine powder treated with sulphuric acid, heated + water à characteristic smell of
23Aswagandha X
24Cinchona - Drug powder + GAA + heat à purple vapors
- Thalleoquin test: Drug powder + Br soln + dilNH3 à Emerald green
- Quinidine solution + AgNO3 à White ppt
25Ipecac - 2.5g powdered drug + 20mL HCl + H2O à + 0.5g Pot.Chlorate à
Presence of yellow color to red after standing due to emetine.
- Emetine + H2SO4 + Sodium molybdate (frode’s reagent) à Bright
green color
26Opium - Presence of meconic acid test: added to water + FeCl3 à deep
reddish purple color
- Morphine when sprinkled on HNO3 gives orange-red color
- Morphine soln + Pot.ferricyanide and FeCl3 à bluish green color
- Papaverine in HCl gives a lemon yellow color with Pot. Ferri cyanide
27Ergot - Blue color with Van-Urks reagent (p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde)
- Red-violet color when treated with saturated solution of sodium
- Ergometrine, Blue fluroscence with water
- Specific-Ergotamine - + GAA + ethylacetate à H2SO4 à shaken well à
blue with reddish tinge color appears
28Rauwolfia - Red coloration along the medullary rays is observed when freshly
fractured surface is treated with conc HNO3
- Reserpine shows violet color when treated with solution of vanillin in
acetic acid.
29Vinca X
30Nux-vomica - T.S stained with ammonium vanadate/Sulphuric acid Manddin’s
reagent. Endospermic cells become purple due to the presence of strychnine.
- T.S stained with HNO3 conc. Endospemic cells take yellow color due
to presence of brucine
- Strychnine with H2SO4 and Pot. Dichromate gives violet color which
turns red and finally yellow.
31Pilocarpus Pilocarpine solution + H2O2 + Benzene + PotChromate àShake à Bluish-violet color
(org) and Yellow color (Aqueous)
32Kurchi X
33Ephedra Ephedrine dissolved in water + dil HCl, treated seperately with CuSO4, NaOH à Violet
color à shaken with ether à Organic layer purple – aqueous layer blue
34Colchicum - Gives Yellow Color with 70% H2SO4
- Alc solution of colchicine + FeCl3 à Red color
36Coffee Caffeine gives murexide color reaction: Caffeine + HCl + Pot Chlorate are added
and heated to dryness. à purple color (when exposed to vapours of dil NH3)
Caffeine gives white ppt with tannic acid.
37Tea X
38Gambir - (Catechin) Drug + HCl + Vanillin à Pink / Red color
- Test for gambier fluorescin: drug is extracted with Alc à + NaOH +
light petroleum à Green fluorescence
- Drug + chloroform >> filtered in porcelein dish >> evaporated >>
greenish yellow (chlorophyll)
- Catechin + HCl à flame similar to catechu black (Match stick test)
39Black catechu - (Catechin) Drug + HCl + Vanillin à Pink / Red color
- Catechin + HCl à Phloroglucinolà purple / magneta coor
- Aq. Extract of catechu + lime water à Brown Color
- Drug + FAS à Green Color + NaOH à Purple color
40Myrobalan X

41Arjuna Etherial extract of arjuna shows pinkish fluorescence under uv light.

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All Drugs - Chemical tests

42Benzoin - Alcoholic soln of benzoin gives Milky white solution

- Bezoin à heat in testube à observe glass slide under microscope to
see cinnamic acid crystals
43Asafoetida - Fractured surface + H2SO4 à red / Reddish brown color
- With 50% HNO3 à Green color
- With water à Yellowish-Orange emulsion
- 0.5g drug with sand + 5mL HCl + water >> Filter – Filtrate +
Ammonia à Blue fluroscence is produced due to umbelliferone
44Balsam of tolu - When heated and pressed between two slides show crystals of
cinnamic acid.
- Alcoholic solution of balsam of tolu + FeCl3 à Green color
- Warm gently about 1g of drug with 5mL pot permanganate à
benzaldehyde odor
45Podophyllum Macerate 0.5g drug with 10mL of alc and filter à add strong Cu-acetate
solution(0.5mL) à brown ppt is produced.

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