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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


Nursing Program

Center of Excellence for Nursing

2nd Semester AY 2018-2019


TITLE: Utos ng Diyos ay Pahalagahan upang Habang Buhay ay Makamtan

VENUE: Barangay Union, Cabagan, Isabela
DATE: May 08, 2019
TIME: 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
GOAL: “To educate and foster awareness about the commandments given by the Creator.”
Objective Content Methodologies Time Frame Resources Persons Evaluation
Needed Responsible

At the end of 1 hour

and 30 minutes, the
student nurses will
be able to:
Register all the Checking of attendance 9:15 AM- 9:30 Mawi Amistad,
participants for the AM Kim Andaya,
Basic Ecclesiastical Angela Carag,
Community (BEC) Nicole Ganuelas,
Latawan, Bryan
Leguiab, Heron
Lopez, Sychie
Narag, Patrick
Danielle Ramos,
Opening Prayer 9:30 AM- 9:35 Nicole Ganuelas
1. Give an idea about Introduction 9:35 AM- 9:40 Kim Andaya
what to expect AM
during the course of God gave His law for the good of His people
the BEC. (Deuteronomy 10:13). His 10 Commandments are
not just for one group of people or one age group.
They can be helpful to kids and adults. And if we
break these good laws, we will have bad results.
The 10 Commandments show us how to love God.
He made us, and He loves us deeply. So knowing
the first four commandments helps us know how to
love Him back.
The last six commandments show us how to love
other people. It starts with our parents in the Fifth
Commandment. Then the last five show how to get
along with others. Thinking about what they mean
can help kids be good neighbors and good future
husbands and wives. Obeying them can help make
other people happy.
2. Provide an The student nurses will be presenting a short video The student 9:40 AM- Projector, Mawi Amistad,
information about clip about the 10 commandments. The movie nurses will be 10:00 AM Speakers, Kim Andaya,
the topic for the presents how God gave gave the 10 providing a Laptop Angela Carag,
Basic Ecclesiastical Commandments to Moses. short Nicole Ganuelas,
Community (BEC) video/movie Rosalyn
which is the 10 about the 10 Latawan, Bryan
Commandments. Commandments. Leguiab, Heron
Lopez, Sychie
Narag, Patrick
Danielle Ramos,
3. Enumerate the 10 The 10 Commandments Using the visual 10:00 AM- Mawi Amistad,
commandments 1. I am the Lord your God; you shall not have aids made by the 10:10 AM Kim Andaya,
starting from the strange gods before me. student nurses, Angela Carag,
first to the last. 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your each of the Nicole Ganuelas,
God in vain. Commandment Rosalyn
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day. will be Latawan, Bryan
4. Honor thy father and mother. presented. Leguiab, Heron
5. Thou shalt not kill. Lopez, Sychie
6. You shall not commit adultery. Narag, Patrick
7. You shall not steal. Raganit,
8. You shall not bear false witness against your Danielle Ramos,
neighbor. Edelynn
9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. Tumamao
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
3. Explain the Commandment number 1: This commandment is After 10:10 AM- Mawi Amistad,
significance of each about Loyalty. enumerating the 10:20 AM Kim Andaya,
commandment and This commandment forbids idolatry. God declared commandments, Angela Carag,
how to apply the 10 that He is the Creator. This is how He wants us, His the student Nicole Ganuelas,
Commandments in people to demonstrate our love for Him. This is the nurses will then Rosalyn
their daily activities primary focus of the 10 Commandments, we, the further explain Latawan, Bryan
or interactions with people of God should honor and respect Him above the importance Leguiab, Heron
people. anything else and that we should allow nothing to of the different Lopez, Sychie
prevent us from serving and obeying Him. commandments Narag, Patrick
Commandment number 2: This commandment is and through Raganit,
all about worship. pictures, the Danielle Ramos,
This commandment is a constant reminder that only different Edelynn
we, of all things, are made in the image and activities as to Tumamao
likeness of God. how each
Commandment number 3: This commandment is can be done will
all about sanctification and relationship. be presented.
This commandment reminds us on how a proper 1. Identify some
relationship with God should be. How we are to actions that lead
love, worship, and relate to Him are included in this to following the
commandment. 1st
Commandment number 4: This commandment is For example, in
all about respect and parental authority. times of need,
This commandment tells us to recognize the we should
importance of parents who are guiding us and always turn into
helping us grow. Families are building blocks of god alone.
societies that build strong nations. The Fifth 2. Explain that
Commandment shows us from whom and how the we should not
fundamentals of respect and honour are most use god’s name
effectively learned. It guides us to know how to in a
yield to others, how to properly submit to authority disrespectful
and how to accept the influence of mentors. manner. Ask
“how would you
Commandment number 5: All about respect for feel if someone
human life. said bad things
God asks us to demonstrate love and not hate to your
towards others by not murdering. We must learn to parents?”
control our tempers. Taking another person's life is 3. Explain why
not our right to decide. That judgment is reserved Sunday is
for God alone. This commandment reminds us that special.
God is the giver of life and He alone has the 4. Explain that
authority to take it. the use of the
word honor
Commandment number 6: Purity in relationships\ means
God asks us to express and demonstrate our love recognizing the
for our partner by not committing adultery. importance of
Adultery is the violation of the marriage covenant parents as
by wilful participation in sexual activity with people who are
someone other than one's spouse. Since God's law guiding us and
sanctions sexual relationships only within a helping us grow.
legitimate marriage, the command not to commit 5. Briefly
adultery covers in principle, all varieties of sexual explain to the
immorality. No sexual relationship of any sort participants that
should occur outside of marriage. all forms of
immoral sexual
Commandment number 7: Honesty activity are
God instructs us to show our love and respect for forbidden by
others by not stealing what belongs to them. The God.
Eighth Commandment safeguards everyone's right 6.
to legitimately acquire and own property. His 7. Give some
approach to material wealth is balanced. He wants scenarios why
us to prosper and enjoy physical blessings. He also people steal.
expects us to show wisdom in how we use what He Explain that
provides us and He does not want possessions to be those acts do not
our primary pursuit in life. When we see material make the Lord
blessings as a means to achieve more-important happy.
objectives, God enjoys seeing us prosper. To Him it 8. Explain to the
is important that generosity rather than greed participants why
motivate the choices we make. Because they are God does not
qualities of His own character, He asks that we, want us to lie.
from the heart, put giving and serving ahead of Ask the
lavishing possessions on ourselves. participants
about their
feelings if they
Commandment number 8: Truthfulness are being lied by
God says if we love others we should not deceive others.
or lie to them. We must also realize how important 9. and 10.
truth is to God. God wants us to realize that in this Explain why it is
commandment, we should, as servants, always important to
speak truthfully and reflect in everything we do. avoid desires,
especially those
Commandments number 9 and number 10: that will lead
Contentment people to sin.

God instructs us not to covet because He knows it

can entrap us into even greater sin. To covet means
to crave or desire, especially in excessive or
improper ways. The last two commandments tell us
that not all of or desires are immoral; instead, it
tells us that some of our desires are wrong.
Coveting is an immoral longing for something that
is not rightfully ours. In these last two
commandments, they tell us not to crave for
something or anything that are already other
people’s belongings.
4. Evaluate the A game will be played. 10:20 AM- Mawi Amistad,
learning of the The participants will be grouped into 5. The 10:30 AM Kim Andaya,
participants. participants will be given jumbled numbers and Angela Carag,
commandments. Each commandment and the Nicole Ganuelas,
commandment number will be having font colors Rosalyn
(the font color of the commandment number will be Latawan, Bryan
similar to the font color of the commandment Leguiab, Heron
itself). The teams will be competing on who will be Lopez, Sychie
the first to arrange the different commandments Narag, Patrick
starting from the first commandment to the last Raganit,
commandment. Danielle Ramos,
Closing Prayer 10:30 AM- Angela Carag
10:35 AM
Giving of Certificates and Tokens 10:35 AM- Ma’am Maria
Photo Opportunity 10:50 AM Lourdes
Saquing, MSN

Mawi Amistad,
Kim Andaya,
Angela Carag,
Nicole Ganuelas,
Latawan, Bryan
Leguiab, Heron
Lopez, Sychie
Narag, Patrick
Danielle Ramos,
Giving of snacks 10:50 AM- Mawi Amistad,
11:00 AM Kim Andaya,
Angela Carag,
Nicole Ganuelas,
Latawan, Bryan
Leguiab, Heron
Lopez, Sychie
Narag, Patrick
Danielle Ramos,
Prepared by: Noted by:

Danielle Innah Ramos Mrs. Maria Lourdes Saquing, MSN

BSN-IV Student Community Instructor

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