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Vidura Neeti (Mahabharata)

 Introduction

 Who was Vidura?

Those with a fairly thorough knowledge of the Mahabharata would recognize him well, and
for others he is a hazy character in that epic. He was the half brother of Pandu and
Dhritarashtra and older to them but was born to a maid. So, he was not entitled to the
Hastinapur throne, which was initially occupied by Pandu from whom the throne went to the
blind Dhritarashtra when Pandu abdicated. But Vidura’s services were used as the Prime
Minister by Dhritarashtra.

 What is Vidura Neeti?

When the peace talks between the Kauravas and the Pandavas failed, King Dhritarashtra was
distraught, disappointed and could not sleep. He sent for Vidura for a tete-a-tete. And this is
how “Vidura Neeti” was born.
Vidura Neeti comprises of maxims of Vidura on “right conduct” in the form of a dialogue
with King Dhritarashtra. This text contains more than 500 slokas in Eight Chapters, and is
incorporated in chapters 33 to 40 of Udyoga Parva of the Mahabharata. The wisdom
contained in it is precursor to Chanakya’s “Arthasastra”.

In Chapter 3 Deities never guide a man like a shepherd with a stick in their hand. Instead
they deliver intelligence and wisdom to the person.
A palmist, a thief who became vendor, gambler, physician, friend, enemy, and singers-
dancers is people whom you must not rely nor ask for proof.

Vidura Neeti Chapter 3

 Chapter 3 Slokas No 1 Dhritarashtra wants Vidura to him more about righteous


King of Hastinapur Dhritarashtra Said that My wise brother Vidur tell me about the Dharma
and Artha then Vidura reply him and tell him that what is difference between Dharma &

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Vidura Neeti (Mahabharata)

According to the Hinduism, and refers to the four proper goals or aims of a human life
“Dharma, Artha, Karma & Moksha”. Dharma Means Righteousness, Duty and Artha mean is
Wealth, Kama mean is Desire, and Moksha mean is Liberation.

o Dharma means Righteousness & Duty. A person is born on this earth to fulfill
certain duties. The soul houses itself into the physical body which is most suited for
performing these duties. The work that a person needs to do, which may be tied to
their body, family, or commitments among others, can be the Dharma of the person.
For example of a person’s Dharma may be their professional or familial roles such as
a doctor, teacher, writer, warrior, priest, parents, etc.

o Artha mean is Wealth. Artha is the pursuit of material wealth, which may bring
material comfort to a person. People sometimes believe that the path of spiritual
growth and pursuit of material wealth are mutually exclusive, or even that a spiritual
seeker needs to be in poverty. But that is not true, if we look at the universe, it is a
reflection of abundance. Nature is abundant in everything.

 Chapter 3 Slokas No 51-52: 8 Virtues that help in the creation of wealth,

add to longevity etc.

King of Hastinapur Dhritarashtra Said that my wise brother Vidur tells me about the 8
attributes enhances a man’s glory. Then Vidura reply and said that Goods fortune
bring wealth. It is multiplied by boldness. It takes root in wisdom. Thereafter the
riches are preserved by care and control. These are eight attributes enhance a man’s
glory: Wisdom, Noble lineage, self-control, knowledge of the books of ancient
wisdom, Velour, Brevity in speech, Charity within one’s means and, Gratitude.

i. Wisdom: According to me wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to know what is true or

right, common sense or the collection of one’s knowledge.
ii. Noble lineage (Nobility): Nobility is a social class normally ranked immediately
under royalty and found in some societies that have a formal aristocracy. Nobility
possesses more acknowledge privileges and higher social status the most other classes
in society.
iii. Self-control: The ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires,
especially in difficult situations.

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Vidura Neeti (Mahabharata)

iv. Knowledge of the books of ancient wisdom: A reference work (often in several
volumes) containing articles on various topics (often arranged in alphabetical order)
dealing with the entire range of human knowledge or with some particular
specialty. For example The Rig Veda is a collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns
counted among the four Hindu religious texts known as the Vedas. The Rig Veda was
likely composed between roughly 1700–1100 BCE, making it one of the oldest texts
of any Indo-Iranian language, one of the world's oldest religious texts.
v. Velour: A plush woven fabric resembling velvet, used for soft furnishings, casual
clothing, and hats.
vi. Brevity in speech: Brevity, conciseness refers to the use of few words in
speaking. Brevity emphasizes the short duration of speech: a response reduced to
extreme brevity. Conciseness emphasizes compactness of expression: Her prose is
clear in spite of great conciseness
vii. Charity within one’s means: charity is an act or feeling of kindness or goodwill or a
voluntary gift of money or time to those in need. An example of charity is a donation
of ten dollars a month to a local food bank.
viii. Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to
return kindness. The first is appreciation: You recognize that something is valuable to
you, which has nothing to do with its monetary worth. The second quality Br. David
mentions is that gratitude is gratis: freely given to you.

 Chapter 3 Slokas 72-74: Desirable qualities in a king who wants rule for a long time. 3
type of persons who benefit the most from the earth.

King of Hastinapur Dhritarashtra Said that my wise brother Vidur tells me about the
desirable qualities in a king who wants rule for a long time & 3 type of persons who
benefit the most from the earth. Then Vidura reply Rajan! A king rules for a long time
if he worships the Brahmins, if he is kind to his kin and if he is of a noble character.

There are 3 type of person who benefits the most from the earth.

i. The Brave
ii. The learned
iii. Serve others

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Vidura Neeti (Mahabharata)

1. The Brave: Ready to face and endure danger or pain showing courage
For example: Brave comes in many shapes, sizes and forms. While racing into a
burning building to save life and helping out a person who is being robbed are
certainly courageous and admirable acts, even smaller occurrence can court as acts of
2. The learned: Having acquired much knowledge through study.
For example: A person you are- form what you look like to how you behave.
3. Serve others: To give the service and respect. ‘Helping people is important because
it’s good to do good deeds for others.
For example: Help outdoors, give food, Work at event, & Drive for others etc.

Submitted By
 Name: Mr. Devang Pratap Singh
 Contact No: +91 8077094739
 College: Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior MP
 G-mail:

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