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Greetings to all the ladies and gentlement present over here.

I am not going take

much time to wonderfully question asked . Is it really survival?
I am going to tell you few things. Please, try to understand that this veru
gentlement person try to fool on us when he said that "sucide will be sorted out by
skill India".
I will tell you why because sucide is happening because e youth if you not going to
plan whatr are talking to giving people are unemployed.lets go out and look that
labour in ministry gave a report, that report says 13.3%
youth of india is overqualified for a job OVERQUALIFIED . We are planing to skill
the youth of india what about the youth who are already skilled. We are not even
them job and you are talking about to empower that youth. I am going to tell you a
story please listen me carefully when i telling you about this wonderfully
corporation Blackberry overnight sir speaker, trained all its employes overnight
gave them Blackberry operting system , Blackberry internet services , Blackberry
virtual keypad
sir , you know what happed to next day, next day in the morning assembly sun shown
with Apple and people bar down the technology . BlAckeberry who are skilled
rendered unskilled
because change in market . Gentlement when thhis market change on the daily basis
How is this skill that skill or any skill be permanent and if it is not permanent
this empowerment will never be come.
Ladies and Gentlement , Skill India that we are here talking about we need to
understand that if the skill is not permananetly. Is it permanent empowerment ? is
it real empowerment?

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