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 Paschal: derived from the word “pasch” which means journey.

 OT: it refers to the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the promised
land- Canaan.
 NT: it refers to the journey of Jesus from heaven to earth and from
earth to heaven.
 From heaven to earth: mystery of Incarnation (God becomes man).
 From earth to heaven: Ascension {Christ’s going up to heaven.}
 Paschal Mystery: refers to Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.

The Last Supper (Luke 22:15-20)

 Known as the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist or Mass

 The memorial of Jesus’ paschal mystery
 The highest form of prayer or worship
 The sacramental presence of Christ’s Himself

Multiple Presences:

 Bread and wine

 Priest
 Biblical word
 Assembly/ community

The Passion of Jesus (Mt. 26:38-42, 27:26)/

Passion: refers to the saving event, the sufferings and death of Jesus.

 Jesus’ passion did not only begin at His arrest or scourging at the pillar
or crucifixion on the cross but His entire life was His passion.

The Death of Jesus (Luke 23:44-49)

Jesus said: “I had come to call sinners and not the self-righteous”.

 He favored the poor and the sinners.

 He protected their rights to their place of worship in the temple and
held them up as models of true generosity compared to the wealthy.
 Jesus attacked the Jewish authorities:Pharisees: adhered strictly to
the Mosaic Law.
 Scribes: interpreters of the law.
 Essenes: a breakaway group that withdrew radically from active
political and religious life.
 Sadducees: an influential group of priestly aristocracy who tried to
accommodate the Romans .
 Were rigid and strict with regards to religious matters.
 The Jewish leaders plotted the death of the man who dared to
challenge the laws and traditions they held sacred.
 They were faithful observers of the Jaw and religion; they claimed to
be guardians of order but they were prisoners of a whole system of
values which they held without question.
 Annas- the high priest.
 Caiaphas- son-in-law of Annas and his successor as high priest of
 It is his verdict which impelled the people to demand the death of
 Pontius Pilate: Roman procurator or Governor of Judea
 Sanhedrin=the highest Jewish court
 Golgotha, Calvary=place where Jesus was crucified; where criminals
are being executed

12 Disciples:

1. Simon Peter- called “Cephas or Rock”

- He denied Jesus three times.
- Became the first Pope
2. Andrew
3. John the beloved- It was him whom Jesus entrusted His mother.
4. James the great
5. James the less or son of Alphaeus
6. Simon the Zealot
7. Judas Thaddeus
8. Judas Iscariot- betrayed Jesus/ Matthias changed him. (Matthias)
9. Matthew- a tax collector
10. Thomas- known as “doubting Thomas”
11. Philip
12. Bartholomew
 Resurrection
 the rising of Jesus from death.
 It means coming back to life.
 3 women disciples arrived at the tomb of Jesus on Sunday morning
intended to anoint the body of Christ.
 Mary Magdalene
 Mary, Mother of James
 Salome
 A young man dressed in white robe announced to them that Jesus has
been raised up and told them that Jesus is waiting for his disciples in

 The New Way Stations of the Cross

1. The last Supper or The Eucharist

2. Agony in the Garden
3. Jesus Before the Sanhedrin
4. The Scourging with Jesus
5. Jesus Carries His Cross
6. Jesus Falls Under the Weight of the Cross
7. Simon of Cyrene carries the Cross of Jesus
8. Jesus Meets the Pious Women of Jerusalem (Veronica)
9. Jesus is Nailed on the Cross
10. The Repentant Thief (Dimas) (Gesmas or Estas)
11. Mary and John at the Foot of the Cross
12. Jesus died on the Cross
13. Jesus is Laid in the Sepulcher/tomb (Joseph of Arimathea)
14. Jesus Rises from Death or Resurrection

 The Seven Last Words of Jesus

1. Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.
2. Today, you will be with me in paradise.
3. Woman, behold your son. Son behold your Mother.
4. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.
5. I thirst,
6. It is finished.
7. Father, into your hands I commend my Spirit.
 Dimas- the repentant thief.
 INRI- Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum/Iudaeurom
(Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews)

 Ascension- it is Christ’s going up to heaven forty days after His

resurrection from the dead.
 Pentecost- the sending of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles; the birth of
the Church.

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