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Officer Like Qualities (OLQs) +3

How can I develop the 15 officer-like qualities to get recommended

to the SSB? Can I develop all of these or should the OLQs be present
in an individual's nature from childhood?
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Abhishek Bilimagga, Recommended by NSB,Vishakapatnam

Answered Mar 29, 2016

I will tell you how I analysed my Officer Like Qualities (OLQs) before going for SSB and then how I
cleared the naval SSB, Vizag.
There are 15 OLQs.

Effective Intelligence.

Reasoning Ability.

Power of Expression.

Self Confidence.

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Organizing Ability.



Sense of Responsibility.


Group Influencing Ability.


Social Adaptability.

Speed of Decision

This is how I analysed.

I could use my common sense as intelligence in OIR test. The verbal and non verbal was
purely based on common sense. Also the Group obstacles is completely about the common
sense. I had it in me.

I could cry if I wanted, I could laugh if I wanted, I could be sad if I wanted. The power of
expression was within my self. I had it in me.

I had taken clothes for 10 days. I knew I would clear SSB and I had to stay in Vizag for
medicals. I was confident about it. And I stayed for 13 days. Self confidence I had it in me.

I had organised small events in my class and also school reunions. I had that organising
ability. I had it in me.

I was the school leader and college hockey team captain. I was a leader. I had it in me.

If my friends ask me to meet up at 10am. I would be in that place by 9.50am. Because I was
always punctual. I had it in me.

I could live without boozing for 6 months. I could live with a girlfriend. I could live without
talking with my parents. I knew what sacrifice was. I had it in me.

When someone says he couldn't do it. I was there to take up the risk of doing it. Whether I
succeeded or failed, I tried. I had it in me.

I interact a lot with random people andadjust and adapt to their needs. I had it in me.

This is how I analysed whether I had those OLQs in me. The officers are well trained to point out
these in you in SSB. So make sure you project these in SSB.
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So finally ask yourself, Do you have it in you?
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Sumeet Kaushik
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Anand Yadav, Been there.

Answered Oct 25, 2015

1. Effective Intelligence: It requires practical approach to life. Try to solve every problem
yourself without waiting for anyone. By doing so, you can have such practical intelligence
that you can find solution for everything.

2. Reasoning Ability: Here you must be able to find a reason for everything. It also refers to
your ability to solve various complex situations. Here Practice pays a lot.

3. Organizing ability: You can develop this quality by taking part in various competitions
like drama, skits etc. Try to volunteer yourself for stage decorations etc. In home too, try to
have an organized lifestyle.

4. Power of Expression: This needs a lot of Practice. You may know everything, but poor
communication skill ruins your chances. So try to improve your speaking skills that too in
an organized manner prioritizing the matter. Such an approach is essential to luster your
performance in SSB and even in other interviews too. Here you must improve your
language too. You must be able to speak in lucid, refined English. Regular practice is
essential to have a good pronunciation and speaking skills. Try to talk in English wherever
possible. Speak with men who have good speaking skills, have a Good Dictionary and of
course listen to English news and songs.Open in app
5. Social Adaptability: This requires your hearty co-operation. Try to meet and speak with
people. Try to shed your shyness. Try to make friendships with the unknown (not with
anti-socials) . Always try to initiate talk with someone. Be ready to sacrifice your personal
comforts for the interest of the group. Try to be an active participant in all the activities of
the school, college or organization you belong to.

6. Co-operation: Here too follow the above instructions. But here you must be ready to
associate with an un known person. Try to be sociable and adaptive .No leg pulling is a

7. Sense of Responsibility: You must be ever ready to accept responsibilities. SSB is not a
place for irresponsible idiots. You must be cheerful and must be ever ready to fulfill your
assignment at any costs even at school, NCC or even at Army ( For service personnel).

8. Initiative: Always take an initiative for everything. Give an effective leadership by taking
an initiative. Then you will be amazed to find that people will start to follow like a mice
following pied piper. Always SSB wants a person who is ever ready to take an initiative and
try to fulfill that assignment. Initiative is the most essential quality of a Leader.

9. Self Confidence: Self-confidence is most essential for success. Believe in yourself, your
skills. Believe that nothing can ever stop you from achieving your goal. But remember there
is just a Hair pin distance between over confidence and confidence. Over confidence will
ruin you. But have confidence in yourself and undertake every task assigned to you. Taking
part in competitions would certainly increase your confidence level.

10. Quickness of Decision: A field commander must be able to take quick decisions at a short
notice. You must be able to take a quick, effective decision at the right time. Playing games
like Rapid Chess improves your decision making abilities. Playing strategy games or
military games like Call of Duty etc. would certainly decrease your decision making time.
But you must have a good foresight too. Try to think of the demerits and merits before
doing anything. Then you will make a perfect decision.

11. Ability to influence: This needs a robust personality. You must be able to invoke
inspiration in everyone because of your personality. You may read my former article about
personality to improve your personality. Remember all great leaders owned inspiring

12. Liveliness: Always be active and cheerful. No one likes a lazy person. Remember an idle
mind is devil’s workshop ( pls never misinterpreted it ideal mind J). Try to be an active
participant in all activities (only nice activities J).

13. Determination: Here you may need to read a lot. Because reading the biographies of
several brave patriots would certainly invoke great determination in you. Remember
determination is the keystone of success. Determination can also be cultivated by taking
part in competitions.
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14. Courage: This is the inborn quality of an individual .But it can easily be cultivated. You
must not be afraid of anything in the world (Pls not exceed this fearlessness to accidents,
personal safety). Genuine courage can be cultivated through determination and
confidence. Go ahead, nothing can stop you. Whenever you feel fear, just remember the
courage of our heroes like Lt. Saurabh Kalia, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Netaji, Vakkom Abdul
Khadar, Vikram Batra etc. Always keep in mind that a brave dies only once while a coward
dies many times in his life.

15. Stamina: This is the OLQ which SSB grants certain concessions. But however you must
maintain yourself fit and strong by doing regular exercises, playing out door games etc. Try
to develop strong biceps and hip muscles which will be helpful in SSB.

Good Luck.
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Bharat Bhushan, Strategy Follower of Indian Armed Forces & Indian Diplomacy
Answered Apr 14, 2017

If you properly go through each and every OLQ, you will find that, on an loose average it is present
in every individual, however, how much visible or evident they are is the point of order.

To find OLQs in oneself, analyse them,in my believe is best, if its left for assessors.

Now, coming next, how one can make evident qualities in oneself, so that one can understand
where he/she needs to work out. the answer is fairly simple.

By Reading Yourself……!!!!!!

Often SSB Aspirants, tend to ask question as What is the best book to Clear SSB, In my view You

A Great Leader, always “Gives in best, Hopes for the best and prepares for the worst.”
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If you find it hard believe, let me tell you, it’s the normal response, but at the end of the day,
actuality is same. It just you and yourself, who have any say to change the Results of the SSB.

Crack in my view is not the correct word, crack is kind of word,where you find shortcuts to a destiny,
or, just keep practicing without much of brain behind it. You can crack a Exam, But SSB is not a
Exam and never was designed to be one. If one knows, in SSB results they never mention the word
Pass or Fail, It’s Recommended or Not-Recommended for the Service. It’s a simple change of words,
but holds a lot more meaning behind it.

I believe even before setting in for above tasks and planning for them, invest good amount of time
in yourself. Without Knowing yourself, one can never get through SSB, and that’s how each task is
designed to get qualities out of your personality.

Self Introspection of your qualities is very crucial. Knowing one's’ Strength and Weakness are the
building blocks to success. This is one part were aspirants take it too easy and suffer the results.

Coming To Various Stages of Interviews, you can scroll down to the part which says SSB
SELECTION PROCESS, if you are interested knowing more about how to Self Introspect, you can
read further, otherwise i would suggest, you can stop your reading here.

Now, as you have chosen to read further, well first of all congrats because You have PATIENCE .
Even before keeping any points in my mind for SSB,you need look into you,i.e.Self Introspection, a
crucial aspect of SSB, and indeed Life. Unless and Until you don’t know about you Strengths and
much more important your weaknesses, it will make things a lot tricky.

SSB as a whole is rather very easy testing process, and why not it was designed to be like that, so
that your real self can come out, its Us who make tough for us by trying the shortcuts, and this step
is taken when someone is to much crazy about achieving something, well both this things don’t go
well with SSB.

I will what i did, for a start for self introspection, you can have your own way for it, I took a A4 sheet
and started with my Strengths, and you know what i got a hell lot of strengths on the paper, but
then came climax, When i started jotting down my weaknesses, i could only make 4–5 points
max,if you see this in normal scenario its good that i have less weaknesses and even anyone would
see it that way,and i am no different, but i took a random thought process, i thought why is it that i
have so less weaknesses but then too i am not able to hit the target, answer was obvious, i was not
looking in for weaknesses deeply, what my mind did while writing down weaknesses was it started
categorizing them common, small or negligible weaknesses, whereas same didn’t happened in case
of Strengths, there i had it, I broke down classification, and started finding weaknesses of mine, and
believe and made me realize that there were many incidents which overlooked instead of learning
from those mistakes.

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Sorry, for long explanation , but i guess you must have got my point, but don’t just stop at Strengths
and Weaknesses, think of what you daily, your hobbies, you sporting activities, this will help you to
confidently answer question about yourself, and believe me or not, when you don’t know yourself
completely it's this Questions On you which take you down.

So, when you are out there in SSB, you need to make sure of this things in broader aspects,

BE YOURSELF - let others response may sound how much interesting and thrilling, it's
your response and reaction that matters at that moment, from my experience i thing which
i observed, SSB majorly focuses on how you do it or deal with a certain situation. Even if
you give an interesting and impressive answers, which you have mugged up, it won't do any
good, and in fact do a lot bad, Instead, you can give your answers, and think before
answering so that when stressed upon, you can confidently support your point.

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PRESENCE OF MIND - It's very crucial, a lot go down just because they neglect this aspect.
Presence Of Mind not brings in “A” Game of yours, it broadens your horizon of thinking,
instead of getting excited and running just for the sake of running without any direction.
This Aspect brings in Patience in you, and it's no secret staying calm in stressful situation is
key to go through it.

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BE POSITIVE & OPTIMISTIC - Putting you under stress is what SSB does to take your real
out, so many times things don’t go the best way you would have hoped for, now at this
point you need to have a optimistic view, analyse your mistake and move on, instead of
crying and getting worried over it, as doing this just starts a chain reaction which will
destroy all your tests.

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