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The term ‘Organic’ is rooted from ‘Greek bios’ meaning life or way of living.
Organic food products was first coined in the 1940s and refers to food raised, grown and
stored and processed without the use of synthetically produced chemicals or fertilizers,
herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, growth hormones and regulators or generic modification.
India is the second largest country in the world on the basis of population and a major part of
the population are depends on agricultural activities. Now a days there is an increasing trend
is seen towards Organic agriculture. Organic products are grown under a system of
agriculture without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides with an environmentally and
socially responsible approach. Organic agriculture is not a new concept in India.

Keywords: Organic, generic modification


Over the past decade consumption pattern of consumers will be change especially in food
consumption because of the perception is to eat the organic food is good for health and it’s
grows with use of organic manual and use of natural resources. So consumer behavior will
be shifting to organic food products, quality and safety is attracting consumer interest in
organic foods practices. Organic agriculture is started with an objective to produce healthy
and quality foods without using synthetic chemical products. Thus, Organic Food Products
not only preserves the environment but it also improves public health, brining significant
benefits both to the economy as well as to the social cohesion of rural areas. The interest of
consumers and public institutions in organically produced foods has increased, mainly in
developed countries, in response to consumer’s concerns about food safety, human health and
the environment.


Primary Objective:

 To study on customer relationship management and behavior towards organic food

products with special reference to Coimbatore city.
Secondary Objective:

 To know the consumer awareness and knowledge about Organic Food Products.
 To know the customer relationship management of organic food.
 To identify the factors that influences the intention of buying the Organic Food
 To examine the consumers level of satisfaction and their barriers of purchasing the
Organic Food Products.


I Nature of Research Design

The research design adopted in the study is descriptive design.
II Area of the Study
The Population covers the Customers who are using Organic Food Products in
Coimbatore city.
III Period of the Study
The study is conducted for a period of four months [December2017-March 2018].
IV Sources of the Study
Data has been collected from two sources:
 Primary Data
Primary data has been collected from Organic Food users by administering
 Secondary Data
Secondary data has been collected with the help of Books, Internet and
V Sampling Design of the Study
The Sampling technique in this project is Convenient Sampling. The Sample size
comprises of different types of users who are using Organic Food Products. A sample
of 120 respondents is taken into account for finding their uses for the Organic Food
Statistical tools used: Percentage Analysis, Chi- Square Test, Ranking analysis

Percentage Analysis:
Table 1 Sources of Information about Organic Food Products

No. of
Sources of Information Per cent
Magazine and Newspaper 24 20.0
Friends and Family 57 47.5
Advertisements 15 12.5
Television and Internet 24 20.0
Total 120 100.0

It has been found from table 1 that, 47.5 per cent of the respondents got information through
friends and family, 20.0 per cent of them got information through television and internet, 20.0
per cent of the respondents got information through magazine and newspaper, 12.5per cent of
the respondents got details through advertisements. Hence, it has been found that majority of
the respondents’ get information through Friends and Family.

Table 2 Period of using Organic Food Products by the Respondents

No. of
Periods Per cent
1-6 months 41 34.2
6 months- 1 year 18 15.0
1-3 years 34 28.3
3-5 years 27 22.5
Total 120 100.0

It has been known from table 2 that, 34.2 per cent of the respondents used organic food
products between 1-6months , 28.3 per cent of them used organic food products in between
1-3 years, 22.5 per cent of the respondents used it for 3-5 years and 15.0 per cent of them use
organic food products in between 6 months -1 year.

Chi- Square Test:

a) Chi-square analysis personal factors vs purchased of organic food products:


Null hypothesis:

The personal factors of the respondents have no significant influence over the

Purchase of organic foods.

Alternate hypothesis:

The personal factors of the respondents have significant influence over the

Purchase of organic foods.

O E O-E O-E2 (O-E)2/E

1 0.40 0.6 0.36 0.9
32 31.44 0.56 0.31 0.0099
25 20.53 4.47 19.98 0.9732
13 14.75 (1.75) 3.06 0.2076
7 7.7 (0.7) 0.49 0.0636
12 12.25 (0.25) 0.062 0.0051
6 8 (2) 4 0.5
9 5.75 3.25 10.56 1.8369
3 3 0 0 0
4 4.9 (0.9) 0.81 0.1653
1 3.2 (2.2) 4.84 1.5125
1 2.3 (1.3) 1.69 0.7347
2 1.2 0.7 0.49 0.4083
4 0.4 3.6 12.96 32.4
TOTAL X2 = E (O-E) 2/E 39.7171

From the chi-square test, the calculated value is 39.717 and the table value is 21.03. Hence
the calculation value is higher than the table value, the alternate hypothesis is accepted and
the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore it is concluded that there is a relationship between
educational qualification awareness of the organic food products.

Ranking Analysis:

Level of Satisfaction towards Organic Food Products

Statement N 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 %
Quality 120 58 48.3 43 35.8 12 10 3 2.5 4 3.3
Quantity 120 88 73.3 21 17.5 8 6.7 2 1.7 1 0.8
Price 120 54 45 55 45.8 8 6.7 1 0.8 1 0.8
Availability 120 70 58.3 30 25 10 8.3 6 5 4 3.3
Taste of the 34.2 50 13.3 1.7 1 0.8
120 41 60 16 2
Health 55 24.2 15 7.5 2 1.7
120 66 29 18 9
A five point rating scale ranging from 1 to 5 where 1 for highly satisfied, 2 for satisfied, 3 for
neutral, 4 for dissatisfied and 5 for highly dissatisfied has been constructed to obtain the
opinion of the respondents on their level of satisfaction on buying behavior of organic food
products. From the response of the respondents it is evident that some of the respondents
have been satisfied with the features in relation to buying behavior of organic food products

A) Quality:

Number of respondents who highly satisfied 58(48.3%), satisfied is 43(35.8%), neutral

is 12(10%), dissatisfied is 3 (2.5%) and highly dissatisfied is 4(3.3%) .

B) Quantity:

Number of respondents who highly satisfied 88(73.3%), satisfied is 21(17.5%), neutral

is 8(6.7%), dissatisfied is 2(1.7%) and highly dissatisfied is 1(0.8%).

c) Price:

Number of respondents who highly satisfied 54(45), satisfied is 55(45.8%), neutral is

8(6.7%), dissatisfied is 1(0.8%) and highly dissatisfied is 1(0.8%).

D) Availability:

Number of respondents who highly satisfied 70(58.3%), satisfied is 30(25), neutral is

10(8.3), dissatisfied is 6(5%)and highly dissatisfied is 4(3.3%).

e) Taste of the product:

Number of respondents who highly satisfied 41(34.2%), satisfied is 60(50%), neutral is

16(13.3%), dissatisfied is 2(1.7%) and highly dissatisfied is 1(0.8%).

F) Health Consciousness:
Number of respondents who highly satisfied 66(55%), satisfied is 29(24.2%), neutral is
18(15), dissatisfied is 9(7.5%) and highly dissatisfied is 2(1.7%).


Organic Food Products consumption is increasing because of the concerns over

environmental and health issues associated with food production. The increase in consumers’
awareness and interest in buying Organic Food Products has been attributed among other
issues to the growing demand for food free from pesticides and chemical residues. In this
study from the outcome of the evaluation, most of the consumers are regularly buying the
Organic Food Products because of its taste, quality, health maintenance, suitable for children
as it is healthier than conventional foods. Majority of the consumers frequently purchase
vegetables and fruits from the varieties of Organic Food Products. The frequency of
purchase by most of the respondents is in between 6 months to 1 year. Even though the
Organic Foods had many good things, majority of consumer feel that the prices of almost all
Organic Foods are costlier. As a result, Organic food Provides Considerably greater amounts
of essential nutrients which play the key role in human health. In addition to direct health
benefits, organic food offers a number of indirect but important positive effects on both
human health and the environment. If it is affordable then many of them are ready to change
their buying behaviour towards Organic Food Products.


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