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At the very outmost, we would like to extend our deep gratitude to

OFFSET PRINTERS for providing me this opportunity to undergo
industrial training at such an esteemed organization.
This is not mere formality, but means to express our
heartfelt gratitude. Throughout my endeavor to make this
industrial training a success, many people have always provided
me copious support. our knowledge from the bottom of our heart
those who were solicitous and benevolent enough to guide me
through out the period.

First and foremost we would like to thank our college for providing
such an experience, which has really exposed us to the industrial
environment. This training has taught us a lot of lessons such as
to be self reliant on performing the tasks assigned to you, to be
concentrated on the work while doing which otherwise causes
many losses both to ourselves and others. Hence as trainees,
this training has enhanced my scope of thinking and has made
mature enough to appreciate things that are merely on papers
during my academic curriculum. we would like to thank my college
training and placement officer MR. Pankaj Tiwari (TPO) of
Department of Printing Technology) for their guidance and timely
And last but not the least, we express our sincere thanks to all the
technical Staff members of DORA OFFSET PRINTERS and of
the department of printing technology, Hisar from whom we
received full cooperation.

What is inside..............
1.Introduction To Sheet Fed Offset
Feeder Section
Infeed Section

Transfer Section
Printing Section
Dampening Section
Inking Section

Delivery Section

2. Pre Press Section

Plate Making Section

Some File Format Used In Prepress

3. Press Section

Chemicals used in press room

4. Post Press Section

1.Introduction to Sheetfed offset machine

two color offset printing machine

Specifications of the machine

Name of the machine Idast dominent725

Size of the machine 19*26 inches
No.of color stations Two
Total No. Of rollers 21
Inking Rollers 18
Dampening Rollers 03

Feeder Section

The portion of printing press in the

paper is stored and fed into the press for printing.
On an offset printing press, the feeder section separates
individual sheet of paper from pile table by mean of a sheet
separation unit and transfer them to a feed board, on which they
are jogged into the correct position and then transferred to the
infeed section of press.
A sheet separation in it is responsible
for accurately plucking one sheet from
the top of pile and sending it to the
feed board.Typically nozzle direct bursts
of air under the topmost half dozen or
so sheets,and vacuum Powered Pickup
sucker at the rear of the pile lift the top
Infeed unit of two color sheetfed
sheet. offset printing machine

A set of pick up sucker toward the front of the pile then pull the
sheet to the forwarding rollers. The pressure of air and force of
vacuum as well as the pressure of feeder foot and the other
elements of the sheet separation unit can be adjusted and need
to be sent to ensure that more than one sheet is not feed at one
time. The sheet control device on the feed board can vary from
press to press and need to be adjusted depending on the
characteristics of the paper being used ,and the position of the

forwarding roller depending on job. At the front of feed board,
many pressure also have additional sheet detector that gauge
whether a sheet is early or late.

Infeed Section
The portion of a sheet fed
printing press that transfer a properly registered sheet from feed
board to a impression cylinder in the printing unit.
There are three basic configuration of infeed section
Swing Arm System
When paper stop at the front guide at
the head of feed board, it is jogged into position. The front guide
move out of the way and gripper attached to the front of an arm
measuring swing down, clamp onto the front of the sheet, and
bring it into contact with the gripper on the impression cylinder.
Rotary-Drum System
A rotary- drum infeed system is
configurated nearly identically to the Swing-arm system, except
that instead of a swing-arm system, except that instead of a
swinging arm, the grippers used to transfer the sheet from the
feed board to the impression cylinder are mounted on a rotating
drum, transferring one sheet per revolution.
Over Feed system
After the front guide at the head of the
feed board move out of Way , feed rollers on a vacuum, belt

force the sheet against a stop on the impression cylinder, causing
the paper to buckle slightly. The gripper on the impression
cylinder then clamp onto the sheet. The extent of paper buckling
can be carefully controlled to repair proper registration.
On some infeed system, the gripper in the impression cylinder, or
the infeed drum, are bowed to compensate for sheet fan-out or
the expansion of tail-end of the sheet which cause poor alignment
of printed image. Often, a gripper-bowing device is added to
infeed system.
The gripper themselves need to be properly adjusted for a paper
thickness , and to ensure that the gripper bite is consistent across
the press. Uneven gripper bite can cause sheet wrinkling and
poor registration of printed image. Gripper that are set too tightly
can distort, damage or tear the sheet, and cause transfer and
delivery problems.

Transfer Section
As we saw above, sheets are
mounted between printing units by transfer cylinder. In some
process, however the paper is transferred between printing units
by transfer cylinder power chains. The exact configuration of the
transfer system varies by press, and can involve on or three
transfer cylinder of varying diameter. Each cylinder is equipped
with grippers that pick up the paper from the previous cylinder and
transfer it to the next. On a perfecting press, specially- adjusted
transfer cylinder flip the sheet over so that additional printing units
can print on the reverse side of paper.

Chain transfer
A method of transferring
sheets from one printing unit to another on a sheet fed press in
which sets of gripper is mounted on moving chains or belts, carry
the printed sheet from one impression cylinder to the next.
Because chain system allows the sheet to contract fewer surface,
there is less opportunity for ink marking or smudging.
Single-Drum Transfer
A method of transferring
sheets from one unit to another on a sheet fed press in which a
large-diameter transfer cylinder carries the printed sheet from one
impression cylinder to next. The actual size of the transfer
cylinder varies according to press design, and may be designed
to hold one or more sheets at any time. The transfer cylinder
typically possesses one of a variety of devices or means to avoid
marking or smudging wet ink, and may contain a gripper-bowing
device. It may also be an air-transport drum.
Three-Drum Transfer
A method of transferring
sheets from one printing unit to another on a sheet fed press in
which sets of three transfer cylinder carries the printed sheet from
one impression cylinder to next. The actual size of transfer
cylinder vary according to press design, and may be designed to
hold one or more sheet at one time. The transfer cylinder
typically possess one variety of device or means to avoid marking

or smudging wet ink, and may contain a gripper-bowing device.
They may also be air-transport drums
Transfer Cylinder
The part of an offset printing press
that transfer the printed paper from the impression cylinder to the
delivery tray, or to additional printing units. The last transfer
cylinder in a press before the delivery tray is more commonly
known as delivery cylinder. In multi-colour presses, an odd no of
transfer cylinder is located between printing units. Transfer
section have three basic configurations.
An important concern with respect to transfer cylinder in ensuring
that do no smudge or mark the wet ink. Consequently, transfer
roller are covered with a variety of surface or substance to
eliminate this problem, such as a near-friction less ink-repellent
coating, which is then covered with a near-frictionless cloth, which
moves unimpeded over the surface of the cylinder, preventing a
running action which can damage the inked image. Some transfer
cylinder also contain a thin bit of adhesive-backed foam rubber on
the portions of cylinder that correspond to non image area of
printed sheets, which prevent the inked image area from
contacting the surface at all. Needless to say, the foam needs to
be replaced and customized for each job.
Some presses replace the transfer cylinder with an air-transport
drum which transfer the printed sheet on a cushion of air.
Transfer cylinder or drums are also used to transfer sheets
through sheet fed gravure press.

Printing Section
In a printing unit there are three
main cylinder:-
1.Plain cylinder
2.Blanket cylinder
3.Impression cylinder

Plate Cylinder
1. To hold the printing plate tightly in register.
2.To make the plate in contact with
dampening and inking roller.
3. To transfer the image on blanket cylinder
At the edge of plate cylinder, a hard metal ring is attach to the
cylinder body which is known as Bearer

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The difference is known as undercut. Body of the plate is similar
to the Diameter of the bearer.
There is a gap in plate cylinder to tight the plate which is called
cylinder gap.
Blanket Cylinder
It carries the printing blanket in contact
with the inked image on the plate cylinder and transfer the image
to the paper . The distance between plate cylinder and blanket
cylinder can be adjusted. The blanket cylinder is driven through
the gears fitted at its respected part have bearers. The contact of
bears is set along the bearer of other cylinder.
Impression cylinder
It carries the paper into the printing unit
and contact pressure from blanket cylinder and transferred to the
delivery gripper. The body of cylinder is not undercut. It has even
steel surface. The cylinder revolves in parallel position along with
the blanket cylinder through its bearer contact. The cylinder
gripper must securely hold the web during printing operation to
avoid problem register and tonal value.
In M-100, the impression cylinder of the machine is also called
double cylinder and thus equipped with two gripper unit. The
impression cylinder gripper take the web direct from the swing
gripper. As the web is transferred the impression cylinder gripper
closes while the swing gripper are open and release the web.

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Blanket To Blanket Printing Unit
Such type of printing machine is
called both side printing system of web offset printing machine.
Both side of a printing web offset printing machine. Both side of a
printing web are printed at time in one insertion through only
printing unit. The web forwards straight into all printing system.
These machine don’t have impression cylinder. Only two plate
and two blanket cylinder are fitted in one unit. The web passes
between two blanket cylinder and prints both side of it in one
insertion. Generally heat set inks are used are used in this
machine, inking dampening and web forwarding system are
almost similar to other.

Inking Unit
whether sheet fed or web fed, large or
small, Lithographic press inking system has elements. The inking
system is composed of a series of roller called the ink train which
carry the ink to the lithographic plate. An ink fountain function as a
reservoir to hold ink and to control the amount of ink that reaches
the roller. This is accomplished with ink keys that adjust a metal
blade distance towards or away from a fountain roller. In this way
, a thick or thin film may be adjusted to 1 to 2 in. Zones across the
ink fountain, thus allowing the operator to accurately match ink
flow into the press with ink taken out of the press by paper.
There are both hard roller and soft roller in the ink system. The
hard roller is typically steel cored roller with nylon or copper
coating. The hard roller fixed into the gear system by of the press
and is driven by the press motor. Soft roller gave steel core but is
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typically covered with a thicker layer of synthetic roller. Unlike
hard roller, these roller are not fixed in the system, but rather are
driven by friction with the hard rollers. The fountain roller is
followed in the system by doctor roller moves in a side to side
motion to smooth the ink film and remove any imperfection in the
ink film. There may be no of these system. A special kind of
distributor roller is called rider roller is a hard roller that is none
driven. This roller serve to lengthen the ink train thus providing a
more consistent ink film on the plate, blanket and paper. That last
set of oscillator roller in the system transfer ink to the form roller,
which directly contact and supply ink to the lithographic plate
doctor roller.

Dampening System
The necessity of
moisture on the non image area of the printing plate is obvious
necessary similar to web fed offset machine. In sheet fed offset
machine the dampening system consist of a water fountain as
fountain solution tray. The water in the fountain comes through
pump system or can done manually. In the side opposite to the
operator, there are water tank fitted with each printing unit.This
system is a continuous dampening system that usually uses a
bareback from roller. The speed of the pan roller and the viscosity
of the fountain solution control how much fountain solution
reaches the brush. This system is a continuous (3=roller)
segregated system. The motor in the system drive the metering
and chrome roller that slips against the form roller. Sometimes
this type of system uses vibrating chrome roller to prevent
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Dampening roller:
Fountain roller
Cloth cover roller
Vibration roller
Forme roller

Dampening solution consists of

Gum Arabic
Buffer solution
Phosphoric acid
Ammonium bichomate
Anti foaming agent
Anti bacterial agent
Anti fungal agent

Duo Roll dampening system

The duo roll dampener is a four roll
surface film dampener. The roll and there fountain are as follows:-

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Pan Roll
This roll picks up fountain solution from pan and
transfer it through the metering nip, to the slip roll. It is
independently driven by a variable speed motor. Across the plate
control of fountain solution occur at the metering nip.
Slip Roll
This composition covered roll transfer the fountain
solution from the pan roll, through the slip input the vibrator roll. It
is gear driven by the pan roller.
Deference of surface speed occur as the slip nip. The control of
the rate of slip control the amount of water delivered to plate.
Vibrator Roll
This chrome roll transfer fountain solution from
the slip roll to the form roll. It is great driven at press speed. This
roll also oscillate.
Form Roll
This composition covered roll transfer fountain
solution from the vibrator roll to plate. This roll also driven at press
Spray Fountain System
The latest and very fast web offset machine have spray
fountain system. It has fountain or tray to store the dampening
solution. The fountain water remains at constant level. A long
brush is fitted on the fountain steel roller.

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When the fountain roller revolve on its surface, water taken by the
hairs of the round brush. Hence the train of the dampening
system remains in correct and continuous process. In this
process. The brush is set as slight pressure on the fountain steel
roller. Therefore the hairs of the brush spray water on the fountain
roller surface.

Delivery Section
The portion of printing press where the printed
sheets are stacked to dry, or to await further finishing operations
such as trimming, folding etc. The delivery section typically
compromise a delivery cylinder, which may power a delivery
chain, each of which contain grippers that carry the printed sheet
from the last impression cylinder to the delivery pile, a series of
huggers that keep the sheet in a neat stack, and various add-on
devices such as sheet decurler and delivery assist device such as
suction rollers, Blow-downs, and pile wedges all of which work to
keep the sheet neatly piled. A variety of different sheet-guiding
mechanisms are added to delivery cylinder or marking the ink.
Such devices include skeleton wheels, air-transport drum, friction
less covers such as those found on transfer cylinder. Add-on
devices such as skeleton wheels need to be positioned so that
they do not contact the sheet in image area, to prevent smudging.
Proper positioning of the joggers also ensure that the pages are
stacked neatly

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Delivery Cylinder
The final cylinder is an offset printing
press, which is responsible for transferring the printed sheet to be
the delivery pile. A delivery cylinder is a type of transfer cylinder,
others of which may exist in the press between printing unit. The
delivery cylinder is charged with the responsibility of carrying the
printed sheet from the final impression cylinder to the gripper
attached to the delivery chains. A delivery cylinder, in most
configuration is covered with skeleton wheels, a set of disks that
hold the sheet as it travels to the delivery chains. In other words
configuration the delivery cylinder like a typical transfer cylinder is
coated with a near friction less substance, then covered with a
near frictionless cloth which is allowed to slide freely over the
surface of the cylinder, further ensuring that the wet ink known a
BacVac, a system devised by Printing Research Inc. In which the
unprinted side of the sheet is pulled away from the Skelton
wheels by a vacuum and roller, preventing contact between the
wheel and wet ink. The system, however can not be used on
presses which print both sides of sheet simultaneously.
Skelton Wheels
A set of movable disks attached to the
surface of a delivery cylinder, used to transfer printing press
sheets from the impression cylinder to the delivery tray. Skeleton
wheels can be moved laterally so as to ensure that the wheels
only contact the paper in the non-printed areas of the sheets.

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Skeleton Cylinder
Alternate term for a delivery cylinder,
used in an offset printing press, especially such a cylinder
containing skeleton wheels.

Gripper Bowing Devices

A device attached to the out feed system of
a printing press that compensate for the effect of a fan out, an
undesirable expansion of a sheet of paper caused by pressure
between the impression cylinder and blanket cylinder. This
increased pressure causes the sheet to expand its tail and end
just prior to printing. When the sheet leave the printing unit, it
relaxes nearly to its original dimension but the image that is
printed will consequently have a narrow tail end. When the sheet
passes through a 2 printing unit, the sheet fans out again, but the
second image will have a narrower tail that the first, and will thus
be out of alignment. The gripper bar is bowed setting the central
gripper forward by as much as .008 inch, so that sheet encounter
a convex surface, and cause the first image to print with narrower
tail end that will be printed with a normal gripper bar. As a result
the narrow image printed by successive printing unit will fit the
first printed image. The key top this system is ensuring that the
exaggerated fanning out of sheet in the first printing unit produce
a narrowed image equal to that produce by normal degree of
fanning out in successive printing unit.
A gripper bowing devices can also be used to bow the gripper in,
which has the effect of widening a image at its tail end, which may
describe in some printing condition.
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2.Pre Press Section
Finally all matter to be printed is
collected in McIntosh computers with IBM workstations. Then the
necessary editing and final touch is given to the original design or
manuscript by professional editing software like Photoshop,
PageMaker, Corel draw etc. if we have a pre made original.
Otherwise different designs or original are made by the
professional experts ant then given to the customer. The
customer choose the design or original which he likes the most
and then sent it back with approval.Now the data to be printed is
ready with necessary editing and correction for printing so it is
send to the image setter for making a film. The film is get ready
from some outside vendor for the press.

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Specification about Plate
Name of the company Technova
Type of Plate UV-CTP(+ve plate)
Length*Width*Thickness 530*664*0.28mm
Quantity 50N
Storage Content are light sensitive
Stored in cool dry place
Manufacture Agfa-Gevaert N.V.
Plate Making Department
They use
technova plates in offset printers. Here all the work of film
preparation is performed by some outer vendor. The image setter
room is fully air conditioned to make working of computerized
machine as smooth as possible. After making the positive from
image setter all the positives are combined on to the shape of a
big positive which resembles that to the plate size and then
pasted in form of a complete page and then it is exposed on to a
plate thus making the printing plate. All the steps are follows:
Steps Involved In making Plate
CTF can also be termed as
image setter. These are the electronic machine which generate
photographic films either positive or negative as our desire. The

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machine are enclosed in an air conditioned room. These machine
are the most commonly used in printing industry but now there is
an advent of CTP which is of higher cost but has higher efficacy.

The data to be printed is send to the CTF computer
from pre press dept. Then this electronic data is converted into
digitized form. Then a laser beam start acting as moves over the
film is been made. In this we directly get the positive to be used to
expose the plate.
Cutting And Pasting
The films which we get from CTF
is then cut and pasted on a transparent plastic sheet to make this
in a printing sheet type. It is done in the pasting department which
has glass table containing white lights.

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Exposing(Sky Print)
we have pasted the matter on the
plastic sheet, we expose the offset
plate with this negative so that plate
is encrypted with the matter to be
printed. Exposure unit

After this developing is done. After exposing a plate
it is shifted to a conveyor which transfer it to next function. After
exposing this conveyor belts passes from a tub of developing
solution. This developing solution tub is connected to a series of
pipes. These pipes regularly keep supplying a fresh amount of
developing solution in developing tub. In developing units all the
unexposed coating from the plate get removed away leaving the
exposed area which is required for printing.
After developing some amount of developer
remain stick with the plate. To remove this extra developer room
the plate is further passed from tub of fresh water. This water tub
is also provided with a supply of fresh water and removal of used

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After washing gumming is done. It is done to make
plate more durable and protected from oxidation.

Some File Format Used In Prepress:-

(1) BMP
BMP or Microsoft Windows Bitmap Image is a simple, space
efficient way of saving image. In bitmap, the image is stored as a
large grid of dots. The BMP format can save images upto 24 bit.
The files are named with a*. bmp extension.

(2) TIFF
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is acommon format for
exchanging raster graphics (bitmap) images between application
programs, including those used for scanner images. It is Useful
ofr saving high quality images for page layout programs. Most of
the modern graphics softwares supports this format. The file is
named with a*.tiff extension.

(3) GIF
GIF or Graphics Interchange Format is used frequently as way
of sending and sharing graphics. Although limited to a 256- color
palette, it is still very widely used. The palette is very adaptive and
include those colors that areneeded in the image. This format
preserve transparency in the index color images. Files are named
with a*.gif extension.

(4) JPEG
JPEG or Joint Photographic Experts Group is often used on
the web, to save continuous tone images because it retains all the
color information present. JPEG uses a compression scheme,
which saves only the vital information of the image and thus
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reduces the file size. it supports CMYK, RGB, and Gray scale
color modes. Files are named as a*.jpg.

(5) EPS or Encapsulated Postscript

Postscript is a printer language that describes the page to be
using mathematical objects. EPS is a refined version of this. it is
used to transfer graphics files between programs. To print an EPS
image, you either need an EPS printer or software which acts like
a hardware based postscript interpreter found with postscript
printers. Although EPS files can contain either images or type,
they are placed in a page layout program as images

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3.Press section
Spectrum printing press has offered machine
varying from manual to automatic and signal colour to multicolour
machine in the press section. All the singe colour work is done on
the single colour manual machine and all other multicolour work
on automatic multicolour offset sheet fed machine. Different offset
machine present in press are
CMYK DOMINANT (715)single colour offset printing machine.
CMYK Heidelberg SORKZ (522) 2 colour offset printing machine
Chemicals used in press room:-
Plate cleaner GP – Technova
Hunter blanket AID
United ink speedest PLUS
Ottawa fount solution
Tech reducer – united
Nova delete solution
Blanket savor

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3.Post Press Section
Post press operation are an
important and integral part of job. Proper finishing to a well printed
job is what differentiate a good job and a great job. Spectrum’s
efficient post printing machinery take care of entire set of
activities that one has to undertake once the job is printed.
Different post press machine used in the work flow are:
1.Perfect binding machine(Wellbond)
2.Saddle stitching machine (kalsi)
3.Cutting machine
4.Lamination machine

Cutting machine and stitching machine

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Product Range
It offer a diverse product range. It
Brochures, Catalogues, Cartons, Labels, Manuals,Prospects
Books, Leaflets, Posters, Tent cards,calenders,Stationary etc......

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