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Many people believe that educational standards have declined in recent times, particularly in the areas of literacy

and numeracy.

Discuss the causes and of this problem and offer some possible solutions of it.

Number of individuals believe that educational standards have dwindled in early times, especially in the
literacy and numeracy. This is because of distraction of interest from the education. However, the solutions
make the problems feeble.

Distraction of interest from studies is the major cause of declining of the educational standard. Owing to the
development in the standards of living, parents do not have time to oversee the students and most
importantly excessive use of android phones which are full of entertainment feature consumes a lot of
students time, compel to compromise with studies by the students. For example, nowadays, the students are
more attached to the mobile games whereas PUBG is the most famous game among teenagers. The new
generation are more attached to the games whether we talk about boys or girls for the same concern.

However, there is saying that “excessive use of liberty is, excessive use of slavery”. As part of solution, this
essay supports the balance use of anything. For example, If the excessive use of mobile phone produces
addiction so it must be stopped and think for better constructive initiatives. Secondly, the proactive approach
by the guardian to supervise their offspring will play a crucial role in the formation of productive skill in the
students. Then they will not be bound to the distraction and move further with pace. In addition the role of
discipline is vital. This creates not only the result oriented but it establish the personality of the one.

To conclude, this essay reflects the major problem in students of distraction and it offers the possible
solutions to it. This essay focuses on solution to control any use of entertainment ever it advices about the
discipline life

There is a widely held perception in many parts of the world today that educational standards are in
decline. In the following essay, I aim to identify the sources of this problem as well as some viable solutions
to it.

From my perspective, one of the most significant obstacles to learning in schools today is lack of discipline.
While the teachers of previous generation were able to maintain order through the use of corporal
punishment, such methods are no longer permitted. This has left many teachers powerless to control
unruly students. The resultant misbehavior and inattention on the part of students seriously undermines
the learning process. If educational standards are to be raised, therefore it is crucial that classroom
discipline be restored.

Admittedly, there are numerous alternatives to corporal punishment, which is frowned upon by many
these days. Nonetheless, I remain firmly convinced that physical forms of punishment are often the most
effective method of behavior management. Another major contributing factor in the sub-standard
academic achievement of today’s students is the undue attention that many schools give to “soft” subjects
like music, art, and drama. Interesting though they may be, these subjects simply serve to distract students
from more important and practical subjects like mathematics and English. The more time a student spends
learning how to paint, for instance, the less time they spend learning how to read.

In order to improve educational outcomes, therefore, we must ensure that core subjects are not neglected.
In reality, of course, this is a vast oversimplification of the issue. Solutions such as the reintroduction of
corporal punishment would be problematic in themselves. However I believe that the hard way is the best

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