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Nama : Jauzi Muqoddas

Class : 2A
Students Reg. Number : 21701073025
The Fabulous Dragon from China

When you visit to the Red Dragon Country China you might know Jack Ma. He is one

of the greatest businessmen in the world. Jack was grown up from poor family. His parents

were a musicians and storytellers in Hangzhou, China. Since a child, Jack experienced a hard

life. As he fourteen years old, he had to ride a bike for many kilometers just for learning

English from tourists. After graduated from senior high school, Jack wanted to further his

education to university; however, he had been rejected by favorite university in China for

three times because young Jack did not have great ability in mathematic subject. Eventually,

Ma Yun a.k.a Jack Ma managed to graduate from Normal University in 1988. And in 1999,

when he went back from USA, Ma established one the largest international e-commerce that

was named Before as big as it is now, Mr. Jack had to encounter any obstacles.

For instance, he was declined by KFC Company when he applied a job which he is the only

one who refused among 24 applicants. In addition, this guy had been called as a crazy man

because he wanted to sell goods to the internet which is at the time it was not quite familiar to

the Chinese businessman. After falling many times, Jack could convince 18 of his friends to

invest at Did you know? According to Forbes magazine, this Cathy Zang’s

husband is one of the richest people in China. His wealth is estimated about 41.8 billion

USD. Most of the profits come from which there is 800 million transactions

around the world per day. Furthermore,’s stock is estimated will continue to

raise every day. In conclusion, do not consider that your conditions and your limitations

restrict you to gain a success. We know that Jack Ma’s success cannot be reached as easy as

turn the palm of the hand. Even need to fail many times. Therefore, Mr. Jack Ma always says

there is no achievement without struggle and hard work.

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