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Today I am gonna review an article about game addiction, let's get started with the article.

the article is
talking about what is an addiction. so basically addiction is any compulsive activity or involvement which
decreases a person’s ability to deal with other aspects of his life to a point where the activity or
involvement comprises the dominant source of emotional reinforcement and identity for the person, so
what makes peoples addicted with his or her game? the answer is flow, flow is a state in which an
individual is completely immersed in an activity, without reflective sub-consciousness but have a deep
sense of control, with the flow experience, a game player derives intense enjoyment by being immersed
in the gaming experience, the challenges of the game are matched by the player’s skills, and the player’s
sense of time is distorted so that time passes without it being noticed in another means it is repetitive
behavior desire to repeat the positive experience, this may subsequently result in addictive tendencies
and that's how they end up with game addiction or internet game disorder and have cognitive structural
changes and altered functional mechanisms of reward and craving similar to changes seen in case of
substance use disorders. this article also tells another positive side of games in education and healthcare
or medical treatment like rehabilitation for patients suffering from strokes, trauma, brain injuries, burn
victims, children undergoing chemotherapy treatment process, children with muscular dystrophy,
autistic children, and people undergoing through stresses or overcoming life challenges etc. in my own
sight I agreed with this article because there are many people out there gotten addictive after suitable
with the game and wanted to have more feels of winning another turn, I take a look at the internet that
there are many cases of suicide and murder caused by gotten addictive with games like in this case
*show content/uploads/2017/10/Nathon-Brooks.jpg*"In
2013, 14-year-old Nathon Brooks was grounded and prohibited from playing video games after receiving
a detention in school. He decided to do something about it. The night after he was grounded, Brooks
acquired his parents’ .22 Smith & Wesson revolver and shot them as they slept. Fortunately, both of his
parents survived, and Nathon was sentenced to 15 years in prison for his violent and senseless attack on
his parents." from that case I got a conclusion that being addictive into games can change the player's
mental like** and leads it to crime or other negative activities, but
in another way I see that games can be useful in education like math blaster*math blaster video* that
enhance the basic mathematics skills or Ki-Breath that promises to revolutionize the treatment of Cystic
Fibrosis in children. It's a video game that's not only fun to play, but can increase the lifespan of people
with this terrible illness, it shows that games also can be used in medical treatment and education for
kids but for the teenager they I mean the developer can change it with calculus *calculus image --- my
eyes* but I think they will still prefer to *csgo sniper Kenny*. so, what I got from this article is there are
advantages and disadvantages from games, and it all depends on how the user manage the time use of
in games and parents control. thank you for watching my video

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