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SEMESTER 2 ( 2019 )






NO MATRIC : 199480
Introduction :

Measuring the growth stage of seed during the germination are done to observe the
changes of dry weight of the seed during this period . During the germination period , the weight of
the seeds change due to the growth of the seed embryo using the food stored in the seed to develop
into seedling , Thus the weight of the seeds changes overtime during the germination period . In this
experiment , corn seed are used and data are collected during the germination period .

Objectives :

1. To observe changes of dry weight during germination and exchange to loge as it grows .

2. To change the values given in the graph form .

Method :

1. Corn seed were sown and maintained based on the farm management practices .

2. Seed were taken and the roots were carefully washed free of adherent soil / sand particles .

3. The shoot , root and seed samples were then placed in the respective labeled paperbag and
dried in the oven at 98oC for 2 days to constant weight .

4. Data were collected during the 0 , 3 , 5 , 7 and 17 days after sowing to determined the dry
weight .

Result :
Table 1

Discussion :

From the table 1 :

A) Plant growth by dry weight :

Dry after Shoot dry weight (mg Seed dry weight (mg Total dry weight (mg
Root dry weight (mg /plant)
germination /plant) /plant) /plant)

0 0 0 320 320

3 11.5 5.1 230.4 230.4

5 19.8 9.3 200 229.1

7 52.2 58.5 178.8 289.5

9 100.1 146.4 124.3 370.8

11 165.7 241.1 89.2 496

15 420 501.8 89 1010.8

17 600 753 88 1441

i. How shoot ( a ) , root ( b ) , seed ( c ) and total ( d ) dry weight can change with time ? By using
the information above ,you can draw a graph to see the trend of each part of the measurement .

ii. From the graph , observe the change in we weight of each part of the time . Get the relationship
between the seed dry weight and total dry weight in the beginning of growth . How long for the
total dry weight decrease and when its increase again ? Why this happen ?

 Based on the graph given , the seed dry weight are decreasing meanwhile the total
dry weight of the seed are increasing during the 5 th day of the germination . The decreasing
value of seed dry weight and total dry weight during the 1 st day until the 3rd day majorly due to
the germination process that requires the seed embryo to used the food storage available inside
the seed thus decreasing the weight of the seed . Meanwhile for the total dry weight of the seed
increase on the 5th day of the germination because on this period the plumule inside the seed
becomes the shoots and radicle becomes the roots thus increasing the total dry weight of the
seed .

From the graph calculate the slope for the total dry weight and fill up the table below :

Duration Begin End Slope

Day 7 to 9 ( 7 , 289.5 ) ( 9 , 370.8 ) 40.65

Day 9 to 11 ( 9 , 370.8 ) ( 11 , 496.0 ) 62.6

Day 11 to 12 ( 11 , 496.0 ) ( 12 , 670.0 ) 174

Day 13 to 15 ( 13 , 820.0 ) ( 15 , 1010.8 ) 95.4

Formula for finding slope :

y 2  y1
x 2  x1

370.8  289.5
Day 7 to 9 =  40.65

496.0  370.8
Day 9 to 11 =  62.6
11  9

670.0  496.0
Day 11 to 12 =  174
12  11

1010.8  820.0
Day 13 to 15 =  95.4
15  13
B) Exchange the number to loge ( natural logarithm ) :

1 )Method 1: Exchanging the value to loge can be done by using a calculator :

It can be done by pressing the Ln(e) and inserting the amount value .


2 ) Method 2 : If X x 10p loge X=loge X + log 10p

Example : loge 2.411 = 0.8800

loge 24.11 = loge 2.411 + loge 101

= 0.8800 + ( 2.3036 x 1 )

= 3.1826

i ) Determine the value W , X , Y and Z from the table 1 . Show the calculation :

W = loge 9.3

= 2.23

X = loge 753.0

loge 7.53 = 2.019

loge 753.0 = loge 7.53 + loge 102

= 2.019 + 4.605

= 6.624
Y = ( Total dry weight of day 15 of seed germination(mg/plant) ) - ( Root dry weight (mg/plant) +
Shoot dry weight(mg/plant)

= Based on the value on table 1 : 1010.8mg-(501.8mg+420mg)

: 89mg

Z=loge 1010.8

loge 1.018 = 0.01784

loge 1010.8 = loge 1.018 + loge 103

= 0.01784 + 6.908

= 6.9258

ii ) Draw graph for loge total dry weight with time . From your observation , does the slope change
with time between day 5 and day 17 ?

Dry after germination Total dry weight ( loge)

0 5.7684

3 5.4398

5 5.4336

7 5.6681

9 5.9705

11 6.2066

15 6.9258

17 7.2731
Y axis : Total dry weight loge Total dry weight ( loge)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
X axis : Time ( Day of

Based on my observation on the graph above , the slope between day 5 to day 17 are increase
between during the period of the germination .

Calculate slope average from day 5 to day 17 ( from the graph ) :

Loge dry weight ( loge W1 ) at 5th day ( t1 ) =

Loge dry weight ( loge W2 ) at 17th day ( t2) =

( logeW2 - logeW1 )
Slope =
t2 - t1

7.2731  5.4336
17  5

= 0.1533 mg/mg/day

This slope also known as the relative growth rate ( RGR ) for that plant . Unit : mg/mg/day . This
shows the effieciency of that plant to increase the dry weight over a time in relation to the initial
weight .

Reference :


Website Title : T.H.

Article Title :The Inner Workings of a Plant's Seed: Seed parts, food storage & germination process

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