Pathogen Alert

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Attention Universe!

A disturbing theory on the behavioral pattern of the human race has been traced out, and it is observed that they are exhibiting uncanny parallels to
that of pathogenic organisms. It has begun to hit an alarming effect in reality.

It looks like we human race are a menace to the planet. To make it clear, let us assume the Earth to be an organism and human species as micro-
organisms. We look a lot like a disease due to our excessive multiplication, mindless consumption and waste generation with no regard for the health and
well-being of our host- the planet Earth.

Although, the pathogenic organisms do have some constructive qualities like killing of the weak and ensuring the survival of the fittest; they don’t
give a damn about their own source of life- their host. Similarly, when it comes to the disease behavior of us humans, we multiply with no regard for
limits, consume natural resource- as if there will be no future generations, and produce waste that chokes up the planet. After all, if we kill the
host upon which our survival depends, it also leads to our destruction eventually.

When a pathogen infects a human, the human body elevates its own temperature in order to defend itself. This raise in temperature enhances the
disease fighting capability within the body. In the same way, “Global Warming” might be the Earth’s way of answering human pollution and over

But the pathogens have a special leverage in carrying on their existence by travelling to a new host if their current host is dead. Is it the same that
happens in our case? We do not have such luxury options - at least not yet. But yes, if we strive hard and accomplish success in continuing our
dangerous behavior, we will also eventually succeed in marching straight towards our own demise. In this striving process, we can also succeed in
dragging many other species down with us- an awful act that’s already underway.

What is driving humanity to damage its life support system this way?

Why we disregard our host organism as if we are nothing more than a disease that’s intent upon its destruction?

We always tend to hold on the idea that more is better by measuring the success with the yardstick of material wealth. Will it be our legacy to
leave behind a lonely, dead-rock planet to revolve around the Sun or learn to live in a symbiotic relationship with it? The former requires only a ego-
centric lack of concern for anything but ourselves while, the latter requires an awareness of ourselves as a dependent part of a Greater Being.

It might require a hefty dose of humility which we can either assemble by ourselves or wait till it is been allocated to us. Either way, time is running

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