Reflection Sa Aking Mga Kababata

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After reading the poem, I can say that at his young age he was already
awake with the reality that our country is enslave long time ago. I
admire his knowledge even though he’s still is a lad. He emphasizes that
if a man really loves his country he must strive for freedom, it is a clear
thought of being a nationalist who wants to be free from Spaniards. He
also emphasizes that we should love our own language which is Filipino,
for it is like the latin and Castilian which are also important thus we give
importance to our language, we should also give importance to our
letters. which again a very important sign of being a free country. Above
all the mentioned elements of the poem. It is clear that he wants us to
love our country, from dialects, to letters of its own, so that we can have
the courage to fight for our freedom. And I think it is entitled “To my
fellow Chidren” so that whoever reads it specially the youth will be
inspired to fight for our freedom. He also believe that “ang kabataan ang
pag asa ng bayan” that is why he entitled this poem to his fellow
children to have that courage to fight for our country at young age at any
way. And at young age to love the country more than everything else.

This poem had a strong sense of nationalism expressing Rizal’s love for
our own language. He emphasized the significance and the usage of our
mother tongue. Mother tongue was the language we learned since birth
(which was Filipino). It gave us a sense of identity. Language could not
only be our way to communicate but it also served as the reflection of
our culture. Rizal also highlighted on this poem that all languages were
equal in terms of its significance and usage. Filipino language like other
languages had its own alphabet and words. The values and attitude that
still valid and usable today is we should be more proud of our nationality
and identity, and by enriching our language we could show our sense of
pride as Filipinos.

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