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Graded Assessment No.1 d. conversion of an electron to a proton.

I. Identification. Write what is being described.

4. Alpha emission is associated with ____________.
1. The first step in the disintegration of uranium is 238U→234Th. a. increase in atomic number.
What particle is emitted in this reaction? b. decrease in atomic number by 4 and mass number by 2.
alpha particle c. increase in mass number.
2. Plutonium-238 is an alpha-emitter and a compact heat source. d. decrease in mass number by 4 and atomic number by 2.
Coupled with a PbTe thermoelectric device, it was once used as
a very reliable electrical energy source for cardiac pacemakers. 5. Which of the following statement about the belt of stability (N-Z
What is the product (daughter nucleus) of the radioactive decay curve for stable and unstable isotopes) is true?
of plutonium-238? Write the element name with its atomic a. As the number of nucleus increase, the ideal neutron/proton
number and mass number. ratio increases.
U-234 b. Nuclei that lie above the belt of stability undergoes positron
3. What type of emission is likely for Re-188? Rhenium-188 is a emission or electron capture.
radioisotope for treatment of cancer. beta decay c. Nuclei with atomic number greater than 90 undergo alpha
4. The isotope Cr-53 is produced by the beta decay of (element d. Nuclei that lie below the belt of stability undergoes beta decay.
name with atomic mass)________. Mn-53
5. The isotope Ti-48 is produced by the alpha decay of ______. Cr- 6. Light elements with Z<20 generally have a neutron/proton ratios
52 about equal to ______.
a. 0.5 b. 0.8 c.1.0 d.1.5
6. Nitrogen-13 decays by positron emission to produce _____.
C-13 7. The heaviest stable elements will generally have a neutron/
7. Np-237 is most likely to decay by _______. proton ratio about equal to ________.
alpha decay a. 0.5 b. 0.8 c.1.0 d.1.5
8. For items a-c. Identify whether the change described is chemical 8. 34P is unstable and radioactive. Is its n/p ratio too high or too
or nuclear. low? In that case, which process could lead to stability?
a. Mixing baking soda and vinegar forms bubbles. a. Its n/p ratio is too low. It could attain stability by electron
chemical capture.
b. Formation of water from oxygen and hydrogen. b. Its n/p ratio is too low. It could attain stability by beta emission.
chemical c. Its n/p ratio is too high. It could attain stability by beta
c. Beta emission during the decay of 14C. nuclear emission.
9. Refer to the figure below and answer the questions that follow. d. Its n/p ratio is too high. It could attain stability by gamma
9. Which of the following nuclides are most likely to be unstable
because they have too many neutrons?
I. Carbon-14
II. Sodium-24
III. Silicon-26
IV. Aluminum-27
V. Phosphorus-31
a. only I b. I and II c. II and III d. III, IV, and V
10. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Isotopes have the same number of neutrons but have different
number of protons.
b. In order to overcome the repulsion between protons, a
a. How many alpha particles are produced as two atoms of strong nuclear force is required to hold a stable nucleus
Uranium-238 decays to lead-206? 16 together.
c. In order to overcome the repulsion between protons, a
b. How many beta particles were released from the decay of
strong electromagnetic force is required to hold the nucleus
Uranium-238 to 210-Pb? 4
10.Give the a) number of protons and b) number of neutrons for
d. The higher the number of protons in the nucleus the more
each element below.
stable it will be.
a. 300Og a. 118 b. 182
b. 208Tl a. 81 b. 127 III.Problem Solving. (a) Identify whether the nucleus is stable or
not, (b) If the nucleus is unstable, identify the reason for its
c. 190W a. 74 b. 116
instability in one phrase/sentence.
d. 270Sg a. 106 b. 164
e. 280Cm a. 96 b. 184 1. 4019K not stable; odd-odd
2. 1H stable
II. Multiple Choice. Write the CAPITAL LETTER of your answer. 3. 22286Rn not stable; Z>83
1. When a nuclear change takes place, which statement is true?
4. 16482Pb stable
a. Energy is destroyed.
b. Energy is unchanged. 5. 147N stable
c. Energy is released. 6. 2412Mg stable
d. Energy is conserved. 110
7. 56Ba not stable; neutrons<protons
2. Beta emission is associated with ________. IV.Complete the equation. Supply the missing information in the
a. conversion of a neutron to a proton. reactions. Label the type of nuclear reaction (e.g. alpha decay,
b. conversion of a proton to a neutron. beta decay)
c. increase in mass number.
1. _____ → 147N + 0-1e Type of reaction: __________
d. conversion of an electron to a proton.
2. 8O → 157N + _____ Type of reaction: __________
3. Electron-capture is associated with __________.
a. conversion of a neutron to a proton. 3. 24Cr* → 5224Cr + _____ Type of reaction: __________
b. conversion of a proton to a neutron. 4. 105
+ _____ → 105
47Ag 46Pd Type of reaction: __________
c. increase in mass number.
5. 24494Pu → 42He + _____ Type of reaction: __________ 14.A star’s envelope cools because of increased ________.
6. _____ → 0-1e + 4020Ca Type of reaction: __________ SURFACE AREA

III. Red Supergiant Diagram. Write the elements found from A-H.
1. 6C → 147N + 0-1e beta decay Furthermore, encircle the names of the elements that are never
found in red giants. (#20-
2. 8O → 157N + 0
1e positron emission 23) A
52 52 A. Hydrogen
3. 24Cr* → 24Cr +y gamma emission C

105 0 105 B. helium D

4. 47Ag + -1e → 46Pd electron capture
C. carbon E

5. 94Pu → 42He + 24092U alpha decay D. oxygen F

6. 40 0
19K→ -1e + 4020Ca beta decay E. neon
**************************************************************************** F. magnesium
Graded Assessment No.2 G.silicon
I. Equations. Write only the missing component for each equation. H. iron
Also identify the cosmic phase in which the reaction occurred as:
A. only in big bang nucleosynthesis ENCIRCLED ARE ELEMENTS
B. only in stellar evolution of low-mass stars
C. only in stellar evolution of high-mass stars IV. True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if the
D. both in stellar evolution of low-mass and high-mass stars statement is false.
E. both in big bang and stellar evolution of stars 1. A star’s envelope expands because of increased density. F
SETA 2. The increase in pressure causes an increase in temperature at the
1. ___ + ___  168O + 42He Cosmic Phase:_____ star’s core. T
2. ___ + 21H → 32He + 10n Cosmic Phase:_____ 3. Depending on the mass of the star, different elements are created
in the fusion process. T
3. 74Be + 10n → ___ + ___ Cosmic Phase:_____
4. A white dwarf will always have a degenerate core of O and C. F
4. 168O + ___ → 2814Si + ___ Cosmic Phase:_____
5. Energy of the star is from fusion. T
5. 2010Ne + ___  2312Mg + ___ + 10n Cosmic Phase:_____
6. During fusion, some mass is converted into energy. T
7. Iron fusion does not generate energy but it consumes energy. T
10Ne + γ  168O
1. + 42He C 8. To make an apple pie from scratch you must first invent the
2. 1H + 21 H → 3
2He + 1 n
0 A universe. T
3. 7
4Be +
0n →
3Li +
1p A
9. Low-mass stars never end explosively. F
10.A white dwarf is larger than a neutron star. T
4. 168O + 168O → 2814Si + 42He C
23 Mg + γ + 1 n C 11.In the CNO cycle, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen catalyze the
10Ne + 2He 
20 4
5. 12 0
formation of helium atoms. T
12.A red giant has a burning He core. F
13.For two nuclei to be brought close to each other, the nuclei must
1. 1H + 11p → 3 He
2 + ___+ ____ Cosmic Phase:_____ be exposed to high temperature to overcome the repulsion
2. ___ + ___→ 4Be + γ 8 Cosmic Phase:_____ between the protons in the nuclei. T
3. ___ + ___ → 2311Na + 11H Cosmic Phase:_____ 14.As the core collapses, iron nuclei are converted into neutrons with
the emission of neutrinos. T
4. 8O → ___ + ___+ 00v Cosmic Phase:_____
15.V838 Monocerotis was a red supergiant. T
3 4 1
5. 2He + ___ → 2He + ___ + 1H Cosmic Phase:_____
16.Elements heavier than Lithium were not synthesized in the Big
1. 2
1H + 11p → 3
1He + 01e + γ E *******************************************************************************
4Be +γ E Graded Assessment No.3
2. 2He + 42He → 8

3. 126C + 126C → 2311Na + 11H D I. Identification. For names, provide the full name when
4. 15
8O → 15 N
7 + 0
1e + 0 v
0 C applicable.
3 1. This Greek philosopher asserted that all things are composed of
5. 2He + 32He → 4
2He + 11H + 11H D
four primal elements: earth, fire, and water. Empedocles
II. Identification. Write what is being described for each number. 2. Philosopher who believed that all matter is made up of small
1. This is formed when the giant clouds of gas, light-years across particles called atoms, which cannot be divided into smaller
and consisting mostly of hydrogen, begin to contract under their units. Democritus
own gravity and light up. STARS 3. Scientist who proposed the law of definite proportions. Joseph
2. The two most abundant elements in a star at its birth. HE AND H Proust
3. The single most important characteristic of a star for determining 4. Scientist who asserted that in a chemical reaction, atoms are
its properties and evolution. MASS neither created nor destroyed. John Dalton
4. Principle stating that certain particles such as electrons cannot be 5. Term for a positively charged ion. cation
at the same place at the same time. PAULI-EXCLUSION 6. A type of charged ion that gains electrons. anion
7. A law stating that when a product is formed, elements always
5. Typically fuses hydrogen via the proton-proton chain, as their combine in similar proportion of mass regardless of the size of
cores are not hot enough for CNO fusion. LOW-MASS STARS
the same. law of definite proportions
6. Temperature (in Kelvin) required for triple-alpha process to occur.
8. Refer to the periodic table, give the period and group number for
each element:
7. When the star puffs off its outer layers, it generates a ______.
a. astatine
b. strontium
8. 8-Be nucleus is highly unstable and will decay in about ______
c. magnesium 3, 2A
seconds unless an alpha particle fuses with it first. 10–12
d. zinc 4, 2B
9. Two forces experienced by a star causing it to expand or collapse.
10.A leftover radiation that showed the unequal distribution of matter 9. Classify the following as an element, compound, heterogeneous
during the time when the universe began. CMB or homogeneous mixture. a. air homogeneous
11.The end of the lifecycle of our sun is as a _____. WHITE DWARF b. water compound
12.The three major isotopes formed during big bang nucleosynthesis. c. diamond element
2-H, 3-He, 4-He d. copper element
13.All stars are born from a _____. NEBULA e. steel homogeneous
II. True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if the
statement is false.
1. James Chadwick discovered neutrons. T
2. JJ Thomson came up with the model that shows electrons move
in orbits. F
3. Daltons’ Atomic Theory posits that elements are composed of
more than one atom. F
4. If 500g of C-14 were originally present, there will be 31.25g
remaining after 4 half-lives of C-14. T
5. Length is an intrinsic property of matter. F
6. According to Dalton’s Atomic Theory, the carbon dioxide in
Manila and Baguio are the same ratio of 1 part carbon to 2 parts
oxygen. T
7. A silicon atom has 14 electrons, 4 valence electrons, and 3
shells containing electrons. T
8. A radioactive nuclide has a half-life of two days. After 8 days,
only 1/4 of the original amount will remain. F
III. Complete the Table. Copy the table on your answer sheet and
provide correct data to complete the table.
Absolute Relative mass
Particle Charge (C)
mass (kg) (amu)
1 electron 9x10-31g 0 -1.60x10-19
2 proton 1.67x10-27 1 1.60x10-19
3 neutron 1.67x10- 1 0

Element # of protons # of electrons

Neutral 17 17
4 Chlorine
Ion 17 18

Neutral 7 7
5 Nitrogen
Ion 7 10

Neutral 20 20
6 Calcium
Ion 20 18

Neutral 13 13
7 Aluminum
Ion 13 10


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