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Class-X (2017–18)

Time allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The question paper consists of 30 questions divided into four sections A, B, C and D.
(iii) Section A contains 6 questions of 1 mark each. Section B contains 6 questions of 2 marks
each. Section C contains 10 questions of 3 marks each. Section D contains 8 questions of 4
marks each.
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in four
questions of 3 marks each and three questions of 4 marks each. You have to attempt only one
of the alternatives in all such questions.
(v) Use of calculators is not permitted.


1. Find the coefficient of x0 in x2+ 3x + 2 = 0

2. What is the common difference of the A.P. in which a18-a14=32?

3. If the points A(x, 2), B(-3,-4) and C(7, -5) are colinear, then find the value of x.

4. If PA and PB are tangents from an outside point P such that PA = 15 cm and APB = 60°.
Find the length of chord AB.

5. Find the length of the shadow of a 20m tall pole, on the ground when the sun’s elevation is
45° .

6. If the probability of winning a game is 0.995, then find the probability of losing a game.


7. Solve: .

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8. Find the number of terms in the following series:

-5 + (-8) + (-11) + ……… + (-230)

9. Find the area (in sq.units) of the triangle formed by the points A(a, 0), O(0, 0) and B(0, b).

10. In two similar triangles ABC and PQR, if their corresponding altitudes AD and PS are in
the ratio 4 : 9, find the ratio of the areas of triangles ABC and PQR.

11. In the adjoining figure, O is the centre of the circle. AP and AQ two tangents drawn to the
circle. B is a point on the tangent QA and PAB = 125°, Find POQ.

12. The dimensions of a metallic cuboid are: 100 cm, 80 cm, 64 cm. It is melted and recast into
a cube. Find the surface area of the cube.


13. The two forces are acting on a body such that their maximum and minimum value of
resultant is 27 N and 13 N respectively. Find the values of forces.

14. Prove that is irrational.

15. A sweet seller has 420 Kaju burfis and 130 Badam barfis. She wants to stack them in such
a way that each stack has the same number, and they take up the least area of the tray. What
is the maximum number of burfis that can be placed in each stack for this purpose? (Use
Euclid division algorithm)

16. Find the sum of all multiples of 9 lying between 100 and 500.


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Check whether 301 is a term of the list of numbers 5, 11, 17, 23, . . .

17. Find a point on y axis which is equidistant from (2, 2) and (9, 9).


Find a relation between x and y if the points (2, 1) , (x, y) and (7, 5) are collinear

18. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 6 m more than the twice of the shortest side. If the
third side is 2 m less than the hypotenuse, then find the sides of the triangle.

19. Prove that the parallelogram circumscribing a circle is a rhombus.


An umbrella has 8 ribs, which are equally spaced, a ssuming umbrella to be a flat circle of
radius 45 cm. Find the area between two c onsecutive ribs of the umbrella.

20. If 7 cosec A - 3cot A = 7, prove that 7cot A - 3cosec A = 3.

21. A card is drawn from a well- shuffled pack of 52 playing cards. What is the probability
that the card drawn is
(a) either a red or a king
(b) a black face card
(c) a red queen card.


At a car park there are 100 vehicles, 60 of which are cars, 30 are vans and the remainder are
lorries. If every vehicle is equally likely to leave, find the probability of:
(a) van leaving first.
(b) lorry leaving first.
(c) car leaving second if either a lorry or van had left first

22. From a bag containing 5 red, 6 black and 7 yellow balls, a ball is drawn at random. Find
the probability that it is:
(a) not a yellow ball
(b) neither a black nor a red ball

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(c) either a black or a yellow ball


23. The sum of the areas of two squares is 640 m2. If the difference in their perimeters be
64m find the sides of the two squares.


In a class test, the sum of marks obtained by Puneet in Mathematics and Science is 28. Had
he got 3 more marks in Mathematics and 4 marks less in Science, the product of marks
obtained in the two subjects would have been 180? Find the marks obtained in two subjects

24. A girl walking uphill covers a distance of 20 m during the first minute, 18m during the
second minute and 16m during the third minute and so on. How much distance will she

cover in (i) 10th minute (ii) 10 minutes?

25. Draw a circle of radius 8 cm. From a point 12 cm away from its centre, construct the pair
of tangents to the circle and measure their lengths.


Draw a line segment AB of length 8 cm. Taking A as centre, draw a circle of radius 4 cm. and
constant the pair of tangents of the circle from point B and measure their lengths.

26. If sec A+ tan A= p, then prove that sin A = (p2+1)/(p2-1)

27. In the adjoining figure, PQ=24 cm, PR=7 cm and O is the centre of the circle. Find the area
of the shaded region.

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28. From the top of a hill, the angles of depression of two consecutive kilometre stones due
east are found to be 30° and 45°. Find the height of the hill.

29. 21 glass spheres each of radius 2 cm are packed in a cuboidal box of internal dimensions
16 cm x 8 cm x 8 cm and then the box is filled with water. Find the volume of water filled in
the box.

30. The following frequency distribution gives the monthly consumption of electricity of 68
consumers of a locality. Find the mean, median and mode of the data.

Monthly Consumption 65-85 85-105 105-125 125-145 145-165 165-185 185-205

Number of Consumers 4 5 13 20 14 8 4


The median of the following dats is 525. Find the value of x and y if the total frequencry is

0- 100- 200- 300- 400- 500- 600- 700- 800- 900-

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Number of
2 5 X 12 17 20 Y 9 7 4

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CLASS X - Mathematics

Section A

1. 2

2. d=8

3. -63

4. AB=15cm

5. 20cm

6. 0.005

Section B


8. a = -5 ; d = -3

an = -230

-230= -5 + (n – 1) (-3)

=> -225 = (n-1)(-3)

=> 75 = n-1
=> n = 76

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9. Area of ABC =

= - sq.units

= sq.units ( as area cannot be negative)

10. Since the areas of two similar triangles are in the ratio of the squares of corresponding

Thus, the ratio of areas of triangles ABC and PQR = 16 : 81

11. PAB+ PAQ =180° [Linear Pair of angles]

PAQ + 125o = 180o

PAQ = 180o - 125o

PAQ = 55o

In Quadrilateral APOQ,

PAQ+ APO+ AQO+ POQ = 360°

55°+90°+90°+ POQ=360° [Radius is perpendicular with tangent at their point of contact]

POQ=360°- 235°

POQ =125°.

12. Volume of cube = Volume of cuboid

(side)3 = Length × Breadth × Height

(side)3 = 100×80×64

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Side =

= 80 cm.

Surface Area of the Cube = 6a2 = 6 × 80 × 80 = 38400 cm2

Section C

13. Let the two forces in Newton(N) are x and y respectively.


x + y = 27 ------(1) [ For maximum force]

x - y = 13 -------(2) [ For minimum force]

Solving (1) and (2)

x = 20 ; y = 7

Required forces are 20N & 7N

14. Suppose is rational.

p and 1 are coprime

But is irrational while is rational and an irrational can never be equal to a rational

Thus our assumption is wrong and hence is irrational.

15. The number of stacks will be least if the number of burfis in each stack is equal to the
HCF of 420 and130.
Now, let us use Euclid’s algorithm to find their HCF.

420 = 130 × 3 + 30

130 = 30 × 4 + 10

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30 = 10 × 3 + 0

So, the HCF of 420 and 130 is 10.

Hence, the sweet seller can make stacks of 10m burfis of each kind to cover the least area of
the tray.

16. a = 108 , an = l = 495 ; d = 9

an = a + (n – 1) d

495 = 108 + (n -1) 9

n = 44

S44 = (a + l)

= (108 + 495)

= 13,266


We have : a2 – a1 = 11 – 5 = 6,

a3 – a2 = 17 – 11 = 6,

a4 – a3 = 23 – 17 = 6

As ak + 1 – ak is the same for k = 1, 2, 3, etc.,

the given list of numbers is an AP.

Now, a = 5 and d = 6.

Let 301 be a term, say, the nth term of the this AP. We know that
an = a + (n – 1) d

So, 301 = 5 + (n – 1) × 6
i.e., 301 = 6n – 1 So,
n =
But n should be a positive integer.
So, 301 is not a term of the given list of numbers.

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17. PA = PB

Squaring on both the sides,

Point is (0,11)


If the given points A(2,1), B(x,y) and C(7,5) are collinear, then the area formed by these
points will be 0.

This is the requried relation between x and y.

18. Let the shortest side be x meters in length.

Then, hypotenuse = (2x+16)m

And the third side = (2x+4)m

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By using Pythagoras theorem, we have

(2x + 6)2 = x2 + (2x + 4)2

(x – 10)(x + 2) = 0

x = 10 or x = -2

19. Let ABCD be parallelogram circumscribing circle with centre 0.

AS = AP (Tangents from A)

BP = BQ (Tangents from B)

CQ = CR (Tangents from C)

DS = DR (Tangents from D)

Now, AP + BP + CR + DR = AS + BQ + CQ + DS

( AP + BP) + ( CR + DR) = (AS + DS ) + ( BQ + CQ )

AB + CD = AD + BC

2 AB = 2 BC


AB = BC = CD = DA

ABCD is a rhombus

20. 7cosecA – 3 cotA = 7

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7cosecA – 7 = 3 cotA

7(CosecA – 1) = 3 cotA

Multiplying by (cosecA + 1) both sides, we get

7(cosecA – 1) (cosecA + 1) = 3 cotA (cosecA + 1)

7(cosec2A-1) = 3 cotA (cosecA + 1)

7cot2A=3 cotA (cosecA + 1)

7cotA = 3(cosecA + 1)

7cotA – cosecA=3

21. n(S)= 52

(a). Let A be the event of drawing either a red or a king card

n(A) = 28

P(A) =

(b) Let B be the event of drawing a black face card.

n(B) = 6

P(B) =

(c) Let C be the event of drawing a red queen card.

n(C) = 2

P(C) =

22. (a) let A be the event of drawing a ball other than yellow in colour.

n(A) = 11

P(A) =

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(b). Let B be the event of drawing a ball which is yellow in colour.

n(B) = 7

P(B) =

(c). Let C be the event of drawing a ball which is either black or yellow .

n(C) = 13

P(C) =

Section D

23. Let the areas of two squares be a12 , a22

a12+ a22 = 640 --------------------(1)

4 a1-4a2 =64

a1 – a2 = 16

a1 = 16 +a2

Substitute the value of a1 in (i) we get

(16 +a2)2 + a22 = 640

a22 + 16a2 -192 = 0

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= 8, -24

But length cannot be negative.

a2 = 8

a1 = 24

Therefore the sides are 24 & 8.

24. The required sequence is 20,18,16,14, ..........

a = 20, d = -2, n = 10

(i). 10th minute

an =a + (n -1) d

a10 =20 + 9(-2)

= 2 m

She covers a distance of 2 m during 10th minute.

(ii) 10 minutes

= 5(22)

= 110

After 10 minutes she will cover 110 m.

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Steps of Construction:

Step 1: Draw a circle with centre O and radius 8 cm.

Step 2: Take a point P outside the circle such that OP = 12 cm. Join OP.

Step 3: Draw a perpendicular bisector of line segment OP. It intersects OP at O’.

Step 4: Take O’ as centre and O’O as radius and draw a circle which intersects the previous
circle at points A and B.

Step 5: Join P to A and P to B.

PA & PB are the required tangents from point P to circle with centre O.

Length of PA = PB = 14.4 cm

26. Let p (sec A + tan A)

By componendo and dividend method.

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sinA = LHS

27. PQ = 24 cm, PR = 7 cm

Since P is a right angle, By Pythagoras theorem, we have

QR2 = PQ2 + PR2

= 242 + 72

= 576 + 49

= 625

QR = 25

Since QR is a diameter of a circle, radius of the circle r = 25/2 cm.

Area of the shaded region = Area of semi circle – Area of right triangle PQR

28. Let h = height of the hill

C and D are position of two stones.

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In CAB, we have

In DAB, we have

29. Given, Radius of 1 glass sphere. R = 2cm

Therefore, Volume of such 21 glass spheres

Given, Dimensions of the cuboidal box = 16 cm × 8 cm × 8 cm

Therefore, Volume of the cuboidal box = 16 × 8 × 8

Volume of the water added in cuboid box =

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Volume of the cuboidal box – volume of the 21 glass sphere

= 320 cm3


Monthly No. of
Cumulative Class
consumption (in consumers di=xi-135 ui fiui
frequency(cf) mark
units) (fi)

65-85 4 4 75 -60 -3 -12

85-105 5 9 95 -40 -2 -10

105-125 13(f0) 22 115 -20 -1 -13

125 - 145 20(f1) 42 135 0 0 0

145-165 14(f2) 56 155 20 1 14

165-185 8 64 175 40 2 16

185 - 205 4 68 195 60 3 12

TOTAL 68 7

From the table, n = 68, n/2 = 34, h = 20

Mean =

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Thus, the mean monthly consumption of electricity is 137.05 units.

Now, 125 - 145 is the median class because its frequency 42 is just greater than 34.

Median =

= 125 + 12

= 137 units

Model class is 125 – 145 because it has highest frequency

Mode =

= 125 + 10.76

= 135.77.

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