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Tanay Main Campus: E. Rodriguez Ave.

Tanay, Riz
Jalajala Campus: 219 M. Bellin St. Special Dist. Jalajala, Riz

Subject: Empowerment Technologies

Week 5

The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
the use of advanced tools and techniques found in common productivity and software applications in
developing ICT content for specific professional tracks The learner demonstrates understanding ICT
in the context of global communication for specific professional track.
The learners shall be able to:
independently apply advanced productivity tools to create or develop ICT content for use in specific
professional tracks
The learners uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application


- Use hyperlinks to improve their slide shows
- Embed files and data in their Slide Show
- Maximize slideshow as an effective visual aid tool.

Directions: Write T if the sentence is correct; otherwise , Write F.

F_____1.Use as many slides as you can so that the audience can clearly understand your message.
T______2. PowerPoint Presntation is a form of visual aid.
F_____3. Most of the contents of your report through your POowerPoint Presentation and not from
the speaker himself.
F_____4. To insert a hyperlink, go to home tab then click the Hyperlink option.
T_____5. To embed an object, go to the insert tab under the text group, click object.
T_____6. There are two options when inserting an object; create new form file and create new from
existing files.
T_____7. Action buttons are found in the Insert > Smart art.
F______8. Use dark font on dark backgrounds to gain proper contrast.
T_____9. Use bullets to simplify your message.
F_____10. Insert Artwork in each slide of your presentation. It may not be related but at least it would
draw the audience’s attention.


The teacher will group the class into 5 . They will present the result of their small business venture in
the class.

Below is the list of presentation tols. Research about them and write their advantages and

Presentation Tool Advantages Disadvantages

Microsoft PowerPoint
Apple Keynote
Google Slide
Haiku Deck
Photo Snack

Each group is assigned which tool/ program that can be used.

Process Questions:
What did you noticed in the activity?
What are the difference and the similarities of each application?


Creating an effective Presentation

Designing your presentation is the fin part of creating a report for it gives you a chance to be
creative. Placing animation, transitions, and art could be in your mind right now. But whether or not
these features would help is generally up to you. Sometimes, these things could acutuall distrat your
audience rather than help you.

Quick tips in creating an effective presentation.

Minimize keep slide counts to a minimum to maintain a clear message and to keep the audience
attentive. Note: presentation is just a visual aid. Most information comes from the reporter.

Clarity avoid being fancy by using a font style that is easy to read. Make sure that it iis also big
enough to read by the audience.

Simplicity – use bullet or short sentences. Summarize the information on the screen to have your
audience focus on what the speaker is saying than on reading on the slide.

Visual use graphics to help in your presentation but not too many to distract the audience.

Consistency make your design uniform. Avoid having different font styles and backgrounds.

Contrast use light font on dark background and vice versa. This is done so that it is easier to read.

Use Hyperlink in Microsoft PowerPoint

Using hyperlink in your presentation is an easy way to navigate slides during your
presentation. In your group’s case it may be wise to insert action buttons for most slides or place
hyperlinks to your excel file in case your audience ask specific question.

Ways to use Hyperlink

1. Select an object or highlight a text.

2. Go to Insert. Hyperlinks (under link category) or use the shortcut key CTRL+ K . The Insert
Hyperlink dialog box would appear.
Links to Option
a. Existing File or Web Page- creates a hyperlink to website or a local file saved in
your hard drive. Just browse your file in the dialog box or type the web address.
b. Place in this Document- creates a hyperlink that allows you to jump to a specific
slide in your presentation.
c. Create a new Document- creates a hyperlink that once clicked, creates a new
document on your specified location
d. E-Mail Address - creates a hyperlink that open Microsoft Outlook that
automatically adds your specified recipient on an email
3. When done, click OK to apply Hyperlink

Embedding Object in Microsoft PowerPoint

Embedding objects is easy using Microsoft PowerPoint. With this option, you can insert an
Excel file that would look like a table to a presentation.

Embedding an excel file to your Slide Presentation.

1. Go to the Insert Tab.
2. On the text group, click on Object.
3. The insert Object dialog box would appear:
a. Create New create new file from scratch. You can select on a wide variety of files listed.
b. Create from file- creates a file from an existing file saved on your hard drives; simply browse
the file to use. Put a check on the Link option will allow you to modify the excel file inside your

Process Question:
What did you notice about making PowerPoint Presentation?
Is it helpful to the speaker to use Microsoft PowerPoint? Why?

One by one the student will do the following steps.

1. Open a Microsoft PowerPoint.

2. Create your own slides with a Topic about Love Story of yourself. The Love story itself but use
the word I love him/ I love her in your presentation .
3. In the word I love her/ I love him make a hyper link that show the picture of the one who
you love.
4. Insert Action Buttons on your presentation.
5. Create action button that navigate to the next slide, previous slide and the first slide.
6. Make your own transition and animation in each slide.

After making the activity: answer the following Question.

1. What is the Significance of using hyperlinks that navigates around your presentation instead
of just using the keyboard shortcuts?
2. Cite three instances where objects can help you improve your presentation.


Direction : Enumerate the following.

1- 12. What are the Quick tips in creating a Powerpoint Presentation and give some idea about
each number (2 points each)
11-20 What are the Link option in Making the hyperlink? Give the importance of each. (2 points
21-28 What are the steps in Embedding Object in Microsoft PowerPoint.
29.- 30 How is it important to know ow to make a power Point Presentation?


Summarized the lesson about Microsoft PowerPoint Making.

Tanay Main Campus: E. Rodriguez Ave. Tanay, Riz
Jalajala Campus: 219 M. Bellin St. Special Dist. Jalajala, Riz

Subject: Empowerment Technologies

Week 6
how to manipulate text, graphics, and images to create ICT content intended for an online
at the end of the 2-week period independently apply the techniques of image manipulation
and graphic design to create original or derivative ICT content from existing images, text and graphic
 evaluate existing websites and online resources based on the principles of layout, graphic,
and visual message design.
 use image manipulation techniques on existing images to change or enhance their current
state to communicate a message for a specific purpose
 create an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate a visual message in an
online environment related to specific professional tracks


- understand the basic principles of graphics and layout.
- Create a simple infographic using web tools;
- Understand and use several file formats used on the web;
- Easily manipulate images using a simple image editor and
- Upload and share images using Photobucket.

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided in each number.
1. Balance is to even distribution; emphasis is to
a. Attracting b. Colors c. Design d. Weight
2. Movement is to guiding the eye; rhythm is to create
a. Attraction b. Organization c. Visual d. Unity
3. These are visual elements creating a sense of unity where they relate well with one another.
a. Style b. Proportion c. Variety d. emphasis
4. It uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s attention
a. Style b. Proportion c. Variety d. emphasis
5. It makes complex data become more visually appealing to the average uer.
a. Tables b. Piktochart c. Infographichs d. Slideshow
6. The following are common image file format used in the internet Except.
a. JPEG b. GIF c. PNG d. BMP
7. A free image manipulation tool that batch edit, viewer and paper print features
a. Picasa b. Photoscape c. GIMP d. IrfanView
8. It is the process of editing multiple pictures at once using one setting.
a. Batch editing c. Animation c. Paper Printing d. Collage Making
9. The file Extension JPEG stands for
a. Joint Photographic Expert Group
b. Japan Photo Excellence Guild
c. Jotter Prime Element Garnish
d. None of the above
10. A file format typically used for screenshots
a. PNG b. GIF c. RAW d. JPEG
Motive Question
What is the most visited website in the world? Think about it for a second. No its noy
Facebook nor Twitter. Here is a clue, the site’s mission statement is “to recognize the world’s
information and make it universally accessible and useful.” You have probably guessed it by
now, yes it is GOOGLE.
On December 2014,, a renowned website for ranking web page popularity,
rank this website number one is the entire worls. Why do you think Google ranks number one
despite the countless search engines and website in the Internet?


Creating a web page is like creating a work of art. There are certain things that you need to
consider in order to get your message across. In the previous lesson, you learned how to create an
effective PowerPoint Presentation . Some of this tip can help you in graphic and layout design.

Basic Principle of Graphics and Layout

1. Balance. The visual weight of objects, texture, colors and space in evenly distributed on the
2. Emphasis. An area in the design that appear different in size, texture, shape or color to
attract the viewer’s attention.
3. Movement. Visual elements guide the viewer’s eye around the screen.
4. Pattern, Repetition, and Rhythm these are the repeating visual elements on an image or
layout to create unity in the layout or image.
5. Proportion visual elements create a sense of unity where they relate well with one nother.
6. Variety this uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s attention.

Information graphics or infographics are used to present information, statistical data, or
knowledge in a graphical manner usually done in a creative way to attract the viewer’s attention.
Infograpphics makes complex data become more visually appealing to an average user.

Creating Infographics Using Piktochart

Retrieve your data from lesson 4. Take the challenge. We will create an infographic of your
costumer’s ahe range using a free online application that allows you to create your
own infographic. Each member of the group will create his/her own infographic using the same data.

1. Create a Piktochart account by going to www. and click sign up on the upper
right corner of the page.
2. Fill up the information on the Sign up page; alternatively, you can connect with Google+ or
3. Once you have created an account and logged in, select a template for your infographic.
Since your data relates to marketing or sales, simply hover over the Presenta Board theme
under free themes the select Crete.
4. The piktochart editor will open . The Presenta Board theme consist of three blocks. Select
the blocks and input the information as you see fit.
5. While editing a block, you can use the various tools on the left side of the page;
a. Graphics - allows you to insert line, shapes, icons, and even photos.
b. Uploads- allow you to upload images for your infographics.
c. Background - change the background of the selected block
d. Text – allow you to insert text to your infographic with the option to add text frames.
e. Style- allow you to modify kthe color scheme of your infographic.
f. Tools- allows you to create charts, maps and videos.
6. To save your work, click on Save on the top right of the page. To save it in your computer,
click om Download . in Download options select the medium sized and the PNG file type.

Online Image File Format

Unlike the images that are found in our computer, you have to consider that website image
should be more compressed because data travels over the internet and not everyone has a fast
Internet Connection.

File Support and Supports

Name Use
Extension Transparency animation

1. Joint Photographic .jpeg or .jpg Real life No No

Expert Group photographs, high

2. Graphics .gif Computer Yes Yes

Interchange generated
Format graphics

3. Portable .png Screenshot, high Yes No

Network compatibility

There are plenty of other image file format used in the web but most of the time you will be
using these three because of their compatibility with all major web browser.

Principles and Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation

Personal websites do not necessarily have to downsize the file size of the image. Here are some
tips to help you edit images for your website.

1. Choose the right file format . try to make a real life photograph into GIF to see the
difference between PNG, GIF & JPEG.
2. Choose the right image size. A camera with 12 megapixels constitutes to a bigger image
3. Caption it. Remember to put a caption on images whenever possible.

Creating and Manipulating Images using photoscape

There are plenty of image manipulation tools but if you are going to create a website you have
to use the one which is efficient. Photoscape is a good tool because it is feasible for beginners and
advanced users alike.

On photoscape main screen, you will see the many features it has that you an use for creating web
content as follow:

1. Viewer- as the name implies , is a picture viewer with features the same with most image
viewers like changing image orientation.
2. Editor- alter the appearance of a single image
3. Batch Editor- alter the appearance of multiple image.
4. Page- arrange several image together to form a bigger image.
5. Combine- links several images together to form a bigger image.
6. Animated GIF – allows you to create an animated GIF from several pictures.
7. Print - readies picture for printing
8. Splitter- divide a single photo into a multiple part.
9. Screen Capture- captures the screen then save.
10. Color Picker- grabs a pixel from your screen to be used in editing.
11. Raw Converter- converts RAW image to JPEG.
12. Rename - allows you to rename a batch of photo.
13. Paper Print- useful tool for printing your own calendars, sheets, lined paper, graph paper, etc.

For this lesson, we will only focus on the ones that we can use for our future website project; the
editor and batch edit

I. Editor Edit
1. Open Photoscape then choose editor
2. Choose the folder where the image you want to manipulate is located using the file
explorer on the upper left.
3. Once you have selected the folder, you will see a preview of all the images found on that
folder at the bottom of the file explorer.
4. From the preview, select the image you want to use. The image will now be shown on a
much bigger preview inside your work area similar to what is shown.
5. Notice the properties of the image like the file name, the image ssize and the file size
found on the bottom of the preview.
6. Manipulate the image using tools on the bottom
a. Home tab- this is where you can add a frame , resize, sharpen and filters and
effects to your image.
b. Object Tab- this is where you can place a wide variety of images like text, shapes
and symbols
c. Crop- where various tool can be found in order to properly crop an image to
desirable size.
d. Tools- includes other tools like red eye correction, mole removal, mosaic effect,
and brush tools.
7. Click SAVE blocated on the lowe right of the program.

II. Batch Edit

Batch editing is one of the most useful tools when trying to easily manipulate all image at the
same time. This is the most useful when you create a gallery of photos for a website. You can
make their size uniform to what you have specified. For this exercise, you will need to take at
least ten pictures and save in your desired folder. It is highly recommended that your photos
share the same orientations
1. Select the folder where your photos are located, then on the Preview window drag the
photos you want to be a part of the batch edit to the work area.
2. Use the tool on the right to edit your photo. This is similar to the option in edit except the
crop and tools tab which are replaced by the Filters tab. The filter tab is used to add a
certain filter that will apply to all your photos.
3. Resize the pictures so that they do not exceed 800 pixel in width. Add filters if you want.
4. Click on Convert All botton found on the upper right.
5. The Save dialog box will appear that will allow you to change the location, the name of the
images and the file type.

Inserting, Uploading and sharing Photos over the Internet

Sharing your photos over the internet has never been easy using social media. However, it is
highly recommended to put your social media photos private and separated from the ones that are
posted over the internet.
There are plenty of image hosting sites out there; some of them have fee while others are free
where you can pay for more storage space bandwidth.

Sharing Photos with Photobucket

There are plenty of free image hosting sites out there, and Photobucket is one of the oldest.
Feel free to check out other free image hosting sites over the internet.
1. First, sign up for a Photobucket account on the just like piktochart you
may use your google+ or facebook account to automatically sign up.
2. Once your account is set up and you are already logged in, click the start uploading
3. A new page will load allowing you to drag and drop your photos or to choose manually or
the entire folder to upload. Select a folder, add password then feel free to upload any
photos you have right then.
4. Once selected, a progress bar will appear indicating that the image is uploading. This may
take a moment and will depend on your internet connection.
5. Once you are done you will see these indicator:
a. View upload- views photos you just uploaded which also grants you option to
share and edit them individually.
b. Share Album- shares everything you just uploaded plus the other content of
your specified folder.
c. Edit photos- uses Photobucket’s photo editing tools to manipulate your image.
6. Let us assume you will share a photo individually. To do this , click on view uploads then
once the page loads, click the photo you want to share.
7. On the top of the image, you will see the following :

a. Share your photo directly to social media and blogging platforms; facebook, twitter,
google+, tumblr and pinterest, respectively
b. Gives you a viety bof link codes for HTML, Forums, Emails, Instant Messaging,
and a ddirect link.
c. Share your image via email.
d. Allows you to download your image.
e. Share your image to social media sites with the option to add custom message.
8. You can choose to share your photo to your friends on facebook. If your done sharing, you
may now log off and close the browser.

Activity 1.
Create your own Piktograph. Create also an account in that application showing the different

Activity 2
It is time to push on with your social media campaign from lesson 1
1. Take a look at your initial plan from lesson 1’s exploration 1.1. identify the correct
web platform for social change
2. It is time to set up your website. If you are not knowledgeable with the platform you
choose, feel free to change it. You can do a research on how to set up accounts for
the platform you choose as well. Creating a Facebook Page would be an easy task.
3. Make sure you use the principles of design when lay outing and adding content for
your page.
4. Once set up, try adding content like photographs. Use photoscape to edit these
5. Use Photobucket to share these photos to your page and wherever you see fit.
6. Your teacher will check the status of your site after a few weeks.


1. Give three websites that you visit. What makes their design work?
2. Research on photobucket and two more free image hosting sites and check out the
limitations of the free account. What is the best hosting site for you and why?
3. What are the limitations of PhoScape compared to other image editor.

Create a short three question survey for the community member who are also
affected with the problem you are campaigning for. Ask them to scale their thoughts. Make
sure you ask at least 15 members of the community to make a strong case for your
campaign. Create an infographic about it and post it on your campaign site.
Tanay Main Campus: E. Rodriguez Ave. Tanay, Riz
Jalajala Campus: 219 M. Bellin St. Special Dist. Jalajala, Riz

Subject: Empowerment Technologies

Week 7

the principles and techniques of design using online creation tools, platforms, and applications to
develop ICT content for specific professional tracks
at the end of the 2-week period independently apply the principles and techniques of design using
online creation tools, platforms, and applications to create original or derivative ICT content for use in specific
professional tracks
These may be in the form of, but not limited to:
1. Survey instruments using Google forms (Busines)
 evaluate existing online creation tools, platforms and applications in developing ICT content for specific
professional tracks
 apply web design principles and elements using online creation tools, platforms, and applications to
communicate a message for a specific purpose in specific professional tracks
 create an original or derivative ICT content using online creation tools, platforms, and applications to
effectively communicate messages related to specific professional tracks


- differentiate the paltforms available for developing web content;
- understand the purpose of these platforms and know the basics of using them; and
- enhances one’s knowledge in the world of cloud computing.

Directions: Rearrange the following steps in chronological order by numbering them from 1 to the
last number of the steps. Write X if the steps does not belong. Write your answer on the space before
each number.

A. Setting uo a free blog using Wordpress.

_______ Click on Change your Blog Description on Permissions
_______Create a free WordPress account.
_______Choose a free theme the click Customize
_______Edit the page theme to your liking
_______Delete other existing blog
_______Choose the option create a New Blog or Register Another Blog
_______Pick a blog address and name
_______Change the general setting including the site title, tagline, and time zone.
_______on the left menu, choose Appearance > Theme.

B. Posting using WordPress

_______Choose format > Clear Format
_______On your dashboard, go to post\>Add New
_______Disable Auto Sharing
_______Add the title, edit the URL (optional), Then add the content of your post.
_______Change the format, category, and add tags
_______Preview your post, once satisfied, click on Publish.
The class will be divided into two groups. One group represents “team social
media” while the other represents “team blogger”. The group will have ten-minute
closed group discussion about the advantages of each platform. After ten minutes, the
groups will choose five representatives that will debate on which platform is superior
and why.
Those who are not representing the group will be given a chance to raise their
point by raising their hand. After the debate, write your thoughts on the space provided
by answering the question:

Which platform is superior? Why?



Online platform for ICT Content Development

We will focus on platform that will allow us to share our own content to the rest of the
world. We will also create a few of them to experience what is like to use all of them.

1. Social Media Platforms. Website like facebook allow you to share our own content
to the rest of the personal accounts but also pages and groups where you can share
content. The only downside of this is that you are restricted to Faceboook’s “one-size-
fits-all” design.
On the plus side, facebook has billions of users. LinkedIn is another example of
a social networking site where it focus is on business and professional networking.

2. Blogging Platform. Website like Wordpress, Tumblr, and blogger focus on content
and design. It typically looks like a newsletter where you are given option to change
the design to your liking. Though you can manipulate the design , social media
platform’s popularity is still unrivaled. The amount of customization in blogs is also
unrivaled depending on the content management system implemented by the

Content Management System

A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that allows ypu to
publish, edit and manipulate, organize and delete web content. CMS is used inn blogs, news
websites, and shopping.

Creating your own blog using WordPress.

1. If you do not have a WordPress account yet, sign up by visiting
2. If it is your first time to visit the site, create your first blog. If you already have a blog,
there is no need to delete it. Wordpress allows you to create multiple blogs. Simply
click register another blog under my blogs in dashboard.
3. Pick a blog address. Name your blog then click Create Blog (choose the free option).
4. Click on Change your Blog Description/ permission. The general settinhs page
will appear. Set your site title and tagline. Set the timezone to Manila. You may also
insert a blog picture or icon on the right side. You may change the other setting
according to your preferences. When done, click Save changes located at the
bottom of the page.
5. On the left menu , choose Appearance> themes.
6. On the themes page, select free to filter out the paid themes.
7. Select any theme you wnt by hovering the mouse pointer over it then click Activate.
8. Once the dialog box appears, click Customize your Site.
9. You will be directed to a page where you can edit your website. Note: Some options
differ depending on the theme and some options may not be available for a free
a. Preview Window- shows you how your website would look like with the
applied changes.
b. Preview Selection – allows you to select what the preview widpws is
showing. You can preview how your site would look lie in a PC/ MAC, a tablet,
or a mobile phone.
c. Customization Tools- allows you to customize the design, change the color
and header, select a front page, add site widgets and change the site title.
10. Customize the theme to your liking. Once done, click on Save on the bottom of the
customization tools.

Posting on your Wordpress Blog

It is now time for us to add content to our wordpress blog. Follow these easy steps on
how to post for the first time.

1. On your dashboard, go to Post> Add New.

2. Creating a post is pretty straight fprward in WordPress. Just type a little, customize
the URL, then post in the Editor.

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