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Before You Read

The Cask of Amontillado

Meet Edgar Allan Poe


rumbling mansions, hearts that con-
tinue to beat after death, and insane
killers are just a few of the ingredients
in Edgar Allan Poe’s fiction. His stories are
not simple spine-tinglers, however. Poe trav-
els deep into psychological territory, exploring
guilt, rage, sorrow, madness, and fear.
A Loner Poe’s life itself was a dark and often
haunting tale. His parents were poverty-
stricken actors. Poe’s father left when Poe was remainder of Poe’s short life was spent in
two years old, and his mother died when he poverty and pain. He continued to work, but
was three. Separated from his siblings, Poe he did not achieve the public success he felt
was raised by John and Frances Allan. As Poe he deserved. Alcohol remained a problem,
entered adolescence, he had a serious falling and he was often ill. He watched the love of
out with his foster father, who disapproved of his life, his wife Virginia Clemm, waste
his desire to write. Poe spent a few years in away and die from tuberculosis. Poe’s loneli-
the army to try to regain his foster father’s ness, pain, and general inability to connect
approval, but once it was clear that Allan was with others helped forge his uniquely dark
through with him, Poe moved to Baltimore vision.
and focused on writing.
A Literary Giant Poe’s essays and reviews are
still read today for their literary insights. His
poetry, including such famous works as “The
“From childhood’s hour I have not been Raven” and “The Bells,” lives on in countless
collections of America’s best writing. Perhaps
As others were—I have not seen most of all, his fictional works continue to
As others saw—” frighten and delight readers worldwide.
—Edgar Allan Poe, “Alone” Poe is classified as an American Romantic
writer, a detective fiction writer, and a Gothic
writer. Some critics refer to Poe as the first
Turmoil and Grief Poe began to write poetry truly modern writer because he probed the
as a teenager and published his first collection individual and the mystery of the self.
of poems in 1829. His short stories began
appearing in magazines, and in 1833, one of
his tales won a prize. This led to a job as a lit- Literature Online
erary editor, a position that brought him great
Author Search For more about Edgar Allan Poe, go to
success, but which he lost due to his change- and enter QuickPass code GL49787u1.
able nature and alcoholism. Most of the

56 U N I T 1 T H E S H O RT S T O RY
Library of Congress

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Learning Objectives
Literature and Reading Preview
For pages 56 –66
Connect to the Story In studying this text, you
will focus on the following
What kinds of wrongs or injuries would make a person want to
take revenge? Do you think getting revenge makes people feel
Literary Study: Analyzing
better or worse? Discuss these questions with a partner.

Build Background Reading: Paraphrasing.

Much of this story is set in the catacombs of the Montresor

family, which were also used as a wine cellar. Catacombs are
underground cemeteries. The walls of the narrow passageways
are lined with niches where bodies are placed. Carnival is an
often uninhibited celebration involving costume parades, feast- Vocabulary
ing, and other festivities. It takes place mainly in Roman preclude (pri klood) v. to
Catholic regions during the weeks before Lent, a holy season prevent; to make impossible;
of abstinence and prayer. p. 58 Failing grades preclude the
possibility of playing in Friday’s
Set Purposes for Reading basketball game.
Big Idea Matters of Life and Death impunity (im pū nə tē) n. free-
As you read “The Cask of Amontillado,” ask yourself, How do dom from punishment, harm, or
details in the story evoke the idea of death? bad consequences; p. 58 No one
here knew him, so he thought he
Literary Element Mood could lie with impunity.
Mood is the emotional quality of a literary work. A writer’s accost (ə kô st) v. to approach
choice of language, subject matter, setting, and tone, as well as and speak to, especially in an
such sound devices as rhyme and rhythm, contribute to creat- aggressive manner; p. 59 The
ing mood. As you read “The Cask of Amontillado,” ask yourself, beggars accost and scare the
What emotions does the writing make me feel? shoppers.
Reading Strategy Paraphrase explicit (eks plis it) adj.
definitely stated, clearly
Paraphrasing is putting something into your own words.
expressed; p. 60 Ms. DePietro
Unlike a summary, a paraphrase is usually about the same
gave explicit instructions for
length as the original passage. As you read, ask yourself, How
each stage of the assignment.
would I rephrase this passage to make it easier to understand?
implore (im plô r) v. to ask
Tip: Make a Chart Paraphrase difficult sentences, or parts of earnestly; to beg; p. 63 Some
sentences, as you read. parents implore their children
to study.
Author’s Words My Paraphrase
p. 58 I had put up with the
“The thousand injuries of many wrongs Fortunato
Fortunato I had borne as I did to me as well as I
best could.” could.


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edgar Allan Poe

T he thousand injuries of Fortunato1 I

had borne as I best could; but when
he ventured upon insult, I vowed
revenge. You, who so well know the nature
punish with impunity. A wrong is unre-
dressed when retribution overtakes its
redresser. It is equally unredressed when
the avenger fails to make himself felt as
of my soul, will not suppose, however, that such to him who has done the wrong.2
I gave utterance to a threat. At length I It must be understood, that neither by
would be avenged; this was a point defini- word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause
tively settled—but the very definitiveness
with which it was resolved, precluded the 2. [A wrong is . . . done the wrong.] these sentences might
idea of risk. I must not only punish, but be rephrased this way: “A wrong is not avenged if the
avenger either is punished for taking revenge or does not
make the wrongdoer aware that he is taking revenge.”
1. Fortunato (fôŕ too nä tō)
impunity (im pū nə tē) n. freedom from punish-
preclude (pri klood) v. to prevent; to make impossible ment, harm, or bad consequences

58  U n i t 1 t h e s h o rt s t o ry
Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY

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to doubt my good-will. I continued, as was I said to him: “My dear Fortunato, you
my wont, to smile in his face, and he did are luckily met. How remarkably well you
not perceive that my smile now was at the are looking today! But I have received a
thought of his immolation.3 pipe of what passes for Amontillado,6 and
He had a weak point—this Fortunato— I have my doubts.”
although in other regards he was a man to “How?” said he. “Amontillado? A pipe?
be respected and even feared. He prided Impossible! And in the middle of the
himself on his connoisseurship4 in wine. carnival!”
Few Italians have the true virtuoso spirit. “I have my doubts,” I replied; “and
For the most part their enthusiasm is I was silly enough to pay the full
adopted to suit the time and opportunity— Amontillado price without consulting
to practice imposture upon the British and you in the matter. You were not to be
Austrian millionnaires. In painting and found, and I was fearful of losing a
gemmary Fortunato, like his countrymen, bargain.”
was a quack—but in the “Amontillado!”
matter of old wines he “I have my doubts.”
was sincere. In this “Amontillado!”
respect I did not differ “How remarkably “And I must satisfy
from him materially: I them.”
was skillful in the Italian well you are “Amontillado!”
vintages myself, and
bought largely whenever
looking today!” “As you are engaged,
I am on my way to
I could. Luchesi.7 If anyone has a
It was about dusk, one critical turn, it is he. He
evening during the supreme madness of will tell me——”
the carnival season, that I encountered my “Luchesi cannot tell Amontillado from
friend. He accosted me with excessive Sherry.”
warmth, for he had been drinking much. “And yet some fools will have it that his
The man wore motley.5 He had on a tight- taste is a match for your own.”
fitting parti-striped dress, and his head “Come, let us go.”
was surmounted by the conical cap and “Whither?”
bells. I was so pleased to see him, that I “To your vaults.”
thought I should never have done wring- “My friend, no; I will not impose upon
ing his hand. your good nature. I perceive you have an
engagement. Luchesi—”
“I have no engagement;—come.”
3. Here, immolation means “death or destruction.”
4. Connoisseurship (koń ə sur ship) is expert knowledge
“My friend, no. It is not the engagement,
that qualifies one to pass judgment in a particular area. but the severe cold with which I perceive
5. Motley is the multicolored costume of a court jester or

Matters of Life and Death What is the narrator’s

attitude toward the destruction of Fortunato? 6. A pipe is a wine barrel that holds 126 gallons. Amontillado
(ə môn tē yä dō) is a kind of pale, dry sherry from Spain.
Vocabulary 7. Luchesi (loo kā sē)

accost (ə kô st) v. to approach and speak to, Mood How would you characterize this opening exchange
especially in an aggressive manner between the two main characters?


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Carnival in Rome, 1839. Aleksandr Petrovich
Myasoedov. Oil on canvas. State Russian
Museum, St. Petersburg.

  This painting depicts a street

scene during Carnival. How would you
describe the atmosphere in this painting?
How does it compare with the opening
scene from this story?

you are afflicted. The vaults are

insufferably damp. They are
encrusted with niter.”8
“Let us go, nevertheless.
The cold is merely nothing.
Amontillado! You have been
imposed upon. And as for
Luchesi, he cannot distinguish
Sherry from Amontillado.”
Thus speaking, Fortunato
possessed himself of my arm.
Putting on a mask of black silk,
and drawing a roquelaure
closely about my person, I suf-
fered him to hurry me to my
There were no attendants at
home; they had absconded to
make merry in honor of the
time. I had told them that I should not I took from their sconces two flambeaux,10
return until the morning, and had given and giving one to Fortunato, bowed him
them explicit orders not to stir from the through several suites of rooms to the arch-
house. These orders were sufficient, I well way that led into the vaults. I passed down
knew, to insure their immediate disap- a long and winding staircase, requesting
pearance, one and all, as soon as my back him to be cautious as he followed. We came
was turned. at length to the foot of the descent, and
stood together on the damp ground of the
catacombs of the Montresors.
8. Niter is a salt-like substance found in cool, damp places. The gait of my friend was unsteady, and
9. A roquelaure (rôk ə lor) is a knee-length cloak that was
the bells upon his cap jingled as he strode.
popular in the 1700s. A palazzo (pə lätsō) is a mansion
or palace. “The pipe?” said he.
“It is farther on,” said I; “but observe the
Paraphrase  Restate this sentence in your own words. white web-work which gleams from these
cavern walls.”
explicit  (eks plis it) adj. definitely stated; clearly
expressed 10. Sconces are wall brackets that hold candles or torches,
and flambeaux (flam´ bō) are lighted torches.

60  U n i t 1   t h e s h o rt s t o ry
State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg/Bridgeman Art Library

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He turned toward me, and looked into “These vaults,” he
my eyes with two filmy orbs that distilled said, “are extensive.”
the rheum of intoxication.11 “The Montresors,”
“Niter?” he asked, at length. I replied, “were a great
“Niter,” I replied. “How long have you and numerous family.”
had that cough?” “I forget your
“Ugh! ugh! ugh!—ugh! ugh! ugh!—ugh! arms.”
ugh! ugh!—ugh! ugh! ugh!—ugh! ugh! ugh!” “A huge human foot
Visual Vocabulary 
My poor friend found it impossible to d’or, in a field azure; Arms is short for
reply for many minutes. the foot crushes a ser- “coat of arms,” an
“It is nothing,” he said, at last. pent rampant14 whose arrangement of fig-
ures and symbols on
“Come,” I said, with decision, “we will fangs are imbedded in or around a shield
go back; your health is precious. You are the heel.” that, along with a
rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are “And the motto?” motto, represents
happy, as once I was. You are a man to be “Nemo me impune one’s ancestry.

missed. For me it is no matter. We will go lacessit.”15

back; you will be ill, and I cannot be “Good!” he said.
responsible. Besides, there is Luchesi——” The wine sparkled in his eyes and the
“Enough,” he said; “the cough is a mere bells jingled. My own fancy grew warm
nothing; it will not kill me. I shall not die with the Medoc. We had passed through
of a cough.” walls of piled bones, with casks and pun-
“True—true,” I replied; “and, indeed, I cheons16 intermingling, into the inmost
had no intention of alarming you unneces- recesses of the catacombs. I paused again,
sarily; but you should use all proper caution. and this time I made bold to seize
A draft of this Medoc12 will defend us from Fortunato by an arm above the elbow.
the damps.” “The niter!” I said; “see, it increases.
Here I knocked off the neck of a bottle It hangs like moss upon the vaults. We
which I drew from a long row of its fellows are below the river’s bed. The drops of
that lay upon the mold. moisture trickle among the bones. Come,
“Drink,” I said, presenting him the wine. we will go back ere it is too late. Your
He raised it to his lips with a leer. He cough——”
paused and nodded to me familiarly, while “It is nothing,” he said; “let us go on.
his bells jingled. But first, another draft of the Medoc.”
“I drink,” he said, “to the buried that I broke and reached him a flagon17 of
repose13 around us.” De Grâve. He emptied it at a breath. His
“And I to your long life.” eyes flashed with a fierce light. He laughed
He again took my arm, and we proceeded.

14. the Montresor family’s coat of arms includes a golden

foot on a sky-blue background and a snake rising up.
11. [filmy orbs . . . intoxication] this phrase describes 15. the motto is Latin for “nobody provokes me with
Fortunato’s eyes as clouded and watery from excessive impunity.”
drinking. 16. Casks and puncheons are large containers for storing
12. Medoc (mā dôk) is a French red wine. A draft is the liquids.
amount taken in one swig or swallow. 17. the flagon is a narrow-necked bottle with a handle.
13. to repose is to lie at rest, either sleeping or in death.
Matters of Life and Death  How do these details add to
Mood  What words in this passage suggest danger? the growing sense of entrapment in the story?

eDGAr ALLAN Poe 61

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and threw the bottle upward with a gestic- We continued our route in search of the
ulation I did not understand. Amontillado. We passed through a range
I looked at him in surprise. He repeated of low arches, descended, passed on, and
the movement—a grotesque one. descending again, arrived at a deep crypt,19
“You do not comprehend?” he said. in which the foulness of the air caused our
“Not I,” I replied. flambeaux rather to glow than flame.
“Then you are not of the brotherhood.” At the most remote end of the crypt there
“How?” appeared another less spacious. Its walls
“You are not of the masons.”18 had been lined with human remains, piled
“Yes, yes,” I said; “yes, yes.” to the vault overhead, in the fashion of the
“You? Impossible! A mason?” great catacombs of Paris. Three sides of this
“A mason,” I replied. interior crypt were still ornamented in this
“A sign,” he said. manner. From the fourth the bones had been
“It is this,” I answered, producing a trowel thrown down, and lay promiscuously upon
from beneath the folds of my roquelaure. the earth, forming at one point a mound of
“You jest,” he exclaimed, recoiling a few some size. Within the wall thus exposed by
paces. “But let us proceed to the the displacing of the bones, we perceived a
Amontillado.” still interior recess, in depth about four feet,
“Be it so,” I said, replacing the tool in width three, in height six or seven. It
beneath the cloak, and again offering him seemed to have been constructed for no
my arm. He leaned upon it heavily. especial use within itself, but formed merely

18. Here, masons is short for “Freemasons,” an organization 19. A crypt is a burial chamber.
of stonecutters and bricklayers that was formed in the
Mood  What emotion does the description in this
Middle Ages. By the time of this story, the masons had
paragraph create?
become a social group with secret rituals and signs.

62  U n i t 1   t h e s h o rt s t o ry
Seamas Culligan/ZUMA/CORBIS

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the interval between two of the colossal sup- leave you. But I must first render you all
ports of the roof of the catacombs, and was the little attentions in my power.”
backed by one of their circumscribing walls “The Amontillado!” ejaculated my friend,
of solid granite. not yet recovered from his astonishment.
It was in vain that Fortunato, uplifting “True,” I replied; “the Amontillado.”
his dull torch, endeavored to pry20 into the As I said these words I busied myself
depth of the recess. Its termination the fee- among the pile of bones of which I have
ble light did not enable us to see. before spoken. Throwing them aside, I
“Proceed,” I said; soon uncovered a quan-
“herein is the Amonti- tity of building stone
llado. As for Luchesi——” and mortar. With these
“He is an ignoramus,” materials and with the
interrupted my friend, as “Indeed it is  aid of my trowel, I
he stepped unsteadily began vigorously to
forward, while I fol- very damp.” wall up the entrance of
lowed immediately at his the niche.
heels. In an instant he I had scarcely laid the
had reached the extrem- first tier of the masonry
ity of the niche,21 and finding his progress when I discovered that the intoxication of
arrested by the rock, stood stupidly bewil- Fortunato had in a great measure worn off.
dered. A moment more and I had fettered22 The earliest indication I had of this was a
him to the granite. In its surface were two low moaning cry from the depth of the
iron staples, distant from each other about recess. It was not the cry of a drunken man.
two feet, horizontally. From one of these There was then a long and obstinate
depended a short chain, from the other a silence. I laid the second tier, and the third,
padlock. Throwing the links about his and the fourth; and then I heard the furi-
waist, it was but the work of a few seconds ous vibrations of the chain. The noise
to secure it. He was too much astounded to lasted for several minutes, during which,
resist. Withdrawing the key I stepped back that I might hearken to it with the more
from the recess. satisfaction, I ceased my labors and sat
“Pass your hand,” I said, “over the wall; down upon the bones. When at last the
you cannot help feeling the niter. Indeed it clanking subsided, I resumed the trowel,
is very damp. Once more let me implore and finished without interruption the fifth,
you to return. No? Then I must positively the sixth, and the seventh tier. The wall
was now nearly upon a level with my
breast. I again paused, and holding the
flambeaux over the mason-work, threw
20. Here, pry means “to look closely; peer.” a few feeble rays upon the figure within.
21. Here, the extremity of the niche (nich) is the farthest
A succession of loud and shrill screams,
spot inside the recess.
22. Fettered means “bound with chains or shackles; bursting suddenly from the throat of the
restrained.” chained form, seemed to thrust me violently
Paraphrase  Restate these sentences in your own words.

Matters of Life and Death  What does Fortunato finally
implore (im plô r) v. to ask earnestly; to beg realize?

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back. For a brief “Ha! ha! ha!—he! he!—a very good joke
moment I hesitated— indeed—an excellent jest. We will have
I trembled. Unsheath- many a rich laugh about it at the palazzo—
ing my rapier, I began he! he! he!—over our wine—he! he! he!”
to grope with it about “The Amontillado!” I said.
the recess; but the “He! he! he!—he! he! he!—yes, the
thought of an instant Amontillado. But is it not getting late?
reassured me. I placed Will not they be awaiting us at the palazzo,
my hand upon the the Lady Fortunato and the rest? Let us
solid fabric of the be gone.”
Visual Vocabulary  catacombs, and felt “Yes,” I said, “let us be gone.”
A rapier (rā pē ər)
satisfied. I reap- “For the love of God, Montresor!”
is a long, light-
proached the wall. “Yes,” I said, “for the love of God!”
weight sword with
a sharp point but I replied to the yells But to these words I hearkened in vain
no cutting edge. of him who clamored. for a reply. I grew impatient. I called aloud:
I re-echoed—I aided— “Fortunato!”
I surpassed them in volume and in strength. No answer. I called again:
I did this, and the clamorer grew still. “Fortunato!”
It was now midnight, and my task was No answer still. I thrust a torch through
drawing to a close. I had completed the the remaining aperture and let it fall
eighth, the ninth, and within. There came forth
the tenth tier. I had fin- in return only a jingling
ished a portion of the of the bells. My heart
grew sick—on account
last and the eleventh;
there remained but a
“For the love of  of the dampness of the
single stone to be fitted God, Montresor!” catacombs. I hastened
to make an end of my
and plastered in. I strug-
gled with its weight; I labor. I forced the last
placed it partially in its stone into its position;
destined23 position. But I plastered it up. Against
now there came from out the niche a low the new masonry I re-erected the old ram-
laugh that erected the hairs upon my head. part24 of bones. For the half of a century
It was succeeded by a sad voice, which I no mortal has disturbed them. In pace
had difficulty in recognizing as that of the requiescat!25 m
noble Fortunato. The voice said——

23. Here, destined means “intended for a particular purpose 24. A rampart is a protective barrier or fortification.
or use.” 25. In pace requiescat (in pächā reḱ wē es kät) is Latin
for “May he rest in peace.”
Paraphrase  Restate these lines, and then explain why
Montresor is doing what he is doing.

64  U n i t 1 t h e s h o rt s t o ry
North Wind Picture Archives

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After You Read
Respond and Think Critically
Respond and Interpret 6. Why might Poe have chosen to write this story
from the first-person point of view, describing
1. What are one or two questions you would ask
only Montresor’s thoughts and not Fortunato’s?
2. (a)How does Montresor get Fortunato to come Connect
with him to his vaults? (b)What is Montresor’s
7. Big Idea Matters of Life and Death Do
motive for leading Fortunato there?
you believe that Montresor resolves his conflict
3. (a)Describe the conversation between with Fortunato? What else could Montresor have
Montresor and Fortunato as they walk in the done to solve his problem?
catacombs. (b)What is ironic about Montresor’s
8. Connect to the Author Poe is known as a
concern for Fortunato’s health?
master of the horror stories. Based on this story,
4. (a)What happens to Fortunato at the end of the would you agree? Consider the following before
story. (b)In what ways is this a “perfect” crime? making your decision. What is the moment of
greatest horror in this story? How well does Poe
Analyze and Evaluate build up to this moment?
5. What details does Poe include to show
Montresor as a cold-blooded killer? Do you
think his portrayal is effective? Why or why not?

Visual Literacy
Illustration Group Activity Discuss the following ques-
tions with classmates. Use evidence from
Famed British
“The Cask of Amontillado” to support your
illustrator Arthur
Rackham created
this image in 1935 1. How accurately does Rackham re-create
to illustrate “The the setting of “The Cask of Amontillado”?
Cask of Amontil- Consider the size of the niche, the number
lado.” Study the of levels of brick, the chains, and the niter.
illustration, look- 2. How accurately does Rackham re-create
ing carefully at the characters? Consider their clothing,
the subject matter the expressions on their faces, and their
and details. postures.
Fortunado and 3. How well does Rackham capture the
Montresor, 1935. mood of this moment in the story?
Arthur Rackham. Explain.


(t)Getty Images, (b)Blue Lantern Studio/CORBIS

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Literary Element Mood Reading Strategy Paraphrase
Mood is the feeling that an author creates in a lit- Review the chart you made while reading the story,
erary work. The mood can suggest an emotion, and then answer the following questions.
such as fear or joy; it can also suggest the quality
1. Look at footnotes 10 and 11 on pages 60 and
of a setting, such as gloom or airiness. For exam-
61. Explain why footnotes and paraphrasing
ple, if Poe had described the catacombs as
help you understand Poe’s writing.
“peaceful” or “still,” he would have created a quiet,
restful mood. 2. Choose a sentence from the story that requires
paraphrasing primarily because of its difficult
1. Describe the overall mood that Poe creates in
vocabulary. Then paraphrase the sentence.
this story. In what way does the mood contrib-
ute to the story’s suspense?
Vocabulary Practice
2. How does Poe create the mood? Point to spe-
cific examples throughout the story to support Practice with Context Clues Identify the
your answer. context clues that help you determine the
meaning of each boldfaced word.
3. What impact does the Carnival setting have on
the mood of this story? 1. Taking those classes will preclude the pos-
sibility of your working on the newspaper
committee, which meets at the same time.
Review: Suspense
2. Would Joe be punished, or would he com-
As you learned on page 21, suspense is a feeling mit the crime with impunity?
of curiosity, uncertainty, or dread about what will
happen next in a story. Writers increase the level of 3. Some people greet you in a timid way,
suspense by creating a threat to the central charac- while others accost you.
ter and raising questions in the reader’s mind. 4. I have explicit instructions on how to get to
the meet instead of a vague description.

Partner That With a partner,
Why They Create
create a chart that 5. “Please, please don’t go to that party,” Mrs.
lists detailsSuspense
in the story thatSuspense
create suspense. Then Weeks implored.
explain why they are suspenseful.
No one is home at No one can witness Academic Vocabulary
Montresor’s house. the crime.
Poe’s essays and reviews are still read today for
their literary insights.
—Meet Edgar Allan Poe, page 56
Insights is an academic word. A sports reporter
who thoroughly analyzes the strengths and
weaknesses of a baseball team might be said
to have insights into the game of baseball.
Using context clues, try to figure out the mean-
ing of the word in the sentence about Poe
above. Check your guess in a dictionary.
Literature Online For more on academic vocabulary, see pages
Selection Resources For Selection Quizzes, eFlash- 54–55 and R79–R81.
cards, and Reading-Writing Connection activities, go to and enter QuickPass code GL49787u1.

66 U N I T 1 T H E S H O RT S T O RY

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Learning Objectives

Respond Through Writing In this assignment, you

will focus on the following

Research Report Writing: Writing a research

Grammar: Understanding
how to use colons.
Investigate Setting In “The Cask of Amontillado,“ Poe’s specific set-
tings are fictional, but Carnival celebrations and catacombs do exist.
Using primary and secondary sources, prepare a research report of
1,500 words or more on Carnival or catacombs.

Understand the Task Primary sources are firsthand accounts of an Grammar Tip
event, such as diaries or eyewitness news articles written at the time the
event took place. Secondary sources are sources written by people who Colons
did not influence or experience the event. Colons can be used to intro-
duce a list. Often, the words
Prewrite Write four or five questions to guide your research. Answer the following, these, or as
those questions by checking secondary sources and, if possible, primary follows can be a clue that
sources. Prepare detailed notes, identifying your sources for each fact or you should use a colon. The
idea. Create an outline like the one below to help structure your report, words before a colon should
adding relevant information under each outline point. form a complete sentence.

The Catacombs of Europe
I. Purposes over the years
In “The Cask of
Amontillado,” Montresor’s
a. Burial grounds
catacombs contain: bones,
niter, and wine.
II. Construction
In “The Cask of
Draft Develop a thesis statement that identifies your topic and explains Amontillado,” Montresor’s
what you plan to say about the topic. As you write, refer to your notes catacombs contain the follow-
and outline to make sure you have included the correct information in ing: bones, niter, and wine.
a coherent order. Use your research to support your thesis and main
points. You may also wish to include visual aids—photographs or period
illustrations—to help readers visualize the setting of your report.

Revise As you incorporate the information in your notes, evaluate

whether the information is relevant. Delete information unrelated to your
thesis, and add any missing facts and ideas. If you have used any techni-
cal terms, make sure they are explained thoroughly and correctly, to avoid
any misunderstandings. Give credit where credit is due and cite your
sources. See pages R33–R37 for information on avoiding plagiarism.

Edit and Proofread Proofread your paper, correcting any errors in

spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use the Grammar Tip in the side
column to help you use colons correctly.


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